Friday, December 02, 2011

Meet Rachel Carson

The one person who without a government backing her- killed more people than many tin pot dictators.
You might not recognize her name, but you may have heard of her book.

That book was the beginnings of the scientific "consensus" way of looking at the world.
You know, instead of actually using verifiable facts- we cherry pick the ones we want and emotionalize them.
Then we print a book that eco-tards go wild over and start banning chemicals which were getting disease vectors under control.

When Rachel Carson's Silent Spring was published in 1962, it generated a storm of controversy over the use of chemical pesticides. Miss Carson's intent in writing Silent Spring was to warn the public of the dangers associated with pesticide use. Throughout her book are numerous case studies documenting the harmful effects that chemical pesticides have had on the environment. Along with these facts, she explains how in many instances the pesticides have done more harm than good in eradicating the pests they were designed to destroy. In addition to her reports on pesticide use, Miss Carson points out that many of the long-term effects that these chemicals may have on the environment, as well as on humans, are still unknown. Her book as one critic wrote, "dealt pesticides a sharp blow" (Senior Scholastic 1962). The controversy sparked by Silent Spring led to the enactment of environmental legislation and the establishment of government agencies to better regulate the use of these chemicals.

Happy birfday EPA, I hope it's your last one!

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