Saturday, January 14, 2012

Liberals and unintended consequences

I know, conservatives have them too, but not as unexpected and as often as Liberals.
Because Liberals usually don't give a thought after they have some brilliant idea to "better" someones life.

It's the feeling they get from "helping" someone rather than the results they suffer.

Because a Liberal will almost always make someones life worse after the good-feelings law takes effect.

Like the TeeWee show "Extreme Makeover" on HGTV (I think) who helps the downtrodden by rebuilding their hovels into McMansions.

I always wondered just how someone who was struggling to make it before they  had a brand new and bigger house would handle the extra utility costs, property taxes and maintenance.

Well now we know- they can't.

The producers, touched by her selfless plea, hatched a bigger plan. In addition to renovating the cancer ward, they would tear down the 1,800-square-foot house (with its leaky roof and problem plumbing) that Kassandra's family was renting and rebuild a dream home.
The project generated enormous interest in the Valley. Nearly 4,000 people stood outside the home on a cold and rainy February day to watch the unveiling. The episode aired on March 13, 2005, with the stunned Okvath family reacting with smiles and tears of joy.
And the home's owner, who had okayed the renovation, had signed the property over to the Okvaths, giving the family full ownership.
It seemed like exactly the type of happy ending the show was famous for, but after the cameras left, reality intruded.
Utility bills skyrocketed, reaching $1,200 during the summer months; property taxes increased from $1,625 in 2005 to more than $4,100 in 2006.
Bryan, who was unemployed when the show was filmed, worked sporadically as a truck driver and fire fighter, but none of the jobs paid particularly well. Strapped, the couple used the house as collateral for a $405,000 loan in 2006, but payments on the adjustable-rate mortgage soon became unmanageable.


  1. 1) Anyone who took out an adjustable rate mortgage gets no sympathy from me.

    2) WTH did they need $405,000 for? Let's assume that they wanted to get rid of their car payments and credit cards. $80 - $90k seem reasonable?

    3) $1200 in utility bills during the summer tells me that they kept the AC on full all summer in spite of the fact that they had to know what it was going to cost.

    The sense of entitlement that this "free" house engendered probably led them even further down the path of "we should just get stuff". Sorry, not a lot of sympathy.
