Sunday, May 15, 2011

In other unreported news

Our unprecedented president set a record for the unbroken string of weekend golf outings for a sitting president.

Which would be eight in the two months that global warming enabled him to hit a snow free Andrews AFB course.


  1. I wonder if they close the course while he hacks?

  2. Doesn't everyone need a break on a regular basis? What's wrong with playing golf? Do you all work 365/24/7? OMG the petty shit people dream up to complain about!!!

  3. Wendy- he parties three of four times every weeknight.
    I don't know if you remember the crap that Bush got for playing golf --->LESS<--- in the eight years he was president than 0bama has in his two and a half years.

  4. Would you rather he spent his time doing things he considers useful?
