Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Do I have you on my blogroll?

If anyone is coming here from their blog and I don't have you on my list, then drop a comment off and I'll be glad to put you on.

Whoever is checking me out from their LA RR ISP who's sitemeter is s40gendis- let me know, because sitemeter won't tell me who you are.

Ohh, it's Wesley via e-mail.



  1. Whoever is checking me out from their LA RR ISP who's sitemeter is s40gendis- let me know, because sitemeter won't tell me who you are.

    Never fear, Kurt, it is just a site that snoops for Homeland Security, the ATF and FBI. Nothing to see here......:)

  2. You know, you could have pointed out that my blogroll is missing you. An oversight I will fix shortly.

  3. Will be adding you to my blog roll shortly.

  4. Would love to be added to your roll. You can find me here:
