Saturday, November 27, 2010

Looks like I broke it

I wanted to tweek the template a little and now it looks like I'm stuck with this one...until I can figure out how to unf^ck it.

And I lost my blogroll, so if you were on it- or want to be drop a link in comments.

Until I figure this out, go play with some falling sand.


I lost my old blogroll as soon as I got nosey and hit update template, but now i've got the Blogger blogroll that updates. I just have to finish finding everybody.

The blogger design template tool is just a grey site that sits there an spins it's wheels instead of finishing loading, so I'm going to have to just play with my HTML until I got somewhere near where I want.


  1. IIRC, I was on it.

    Good Luck with the template,

  2. I hate it when that happens...

  3. You need help let me know. I've been able to fix some really big F*Ck ups in my time.

  4. Helluva deal; good luck with that.
