Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Home today

I've felt like chit for the last two days, and now I'll either go in late or not at all.

Everyone else is gone, so I can have some 'me' time and see about doing things around the house.
Finding out what's wrong with the heater would be a good start. Hopefully it's just a bad thermostat.

Too bad I'll either have to eat today's pay or make it up on Sat.


I guess I'll just add to this one as I find things to babble about.

I'm really surprised at how low the hit count was for this search.
I thought that there would be that many just in the D.U. alone. (warning for those who've never been there, be sure to have something ready to scrub out your hard drive when you leave)

Ohhh, look who'se back in the states!


Gawd, what an expensive day. $120 to the Vet for doggie related anti-flea armaments and $25 to the hardware store for a thermostat and weatherstripping.

I got the heat working and as a bonus, our smoke alarm is pretty sensetive.
We'd always had trouble with our programmable thermostat (on the heat side) and just as I was ready to pull it off the wall, I noticed some of the contacts the face pins were supposed to hit were low. So we now have a spare thermostat, and a blower that works at 100% (because I fixed a loose connection) and you can tell the difference, too.

I'll be stay home today and be around $250 short (because of payloss and buying cr@p)
because it wouldn't be worth the hour drive to try making it up.

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