Sunday, March 26, 2006

So I saw this headline on the Beeb headline feed

And said "cool, maybe Bush'll get the nads to actually STOP people from crossing illegally.
I was wrong, as a matter of fact I can't see Israel asking our advice on ANYTHING having to do with securing borders.
We can't even arrest illegal openly advertising their presence at demonstrations.
They 'crippled' our country by walking out enmasse the other day- did you notice?
All the usual suspects were there the communists and their caring subsidiaries- MALDEF, the ACLU, La RAZA (the race), LULAC (League of United American Citizens Cunyaus), all kinds of Mexican flags; and I'd hazard a guess that there wasn't alot of english spoken (or understood).

But then again, they contribute soo much to this country, from keeping wages low- to increasing the taxpayers borden for all the social services they "deserve".

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