Thursday, September 08, 2005

Well, it happened on "W"s watch

I can't find it on the web- yet, but we're being invaded by the Mexican army today.
They're pre-running their invasion rout bringing needed relief supplies to San Antonio.

more later- I'm running late

(UPDATE 9:20PM ) Looks like they're heading up to the Big D.
They have their flag flying and water purification machinery for the refugees- since ya know OUR water isn't fit to drink.

Sorry, I just can't take this PC B.S. about letting the MEXICAN Army in here for a "humanitarian" mission. I'm sure there serious (in a way), but O just can't take this thing seriously.

The Mexican Army.
I didn't know there was enough of their people affected that Bush would need allow them to supplement more of our tax dollars.

The Mexican Army.
And they didn't even stop to savor their LAST military victory in San Antonio.

The Mexican Army.
When will Mexico City start paying the freight on their citizens up here, you know instead of hurricane relief some TAXPAYER relief?

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Who says we never got anything good from Canada?

I'm watching reruns of Tripping the Rift now.

Is it me or did they intentionally make "Six" look like a young Raquel Welch? And the time delay,,,, ummm sway is eye grabbing even for animation.
More joblogging I'm afraid

Ok, is it job-blogging, joblogging or job blogging? Not sure if there's a consensus yet.

So far I've got 15 hours of overtime this week. We're working on the west side of S.A. so the boss let me take the haul truck home. Works for me, saves me an hour drive each way and saves about 6 gallons of gas. I dropped my tailgate and been driving around 65 MPH. I filled up today and a quick division job gave me 20MPG, about a 3MPG change fopr the better.
I'll still be glad when I can afford to get my 17 at 75MPH.

How. . . ODD, I was going to make a comment about my High Voltage direct buried cable NOT turning out to be Water Moccasins- BUT I keep getting a code 403 access denied over at Mostly Cajun

(UPDATE )- Aaaaiiiiieeeeeee dat coonass done got hisself fixed, he be right whar he done been at all along.

Ok, since we have so many here, I'm trying to get the thang about that coonass talk don ya KNOW!?

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

OH Man!

Ya leave your seat for ONE second to get a beer and look what happens.
Good-bye little buddy

Gilligan is no longer a castaway.
I wonder how BusHitler is going to explain killing a lake?

I just got back a little while ago and haven't had alot of time to look, but isn't N'awlins being pumped dry into lake Ponchitran?
I was listening to my new morning radio station KLUP 930AM, since I'm tired of the armchair Quarterbacking from the other talk stations.

Bill Bennett had a caller in the field of environmental remediation explaining the toxicity of the water in N'awlins. Basically it would be classified as a "Superfund Site"- if anyone remembers those. They're pumping that chemical and biological soup into an EPA protected lake
(it's not that they have much of a choice between swamps or the Mississippi)., and the EPA will be going apesh*t later.

Someone will have to answer for it. Anyone want to guess who'll be the target?

He(the caller) also said that everything the water touched will have to be treated like it was hazardous waste- boards, bricks, glass, rocks, etc, , ,

Given this thought, and the fact that the Big Easy is sinking between 1/2 and 3 inches per year- the question is "Why -aside from sentiment- should N'awlins be rebuilt in the same place?"
There will have to be some city there because of the river traffic. The city should be built on a less exposed area.

Tell the people who'll be getting FEMA money to rebuild that if you go to Neo New Oreans, they'll get an extra "something" the ones that rebuild on the old site get current value and a certified letter saying they forgo any further government money NEXT time they're flooded out.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Just a little push for some on my blogroll

I hate to do it, but if some of y'all don't start posting, I'll be making room on my blogroll for someone with new material.
A productive Labor Day

I worked through lunch and still only got out at 3:30- so it's an 8 1/2 hour day.
I got 6 holes drilled, because I finally remembered the right way to drill in rock. You have to back-up into the hole so you can use the entire weight of the truck and auger.

I ran into some f*cked-up fragmented rock in my second hole. Broke a lot of the rock teeth, ground down the other ones and wore a good size gouge in my pilot bit.
I'm down to less than a quarter of a box of rock teeth now.
I can weld the gouges and re-hardface the bit flutes, but it's been so long- I can't remember what kind of rods to tell my boss to get. I know 6011 rods are too soft, so it looks like I'll have to ask the welding supply store.

The joys of playing in the dirt.
Jenni brought some friends back from the shelter today

I Assume that our DFW guests are at the Convention Center and at Reunion Arena.
She and Barry went down to see what they could do.

We started at Reunion Arena where the Salvation Army had finally cut off donations because there was such a volume of stuff. After quickly realizing there were plenty of volunteers there, we headed over to the convention center.

As soon as we walked up to the volunteer entrance Barry was immediately ushered inside and I was made to wait in line. We had our cell phones on us so we knew we could keep track of each other and it was all good. As it turned out, they were getting ready to organize the showers and they needed men to help out with the male showers. They had portable showers set up outside the arena for the men and the volunteer guys were helping everyone get in and out of there and assisting however they were needed. Once they let the girls in, I helped fold towels and get everything set up for the women to shower. The women's showers were on the second floor of the arena. By the time the women started getting up there to shower, there were so many volunteers up there that I decided to head back downstairs to see how else I could help.

She also gives a wonderful haircare tip. Isn't she wonderful, volunteers all day and gives fashion tips at night.
Happy Labor Day!

I'm off to labor for about 8 hours.
Gotta do what I can to keep Valero's profit margins up, ya know.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

This item does NOT come from Scrappelface


I know how you'd think it would, , ,

EFFORTS by Hollywood actor Sean Penn to aid New Orleans victims stranded by Hurricane Katrina foundered badly overnight, when the boat he was piloting to launch a rescue attempt sprang a leak.

Mr Penn had planned to rescue children waylaid by Katrina's flood waters, but apparently forgot to plug a hole in the bottom of the vessel, which began taking water within seconds of its launch.

The actor, known for his political activism, was seen wearing what appeared to be a white flak jacket and frantically bailing water out of the sinking vessel with a red plastic cup.

When the boat's motor failed to start, those aboard were forced to use paddles to propel themselves down the flooded New Orleans street.

But it actually comes from The Herald Sun, a real newspaper.
Jenni has an update on Katrina relief up in DFW

She wanted to help and ended up at one of the shelters on DFW.
She lets you know what's going on in one of the shelters up there.

After talking to my friend about her experiences volunteering yesterday, I was determined to head down there last night. All the stress energy in my body had to have an outlet and helping was the only thing I could think to do. I once again got B situated and headed downtown to try to help out. I got down to Reunion Arena only to be told that they "closed" at 9. Um, okay, whatever that means. I later found out that they actually locked up the arena at night so the volunteers were heading home. I was referred to the convention center because it has the overflow housing. So I headed that way and found a completely disorganized and chaotic volunteer operation. I quickly made friends with another stong person and we jumped in with both feet and started trying to help out. It was getting to be bedtime, so we helped carry the smelliest stankiest stuff I've ever smelled back with the people to the cot area. (I tell you right now with all sincerity that is the absolute worst smell I've ever smelled in my life. Take a street wino and mutiply it by 20, no kidding.) Then we found out that they were out of blankets and bedding so we asked if some couldn't be brought over from Reunion Arena. People had been dropping stuff off all day long and there were literally mounds of things like clothes, shoes, baby stuff, bottled water, food. Anyway, no one had the number to the people over there and blah blah blah so my new friend Chris and I went over there to see if there was bedding. After we figured out where the bedding lived, we saw there was quite a bit there and we should get it back over to the convention center.

You're a good hearted woman Jenni, keep up the good work.

And as an aside to J Ma: I didn't respond to one of your commentators injecting her liberal anti-Bush kant into your blog because it's your blog, and you try to keep politics out. I respect that, and being as I'm not a Lib- I don't feel it's my right to inflict my opinions where they're not asked for.

This is the first I've heard about this.

I'm sure we'll be seeing what Kuwait did splashed all over the MSM.
IF they can get away from the lawlessness in N'awlins.
Now, something on the lighter side

Al, Bill & Hill go to Heaven

God addresses Al first. "Al, what do you believe in?"

Al replies, "Well, I believe I won that election, but that it was your will that I did not serve. And I've come to understand that now."
God thinks for a second and says, "Okay, very good. Come and sit at my left."

God then addresses Bill. "Bill, what do you believe in?"

Bill replies, "I believe in forgiveness. I've sinned, but I've never held a grudge
against my fellow man, and I hope no grudges are held against me."
God thinks for a second and says, "You are forgiven, my son. Come and sit at my right."

God then addresses Hillary. "Hillary, what do you believe in?"

"I believe you're in my chair."
Houston, you may have a problem

I was watching my 24" auger bit try to grind itself through 4 feet of rock yesterday, and my mind started to pop up with things about these evacuees. Your mind wanders alot when it takes about 3 hours to make a 4 foot deep hole.

Last I heard, Texas was looking at around 250,000 residents of LA. I know Houston, San Antonio and DFW are looking at somewhere around 100,000 combined, mostly from N'awlins.

I know the neighborhoods of the Astrodome and KellyUSA- which is the first part of the problems. They are both on the seedier part of town, I don't know where DFW is putting them, but I doubt they'll be in a rich area.
  • I can see ALOT of gang violence and crime as the locals and the new ones determine their pecking order.
  • What about schools? That's ALOT of kids to farm around even for big cities like they are. OK, Texas isn't the top of the list for education cred, but I'm sure there will be quite a few new students repeating a grade when the teachers find out how, , , , , limited their learning is. The upper classes will be graduating from Texas schools, that's football, B.ball, cheerleading, band etc- and nobody brought or can afford to buy what they need.
  • Cars? Sooner or later they'll(adults) be wanting to be able to go places on their own. They'll be getting vehicles, and when demand increases, so do prices, parts and accessories, too- Mother's, ya hear that?
  • Jobs? Most of the displaced are actually working class people who will be looking for a job to help get themselves back on their feet as soon as they can- good on them! The problem is that they aren't from the most prosperous state, and would most likely be willing to take what is offered- paywise. This could bring them into conflict with another group of
    wage anchors
    will work for pretty much anything.
  • Who are these people, actually? Are they really who they say they are? Alot of them could use this event to get a new identity, forget old obligations and criminal records. NO, I'm not saying the majority- but some will, it's human nature.
  • The tremendous increase in demands on social services from health to crisis intervention, child care, basic necessities.
  • Housing. Most of the normal and honest people will want to get out of the human warehouses as soon as they can, what will that do to the housing/ rental market?

There are plenty of others that I thought of and forgot, I've slept since then.

I hope someone in charge is thinking about this, and not going to be surprised when the inevitable happens. But seeing some of the response from various Govt' branches, I'm not getting my hopes up.
Oh, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and the rest of the self appointed "Black Leadership", you need to step up and tell YOUR people (since 65% of LA N'awlins is black) to start acting like civilized adults.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Man, am I glad I'm not driving on I-35 today

I said in an earlier post that people seemed to be saving gas and driving a little better. Well today they made up for everything they didn't do this week.

I was coming back to park the auger truck, and saw I-35 southbound at a standstill. I got finished and locked the gate and I-35 North was at a standstill.

I went to get some overpriced gas and saw the two right lanes and an exit ramp blocked by someone who just refused to believe that two solid objects could not occupy the same space at the same time. I'm not sure what happened on I-35S, but I saw alot of flashing lights before I headed down to I-10.

I-10 goes through South San Antonio, and I guess the folks can't afford the gas like the more affluent on the north side, there was alot less traffic- and better mannered again.

I hope everyone will be enjoying their Labor Day.
I have to admit that there is a bright side to overpriced gas

I'm on my way to work again today, and in a way I look forward to the drive.
Since the tremendous price increase this last week, the roads have (pretty much)lost their moronic drivers.
I don't know if the price is forcing them to drive more responsibly, or they just can't afford to get in my way. I've decreased my speed- spending alot of time in the right hand lanes, and do to the decreased traffic problems spend about the same time in transit- about 45 min each way.

Being the evil, selfish, mean spirited conservative that I am; if I could afford it, I wouldn't mind gas staying up there. But I can't afford it and neither can most others, and so I look forward to it coming down as soon as possible.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Since it's polititian bashing season

Lets be fair- It's not ALL the fault of the evil inept chimpy busHitler.
If you wan to get a good idea of who you want to mention in addition to the current administration, try Deans post about equal opportunity responsibility.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Have you seen what's going on over in Mogadishu N'awleens?

Chrips it looks like something you'd see in a third-world country.
Now they're shooting at rescue helicopters!

Is there a reason to even keep trying to save anyone?

Is there a shoot-to-kill policy for the cops? There needs to be.
The rescue helicopters need an armed escort, now- and the first shot at them needs to have everything leveled withing 200 YDS of the victim.

I'm seeing these animals roaming around, and they want me to pony up the cost of rebuilding that zoo?
Fix the seawall, dewater the place and let those animals have the thing, only ones in are the same kind of people. "Escape from N'awleens" anyone?

They aren't Americans, they'r sh*t!

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Fifty F*CKING cents!!!

Can you believe the price of gas went up at all four I-10 truckstops by FIFTY cents per gallon???

Jesus H. Christ- those were the lowest priced stations until today.

I REALLY hope the greenies get their share of the blame for this mess.
All the obstructionalism for ANY increase or upgrades in our energy system.

Thanks California!
Thanks Florida.
Thanks W.
Thanks EarthFirst!.
Thanks Defenders of wildlife.
Thanks Environmental Defense Network.
Thanks Greenpeace.
Thanks Sierra Club.
Thanks RNC- and Congress and the Senate.
Thanks DNC- and ALL your mainstream supporters.

Need I go on?

I KNOW I won't be hearing anything exept that the problem is BusHitler's fault, and Halburton.

(Note- speaking of Halburton, which company do you think is one of the few with the ability to dewater N'awlins efficiently?)

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

I'm not in a very good mood tonight

We had some equipment problems with our backhoe.
The starter went out, and I think the spilled Hydraulic fluid was draining the battery.
Ok, It'll be kinda a b*tch, but I've done Fords New Hollands, and Deer- this should be done before lunch.

Except that THIS one is a JCB- made in Britain.
You'd think that this country used to be a worldwide empire, and was responsible for engineering marvels all over the world- that they'd give a bit of thought to HOW to replace a starter motor when the loader arms are down. Well these engineers DO drive on the wrong side of the road.

My Ford and Deer are actually made so a FRIGGING socket (even if it is metric) fits the nut. NOoooo the JCB has to show how advanced they are by designing the motor support so you can only use an open-end 15MM wrench.
When the loader arms are down, you can only see the ONE bottom bolt. The other two invisible bolts have room for about 1/16th turn.

I spent almost 5 hours getting 3 nuts off a name brand piece of high dollar equipment. Then I had to maneuver a 20lb motor with one hand to get it to where I could REACH it from the top.

I got everything replaced and hooked back up, and it wouldn't turn over!
Turns out I forgot to plug the solenoid relay back.

It starts fine, now I'm afraid to turn it off.
I guess the only good thing to say about Katie

Is where she made landfall- in a way.
I know N'awlins is pretty much gone.
And going downhill from there.

But Gulfport and Biloxi (pronounced Bil-Ukxi-you network maroons) has a Huge SeaBee base with thousands of highly trained people to assist in recovery and restoration. Biloxi has( or had) Keesler Airforce Base to stage supplies out of.
SeaBees are made of Plumbers, Electricians for both high wire and substation reconstruction, Builders who can pretty much build anything, Equipment Operators who can run anything to help rebuild roads and runways- also good for moving pesky trees. They have Mechanics to keep everything running, Steelworkers and Engineers Aids to help plot and plan where things were and need to go.

I KNOW that if they aren't already out there, they'll be soon- working untill it's done.

It doesn't make up for what happened, but seeing the video of Gulfport brings back memories.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Gawd, I didn't realise how BADLY that music sucked

Stolen from Mostly Cajun
who stole it from The Daily Brief.

A.) Go to
B.) Enter the year you graduated from high school in the search function at the upper left and get the list of 100 most popular songs of that year.
C.) Bold the songs you liked, strike through the ones you hated underline your favorite. Do nothing to the ones you don’t remember (or don’t care about).

Top 100 Hits of 1977 / Top 100 Songs of 1977
1. Tonight's The Night, Rod Stewart
2. I Just Want To Be Your Everything, Andy Gibb
3. Best Of My Love, Emotions
4. Love Theme From "A Star Is Born", Barbra Streisand
5. Angel In Your Arms, Hot
6. I Like Dreamin', Kenny Nolan
7. Don't Leave Me This Way, Thelma Houston
8. (Your Love Has Lifted Me) Higher And Higher, Rita Coolidge
9. Undercover Angel, Alan O'Day
10. Torn Between Two Lovers, Mary MacGregor
11. I'm Your Boogie Man, K.C. and The Sunshine Band
12. Dancing Queen, Abba
13. You Make Me Feel Like Dancing, Leo Sayer
14. Margaritaville, Jimmy Buffet
15. Telephone Line, Electric Light Orchestra
16. Whatcha Gonna Do?, Pablo Cruise
17. Do You Wanna Make Love, Peter McCann
18. Sir Duke, Stevie Wonder
19. Hotel California, Eagles
20. Got To Give It Up, Pt. 1, Marvin Gaye
21. Theme From "Rocky" (Gonna Fly Now), Bill Conti
22. Southern Nights, Glen Campbell
23. Rich Girl, Daryl Hall and John Oates
24. When I Need You, Leo Sayer
25. Hot Line, Sylvers
26. Car Wash, Rose Royce
27. You Don't Have To Be A Star, Marilyn McCoo and Billy Davis Jr.
28. Fly Like An Eagle, Steve Miller Band
29. Don't Give Up On Us, David Soul
30. On And On, Stephen Bishop
31. Feels Like The First Time, Foreigner
32. Couldn't Get It Right, Climax Blues Band
33. Easy, Commodores
34. Right Time Of The Night, Jennifer Warnes
35. I've Got Love On My Mind, Natalie Cole
36. Blinded By The Light, Manfred Mann's Earth Band
37. Looks Like We Made It, Barry Manilow
38. So In To You, Atlanta Rhythm Section
39. Dreams, Fleetwood Mac
40. Enjoy Yourself, Jacksons
41. Dazz, Brick
42. I'm In You, Peter Frampton
43. Lucille, Kenny Rogers
44. The Things We Do For Love, 10cc
45. Da Doo Ron Ron, Shaun Cassidy
46. Handy Man, James Taylor
47. Just A Song Before I Go, Crosby, Stills and Nash
48. You And Me, Alice Cooper
49. Slow Dancin', Johnny Rivers
50. Lonely Boy, Andrew Gold
51. I Wish, Stevie Wonder
52. Don't Stop, Fleetwood Mac
53. Barracuda, Heart
54. Strawberry Letter 23, Brothers Johnson
55. Night Moves, Bob Seger and The Silver Bullet Band
56. You're My World, Helen Reddy
57. Heard It In A Love Song, Marshall Tucker Band
58. Carry On Wayward Son, Kansas
59. New Kid In Town, Eagles
60. My Heart Belongs To Me, Barbra Streisand
61. After The Lovin', Engelbert Humperdinck
62. Jet Airliner, Steve Miller Band
63. Stand Tall, Burton Cummings
64. Way Down, Elvis Presley
65. Weekend In New England, Barry Manilow
66. It Was Almost Like A Song, Ronnie Milsap
67. Smoke From A Distant Fire, Sanford Townsend Band
68. Cold As Ice, Foreigner
69. Ariel, Dean Friedman
70. Lost Without Your Love, Bread
71. Star Wars Theme-Cantina Band, Meco
72. Float On, Floaters
73. Jeans On, David Dundas
74. Lido Shuffle, Boz Scaggs
75. Keep It Comin' Love, K.C. and The Sunshine Band
76. You Made Me Believe In Magic, Bay City Rollers
77. Livin' Thing, Electric Light Orchestra
78. Give A Little Bit, Supertramp
79. That's Rock 'N' Roll, Shaun Cassidy
80. Love So Right, Bee Gees
81. The Rubberband Man, Spinners
82. I Never Cry, Alice Cooper
83. Nobody Does It Better, Carly Simon (gawd I had the hots for her)
84. High School Dance, Sylvers
85. Love's Grown Deep, Kenny Nolan
86. Ain't Gonna Bump No More (With No Big Fat Woman), Joe Tex
87. I Wanna Get Next To You, Rose Royce
88. Somebody To Love, Queen
89. Muskrat Love, Captain and Tennille
90. Walk This Way, Aerosmith
91. Whispering-Cherchez La Femme-C'est Si Bon, Dr. Buzzard's Original Savannah Band
92. Year Of The Cat, Al Stewart
93. Boogie Nights, Heatwave
94. Go Your Own Way, Fleetwood Mac
95. Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word, Elton John
96. Don't Worry Baby, B.J. Thomas
97. Knowing Me, Knowing You, Abba
98. How Much Love, Leo Sayer
99. Star Wars (Main Title), London Symphony Orchestra
100. Devil's Gun, C.J. and Co.

Ok, or not,,,,,,,,,,,,,
After this storm, and the skyrocketing prices to come

I certainly hope that some people of infuence can get the energy policy changed.
Most, if not all our offshor drilling is in the gulf.

California and Florida ban drilling off their coasts.When a major storm hits the gulf, these platforms shut down - no oil or gas.
Environmentalists have put the kybash on
  • New distribution pipelines
  • New refineries
  • Drilling in ANWAR
  • Nuclear energy
  • Wind power (Sen. Kennedy are you listening?)
  • Further oil exploration.
  • New deepwater ports for offloading fuel
  • Made it cost ineffective for converting coal and shale into petroleum products
I'm sure there are plenty of other things that I've missed.

I hope the cost of energy shows the average American just HOW the Green movement has screwed them at the (possible) benefit of- well not alot, exept for plain obstructionalism.

Screw the Greenies, DRILL ANWAR and throw down more pipes to move that oil.
Then start OK'ing new energy plants!

Sunday, August 28, 2005

In case you don't read H.o.I. you may want to go look

Ward is babysitting the place and has an excellent post on why your fuel costs are fixing to go through the roof- including your electricity.

Here's part of it:

Most people have never heard of Port Fourchon, but it is the nation's premiere oil and gas support services facility--and right now it lies within 12 miles of Hurricane Katrina's CAT-3 or CAT-4 bullseye. Over 600 platforms and 75% of the GulfÂ’s deepwater projects lie within a 40-mile radius of Port Fourchon. Unfortunately, Port Fourchon is a Louisiana island. An island that is connected to the mainland by a single two lane old, single two lane bridge. This bridge is the only means of getting cargo and supplies to the Port. More than 1,000 cargo trucks go across this bridge each day, delivering materials to the Port for Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) drilling rigs. If thereÂ’s no bridge, thereÂ’re no drilling parts and supplies.

Do you see where this is going? When people say our infrastructure is vulnerable, they are not kidding—and not all of it is about terrorism.

The Port is crucial to our national security—for a number of other reasons. While the Persian Gulf provides around 23% of the U.S. oil supply, Port Fourchon supports the offloading of over 18% of all domestic oil and gas and 13% of all oil imports. Port Fourchon is the site of the enormous booster pumps that carry crude oil from the Louisiana Offshore Oil Port (LOOP) to underground salt dome storage areas in Galliano. The LOOP is the first and only offshore oil terminal operating in the United States. . .

I'm just wondering if there is anything in the bloated transportation bill that comes close to addressing this.
Truth in advertising

They have made an on-the- mark documentary of the reasons the Democrats have for you to vote for them.

That's all I have to say about it- go read the synopsis.
Just to give a balance to the "Anti-War" protests

There are these morons from the Curch of God who are protesting military funerals bexause of Americas permissive attitude toward gays.

The Rev. Fred Phelps, founder of Westboro Baptist in Kansas, contends that American soldiers are being killed in Iraq as vengeance from God for protecting a country that harbors gays. The church, which is not affiliated with a larger denomination, is made up mostly of Phelps' children, grandchildren and in-laws.

The church members carried signs and shouted things such as "God hates fags" and "God hates you."

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Oh, so THIS is what a grieving mother looks like

From Dean
Homeopathic medicine- The Lancet says it doesn't work!

Wow, what a surprise! Reuters (yeah, I know as truthful as cBS) says that according to the lancet, Placebos and homeopathic medicine have about the same cure rate. The always truthful Guardian also chimes in.

Who would have thought that diluting something until there was nothing left- except the "memory" wouldn't work as well as a full strength dose?

Let me get this straight. You take some medicine and "think" hard as you dilute it, and dilute it, and dilute it- until it's basically water with some kind of memory.
This water is supposed to have all the medicinal qualities you washed out of it.

If the water possesses a "memory" of what was in it, why doesn't it think it's whale poop?
I mean there was ALOT more whale poop weight-wise than the medicine you diluted until it was gone.
Ok, I'm watching Modern Marvels over here

It's about mega-engineering failures.

They were talking about the "environmental devastation" that oil spills(Exxon Valdez) causes, and It occurred to me; IF oil spills are some kind of permanent ecological ruin- what about all those tankers sunk in WWII?

I don't remember anyone stopping the war when the tankers were spewing tons of oil off our Atlantic of Gulf coast. Maybe there was a covert group of eco-commandos, but you'd think by now the secret would be out- don't you?
So, just what DID happen to all those unsanitized beaches? Why aren't they still polluted (if a massive Super-fund/beaches hadn't happened in the 70's)?