Saturday, March 26, 2005

I just can't imagine what Mexico has on Uve-doble

the American Thinker has a wonderful article on previous incarnations of the Minute Man Project over in Arizona.

Douglas Hanson's article gives a bit more realistic description of these citizens than GW's dismissive "vigilante" comment.
In it he revisits the various time that the military has been on the border in almost the same role as the MMP (reporting illegals to the proper authorities) are doing now.

He ends the article by expanding on what I've felt for a while:
"President Bush has been viewed as a leader who places the national security of our country as the number one priority. His national security team and the DoD have correctly gone on the offense in the Global War on Terror and taken the fight to the enemy. Unfortunately, the lack of will in securing our border, and his criticisms of our citizens acting in good faith to protect their loved ones and property, only reinforce the perception that GW is returning to business as usual in the domestic political arena. Pandering to the oddball coalition of open-border Democrats and cheap-labor Republicans may have some economic benefit that I don’t understand, but this is certainly no way to secure our country."

I kinda knew he was like this, but I marked the arrow more in opposition to Kerry than in enthusiastic support of GWB.
Maybe I need to start getting behind Congressman Tancredo in '08. If I were a single issue voter I'd do that now, but I don't know what else he stands for.

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