Monday, October 24, 2005

If Blogger is working now, , ,

I just want to say that although the price of gasoline is declining, I'm still paying 92 cents MORE per gallon than I was a year ago.

I also lost two posts yesterday, don't know if it was Blogger or SBC.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

We just got done eating a pig brisket

No wonder those bloggers from back east think a vinegar based sauce used on pigs is right. We just had a BRISKET with bones in it!

If you barbeque in Texas you use Beef brisket from the chest of the cow. It does NOT have ribs in it- we call that cut "ribs".

I know it's revolting to those who use what the Brits put on their fries as a base, but here we use tomato sause as a starting point. Since I have a sweet tooth, it also has alot of brown sugar in it, too; as anyone who's had my Teriaki Jerky can tell you.

To cook a good brisket you cook it over a low slow heat for a good 8-12 hours, about 2-3 hours before you pull it out, you start swabbing it with the sauce (of your choice). Putting meat on a grill and high heat is grilling and no matter how MUCH sauce you douse on it won't turn it into BBQ.

Since I haven't made a smoker, I use the oven. I put the (beef) brisket in and cook it about 200ยบ for about eight hours.

My version of sauce goes something like this:
  • 1 can Tomato Sauce
  • 1 good squirt Yellow Mustard
  • ½ cup or so Brown Sugar
  • ¼ Sweet Onion -finely chopped
  • 1½ TBS (to taste) EA of the following (it'll mellow out in cooking):
Garlic Powder
Ground Cumino
Cayanne (Red) Pepper
  • To taste White Pepper
  • Good shake Sweet Basil
  • Good shake Cinnimon
  • (Optional) dash of Liquid Smoke
Heat and stir as you add the ingredients. Taste and adjust spices as needed.

To prepare the meat, I usually let it sit with a good rub all night in the refrigerator, wrap it in aluminum foil and drop it in the oven.
Dear Senator Hutchinson,

I voted for you more than once.
It has become more and more apparent that you and the rest of my representatives up in D.C. have forgotten where you come from.

I had a quick look at your voting record- after you voted to table most (if not all) of Sen. Coburns' (R. Ok) Fiscal amendments.

I know I'll never hear any replies because I'm not on any of your high dollar donors lists. I would however, love to hear your reasons for throwing money away like drunken Democrats, though.

I just wanted to get this off my chest, since I'll be looking for a seriously CONSERVATIVE representaive to vote for in your next election. I will remember how you and the rest of the Republicans have been running (or not) this country since you took a majority in almost all branches of government.

A dissapointed former Republican,
Kurt P

I just sent this to the electronic version of a federal shredder. I'll let you know if I ever hear anything back. (Don't hold your breath.)
Just in case you're wondering what the EPA says about your vehicle

You can find out the reported fuel economy at their site that gives estimated milage for modles 1985 and up.
I'm looking for a spare vehicle and finally found this after ALOT of dead ends.

Currently at the top of the list is a 1988 Dakota V-6 w/ new-repaired drivetrain within the last 2 years and an 3 yr-old radiator for $1700 OBO.
Since those on the Left like the Latin root words so much

You know, like HOMOPhobe, Xenophobe, Neocons, Paleocons

How about lets start with a nice perjorative Latin term for those on the Left?

Lets try sinister, or more accurately Sinistral.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

The TV is on for background noise

Am I the only one that finds the Earthlink commercial with the goblins, giants and faries kinda creepy?

Also thinking about ads I wouldn't spend my money on.

The radio commercial for Izuzu. I'm old enough to remember Joe Izuzu and the fun they had with the Izuzu brand. Now, they've taken the low road with their ads.
(As a quick background- Mitsubishi has ther spokesguy who kinda sounds like McGruff with a soft N.Y. accent)
Now Izuzu has found McGruffs deadbeat unclein the gutter, and got him to slag-off on any kind of competitor they can think of Ford Explorer, Jeep, Mitsu, RAV4, you name it. He's got a grating, irritating voice and accent- and a vile on-air personality. The ad agency must get this bum likkered-up on the cheapest, roughest rot-gut they can find to get that "cutting edge" , , , , , ummm, , , "edgieness".
I would NEVER spend the money they want to someone who puts out an ad like that.

And Buger King- if that plastic faced creep ever shows up at casa Trainwreck, everyone agrees that he's going to have bullet holes in him. If I don't do it, the girls will.

And last but not least- Quiznos has Bob the babe magnet wich is alot better than the previous east coast "hipness" of the mummified rats that couldn't sing. (Mrs. Trainwreck still won't eat there- she wonders what happened to the two rats)
Here's a Senate vote to make you rethink YOUR vote next time

Thursday the senate held a vote related to controlling spending by moving SOME pork to help pay for Katies mess on the gulf coast.

I'll make the post short by listing the Senators who voted for Sen Tom Coburn, R-OK pork amendment:
NAYs ---13 (Yea was to kill the amendment Nay was to pass it- how laweresque)
Allen (R-VA)Hagel (R-NE)
Burr (R-NC)Kyl (R-AZ)
Coburn (R-OK) McCain (R-AZ)
DeMint (R-SC) Talent (R-MO)
Ensign (R-NV) Sununu (R-NH)
Feingold (D-WI) Sessions (R-AL)
Graham (R-SC)

Here's the rest.

I plan on asking MY (RINO) Senators why they'd rather spend even more money than needed. (I *KNOW* why- they're politicians- I want to know why they voted to kill the amendment)
Gov. Bill Richardson praises NoKorea of abandoning it's Nukes

Well he oghtta know about Nuclear energy as Bill Clintons Energy Secretary and NoKo's nuks for nothing program.

As one of the FEW Clintonistas to get out if D.C. without an indictment on him, he was also a prime apologist for the U.N. under that administration.

According to N.M. Governer Bill Richardson(D):
North Korea is committed to dismantling its nuclear weapons programme, an unofficial US envoy has said, after a visit to the capital Pyongyang.

Bill Richardson said he was "very pleased" with North Korea's willingness to make progress in six-nation talks.

Pyongyang has already pledged to abandon its nuclear weapons in an earlier round of the talks.

Mr Richardson, former US ambassador at the UN, said North Korea now wanted to focus on a civilian nuclear programme.

Hmmmm....... where have we heard something like that before?

Oh, yeah, it was during Bills' time in D.C.

The United States and North Korea signed an agreement on October 21, 1994, that offers North Korea a package of benefits in return for a freeze of North Korea's nuclear program. Benefits to North Korea include: light water nuclear reactors totaling 2,000 electric megawatts by the year 2003; shipments of "heavy oil" to North Korea (50,000 tons in 1995 and 500,000 tons annually beginning in 1996 until the first light water reactor is built); U.S. agreement to establish liaison offices as an initial step toward diplomatic relations; and a relaxation of the American economic embargo against North Korea. In December 1995, the United States and North Korea signed a supply contract for the light water reactors.

But, then- Leftist Socialists Commies being Commies:
The stepped-up pace in 1996 in the implementation of the nuclear provisions of the U.S.-North Korean Agreed Framework of October 1994 came to a halt in September 1996 because of a North Korean infiltration of commandos into South Korea by submarine. The commandos murdered several South Korean civilians. At the same time, evidence, albeit circumstantial, pointed to North Korean complicity in the assassination of a South Korean diplomat in Vladivostok, Russia. These actions were the latest in a succession of North Korean provocations that were contrary to the peace and security provisions of the Agreed Framework, which calls for improved security on the Korean peninsula and negotiations between North Korea and South Korea. The R.O.K. (Republic of Korea) government responded by demanding that North Korea apologize for the infiltration and guarantee that it will commit no further provocations.

Which somehow, naturally was our fault that the aid stopped, and Bill Richardson needs to step in and polish his name for , , , ohhh maybe the 2008 election cycle.

Friday, October 21, 2005

This'll p*ss off some Texas ex cheerleaders out there

And I hardly think the Libs will be able to connect their action with this effect.

Some of the big city Texas high schools are thinking- seriously- of doing away with Friday night football.

The reason:
A few school administrators, law enforcement officials and even politicians are considering breaking the time-honored tradition of Friday night games in the wake of recent shootings and fights in Richardson and Duncanville following contests there.

Although those incidents – which resulted in the shooting death of one teen and injuries to several others – occurred away from the stadiums and school district property, the fallout has forced some officials to think the unthinkable.

One of those is Dallas County Commissioner John Wiley Price, who said that he plans to talk with school officials in his precinct about playing games on Saturday mornings. State Sen. Royce West has similar plans and will meet Monday with some area police chiefs and superintendents to discuss safety issues at games and other school events.

Extreme violent behavour.

Ok, granted wherever you have kids and action there will be hasseling or fights.
Todays problems come from the non-enforcement of morals and standards from both PARENTS and schools.
That's right I put parents in a special class because THEy are the ones that are supposed to be looking out for the best of their kids. THEY are the ones who are ultimatly responsible (or used to be) for how their kids act in public.

I blamed Liberals for this earlier. They have been the ones in the vanguard of lowering standards of education and standards of conduct for the past 40+years. They are the ones who silence anyone who wants to keep morals and standards up- to try to protect the belief system that made America great.
Liberals have been defining deviancy, bad manners and self restraint down since as far back as I can remember. Yes, self restraint- the ability to control anger or frustration without resorting to violence or other destructive actions. The parents today are so ambivilent to the way their kids act because they're either browbeaten into acceptance or brainwashed by the Gov't schools themselves that they see nothing wrong with the way they act.

Now, another tradition is going down the toilet because people can't be expected to act as responsible human beings.

Ok, did I connect cause and effect?
OK, that's it- I'm officially against the war now.

If even Burt Bacharach is writing anti-war songs, I gotta admit it's a loosing cause.

Ok, where do I sign up with Mother Shehan?

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Well, it looks like I'm back for a while.

SBC came and naturally the intermitant NIGHTLY problem wasn't happening when the service rep got here. He told wife that he couldn't find the problem and swapped wires- everythings cas' -right? I p*ssed the wife off when she told me that, I asked if she got his phone number?


"So we can call him tonight when the problem happens again."


Wife told him that the reason we dropped the SECOND line was that we were having the same problem as the main line- scratchy and no dial tone.

I just hope this lasts till Jan, when we can get satellite broadband- then we can dump this B.S. uncaring, unhelpful monopoly.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Is there somekind of D.O.S. attack going on?

Wife said that they lost their DSL several times today. My connection right now is 9.6K, which is better than most of the evening at 4.2K- my mail wouldn't even load up.

Or, maybe I could still blame SBC.

(UPDATE Oct 19 7:55PM)

I guess Mrs Trainwreck is going to miss half a day tomorrow. We'll leave the ferocious Bodus and the Magnificent Meggy inside- ANd the gate open, since the overzealious and ever conciencious SBC union stooges won't even slow down if they can't just drive in. She'll have to let them out, since they're not used to being inside for eight hours at a stretch.

Thanks SBC. We'll be short this pay period because YOU and your highly paid union thugs can't keep your system to a second world standard. I looked at their lines today, the black plastic spliceboxes you see everywhere else are black plastic BAGS- here!

We had Verizon in Maxwell- NEVER had a problem *AND* we payed less for two lines than we're paying SBC for one.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Is it just the San Antonio area?

or is everyone having a really f*cking slowww load time? I couldn't even get online this morning.

I thought it was out 26K dial-up, but Mrs.TW says that their RoadRunner has been slow lately, too.

Maybe it's SBC? I wouldn't be surprised, given the history I have with their problem solving.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

I guess it's time to cull my blogroll again

I think I'm getting to the point that I'm adding more than I'm deleting.

The first one is a Mild Mannered Reporter who has a blog named the Rosemead Times, and is a commenter on this blog.

Next we have the the alphabet blog of Elenemohpee who seems kinda hit-and-miss, but we'll give him a spot anyway.

The Crack young staff of the Hatemongers Quarterly which really isn't -quarterly that is. They monger their hate on a regular basis.

We'll give Dogsnot Diaries a try, they are kinda lax on their postings, but you gotta love that title (unless you're a "Caniphobe").

That's it for this roundup, remember to curry your horses before you turn them out for the night.
I'm finally done chasing wild geese

Actually tracing mobil home wiring.
We had two outlets in the master bath that didn't work and the outside outlets quit working, too.

I took the outlets I thought were on the same circuit apart and tried to find the feed. I found it in what I (as an Electrician) would have called the middle of the run-on the outside wall completely opposite the load center. I would have run it from the panelbox to the closest box, then on around the walls. Not in a mobile home, they want to run everything under the floor.

It took about a day of connecting, unconnecting and flipping breakers to get a wiring diagram of two rooms. AND since they wanted to run everything under the floor, I had to add a box under the sink to tie into a live switch for the two dead outlets. At least I didn't have to climb under the trailer(s) and dig through the insulation to get to anything.

All told about 10 hours of work -AND we have power and light at the paddock gate.
Ya know I REALLY hate to defend Calypso Louie

But, , ,

It seems as alot on the right are trashing him by taking his words out of context.

Just like the Left did with Bill Bennett as the latest example.

What Farakahn said was:

"Well, I was in a tiny village in Mexico on the 17th of September, 1985. And I had a vision-like experience climbing a mountain there, on the top of which is a temple to the Mexo-American Christ figure, Ketso Quato. And one of these little UFOs came over that mountain and I was signaled from a group of persons to come. And I was beamed up into that small vehicle and carried to a larger vehicle, where I heard the voice of my leader and teacher, the Honorable Elijah Mohamed (search), saying. . ."

Ok, seems like everyone is dumping on him for saying that he DID get transported to a "mothership".

That's not right, he didn't say he got transported- he said he had a vision.
Taking the (snicker) 'vision thing' out of the quote changes the entire meaning.

Those on the right really SHOULD know about that- and quit taking the easy cheap shot.
They (the right) should know how hard it is to fight when the false statement(s) spread like wildfire, and how it really muddies the water (well except when the MSM decides to sit on the accusation) and distorts your meaning.

I don't have any love for him. As a matter of fact I pretty much detest all of what he represents -with the exception of his calling to blacks to be responsible (except when he says it's all whities fault) for their own wellbeing. He's a racebaiter, an anti-Semite, one of the "leaders" of the black community who actively try to keep them under their(his) control by gov't dependence and poor education, probably a socialist and hates what America stands for.

But, right is right- lets try to keep walking on the high road.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Are you getting tired of hearing all about the Iraqi vote?

No? Me neither, that's because the MSM isn't covering it like they did the first one, any Iraqi terrorist attack, or anything questionable that American troops do.

Sure they have stories out ther, but it's pretty much one of these three two leads:

Bahgdad looses power to terrorists

Heavy security is needed

and, , , well that's about it, some dribs and drabs about prisoners detainees getting preferential treatment voting early, tribal bloc votes and did I mention the tight security?

Also, speaking of politics- who wants to guess which party was in power for 30+ years and wants to keep trowing a wrench into ANYTHING that might help their country ; because they're not now? You know, give a little to help the "poor" or even just NOT obstructing anything constructive because it *might* help the other party?

No it's not the Democrates this time, it's the
, the ones the Left is wanting back in power.

(UPDATE 9:20AM) Something I forgot to ad, maybe it should be another post.

If the sole aim of these "anti-war"activist was to get the U.S. out of Iraq, then it seems that they would actually work for a stable democratic (representative) government. Anyone who knows who the anti-war oganizers are, knows that the LAST thing they want is a stable democracy in the mid-east.

That being said, the fastset way to get the U.S. out of Iraq is to get a stable goverment up and running. Too bad that it'll free millions of Arabs, and threaten more despots and theocracies.

Friday, October 14, 2005

You've been tagged!

If you're on my blogroll anwer in your blog.
If I don't have you on my blogroll (yet), leave a comment.

  1. What kind of candy this year?- NO "good for you" stuff.
  2. Anything special to scare those panhandlers trick-or-treaters?
  3. Are you going to pretend you're not home?
  4. Your favorite kind of cosume?
  5. Your favorite scary movie?
  6. Your scarriest scary movie?
  7. Horror author?
  8. Scariest book?
  9. Best Halloween/horror story? (Yours or someone else's).
My answers
  1. Candy: Atomic Fireballs
  2. Scaring kids: girls plan on dressing up the dogs
  3. Not home: nope have "scary" dogs
  4. Costume: wimmin- VERY reveiling , , , guys-Yeah, you're (insert compliment here)!
  5. Fav. movie: The shining (or Christine)
  6. Scariest: Don't do alot of horror movies
  7. Author: Not alot of horror reading, either
  8. Book: Revelations has alot to think about
  9. Horror story: Came from a kids book by Alfred Hitchcock- about a haunted luxury suit on board a cruise ship.
I hope y'all are sitting down for this one

That tele-confrence Bush had the other day- remember? Well, it was


That's right, troops on nat'l news, talking to the Prez were walked through the thing.

I know you'll hear about it today, if you hadn't already but I thought I'd try to be the first.

Now, what to do about it???

I've got an idae, , , Lets try to get Bu$HalburtonHitler impeached for LYING to us!

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Nothing today, I'm tired

Tired of the two hour round trip drive.

Tired of thinking about a 7 yr-old truck that developed a (Ithink) transmission hum when I had to slam on my brakes for that Schnieder truck.

Tired of playing in the dirt (although it doesn't pay too badly).

Tired of cooking (I want to eat what I like).

Tired of cleaning up after cooking.

Tired of watching two MumblegarbleKOFFkoff (since I'm in trouble anyway for not talking nice about certain family members).

Tired of shopping (If I don't we end up with all the name brands and about $30 more than I'd spend for the same amount) [She's a Brit, she doesn't know which store brands are good, or cr@p].

Anyway, you get the point.

I did get a job offer that involves travel- maybe I'll call him back and see what the pay and bennies are. Maybe that's what I need, some space. . .

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Think the ACLU is taking advantage of our good will?

Me too, and so do these people they have a pettition to help stop the ACLU.
Your tax dollars are paying them to file these B.S. lawsuits because WE have to pay their expenses.

U.S. Rep. John Hostettler (R-IN) has introduced legislation to curb the ACLU and their attempts to turn us into a godless socialist state.

I signed the petition, and I don't know if it will do any good to send it to my miss representatives in D.C. But I thought I'd let y'all know about it so you can help get the word out.
I mentioned earlier that I was trying to sell the trailer

The real estate agent had two people interested and qualified to buy it. The trouble is- almost everyone has stopped writing loans for used trailers mobile homes.
My bank won't transfer the loan, and we had hell some problems getting this doublewide.
Dunno why, maybe they're ending up in Mexico, just like most stolen vehicles around here.

I was sitting on my toy today thinking, and I basically have three options
  1. Do some kind of "owner Finance" deal. The thing is, if we're not 'buying' it anymore- I don't want to have an unpaid loan hanging over my head. Even if someone else is paying for it.
  2. Keep renting it out. Since I'm getting all this over-time, we've got our noses out of the water- for now (till I start getting rain days). The bills are getting payed and we're able to start saving agin. It would be ALOT better if $150/week wasn't going into gas tanks. We're getting $500/mo for rent and paying $220/mo in mortgage -so it's not that much of a drain.
  3. Build a new house where the trailer is now. I could do it myself- but it would take forever, since I could only work on it over the weekend. It would go alot faster (and cheaper) if I used straw bale constructionthe banks would probably look favorably, since it would be built to Austins' Straw bale building code (caution- PDF).
I'll probably keep renting it out. The guy that's renting it now bought a house, but has a years contract. He just needs to cut the grass, that house is next to a hayfield anyway- and the grass probably needs to be baled.

My Jurassic Park dino-history is all wrong, at least when it comes to the Velociraptor.

It wasn't the efficient disembowling killing machine we saw in J.P an it's money sponges sequel's.
But tests on a mechanical arm suggest this fearsome-looking appendage was probably used just to hang on to prey. UK scientists report their experiments in the journal Biology Letters. "This dispels the myth in place for some 40 years that this was a disembowelling claw - this is not the case," says Dr Phil Manning, from the Manchester Museum, University of Manchester. "I'm saying that the primary function of this claw was to hold on to the prey, effectively like a climber's crampon," the curator of palaeontology told the BBC News website.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Help our recovering troops-

ummmm , , ,

Buy a bloody arrow tip????

Ok, it's not up there yet.

I heard Shemane Nugent on the radio this morning, you may have heard of her husband. She was talking about visiting B.A.M.C. with Ted, and seeing the wounded. When she asked a mother what she could do to help, the mom mentioned the kids getting outside, but not being able to because of the strong sun here.

In order to help build a shaded porch for the recovering burn victims and amputees, she was talking about auctioning off the arrow that she shot her first deer this season with.

That's something I can and probably will help with, I can make BAMC a stop on the way home- I'm sure the could use a strong back and a weak mind.

After reading that greedy, selfish blog I posted about a while ago, I won't be willingly be sending my money that way again.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Ok, I'll tell on myself

The other night I was invited out for a night with the guys. I told my
wife that I would be home by midnight... "promise!"

Well, the hours passed quickly and the beer was going down way too easy. At 3am,
drunk as a skunk, I headed for home.

Just as I got in the door, the cuckoo clock in the hall started up and cuckooed three
times. Quickly, I realized she'd probably wake up, so I cuckooed another 9 times. I was really proud of myself for having such a rapid, witty solution, even when smashed, to escape a possible conflict.

The next morning my wife asked me what time I got in, and I told her 12 o'clock.
She didn't seem disturbed at all. Got away with that one, I thought! Then she told
me we needed a new cuckoo clock. When I asked her why she said, "Well, last night it
cuckooed 3 times, then said, 'oh fuck,' cuckooed 4 more times, cleared its throat,
cuckooed another 3 times, giggled, cuckooed twice more....
then farted."

----------Ok, nothing struck me as rantable tonight ---------------

Sunday, October 09, 2005

I drove the wifes truck to work yesterday

#1 Because I don't trust the weather geeks (the Montero has a heater)


#2 Because it also has a C/D player.

I got to listen to the Rev. all the way there, and these two on the way home.

I also filled her truck at Flying J for $2.59- which is some inprovement. Not much, but some. The local Robber Baron still has it at $2.89 - wich is about par for the course- he's always a dime over San Antonio.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Here's a bit of enlightenment about care packages

He (or she) has a biting list of things to send- or not.
Now I know why I didn't get a thank-you for the combat boots. I guarantee it'll make me think twice about spending MY hard earned money again.

H/T Rhianna
Fire Dept. lets house burn down for $25

Yes I thought it was in N'awlins, too.

INTERNATIONAL FALLS, Minn. There's outrage in northern Minnesota after firefighters allowed a man's mobile home to burn.
Carl Berg had failed to pay the 25-dollar annual fee required for fire protection for homes outside International Falls city limits.

Berg says he couldn't afford the fee or fire insurance. He says he lost everything in last month's fire.

The Fire Department poured enough water to put the fire out temporarily and make sure everyone was safe. But when the blaze rekindled later, firefighters let the flames destroy what was left.

Fire Chief Jerry Jensen says he doesn't want to see that happen again. He says a firefighter's job is to "put out fires, not to watch them burn."

Local officials have been haggling for two years over how to pay for fire protection.

That's the whole article.
Via Fark
The Mayor of Salt Lake City doesn't seem to want another term

In a recent interview with a British newspaper, Anderson seemed to compare living in Utah to living under the Taliban.

Most Americans know the Taliban as religious extremists in Afghanistan.

But if you ask Rocky Anderson, the Taliban may be also be right here in Utah.

Depending on whom you ask, Rocky Anderson either does or does not think this is what living in Utah is like.

Recently, the mayor told an English journalist, "I feel like we're in the middle of a Kafka novel sometimes...with a little bit of the Taliban thrown in."

Ok, I can't make a snarky remark about his party since both sides have said some damm stupid stuff lately.
Another quick thought on Harriet Miers,

If Harry Reid and the rest of the Liberal Dems are defending her, WHAT is she (and Bush) planning on pulling?

The leading Dems came out of the White House as giggling and giddy as schoolgirls when they heard who it was going to be. Now, the Party of character assassination is dissing the Republicans for talking bad about her.