Thursday, November 29, 2007

Oh, they had a debate Tuesday night?--UPDATED (again)--

Or was it the night before?
Apparently, some so called News organization held a debate for the Republican candidates this week.
It was one of those You-Tube driven Q & A things.
I missed it because it was on the Clinton News Network and somehow it wasn't as glorious as the Dem one, and even if I knew about it I'd probably have had something better to do.

Anyway, this glorious example of even handedness decided to not only let someone who was pushing an 'alternative lifestyle' ask a video question- they also invited him to the show to ask follow-up questions. which, I guess would be ok- until it was found that this GLBTPBT&A advocate was a current member of the Clinton election committee.

So much for advancing fair and balanced.

(UPDATE --5:50PM)

That debate was last night?
Why was I reading blogs about it for the last two days?
And listening to the radio, and CNN's ....ummmm...explaination about how unproffesional they are about identity verification makes you wonder just how accurate their breaking news is.

Doesn't it?

I guess I can understand why the Libs Dems are afraid to go on an avowedly non-Liberal news show because they might have to answer "real" questions that aren't coming from their own supporters.

So, tell me, if they are afraid of non friendly questions- how will they be able to not cave in when they have to stand-up to people who actually really hate us?

I can't find who said it, but I just *know* someone of those Republicans had to remind the gay General that it was Bill Clinton who instituted 'Don't ask-don't tell".

Someone had to have said it, didn't they?
I mean, that's the FIRST thing that would have come to mind after that question.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

So, he'll be deported after seving his sentence

I hope they don't waste their time landing.
Open the door at 100 feet and shove him out.

F*cking Somalis.

Just to remind you about how well we were thanked for feeding them.

And the Minneapolis Somali taxi drivers refusing service it 'infidels'.
And the refusal about handling pork in checkout lines...

Weren't some of the airline Imams Somali, too?

Cell phones, enhancing your driving experience

I was sitting at a stop light on the way home from work today when I heard a king of scrape/crunch/chunk off to my left side rear.
It sounded weird so I started looking at my mirror to see if there was a fender Bender behind me and I saw the driver laughing and looking out his driver window.

I looked over to the motel parking lot and saw a new red Mustang driven halfway over a parking curb,,,with it's driver oblivious on a cell phone.

And speaking of cr@ppy drivers, WTF is with New Braunfels and their fast driving?
New Braunfels isn't even big enough for it's own craigslist site, but they have to drive like they're in frigging New York. I mean, Damme people you have a truck hauling a backhoe taking a wide turn and you just HAVE to try cutting between me and the curb. Just to save two seconds. Something else you may want to work on is that brake pedal when there is roadwork around and machinery moving.
I can guarentee that if you get up close and personal with some construction machinery, FIRST- you *may* scrape some paint off that dirt mover and SECOND- every worker there will tell the cops that you were going WAAaayyy too fast for conditions- AND- the ones working behind you didn't see any brake lites until you were fixing to hit someone..

Sunday, November 25, 2007

I wonder,,,,,,

Two things about this OXFAM article:
FIRST are they using the same criteria as they did in the '80s for 'disasters' today? Or is it getting more woosified ...'disaster-wise? I mean is a severe rain storm and the resultant flooding that they'd not hear about (and the people would have to help themselves out with) are now classified as a 'disaster' in dire need of immediate help?

SECOND, how does OXFAM get their money? I don't know, but somehow suspect that the more 'disasters' they respond to, the more money they make. There has never been a true 'non-profit' organization in human history- some-one -somewhere is or was getting something to make it worth their time.

How to make your dogs life interesting

Go get one of those rubber fire hydrant chew toys that you can fill with doggy treats. This should have a hole just a little smaller than the next item, and a larger sorage tube.

Get a dozen glazed doughnut holes (ok, two dozen piggy).

Put ONE dougnut hole in the toy. Let your dog(s) smell it when it's still at the bottom, then toss it.

Hours of fun while you watch them go nuts trying to work it out.
When they get tired of it, lift it up and roll the hole to the bottom and let them try working it out before re-throwing.

Note: I was going to send you to walmarts pet toy section, but they didn't have the fire hydrant I described they did however include some,,,,,ummmm,,,,toys that look like they could be used by their female humans to a happy ending.

Saturday, November 24, 2007 farking slooowwwwww

DISHinternet still has me choked down to twicwe the speed of dail-up.
This added to (on top of?) the VISTA experience really sucks.

On the good side we're about 600MG of getting free of this bandwith penalty, but still we have to suffer the slow speed, and I'm not visiting quite a few blogs that take too long to download because of A) the slow loading and B) the bandwith I'n trying to shave from my FAP penalty.

I was talking to my internet install company and he told me that Wild Blue (the system DISH uses) is getting really strict on BitTorrent and Peer-2-peer filesharing. Thing 2 isn't going to like uninstalling her Limewire and maybe her I-tunes.

But dammit, I want the speed I'm paying for.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Sorry, I just can't help it

I see that there is a shipwreck of Titanic proportions up in the Antarctic.

Not that there's a huge loss of life, (because everyone was evacuated) but if you believe all these eviro-weinies- an environmental tragedy.

The cruise ship that hit an iceburg some submerged ice sank in the Antarctic.
It joins uncounted others that were sank in the "fragile" and "pristine" arctic during WWII- and somehow life continued on.

I wonder just who will be sued out of business so that these enviro-freaks can try to do what mother nature can do better(on a slower timeframe) as far as cleaning up.

"Yep, Ervine, I see a small sheen of diesal on a patch of water about 50 feet accross, lets close the Arctioc to all ship traffic because of the environmental danger.
Too bad those oil supertankers won't be able to use that newly opened northern passage."

Thursday, November 22, 2007

I hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving!

Now it's time to start feeling guilty about the poor having trouble finding and affording a healthy diet. Since we need the obligatory story about the poor on a day like this.

THURSDAY, Nov. 22 (HealthDay News) -- In this land and season of plenty, low-income and rural Americans continue to have difficulty finding healthy foods that are affordable, a new study finds.

One study shows that low-income Americans now would have to spend up to 70 percent of their food budget on fruits and vegetables to meet new national dietary guidelines for healthy eating.

And a second study found that in rural areas, convenience stores far outnumber supermarkets and grocery stores -- even though the latter carry a much wider choice of affordable, healthy foods.

It's basic slant is that rural and urban poor can't afford the newest Gov't approved healthy diet, and that there are too many convenience stores around.
But when I saw that title, my first thought was "I can't afford to eat fast food all the time- no wonder they're broke."

It's a good size article and only in the middle do you read about Food Stamps- and that in the need to increase the allowance. Nowhere did I see a mention of the fact that almost anything you can shove in your mouth is Food Stamp eligible now, instead of just the stuff thats healthy.

Also, the fact that convenience stores far outnumber supermarkets in rural areas is supposed to make us think that the rural poor have to hook up the horse and wagon just to make that daylong trip to the 'big city' to get their overpriced veggies.

Sorry but everyone I know out here in the sticks has a vehicle and can make that 30 minute run into San Antonio any time they want...but Hondo has two major grocery stores there, too.

Win VISTA and you

Ok, after having the descktop offline for almost a week, the results seem to indicate that my problem is partly (if not mostly) to blame on VISTA's reporting to the mothership-constantly.

We had the modum offline at night and when nobody was home and we were almost at the non-FAP level even with two XP machines running- until I plugged VISA back into AlGores intertubes. Now we're staying at the same level, if not gaining bandwith usage.

Does anyone know IF VISTA is a bandwith hog, too- along with it's disc usage?
Also, how hard will it be to completely get this VISTA cr@p off my hard drive and instal XP?

The beginning of the holiday season

Isn't it wonderful?
Family, friends, emotions running wild?
Trying to start new traditions with family, establishing traditions that endure weather you want them to, or not.

Including the annual turkey drop.

Removed because frigging DISH NETWORK Keeps telling me I'm using too much bndwidth!
Do NOT sign up for DISH NETWORK broadband- get wild blue instead.

But hey, like Tevye said.........Tradition.


Wednesday, November 21, 2007

I got a hit for someone looking for James Morrison on climate change

How is this take on it?
Removed because frigging DISH NETWORK Keeps telling me I'm using too much bndwidth!
Do NOT sign up for DISH NETWORK broadband- get wild blue instead.

Although he was a bigtime doper, he was also a genius and probably wouldn't believe that Bravo sierra.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

John Fitzgerald Page

He's back in the popular blogs again.

And even on Tv now.

You may rmember him as the Atlanta dooshbag. He says he still doesn't understand why *anyone* wouldn't give him a chance, expecially on some non-looser site like you know.

Ohhh. My. Frigging. Gawd!

Guess what the newest evil comes from smoking the most evil of Gods flora?

I just heard it on the morning news.

Come on guys, the only thing you HAVEN'T blamed smoking (tobacco- because weed is somehow good for you) on is Global Warming.

Oh, the newest smoking Bogyman is that it causes baldness.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

The hidden Zen of a chicken joke

Albert has a Conservativly beatnick view of why the chicken crossed the road.

Or did he? Or was it---like fore ordaned?


Saturday, November 17, 2007

Being the one in charge really sucks sometimes

Rachel is going through one of those times with her oldest dog.

Be sure you have plenty of snotrags.
Because she's posting I think, mostly to think through what has to be done, which makes it even more heart breaking.

I had to do it, and anyone with a heart has had to do it with a pet.

Getting street cred

Ok, as y'all know I'm back with an old boss. The job is in NE San Antonio (about 55 mi. away), which is in a small town who's name you may recognize.

I was thinking that the next blogmeet near San Antonio, we could get some street cred by holding a march there, and get pics to show how much we "CARE!" about racial equality and advancing our black colored disadvantaged Americans of African descent.

I think I've realized a fundamental fact about why poor people are poor, or maybe they're poor as a result of sub-par education and social skills.
I'm selling the Dodge, and have been getting e-mails from several people (one was trying to scam me with a cashiers check). The ones who seem 'normal' I would work with price-Wise. The ones who can't use common capitalization, punctuation or common courtesy (or any combination) don't have much of a chance in budging me into not getting as much as I can from them. Or me remembering to tell them the idiosyncrasies of the truck....

I think I may have found my bandwith problem.
I know that VISTA is a resource hog, I'm wondering if it's always in contact with "the mother ship"?
I see that it ran a defrag at 3AM this morning, and my FAP was higher this morning than it was last night. I'll try leaving the VISTA offline all day and see what happens then. since I'm looking for an excuse to get rid of it.
We also have several new ,,,surprises when we open or close some games and programs- including an aborted attempt to reach a (an unknown) website.

Friday, November 16, 2007

All who have never smelled natural gas

Raise your hands.
Not just "natural gas" ( because it kinda smells like paint thinner in it natural state- maybe,,,if it's rich)- the gas you're used to smelling with BP Captain in it.


How about some woman who just bought a $350,000 house?

In Florida. She smelled something funny near her naturak gas fireplace, and lit it to get rid of the smell.

I wonder what the gas smells like down in Cuba?

Thursday, November 15, 2007

DISHinternet and you

If you ever need to get broadband without cable or DSL available, DO NOT opt for the DISH internet. They'll slap a FAP on you so fast you won't know you're over untill you computer has download speeds of dial-up.

If you have to get satellite broadband, get it's what supplies the scam artists DISHNETWORK and their broadband... but it doesn't slap a FAP penalty on you as fast as they take a breath. I was on Wildblue for over a year untill their triad went out (I'd have to pay for another), so was convinced to got with DISHTV and their rental system. Not very helpful operators, and draconian policies.

If they offer DISHTV broadband, they have wildblue- it's the same price (and installers) for a little better service.

116K when I'm paying $75/mo for 1000K download....And they say I can't have full speed until they choke me down to 8,700MB of download when my threshold is 12,00 Megs-Jezus!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

AHHHHh, That's why he did it!

My George Bush Conspiracy Theory

George W. Bush vetoed the State Children's Health Insurance Program bill so that Ann Coulter, white men, SUV owners, and gun owners could offend Muslims.

Create your own at

Thanks Miriam

Sen. Danial Inoue

I've got PBS on in the background - don't faint, it has "The War" playing.

They just got done with an interview of Danial Inoue's experience in WWII- the Italian campagne.
During on mountain assault he was taking out NAZI MG posts where he wqas wounded several times and lost his right arm to shrapnel.

My question is- after all he went through, why as a Dem. does he want to throw it all away?
I mean he's almost a rubber stamp for Harry Reid.

Why do I have a feeling he's being framed?

I think OJ was guilty as h*ll for his knife murders in LA.

But given that the F.B.I. knew about his plans three weeks in advance...........
Not officially, or found any reason to tell the local cops.

So now, everything is going against the Juice, even his co-offenders.
I don't know what went on in that room, but somehow I think it was just some kind of stupid repo scam. That it was OJ involved in something out of 'Police Squad" episode is about par for the course.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Who runs the History Channel?

I'm wondering because they seem to be doing an all Global Warming all night thing tonight..
Going on with that idiotic "CO2 is going to cook the Earth!" meme that AlGore is getting filthy rich from.

So help me out with a little experiment, ok?

I promise it won't hurt.

And when the experiment is done, I want yo to tell me how ruining entire economies by forcing all these expensive changes would make any diffwerend to the results.



First go get one of those 3-way lamps. You know the one that you can get three levels of light from.

Take off the shade and turn it on to the low setting.

Now, hold your hand about six inches from the light and see how warm it is.

Next, switch passet the middle one and stop on the high setting.
Is your hand still six inches away? Is it feeling any warmer?

Now tell me, what did your hand do to to cause handular heating climate change? Because it just CAN'T be the heat source going through it's lifecycle- could it?
It just has to be the cause of all those little microbes putting out those greenhouse gases, right?

Monday, November 12, 2007

Updates from Casa Trainwreck.

I have several job interviews scheduled for this week.
I have a job offer as a driver for a septic company. I'm not sure if I want to take it, since I have interviews with ,,,,better companies- but no offers and I'm sure they don't work 55 hours a week.

I'm going to try making ends meet by making wood and wire(horse panel) dog kennels.
I figure I can sell them for around $225- 250 (with a good $50+ profit margine), being more *natural* looking and all AND alot less than the $350-575 they want for all metal dog runs.

Maybe I'll see if high-end heated dog houses are worth looking at, too.

I also don't know when, or if I'll get unemployment, just depends on what the boss checks on the form, doesn't it?


Just got back from talking to (one of) my old boss. I start Thurs. at the same rate I was at before. Hopefully the job won't be as bad as last time, since Bosses brother isn't in charge of me, and the transition and turmoil about expanding and moving is over.

The 120 mi. commute will suck, though.

But I'll be looking at something else I didn't get when Chris was there, a dollar raise at 3 months.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Since I'm not a professional Reporter, I'll make a correction.

See, I wnt to kinda set an example for some Newspapers who either don't acknowledge any mistakes, or bury their corrections on their obit page.

I had a comment fom a student who goes to that school telling about a death threat/suicide note the week before. He put a post up on his blog about both inccidents.

Reason #365 to pack heat

Because Stun Guns don't work on carjackers!

ATLANTA (AP) -- A man tried to use a stun gun to fend off a carjacker and ended up being shot five times.

The man was taken to the hospital Wednesday with wounds to his abdomen and leg but was expected to survive, Atlanta police Sgt. Lisa Keyes said.

The man was driving a minivan in southeast Atlanta when he was confronted by a carjacker at an intersection. The carjacker jumped in, told the man to drive and demanded money, police said.

While trying to reach for his money, the man also pulled out his stun gun and shocked the carjacker.

But the carjacker reacted by shooting the man at least five times, Keyes said. The van, which was still moving, crashed into a tree and the carjacker ran away.

A MINI VAN--dude! Really!

Keyes stressed the importance simply giving up the vehicle when confronted by a carjacker.

"Make the situation safe for you," she said. "You know you have to get away from that person. Just try to give the car up."

No, you shoot the f*cker- it's your property, it's your right to defend it.

AND in the "You gotta be chitting me dept"........
You'd think this happened in the nanny state of Great Briton (where they DO actually freak out over .22 rounds), in stead of the U.S.A. (ok, it was in Michigan).

A 22 caliber bullet put Plainwell High School into temporary lockdown Thursday morning.

Police cars from the state, city and sheriff's department were outside the high school.

Inside classes were in temporary lockdown.

“An announcement came saying we had to stay in our first hour until they told us to leave,” said student Joan Giffels.

Before eight Thursday morning, the district says a parent found a 22 caliber bullet on the sidewalk. The bullet is no bigger than a quarter, but students in their first period classes didn't know what to think.

“They think someone's going to come in and randomly shoot or hurt someone,” said student Afton Rachut

Got a question for y'all

We have three dogs.

By seniority they are

Meg(the black one) and Scooter (the B&W one)

and the "baby"

Goliath, remember that post I put up about six months ago of the little foundling?

Anyway, both the smaller dogs are lacking something in the inelligence department. It took Scooter over a week to learn that the storm door opened on the left side and that he just couldn't get inside unless he was on that side. Meg is a little better, but no doggie Einstein.

Goliath is smart for a dog, but he needs socialisation with people and normal dogs.

Anyway, is it really *wrong* for me to refer to them all as Scootard , Megatard and Goliatard?
I mean it can't be that wrong be cause Dr. Who has his TARDus.

Boy, that must have scared them!

Why would anyone from MENSA be visiting this blog?

Oh, and I saw that the stage hand union is on strike now, too- along with the writers union.
That's strange, given that most of the entertainmement industry Big....ummm.... Yuks???? mostly LIBERAL. You know, the ones that care so much for the underdog, and want to raise them to a "living wage" or whatever they excuse they use for everyone else ponying out more money for the exact same thing.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Today is Veterans day, formerly known as Armistice Day

November 11, 1918.
Eleveth of eleven eleven

The end of the first World War and ironically, a smoldering ember that helped fire the
next German invasion of France which was complete 33 years later.

The terms were written by the French, and basically poured a pound of salt into an already socially wounded country.

But that's besides the point. Today we reflect on the sacrifice of all who served, not only in this country, but over the freedom loving peoples whatever their language- Armistice Day, Remembrance Day, Veterans Day the ideals of freedom are were the same.

There is an old saying that we're always ready to fight the last war- because of the way things change, but it always seems that we have these appeasers who refuse to learn from the last war. Our military members are the best of our population, even if they were draftees.

We need to remember that they stopped their lives to serve this country, and some never got to pick-up where they left off. I want to extend a hearty "Bravo Zulu" to my fellow Vets who DID take time to protect this, the Greatest nation on Gods green earth.

We also need to remember with all these political speeches tomorrow, that actions speak louder than words. I'm sure there are more unknown Vets that contribute more (even in civilian life- the World) unknown, than the entire class of bloviating pols do while mouthing their 'admiration' of the military.

These guys have had many names

Removed because frigging DISH NETWORK Keeps telling me I'm using too much bndwidth!
Do NOT sign up for DISH NETWORK broadband- get wild blue instead.
Jar heads

Leather necks

Seagoing bellhops

Devil dogs


MARINE CORPS ORDER No. 47 (Series 1921)
U.S. MARINE CORPS Washington, November 1, 1921

The following will be read to the command on the 10th of November, 1921, and hereafter on the 10th of November of every year. Should the order not be received by the 10th of November, 1921, it will be read upon receipt.

On November 10, 1775, a Corps of Marines was created by a resolution of Continental Congress. Since that date many thousand men have borne the name "Marine". In memory of them it is fitting that we who are Marines should commemorate the birthday of our corps by calling to mind the glories of its long and illustrious history.

The record of our corps is one which will bear comparison with that of the most famous military organizations in the world's history. During 90 of the 146 years of its existence the Marine Corps has been in action against the Nation's foes. From the Battle of Trenton to the Argonne, Marines have won foremost honors in war, and in the long eras of tranquility at home, generation after generation of Marines have grown gray in war in both hemispheres and in every corner of the seven seas, that our country and its citizens might enjoy peace and security.

In every battle and skirmish since the birth of our corps, Marines have acquitted themselves with the greatest distinction, winning new honors on each occasion until the term "Marine" has come to signify all that is highest in military efficiency and soldierly virtue.

This high name of distinction and soldierly repute we who are Marines today have received from those who preceded us in the corps. With it we have also received from them the eternal spirit which has animated our corps from generation to generation and has been the distinguishing mark of the Marines in every age. So long as that spirit continues to flourish Marines will be found equal to every emergency in the future as they have been in the past, and the men of our Nation will regard us as worthy successors to the long line of illustrious men who have served as "Soldiers of the Sea" since the founding of the Corps.

Major General

Happy 232 guys
Semper Fi!

There is an OFF button you could use

If you turn on the TV and see something objectionable- with your young kids.
OR- you could change the channel.

One viewer described the programme as "nasty, leaving a bad taste in the mouth" while another said: "This is prime time family viewing. I switched on with young children present and was deeply disturbed by the level of nudity at that time.

"It made for extremely uncomfortable and gratuitous television, particularly when I had to explain it to my children." Another wrote: "They belittle and embarrass their victims."

You know that British show "What not to wear"?
Now they have another one out 'Take off your underwear'.......or something.(Possibly NSFW pics)

Did I mention it's a British show, from the land that gave us Monty Python and Benny Hill?

This is a country where (when I visited Karen) I was watching a show teaching women to be strippers.

OR,,,,,,was it the fact that it was on before 9PM?

Friday, November 09, 2007

WOW! How time flies

It was 56 years ago today that direct dial coast to coast was enabled in the U.S.
It was expensive and required alot of shouting over static.
By one monopolistic entity who actually BUILT the system.
Removed because frigging DISH NETWORK Keeps telling me I'm using too much bndwidth!
Do NOT sign up for DISH NETWORK broadband- get wild blue instead.

Today, I'm sitting midway between Castroville, Tx and Hondo, Tx (8 miles to the closest city services) and sending this up to a satellite from my own personal communication station on my roof.

In ten years this setup will be (maybe) worth being in a museum.