Something I can't believe isn't more widespread.
Maybe it is, but the Lamestream Media doesn't want it known.
Religion and evolution don't have to be mutually exclusive.
Let me refresh your memory and ad my thoughts as we go:
Genesis 1
1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
2 And the earth was waste and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep: and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
-Could this be the "Big bang"?
4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, one day.
6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.
7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.
- Is this where the Earth coalecess from star matter?
8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And there was evening and there was morning, a second day.
9 And God said, Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.
-What was that single Mega-continent before tectonics started to work?
10 And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.
11 And God said, Let the earth put forth grass, herbs yielding seed, and fruit-trees bearing fruit after their kind, wherein is the seed thereof, upon the earth: and it was so.
12 And the earth brought forth grass, herbs yielding seed after their kind, and trees bearing fruit, wherein is the seed thereof, after their kind: and God saw that it was good.
13 And there was evening and there was morning, a third day.
14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years:
15 and let them be for lights in the firmament of heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.
16 And God made the two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.
17 And God set them in the firmament of heaven to give light upon the earth,
18 and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good.
19 And there was evening and there was morning, a fourth day.
20 And God said, Let the waters swarm with swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.
21 And God created the great sea-monsters, and every living creature that moveth, wherewith the waters swarmed, after their kind, and every winged bird after its kind: and God saw that it was good.
22 And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth.
-The primordial soup and evolution that followed?
23 And there was evening and there was morning, a fifth day.
24 And God said, Let the earth bring forth living creatures after their kind, cattle, and creeping things, and beasts of the earth after their kind: and it was so.
25 And God made the beasts of the earth after their kind, and the cattle after their kind, and everything that creepeth upon the ground after its kind: and God saw that it was good.
26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the heavens, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
27 And God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
28 And God blessed them: and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the heavens, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb yielding seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for food:
30 and to every beast of the earth, and to every bird of the heavens, and to everything that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for food: and it was so.
31 And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.
Genesis 2
1 And the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.
2 And on the seventh day God finished his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.
3 And God blessed the seventh day, and hallowed it; because that in it he rested from all his work which God had created and made.
Ok. Now it doesn't say the G-d actually created the animals we know today, does it?
Or the landscapes that we know geologically.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and kinda reverse engineer a concept.
In Genesis 1-27 we find that G-d created man in his own image.
...And what do we know about man?
That he has a large brain for his size and he is lazy.
What about an entire history of labor saving devices from a shaved set of antlers to flint points to the wheel on to the car and computer?
Maybe the brain was grown to develop the labor savers that made us lazy...whatever.
Now, what -today- is the ultimate labor saving idea?
How about a computer program that runs it's self?
BUT Kurt, you say- computers have only been around for the last 50 years.... how can you say G-d was lazy and wanted something to keep His work going?
How about a self generating computer code that modifies it's self to external conditions?
And since there were no times stated in the chapters of Genesis we read, how are we to know just how long G-ds day was?
Maybe this is still the Seventh Day and in 2012 He'll do what he planned on the eighth day?
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Crass commercialism
Lets see if I can pay this years taxes via E-bay.
Not on just this one, but maybe enough to defray the hit on being under witheld on both our jobs.
Notice the environmental use oftrash pallets recycled wood?
...And the non-threatening stand-in for some 'evil' piece of inert ironmongery?
Not on just this one, but maybe enough to defray the hit on being under witheld on both our jobs.
Notice the environmental use of
...And the non-threatening stand-in for some 'evil' piece of inert ironmongery?
Sunday, March 08, 2009
I see that Blogroll is back
With all new doohickeys and whistles.
And ads.
I guess they're going for the high-end user now, since they want to get on the moneymaking bandwagon. I can't blame them, if I had something useful that everyone wanted- I'd do the same.
I can't say I completely redo everything, but but why not have change just for the changieness of it?
I tried using the new version and as clunky as it is, I think I'll stick to my links-roll. I hope that way the referrals will go to my blog as the originator and not be hidden by blogrolling.
Or is that a pay feature that you can see who clicked a link where?
And ads.
I guess they're going for the high-end user now, since they want to get on the moneymaking bandwagon. I can't blame them, if I had something useful that everyone wanted- I'd do the same.
I can't say I completely redo everything, but but why not have change just for the changieness of it?
I tried using the new version and as clunky as it is, I think I'll stick to my links-roll. I hope that way the referrals will go to my blog as the originator and not be hidden by blogrolling.
Or is that a pay feature that you can see who clicked a link where?
Amature hour on the Potomac
I know you've heard about the blow-off the British PM got when he decided to just drop in on the Light bringer the other day.
You know, just jump on a trans-Atlantic jet and show-up at 1600 Penna Ave. with no notice.
The Water Walkers apologists are claiming he's too 'tired' and overwhelmed by his first 'real' job that actually requires decisions that matter.
Insiders are saying that his State Dept. (who should have experienced Clintonites) fell down on the job, probably because Libs love to reward failure. They don't have some kind of book to go to?
"Lets see....Bahrain, Bermuda, Brazil,,,,OH here it is- Britain! They get the whole treatment, print out the Alpha plan and we'll get going."
Ok, so President Neophyte is overwhelmed by ruining the world economy in his first three months, his State Dept. is full of incompetents.
What about his wife who is busy at homeless shelters getting her picture taken by the homeless and their camphones? She doesn't have a lick of common courtesy either?
Man, you Obmatrons sure know class when you elect it.
I guess it's the Change in foreign policy we can expect. The No Country Left behind foreign relations plan where our best ally is treated exactly the same as a rep from Haiti.
Mushroom risotto? That sounds like it would really stretch the food budget.
You know, just jump on a trans-Atlantic jet and show-up at 1600 Penna Ave. with no notice.
The Water Walkers apologists are claiming he's too 'tired' and overwhelmed by his first 'real' job that actually requires decisions that matter.
Insiders are saying that his State Dept. (who should have experienced Clintonites) fell down on the job, probably because Libs love to reward failure. They don't have some kind of book to go to?
"Lets see....Bahrain, Bermuda, Brazil,,,,OH here it is- Britain! They get the whole treatment, print out the Alpha plan and we'll get going."
Ok, so President Neophyte is overwhelmed by ruining the world economy in his first three months, his State Dept. is full of incompetents.
What about his wife who is busy at homeless shelters getting her picture taken by the homeless and their camphones? She doesn't have a lick of common courtesy either?
Man, you Obmatrons sure know class when you elect it.
I guess it's the Change in foreign policy we can expect. The No Country Left behind foreign relations plan where our best ally is treated exactly the same as a rep from Haiti.
Mushroom risotto? That sounds like it would really stretch the food budget.
Saturday, March 07, 2009
Culinary differences
Roast beef so tender you can cut it with a fork.
I'm the only one who ate it because the others had pancakes (at 3:30PM) and mushroom soup later.
The one who made the flapjacks used a mix, a mixing bowl, a measuring cup, a strainer (??WTF??), two skillets, a mixing spoon, a measuring scale, a ladle and whatever else got put into the dishwasher before I saw it.
I can make an entire turkey dinner with less.
And with less of a mess.
I'm the only one who ate it because the others had pancakes (at 3:30PM) and mushroom soup later.
The one who made the flapjacks used a mix, a mixing bowl, a measuring cup, a strainer (??WTF??), two skillets, a mixing spoon, a measuring scale, a ladle and whatever else got put into the dishwasher before I saw it.
I can make an entire turkey dinner with less.
And with less of a mess.
Secretary of State
Hillary Rodman Rodham Clinton.
Every time I hear that it jars me a little.
Then I kinda throw up in my mouth a little after rolling my eyes.
Every time I hear that it jars me a little.
Then I kinda throw up in my mouth a little after rolling my eyes.
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
I've told you before
It's not a tepid response...
It's 'Shock and awe' at His greatness that shuts the Marines up.
It's 'Shock and awe' at His greatness that shuts the Marines up.
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Where ARE my boots?
I mean my anti-chitload boots.
Not only did Mr. Chicago Machine appoint a noted tax cheat to the Dept. of Treasury (and every other posting), now they're going on some kind of crusade to rope in other tax cheats.
I mean isn't it really kind of hypocritical to put an unrepentant ('sorry, my bad' doesn't cut it) tax cheat in charge of hunting down other tax cheats because of a 'higher ...ummm....plan' to do SOMETHING about the massive money hemorrhage from D.C.?
I mean, for the f*ck sake, doesn't any Liberal have any sense of irony about this whole tax thing being ramrodded by someone who only paid his taxes so he could get THIS gravy job?
And trying to make some kind of moral high ground about going after tax cheats.
I guess everyone connected to Obama got the note to get out of Swiss banks last month.
He's in both the Senate and the House lecturing other pick-pockets about how bad it is to defraud people............
And only 48% can make a connection here.....the other 52 still think that stupid *I'm sorry world* site can only apply to Bush. I wonder if it's taken this time around?
Nope, if anyone wants to apologize for our Magic Worker it's available.
Not only did Mr. Chicago Machine appoint a noted tax cheat to the Dept. of Treasury (and every other posting), now they're going on some kind of crusade to rope in other tax cheats.
I mean isn't it really kind of hypocritical to put an unrepentant ('sorry, my bad' doesn't cut it) tax cheat in charge of hunting down other tax cheats because of a 'higher ...ummm....plan' to do SOMETHING about the massive money hemorrhage from D.C.?
I mean, for the f*ck sake, doesn't any Liberal have any sense of irony about this whole tax thing being ramrodded by someone who only paid his taxes so he could get THIS gravy job?
And trying to make some kind of moral high ground about going after tax cheats.
I guess everyone connected to Obama got the note to get out of Swiss banks last month.
He's in both the Senate and the House lecturing other pick-pockets about how bad it is to defraud people............
And only 48% can make a connection here.....the other 52 still think that stupid *I'm sorry world* site can only apply to Bush. I wonder if it's taken this time around?
Nope, if anyone wants to apologize for our Magic Worker it's available.
What about the children?
The Obamas have two young children who go to an expensive, exclusionary school on Thursdays.
What I'm wondering is while theFirst Partiers are glad handing and slapping backs of big contributors, who's watching the girls?
While Mr. and Mrs. Lightworker are boogieing to Earth, Wind and Fire on Weds. night- who's helping their girls with their home work? Mom and dad are too busy getting pimped for their social events, with live bands- who's putting the girls to bed?
Is the bedroom section quiet enough for the girls to sleep (without being tucked in by a parent *sniff*) while the 'in' crowd brown noses mingles with their Ghandobama while rocking out to the latest rap?
Just curious Mr. Fiscal responsibility, but how does $100-per-slice Wagoo beef taste with Collard greens?
What I'm wondering is while theFirst Partiers are glad handing and slapping backs of big contributors, who's watching the girls?
While Mr. and Mrs. Lightworker are boogieing to Earth, Wind and Fire on Weds. night- who's helping their girls with their home work? Mom and dad are too busy getting pimped for their social events, with live bands- who's putting the girls to bed?
Is the bedroom section quiet enough for the girls to sleep (without being tucked in by a parent *sniff*) while the 'in' crowd
Just curious Mr. Fiscal responsibility, but how does $100-per-slice Wagoo beef taste with Collard greens?
Sunday, March 01, 2009
Sorry y'all
I've tried to get rid of this earworm, but the only sure way is to pass it on...
Ok. at least it's not a Soggy bottom boys Hollaback.
Ok. at least it's not a Soggy bottom boys Hollaback.
Get mee to a Nunnery
And all the time I thought those p()rn sites were just a plot line leading to bumping uglies.
I guess not.
UPDATE March 3:
I can't believe that only two people clicked on that PornHub site.
One from Germany and the other from a .edu site via Traction control.
Am I writing to kindergartners?
I guess not.
UPDATE March 3:
I can't believe that only two people clicked on that PornHub site.
One from Germany and the other from a .edu site via Traction control.
Am I writing to kindergartners?
Saturday, February 28, 2009
San Antonio's newest sports stadium
Friday, February 27, 2009
The NYC student take-over
Yep, this guy has a future in the new administration.
No, not that guy, the one filming.
Probably negotiating with Iran and the other terrorists. Don't want to harsh their mellow, ya know.
No, not that guy, the one filming.
Probably negotiating with Iran and the other terrorists. Don't want to harsh their mellow, ya know.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Is this a new radio meme?
I mean, did anyone else hear about the new cuisine at the White House on talk radio this morning?
WOAI was talking about this on their morning news blurb and I was wondering if it was local, or a national fanboi forcing His voice on the air at every chance they get.
I mean really. What does the Teleprompter Messiah know about Soul Food?
His dad was a dark Arab who's family settled in Africa after they got tired of trading slaves.
His mom was white and pawned him of to live with his white grandmother in .... HAWAII.
Now 1600 Penna Ave is going to be serving chitterlings and pigs feet for supper. I wonder how that goes with a nice Arugula salad.
Michelle might have more familiarity with it, but since she was a snobby black princess- I'd bet she doesn't look at it with lots of love either.
WOAI was talking about this on their morning news blurb and I was wondering if it was local, or a national fanboi forcing His voice on the air at every chance they get.
I mean really. What does the Teleprompter Messiah know about Soul Food?
His dad was a dark Arab who's family settled in Africa after they got tired of trading slaves.
His mom was white and pawned him of to live with his white grandmother in .... HAWAII.
Now 1600 Penna Ave is going to be serving chitterlings and pigs feet for supper. I wonder how that goes with a nice Arugula salad.
Michelle might have more familiarity with it, but since she was a snobby black princess- I'd bet she doesn't look at it with lots of love either.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Heard on the radio this morning
On my usual talk radio station (who's lifetime is soon to be numbered).
I didn't catch which school, or school district it was, but it was in the San Antonio area.
This school (Fox?) had just completed their fourth year as a,,,basically failing school, and the superintendent -who still had his job- was explaining the situation as regards to teachers.
None are getting fired.
Some are getting reassigned (to schools who actually make the test).
Actually there are no bad consequences for them failing to do their jobs, and the teachers union is protecting these failures.
Four years, and only now is something being done, because the sitting Super is being forced to make changes because he's presiding over failure. AND he gets to keep his job.
And, I know I said it, but NO ONE is loosing a job, or even getting demoted.
I've been fired for less, and got a one-chance write up for hitting a semi-marked gas line, but I'm not in a powerful overpaid union.
I didn't catch which school, or school district it was, but it was in the San Antonio area.
This school (Fox?) had just completed their fourth year as a,,,basically failing school, and the superintendent -who still had his job- was explaining the situation as regards to teachers.
None are getting fired.
Some are getting reassigned (to schools who actually make the test).
Actually there are no bad consequences for them failing to do their jobs, and the teachers union is protecting these failures.
Four years, and only now is something being done, because the sitting Super is being forced to make changes because he's presiding over failure. AND he gets to keep his job.
And, I know I said it, but NO ONE is loosing a job, or even getting demoted.
I've been fired for less, and got a one-chance write up for hitting a semi-marked gas line, but I'm not in a powerful overpaid union.
$900 Million
Guess where the Unicorn Rider is sending that money we don't have.
It's not like he's wasting it on political rewards this time, unlike the $790 Billion Porkulous bill he rushed through congress.
Nope, this will be to reward the terrorists who live in the Gaza part of 'Palistine' - the country that never was.
Well actually, he'll be giving it to the U.N. where we all know it'll be used with the utmost care and selectivity to make sure that only the deserving are ........oh Gawd even I can't spew that Barbra Steisand like the teleprompter Messiah....
Yeah, it's almost like that number is small by comparison to the last money dump by our new Commissars standards of fiscal responsibility.
Hey, the dow is now what it was the last time we had a Liberal Dem in office, next time anyone in His administration opens his mouth we'll be back in the Carter era.
It's not like he's wasting it on political rewards this time, unlike the $790 Billion Porkulous bill he rushed through congress.
Nope, this will be to reward the terrorists who live in the Gaza part of 'Palistine' - the country that never was.
Well actually, he'll be giving it to the U.N. where we all know it'll be used with the utmost care and selectivity to make sure that only the deserving are ........oh Gawd even I can't spew that Barbra Steisand like the teleprompter Messiah....
Yeah, it's almost like that number is small by comparison to the last money dump by our new Commissars standards of fiscal responsibility.
Hey, the dow is now what it was the last time we had a Liberal Dem in office, next time anyone in His administration opens his mouth we'll be back in the Carter era.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
The new American anthem
Continually reinforced by The Lightbringer:
Except that according to the New York Fed, the depressionwill would have been over by mid year. But then we had this Trillion Dollar pothole in that road, so it might not happen. Thanks DNC.
Except that according to the New York Fed, the depression
Scratch another one off the list
I went to fill op at the HEB this morning and looked to see if it was 10% ethanol because I' put half a tank of the cr@p into my tank at Exxon before I saw the notice.
Yeah,,,Gasohol is supposed to be good for the planet and all that happy horse chit.
BUT the way I look at it is that I'm paying ADM and those other ag mega farms to grow corn so that I end up paying ADM to make the gasohol with their tax subsidies, AND I'm paying the same price as gasoline....So I get less MPG and ruin my fuel system in the process.
No thanks, I want to pay my $1.70 for gasoline, not $3 in hidden taxes, loss of performance and vehicle repairs.
Just to make some politician look good to some Liberal.
Yeah,,,Gasohol is supposed to be good for the planet and all that happy horse chit.
BUT the way I look at it is that I'm paying ADM and those other ag mega farms to grow corn so that I end up paying ADM to make the gasohol with their tax subsidies, AND I'm paying the same price as gasoline....So I get less MPG and ruin my fuel system in the process.
No thanks, I want to pay my $1.70 for gasoline, not $3 in hidden taxes, loss of performance and vehicle repairs.
Just to make some politician look good to some Liberal.
The return of "gravitas"
We have a Socialist in the White House who wants to turn us into Venezuela, who got his people to approve a trillion dollar spending bill without reading it (plausible denyability- I guess)and cannot utter an complete sentence without a teleprompter.
Bob Uecker is our vice President with his own version of the facts.
Now Hillary Clinton is deepthroating the ChiComs because it's a Pavlovian reflex from when her husband was president.
The Treasury Secretary is a tax cheat, he's taken the Census from where it's been for 230 years to give it to a political guerrilla.
There is nobody in his Cabinet that is untainted by fraud or scandal in some form.
I bet the Left is still dizzy from getting rid of Chimpy HalliburtanMcHitler and his
group of misfits.
Bob Uecker is our vice President with his own version of the facts.
Now Hillary Clinton is deepthroating the ChiComs because it's a Pavlovian reflex from when her husband was president.
The Treasury Secretary is a tax cheat, he's taken the Census from where it's been for 230 years to give it to a political guerrilla.
There is nobody in his Cabinet that is untainted by fraud or scandal in some form.
I bet the Left is still dizzy from getting rid of Chimpy HalliburtanMcHitler and his
group of misfits.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
My,,, what an interesting idea
Not that I'd want to make it.
While surfing for a new recipe for cabbage rolls, I saw this in the 'Recipe of the Day' spot.
The ingredients listed for this chili include:
# 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
# 1 teaspoon ground cumin
# 1/4 teaspoon ground allspice
# 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
# 1 bay leaf
# 1/2 (1 ounce) square unsweetened chocolate
Ok, I know the cumino and I use a pinch of cinnamon in my chili, BUT my chili tastes like chili.
I don't want a chili that tastes like an apple pie - TYVM.
AND it's on spaghetti!!!!!11!!!
While surfing for a new recipe for cabbage rolls, I saw this in the 'Recipe of the Day' spot.
The ingredients listed for this chili include:
# 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
# 1 teaspoon ground cumin
# 1/4 teaspoon ground allspice
# 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
# 1 bay leaf
# 1/2 (1 ounce) square unsweetened chocolate
Ok, I know the cumino and I use a pinch of cinnamon in my chili, BUT my chili tastes like chili.
I don't want a chili that tastes like an apple pie - TYVM.
AND it's on spaghetti!!!!!11!!!
Elizabethan cannon p()rn
That's Queen Elizabeth of the Armada time frame and why England's navy was so feared.
After a shipwreck discovered off the channel islands, we find that her fleet was probably armed with uniform weaponry instead of the hodge-podge assortment of her fathers time.
These cannon and the new naval tactics were the foundation of the world wide English empire, and the same ones that Nelson used at the Battle of Trafalgar.
But I promised cannon p()rn didn't I?
But you actually wanted to see something more action packed, didn't you.
After a shipwreck discovered off the channel islands, we find that her fleet was probably armed with uniform weaponry instead of the hodge-podge assortment of her fathers time.
These cannon and the new naval tactics were the foundation of the world wide English empire, and the same ones that Nelson used at the Battle of Trafalgar.
But I promised cannon p()rn didn't I?
But you actually wanted to see something more action packed, didn't you.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Is the anything it can't do?
(Aside from confronting totalitarianism)
Now they've found Atlantis.
Because the Google earth found a city like grid in the ocean near the Canary Islands.
Except that the 'modern' city with parallel streets and blocks as we know it in America has only been around for about 300 years.
If it was Atlantis, it would look like a bowl of spaghetti with the rabbit warren-like roads and alleys.
(Aside from confronting totalitarianism)
Now they've found Atlantis.
Because the Google earth found a city like grid in the ocean near the Canary Islands.
Except that the 'modern' city with parallel streets and blocks as we know it in America has only been around for about 300 years.
If it was Atlantis, it would look like a bowl of spaghetti with the rabbit warren-like roads and alleys.
The cast
Prince George:
A clueless spendthrift with no leadership experience.
Edmond Blackadder:
Chief advisor to His Highness and self serving schemer.
Your 'umble servant and source of many ideas for the Prince.
Queenies chamberlain (think a 17th century Rahm Emmanuel).
Pitt, The younger
The loyal opposition.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
67 years ago
On this day the idol of the Democratic party signed Executive Order 9066.
This order forced hundreds of thousands of loyal Americans into detention kamps so as to better monitor their activities.
Yep, in addition to his governmental meddling that added 7 years to the great depression- he had no problem rounding up the undesirables.
Because he had to *Do SOMETHING!!!111!!!*
This order forced hundreds of thousands of loyal Americans into detention kamps so as to better monitor their activities.
Yep, in addition to his governmental meddling that added 7 years to the great depression- he had no problem rounding up the undesirables.
Because he had to *Do SOMETHING!!!111!!!*
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Pepsi cola
And why I'll never drink their product again.
In addition to all those Hopey/change/we can improve/lets get together and *DO* something good videos we were flooded by-----with a Pepsi label strategically attached.
I saw a huge new billboard on the way home tonight.
One of these logos and a singlecommunist campaign style word like *Taste* or *Flavor*.
Because, frankly it reminds me more and more of this.
And is it me, or can these lamestream liberals in the media NOT get enough of their boi?
I mean I'm hearing their Saviors voice more in this last month than I think I heard Bush in the aftermath of 9-11.
But then the Media wasn't in the habit of even acting like a group of squeeing fanbois for even Bill Clinton. I guess that's the new media taking over.
In addition to all those Hopey/change/we can improve/lets get together and *DO* something good videos we were flooded by-----with a Pepsi label strategically attached.
I saw a huge new billboard on the way home tonight.
One of these logos and a single
Because, frankly it reminds me more and more of this.
And is it me, or can these lamestream liberals in the media NOT get enough of their boi?
I mean I'm hearing their Saviors voice more in this last month than I think I heard Bush in the aftermath of 9-11.
But then the Media wasn't in the habit of even acting like a group of squeeing fanbois for even Bill Clinton. I guess that's the new media taking over.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Missed out again
All those tax breaks in the Unicorn Riders political reward scheme don't affect me at all.
Just like the one under Bush, and all the other tax 'fixes'.
Because I am NOT a first time home buyer. (I wonder just how many of them there are, really)
I am NOT wealthy enough to worry about the Alternative minimum tax.
My last tax write-off turned 18 a week ago.
I don't commute, so miss out on that slop.
I don't own a profitable business (yet)
I'm still employed (until I hit another questionably marked gas line), so can't claim the first $2400 of unemployment either.
Oh, I DO get an extra $13 a week in the Messiah's benevolence- which is $200 LESS than that greedy Bush and his tax cutting commercial recovery thing. AND $100 less than even the stingy first promise in the pork bill.
Just like the one under Bush, and all the other tax 'fixes'.
Because I am NOT a first time home buyer. (I wonder just how many of them there are, really)
I am NOT wealthy enough to worry about the Alternative minimum tax.
My last tax write-off turned 18 a week ago.
I don't commute, so miss out on that slop.
I don't own a profitable business (yet)
I'm still employed (until I hit another questionably marked gas line), so can't claim the first $2400 of unemployment either.
Oh, I DO get an extra $13 a week in the Messiah's benevolence- which is $200 LESS than that greedy Bush and his tax cutting commercial recovery thing. AND $100 less than even the stingy first promise in the pork bill.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Contact information
You'd think that a political blog that has 12 contributors would have an e-mail for at least ONE of them, wouldn't you? The three with an AOL account don't count, since my windows didn't recognize the three who had one.
But being as it's a Republican blog, I can understand them not wanting unhinged Liberal hate mail as a matter of course. That's bad in that someone who left a comment wanted to let then know that their comments might be broken or just not work with FireFox.
Then again it could just be waiting for approval, it doesn't say.
I guess that whole 'contact' thing and communicating with your readers is kinda old school and unhip for Austin young republicans.
But being as it's a Republican blog, I can understand them not wanting unhinged Liberal hate mail as a matter of course. That's bad in that someone who left a comment wanted to let then know that their comments might be broken or just not work with FireFox.
Then again it could just be waiting for approval, it doesn't say.
I guess that whole 'contact' thing and communicating with your readers is kinda old school and unhip for Austin young republicans.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Texas on my mind
As long as I'm touching on things that directly affect this state:
Lance Armstrong, I call BULLSH!T on your statewide ban on smoking.
You say 'as a cancer survivor, I want to put a statewide ban on a legal product used by responsible adults who willingly associate because *I* don't like it.'
In spit of the fact that second hand tobbacco smoke has never been implicated in testicular cancer.
That dope that those Liberals you're always hanging out with smoke, however IS linked to testicular cancer.....
So when are you going to tell your Liberal buddies to put out the bong when your around?
Yeah, I didn't think so, because it's not cool to be anti illegal substance in your circle.
Tell you what Smoke free Texas-
And if it passes, I'm sure it will work just as well as prohibition did in the 30's and the war on drugs is working now.
Oh, look- Lance is working to force his Socialistic ideals on the citizens of Wisconsin, too!
Lance Armstrong, I call BULLSH!T on your statewide ban on smoking.
You say 'as a cancer survivor, I want to put a statewide ban on a legal product used by responsible adults who willingly associate because *I* don't like it.'
In spit of the fact that second hand tobbacco smoke has never been implicated in testicular cancer.
That dope that those Liberals you're always hanging out with smoke, however IS linked to testicular cancer.....
So when are you going to tell your Liberal buddies to put out the bong when your around?
Yeah, I didn't think so, because it's not cool to be anti illegal substance in your circle.
Tell you what Smoke free Texas-
- And your 601 poll takers who gave you a 68% anti-smoking opinion
- and your 27 Texas cities who already outlaw a legal product
- and the rest of you Socialist who want to outlaw something YOU don't like
And if it passes, I'm sure it will work just as well as prohibition did in the 30's and the war on drugs is working now.
Oh, look- Lance is working to force his Socialistic ideals on the citizens of Wisconsin, too!
The dyslexia of reality
And the Liberal mindset'
I don't know if anyone outside of Texas (or the other border states) have heard that the Pentagon has basically said that next to Pakistan, Mexico is the next country fixing to fail as a functioning state. If not a total breakdown, then the northern part anyway, and the results will cross our border.
Not that it'll be readily apparent because of all the illegals we have now....
In additional dysfunctional reality realization, we have the Democrat congress critters (last paragraph)along with the Texas border coalition STILL trying to stop the fence. I can't find the pull quote I heard on the radio, but it went something like this:
'That fence is now costing almost $7 million per mile, it's time President Obama cut the waste and put the money to good use elsewhere...' or words to that effect.
OK. Just look at it as a Bush pre-stimulus package! Hey, it does everything the Obama stimulus package does- wastes money on something you don't like, rewards political supporters and does absolutely nothing for the average taxpayer.
Look, America wants that fence and will need it soon. If you don't want it impeding your interaction with your cunyous (coonyows?) across the border, we'll build it behind you.
I don't know if anyone outside of Texas (or the other border states) have heard that the Pentagon has basically said that next to Pakistan, Mexico is the next country fixing to fail as a functioning state. If not a total breakdown, then the northern part anyway, and the results will cross our border.
Not that it'll be readily apparent because of all the illegals we have now....
In additional dysfunctional reality realization, we have the Democrat congress critters (last paragraph)along with the Texas border coalition STILL trying to stop the fence. I can't find the pull quote I heard on the radio, but it went something like this:
'That fence is now costing almost $7 million per mile, it's time President Obama cut the waste and put the money to good use elsewhere...' or words to that effect.
OK. Just look at it as a Bush pre-stimulus package! Hey, it does everything the Obama stimulus package does- wastes money on something you don't like, rewards political supporters and does absolutely nothing for the average taxpayer.
Look, America wants that fence and will need it soon. If you don't want it impeding your interaction with your cunyous (coonyows?) across the border, we'll build it behind you.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
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