Saturday, September 13, 2008

Anybody else having intrawebz trouble?

I'm having a hard time loading new sites and I think IKE might have kinda flooded the intratubes when he hit Houston and DFW. Where there are major communications points.
And routers and servers.

I've been trying all day to call my younger sister in Sugarland, just south of Houston, but kep getting a busy signal. I guess it's better than all the lines are down,,,,but.

I heard the long way around that my mom and older sis and her family are ok up in Conroe. Still haven't been able to contact them diectly either.

Oh well, AlGore will have to invent another internet that's environmentally friendler this time, maybe he can get a matching Nobel prize for it and put it up on nis "I love me" wall.

Speaking of flooding, I hear N'awlins took on water. Where do you think the MSm is going to be dashing Bush about FEMA -again?

Friday, September 12, 2008

I guess you've all heard the newest Dem talking point

About Jesus being a community organizer and Pilate being a Governor.

First of all, what do those anti Christian Liberals know about Jesus?
Secondly, What did he do to "organize" them?
AND why are they always trotting him out when they think it will benefit them?

Now about this Jesus=Obama thing....Does that mean that Sarah is fixing to crucify him?

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Who would have thought

That a rock band would have the backgound narative for this election?

Playing hard is one thing digging up lies and innuendo is quite another
Heres to you Obaminator opposition researchers up there in Wasilla:

Picking on the girl.....
Isn't McCain at the top of the ticket?

Oh, yeah- can't forget Joe, can we?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Looks like we're still here

And if you're reading this, that CERN ginormous atom smasher didn't create any earth sized black holes.

I didn't think it would, just more alarmists going off on hypotheticals.
When we tested the first atom bomb in New Mexico, the earths atmosphere was supposed to catch fire, too.
So now all you Tx gulf coast evacuees have one less (or more) thing to worry about.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

And I bet he was their version of a republican

See, Thailand's P.M. was forced to resign for getting paid to be on a cooking show, which was some kind of conflict of interest.

Kinda like the witch hunts that are going on in Wassilla right now for a certain Republican by the coalition of nasty little people.

Chit, you'd think she was running for something important
...OR they're running scared and want to beat up on the girl.

Monday, September 08, 2008

I could do that

It would probably take longer than five minutes, though.

Karen was less than impressed, though.
Something along the lines of 'He couldn't find anything else than removing the clothes from a blonde?'

I heard this on the way to the Saxet gun show today

And realized it was the perfect Palin song:

Oh, Rhianna- there were kids of all ages there,,,so next time you're in the states you can bring the girls.
We didn't find anything we really wanted-especially when I found out that they were using wireless for their debit& credit card transactions. I got 100 rounds of reloads for $21, though.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

A slightly more motivated week-end

And the euphoria has dampened a bit on our only Reaganesque conservative in the race. Yes, I'm voting for Sarah. Too bad I have to put McCain in the top spot, though.

I got the rest of the lawn mowed (finished)and started in on the paddock so I could back the truck to the workshop.
I'm extending the loafing shed that I'm using as a shop.
It's currently about 12' x 12' and pretty much square. I say pretty much because the guys who formed it up weren't all that careful because cows and horses don't really care, do they?
When I laid out my string lines for the base, I half-assed the measurements and only checked to see if they were parallel. They were, the slab is cocked, so my 12' x 12' post and beam base is off square by about two inches compared to a square subfloor.
The slab isn't level, either.

It has an existing sloped roof that I'll need to decide what I can/ want to do without completely reworking the steel pipes it's framed with. I'll probably go with just extending the roof and lessening the slop by half.
Right now it goes from about eight feet to about seven in the 12', if I go from eight feet to seven in 24' it'll still work. It's not like I'm building for habitation, and I can leave the steel where it is. If I do that, I can even run some triplex overhead and get away from trenching and conduit.

Today, I'm finally changing the oil in the trucks and painting the new shop floor.

Friday, September 05, 2008

What an interesting real life comparison

See the Republican convention had a Liberal union lackey guy fall asleep on the teleprompter.
I don't know if you knew this, but the teleprompter was supposed to stop during breaks in the speech when Sarah and Rudy were speaking, they didn't have a functioning telepromper...and you probably heard how they did.

More than one of the lamestream media said that she knocked it out of the park. Rudy ran long, because he had to go it cold and extemporize.
You probably heard part of it at least. I was wondering why she was looking at her notes so much... but hey, she didn't choke like the anointed one without his speech writers help.
What an interesting real life comparison between the 'veteran presidential campaigner' and the 'newbie'.

I wonder how much sleep Sarah had had in the last 48 hours before her speech?

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Jumping on the Palin theme meme

How about Thunderstuck?

She's got b@lls?

Don't stop me now!

Got yours?

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Unless I missed it

I haven't heard another explanation about the VERY public pregnancy announcement of the 17 year-old Palin.

I've heard all kinds of excuses and contortions about the fact that it seems the McCain campaign got blindsided by this.
Maybe they did. But I'd bet my paycheck against Mo Dowds that i wasn't some kind of head fake from anyone. Gov. Palin was vetted and answered a VERY intrusive questionnaire.
Her whole family probably had to answer on, too. Which is all well and good ,,,until you remember that teen agers are -teen agers, and we all know how open they are.

I'd have to go out on a limb here and stretch myself to say that maybe little Bristol just discovered that fact herself, and being the usual teen, decided that it wouldn't be a good time to let mom know about her little secret.


Oh, sorry- I'm stretching, aren't I? Because we all know that teens are little bots of ourselves that would *never* think of doing what they were told not to do, and when things go pear shaped- run right to their parents to spill their guts,,,because waiting would just make it worse.

Yeah, I'd bet some info was lost on the way up the chain of command on that one.


It's been almost a week and all the Left can come up with is attacking the Palin kids?
Classy Dems, real class.

Where are those incriminating bikini pics that were supposed to shock the right and forever doom the Republicans to minority status?

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Taking a look at the latest Leftist 'concerns'

Ok, we have the next Veep and her four month old Downs syndrome child.
The Left is all over it's self about their concern for his well being- because, somehow Palin will be unable to care for him in the White house,,,for some reason.

Let me see if I'm wrong somewhere.
  • She'll be Veep, which is basically voting as a tiebreaker in the Senate....Don't see much of that happening. It's not like opening federal offices and hanging in a secure undeclared location is going to be much of a strain, either.
  • She'll be able to make her own rules (pretty much) as to the nursery thing in her office suites,,,I'd think.
  • You'd think by now they'd have the NannyGate thing settled, so she can get competent help.
  • Right now she's actively doing her job as Governor of Alaska, somehow it might be a little more stressful than cutting ribbons in front of .gov buildings.
I'm sure I can think of more, but I'm looking for electrician/operators jobs right now.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Thing-1 had a birthday

And we went to a Chineese joint.
Guess what one had as a side to her bait sushi?

Tracing links

I got a hit on my sitemeter and was kinda just link surfing when the obvious hit me.
Aside from the obvious Liberal blogs (Koz, MyDD, NYT), alot of the leftie blogs try to sound middle-of-the-road or even centrist until you look at their post titles and a sample of their posts.

Not even bothering with the left/right fallout regarding our next VP, I'm just wondering about those blogs.
I used to link to the Moderate Voice, and several other leftie-central blogs until they just fell over the cliff and I couldn't stand the Bush derangement syndrome any more.
What I'm wondering is- do those blogs really think they're *not* preaching the daily memo, or are they just trying to reel unsuspecting readers in?

I'm a conservative, have been since I saw how much the .gov took out of my first real check.
I don't pretend this blog is anything but what it is--some thing I vent on and hopefully entertain my 3-4 daily readers.

I believe we have too many people with their hands out and not enough self respect to be shamed about how they act.

I believe the baby boomers (which I'm the last part of) have ruined this country with their selfishness- and passed it on to their kids.

I'm a conservative, not a Republican. The Republicans walked away from me and the fact that they're now starting to act like Republicans is a good start, but won't automatically get my vote this cycle- they need to show me they learned.

I believe that drilling now WILL drop fuel prises and that nukes are more earth friendly than the other 'renewable energy' scams.

I believe that guns are tools. They're not inherently 'good' or 'bad' anymore than a shovel is.

I know my history, and that the socialist (they didn't call it that back then) experiment almost aborted this country before it was born, and the only way the Colonies prospered was to embrace the capitalist system.

I believe in God. I was raised a Lutheran, and although I'm falling down in my church attendance- I believe He will be my final judge so I try to follow my upbringing (for the most part).

I believe that I have my right to be 'offended' by rap lyrics and the actions of those on the left as much as those same people are acting offended by religion and historical beliefs(the Cross and the flag).

I love my dogs, but I know they're not furry little people and you have to act like big dog to get them to behave- it's the same with some cultures. They only respect strength and regard 'dialogue' as weakness.

After real life experience with owning foreign trucks, I believe I'll stick with domestic vehicles for the value. accessories, mileage and repairability(I can't get anyone to call back on the Mitsu tune up or timing belt).

I believe illegals will (mostly) go home if they don't have jobs or .gov assistance to stay here. I also believe that those responsible for hiring hundreds of plant workers can't claim they 'didn't know' they were hiring illegals, and should be sent to jail.

I believe that the earth has been changing ever since God separated the heavens from the earth and caused dry land to appear from the sea. (Isn't that kinda like ... evolution?) and that man has little-to-no impact.

Getting back to the beginning of this rant...I'm not sure what Liberals really think, but I believe that most have the emotional maturity of tweens, and that they'd rather argue with emotions than facts.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Sarah Palin in a bikini?

How about this?

Bring it on, I'd defiantly like to see that! She was a runner-up as Miss Alaska and the hottest Veep we've had running...EVAR.

Ace is saying the Left is trying to find intimidating bikini pictures so they can throw them up and ...I guess freak us out of voting for her...or something.
I guess the left has conservatives mixed up with their some of their core groups who would be grossed out by a hot babe. Or the Left thinks conservatives are so uptight that we want to bring back woolen bathing suits foe women.
Sorry guys, that's the RoP who you support in all their women hating glory...because they're, like so not fundamentalist Christians trying to force everyone to go to church.

Sarah Palin in a bikini.
Beauty, brains, boldness and a body!

Off to the saltmine again

Like I told the head of H.R. when he asked about our crew (after the leadman quit), if anyone offered me $XX.01- I'd start tomorrow for them.
Then I went on to tell him what was wrong with the chain of command and the entire project from my worms-eye view.
Which pretty much corroborated what the leadman said.

At least it's not supposed to rain because you can't dig a hold in water.
But, then again as much confusion as there is over there- they'd want me to do it anyway.

So, how soon do you think gas will hit $4/gal this week-end?
Or $4.50 if you're already there?

Thursday, August 28, 2008

I would have tossed it, too

I guess I'm not the only one that thinks art should look like *something*.
Except that this Leger Cubist painting was Worth millions.

You make the call:

It's kinda like spanish...once they tell you what the word means, you go "oh, yeah- now I see the (english/latin)connection."

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I know where the hurricaine is heading

And I haven't heard a weather report or even looked at a weather site.
As a matter of fact, I just got home and judging from the dime increase in gas, the hurricane is strengthening and heading right for the oil rigs.

The only oil rigs we have producing too---Thanks Libs.
The coming holiday doesn't help either, but those prices usually wit until Fri. to go up.

YEP, according to NOAA, it's heading right towards those deserving people of N'awlines for FEMAscam II.

We won! Please send money

I just got a letter from the NRA telling about how they helped win the D.C> v Heller case.
Now they want to go after other socialist cities.

BUT, in order to do that they need money. Thoughtfully enclosed in the faux legal document is a donation form starting at $20 and going up by tens.
Sorry guys, the only reason I'm a member now is because my gun club requires it- for the insurance.

Not much else is going on here. I'm still stuck at the mis-managed sportsplex by 1604. Yesterday we were informed that the in slab conduit that was supposedly changed to overhead was now back under slab, and that they are pouring this morning.
And the trench we dug and backfilled was supposed to have four more runs of 2" conduit when it was done....three months ago...before the sidewalks were poured.

Y'all have a good day.

P.S...that new seal/logo of the Obaminator, you've seen it right?
The dove with an olive branch in it's mouth on the American flag getting ready to fly?

How many of you know what a bird does as soon as it's air born to reduce weight?

Sunday, August 24, 2008

This being Sunday...

I should be doing things around the house.

In Karens new room, the closet door needs to be reversed because of the "artwork" that won't scrub off. The closet light needs a new pull switch and the entrance door striker needs to elongated to make up for the shifting house.
But, if I can't even stand where I need to, I won't do it.
I also found two coffee cups and a glass of evaporated cool-aide that I'd been blaming Thing-2 for. I guess it's just the ....ambiance of the room that lends it's self to hoarding kitchen utensils.

Thing-2's room needs the door latch roto-grinder treatment, too- but she's not too concerned about the dogs nosing their way in any time they want; so that's on hold.

The photocell in the carport needs changing, but I loaned the big ladder to the neighbors.

The lawn needs mowing, but it's still saturated.

The trucks need an oil change, but the grass is wet.

I have as much of the workshops flooring down as I want to go right now (the crooked pier and beam base and the square joists) because I don't want to drop plywood and have it rained on until I'm ready to get some cover on it.

I need to update my resume again.

I'd go to the range, but don't want to get eaten up by mosquitoes.

I'm just spectacularly unmotivated this week-end.

Joe Biden.
Those Libs love a loser, don't they?
I thought St. Barry was supposed to be the smartest negro in America.
But, then I'm not nuanced enough to understand how adding a 30 year D.C. insider is advancing *change*.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

This oughtta be fun

Our presumptive Veep is Joe Biden.
Now they have the Indian vote sewed up.
And be assured that we have a certified *clean and articulate black man* running for the leadership of all humanity.

.....Even the newsies on Fox are wetting themselves in excitement.

Yep, this ought to be fun to watch.

UPDATE (The first)
How do you FAIL an ROTC class? All you have to do is show up for a passing grade.

UPDATE (dos)
How many times has this dork failed at running for Prez?

Thursday, August 21, 2008


I'm still working at that clusterf*ck west of Randolph AFB.
It rained all week-end and the ground is still saurated, so I missed two days work and yesterday had to do interior work.

Today we have to straighten up all four of the 125' stadium light poles because the guy who was supposed to level them out half-@ssed it and now their standing crooked.

I guess I need to get used to ditch work in one spot for a while because I could just feel the loooorve from Selma all the way over to west San Antonio when they found out I had a blow-out and shredded all the fiberglass on the right side of the truck. $3000 worth of damage. The only thing that didn't get ruined was the furl tank. So with that and a new kid giveing the bosses b***s a tongue bath for ten hours a day, I won't be near any big trucks for a long time.

Oh well, I know I'm the highest paid laborer they have.....

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

“Huzza, my boys, we’ve made a brig of her!"

On this day during the War for American maritime rights the USS Constitution was victorious in a short, sharp broadside to broadside exchange with the HMS Guerriere.

In 1794 the USS Constitution was part of a fledgling six Frigate Navy.
Carrying 44 guns,sided with Georgia Live Oak and over sheeted (carrying too much sail) she was the Heavy Cruiser of her day.

On this day in 1812, she was searching for the British Frigate HMS Guerriere (38 38pounders) who she spotted in fog earlier. When The Constitution- under Capt. Issac Hull foundthe Guerriere, they began to gain the wind advantage.
While maneuvering, they began to take fire from the Brits in the shrouds (ropes and sails).
Capt. Hull refused to fire until he was ready, and at 50 yards distance he let go his first broadside which shredded the British ship abaft and felled her mizzen mast.

Sailing past the unmanouverable ship, Hull then crossed her T with his portside cannon, sending grapeshot and cannon balls down the entire deck. This also weakened the bowsprit.

In coming about for another broadside, the Constitution became entangled in the bowsprit of the Guerriere and her Marines in the fighting tops poured musket fire on the enemy decks until they wrenched themselves apart.

The stress then collapsed the Guerriere's bowsprit bringing down her remaining masts, rendering her at the mercy of the sea and the Americans circling to re-engage.
After Captain Dacres surrendered, it was found that the Guerriere was too badly damaged in the hull to salvage and then set ablaze.
The Constitution was almost undamaged, with the 38 pounders of the British bouncing off the thick Live Oak sides, which gave her her nickname of "Old Ironsides".

The casualties were 79 British Tars and 14 Americans wounded or dead.

The USS Constitution is the oldest Commissioned active duty ship in the American Navy, she was involved in our first unilateral war in the Mideast, and served her nation during both world wars as a Barracks ship and a training ship until she was berthed at her home pier in the Boston Navy Yard.
She almost came under the wreckers yard because she was too worn out after the Civil War for the Navy to repair her, and was saved by a future Supreme Court Judge and a short poem he motivated Americans with:

Old Ironsides

Ay, tear her tattered ensign down!
Long has it waved on high,
And many an eye has danced to see
That banner in the sky;
Beneath it rung the battle shout,
And burst the cannon's roar;
The meteor of the ocean air
Shall sweep the clouds no more!

Her deck, once red with heroes' blood,
Where knelt the vanquished foe,
When winds were hurrying o'er the flood
And waves were white below,
No more shall feel the victor's tread,
Or know the conquered knee;
The harpies of the shore shall pluck
The eagle of the sea!

Oh, better that her shattered hulk
Should sink beneath the wave;
Her thunders shook the mighty deep,
And there should be her grave;
Nail to the mast her holy flag,
Set every threadbare sail,
And give her to the God of storms,
The lightning and the gale!

Lets get a "Peace in Georgia" march going!

I just sent this to Code Pinko asking about their next peace march.

I was wondering if or when I can become a member of your latest anti-war march in San Antonio, Tx?

I looked on your websites and didn't see anything about a peace march against the Russians unilaterally invading a sovereign country without even the U.N. as cover.

I know as caring people who only want war to stop, that you're doing your best to keep abreast of the continuing atrocities committed in this war of aggression, and want to flood the world with anti-war statements.

Please let me know when I can expect to join your peace demonstration.

Thank you for your time and dedication to ending conflicts in the world.

Kurt Petrolopolis

I'll let you know when I hear something.
Maybe all us protesters can get together in say ....a phone booth.

There's a huge load of 'nuance' that I missed

I see by a Reuters story that the two candidates have different views on patriotism.

ATLANTA (Reuters) - The U.S. presidential election presents a sharp contrast between two types of patriotism: John McCain stands as a war hero. His rival Barack Obama calls Americans back to the can-do spirit of the nation's founders.

Ummm,,,ok. Now here's that nuance that I missed:

Democratic candidate Obama has made patriotism a core theme of his campaign, seeking to inspire voters to overcome divisions of race and party and using his own story as a child of a Kenyan father and Kansas mother as an example of opportunities available only in America.
Except, that being the Democrat Socialist that he is, he uses his victimhood minority status as a club.

But, like I've admitted before- nuance isn't my strong point.
The way I see it is that though misguided- McCain actually seems to WANT to put America first; while The Great [redacted] Hope wants to BLAME America first. But don't question his patriotism.

OH.....and in the vein of America being the sole source of evil in the world. How are Barry's plans for the invasion of Pakistan coming along? Looks like a good time to dust them off with the power vacuum and all.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Regarding the corn-for-fuel boondoggle

I made a comment over at Freds place about being taxed paying for that ethanol four times. The way I look at it is that I'm paying income tax and the government is using that to pay subsidies to mega-corporations involved in farming, and not so much the few remaining family farms. Then it's given to subsidize the ethanol mandate (usually to a part of the same company) to produce that inefficient, energy intense additive.
In addition, I'm paying a fuel tax if I buy it.
I'm also paying more for anything made from any type of corn product- meat, cooking oil, cookies, bread, soda... and the increased tax -again- as a percentage of the cost.

So, am I wrong for thinking the .gov is looking out for their big lobbyists from "Big Ag" rather than their constituents?

Saturday, August 16, 2008


Let there be BLOG!

Now I can finally be using the internet for what it's for:

Monday, August 11, 2008

It's deafening, isn't it?

The silence from the Left about Russia unilaterally and unlawfully invading a sovereign country for the sake of their imperialist aggressions.

Not to mention the complete outrage against the indiscriminate killing of civilians who's only fault was their inability to get out of the way of those mother rapers and baby killers.

But, then again, it's usually hard to condemn those who hold your ideologies.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Call me Mac Gyver

We ended up working yesterday over at the mismanaged football stadium on the east side yesterday.
The General Contractor who will remain nameless decided to do the underground work backwards- more or less. Generally you put the deepest utilities in first...sewage, drainage, water mains...footings.

This GC was afraid that the drillers would hit the utilities, so wouldn't let then get started until the piers were poured (and other utilities were being buried).
This CG was the only one I've worked for who refused to give elevations for the finished we knew how deep to put our conduit.
I haven't been there the entire time (thank Gawd) so I don't know how much we've had to repair, replace or move- but we do get paid to redo our work and just on rework the company made money. Lots of money.

Anyway, we were out there yesterday just finishing up rerunning the new conduit for the parking lot lights, and needed to bend some PVC conduit into the pole base where the paving prep crew had broken it -when we couldn't find a lighter for the torch. None of our crew smoke and we were the last ones out there.
I knew I didn't have any fire making materials in my truck, so was back filling while the others took their vehicles apart looking for a lighter or striker.

When I got done, I told the Lead man...we ARE electricians, we have plenty of spare wire lying around and we have a backhoe with a strong battery....we can get that torch lit and go home.
So we have three people, two pair of six foot wire and a 12 volt 125 amp battery for plenty of spark...ZAP, whoosh, *heat-heat*, glue and bury- and we're out of there.

I'm sure glad OSHA wasn't around.

We're still on the punishment list and will be until we get below 70% of allowable usage. We're at 89% now, and Thing-2 still insists on using her laptop that I suspect is the problem...because "I can't check my MySpace mail on the other computer."

That's because I have the cookies blocked from that spyware generator; but I'll unblock it so she doesn't have an excuse anymore.