Friday, August 08, 2008

More driving tips from Kurt

Yes, it's that time again.... Been a busy week for some clueless peeps out there.
I wonder if some of them still have their car in one piece.

  • Here's a hint to the kid who has a hard time with his spatial skillz- The drivers seat is on the LEFT. That's the reason the steering wheel and pedals are on that side. When yoy try to drive from the middle, you can't control your vehicle- especially around curvs at the speed limit.
I guess that's why you were going 15MPH below the speed limit on the lower level of I-35N in the fast lane during morning rush hour.
Here's another don't look cool- from the back you look like you have MS.
AND if you have a bud leaning the opposite way from the right, it looks like you two are ready for a liplock.

  • On passing, or weaving. How about repeated lane changin?
Once or twice is ok, you keep trying to take peoples bumpers off, and you'll piss off someone with a gun pretty soon.

  • It's an accident scene, NOT a show. Drive past it and look for it on the news, all you're doing is pissing off the 3/4 mile worth of traffic behind you.

  • The sign said the lane was closed, I got into this lane almost a mile ago- I'm NOT going to let you in at the last two yards.

  • If you keep getting passed on the right and then getting cut-off when they get into the FAST lane, you might consider moving into the GRANNY lane. The mile worh of open road in front and the red faces in your mirror might give you another clue.

  • I can only go as fast as the people in front of me let me drive; lunging a foot off my bumper won't make you go any faster. It might make me decide what to do with that half quart of gear oil I have rolling around next to my toolbox, though.

  • As I told the 17yr-old. When there's a huge traffic jam on a major road, and you see the big trucks all start to work their way to one lane- THAT'S a good place to decide to be, too.
"Oh, I know that."
"Really? How did you know that?"
"They can see farther down the road."
(OH! I didn't think of that.) "How about they're talking to each other on their CBs? The oncomming lane is telling them what happened and which lane is moving."
"Ok, that makes sense, too."

  • And in conclusion, allow me to point out one thing, again.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Update on our self imposed outage

DISHinternet or more likely WildBlue caved into Google (ok, sice they're both Liberally driven- happily partenered)and changed their start page, so I can't just take a look at my usage.

Now I have to sign-in at the "Google Partener page" then I get sent to DISHmail (GoogleMAil) then I can click to go to my start page.
Since Google took over, the download chart has been updated and 'improved' so now it onlt has my percentage of use (I don't need the actual Kilobites I used) and instead of updating hourly, We gat to see changes about daily.

We must have had massive usage, or Google/DISH has changed the way they measure both downloads and uploads, since after having the modem unplugged for a day and a half- we're down to 97% downloads and went UP to 50% uploads.

I'm wondering- if anyone knows, how much data would having about five different IM's going (on the same laptop) use? Is it data intensive, or more like looking at text pages? I know Wildblue hates BitTorrent type apps....

Anyway, y'all enjoy your day.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

I normally try to avoid a car wreck

But today when I got done shopping, I had to go out of my way to gawk.
See this ,,,ummm,,,,Caddy SUV pulled into the parking lot and the first thing I noticed was the air dam.
The 16" wide air dam that went from his lowered front end (about 3/4" from the ground) to his custom plastic covered bumper.
Then I noticed the 2" thick tires on the over sized rims.
After that my eyes travelled to the custom hoods scoops and the blackened windows - mine weren't that dark when I bought the S-10 and Johnny Law made me peel it off.
Along back to the plastic overly wide ground effect package at the sides and back, and the highly effective spoiler at the top of the rear hatch.

In all it looked horrible in an expensive way.

Wonderful, just terrific...

There'll be even more limited posting for the unforseen future.
We just got hit with a big Fair Access Policy violation because we not only got close to the top download limit- we shot through so fast that I only got the warning before we were over.

And since the only thing that changed lately is the 17 yr-olds new laptop, she'll be gounded from using it for at least a week- until we gat to 50% of our allowable downloads (1.2G average) and our usual speed (around 11Kps).
I don't know if it was her downloading everything she could click her curser on; she downloaded a virus or VISTA is talking to Bill Gates.

The reason I'm thinking if the last two is because our upload is 45% of our allowable. We've never had it that high even when we got fapped before, and she knows that if she downloaded too much she'd loos her laptop untill we got back to normal.

We are now sitting at 125Kps...not much for $75/mo. is it?

Saturday, August 02, 2008

So, sitemeter is giving fits?

I should say those of you who haven't updated to Fire Fox and are having problems with Sitemeter because your Internet Explorer7.

My laptop has F/F 1.5.?? and never freezes or crashes, the main computer has F/F 2.5.??
and doesn't have problems. I didn't like F/F 3.0 because it's too much like IE7.

In addition to all the quaint 'quirks' of Explorer y'all are having, I'd like to point out that I get more spyware from Thing 2 going to her 'social networking sites' when she insists on opening Explorer- than I do on F/F looking at p0rn trying to remember what a female looks like.

But I'm not talking to anyone who's actuallyUSING Explorer, because YOU CAN'T READ THIS right now.
Can you?

So now we know

So you take the angle of the dangle and transpose it with the velocity of the rotational attitude with the additional sine wave of the mass, then in the next equation we add the rhythmic acoustical signature of the timing.
Thus you come up with:

Oh, btw- congratulations Brian May!

Friday, August 01, 2008

On the morning TV news

We have these two notes on the important business that out Liberal Congress is looking at.

A permanent ban on cell phone conversations on airlines. Two of the things I caught were the(usual)overly loud and abusive conversations inflicted on their seatmates.
The fact that people have been taking pictures of sensitive parts of airplanes with their cell cameras. Think about that for a moment. I just woke up after a weeks worth of overtime and I realize that a cell phone can take a picture without being connected, so how is that law going to change anything? Are they going to require phones to be in carry-on baggage? Or will they be required to put them in their checked baggage (for ICE to steal)?

Also is the fact that making college more affordable is a looming priority for them.
No, they're not going to look at the huge and unwarranted increase in tuition and fees.
BUT they'll do something to make getting loans and your money grants easier to get.

Still no mention about doing anything in the way of increasing the supply of fuel in America before their month long summer break.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The chain of command works both ways

The ones on top are responsible for those below them and those below are supposed to do their job to keep those above them from falling on them.

Respect and responsibility go both ways, too.

I don't know if anyone else heard about the $70 million fire aboard the USS George Washington (CVN-73) cause by smoking in an unauthorized space.

See, onboard ship (especially an aircraft carrier) you have all kinds of highly flammable material around- fuel oil, AVGAS, JP4 and 5, hydraulics, solvents, paint, etc... leaking, applied, dropped stored or any way you can think of just waiting for that wrong trifecta of events to jump into a conflagration.

In this case it was probably diesel oil leaking from a feed to the boiler.
Because no matter how good the fitting, on a moving, twisting, shuddering ship you'll always have leakage.

What I was thinking about in the title, was that the Navy removed both the CO and XO and left the rest in place waiting on the new Captain to deal with.
Everyone had something to do with the problem that cause that fire, from the PO-3 (E-4)in charge of his detail to the 1st lieutenant(O-2)in charge of the division and the Chiefs (E-7 up) all the way up for not hammering safety enough.

That non-rate that probably caused the whole thing didn't have the pleasure of tough love to reinforce the whole responsibility thing.

What I also found surprising (and somewhat disconcerting) was that it caused so much degradation in the combat effectiveness of the carrier.
I'm sure the Navy will be learning from this fire like they did from the USS Forestal fire* of the 67.

*Oh Gawd, just wait untill the Libs see that last line...."John McCain started the Forestal fire!"

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I guess they're a necissary evil.

I got Thing 2 a Virgin moble cell phone to replace half of our Sprint plan.
The phone and 30 min. (about three months for her usage) cost about $65.

I tried to activate online, but got caught in one of my lies I put her birthdate at 1999 instead of 1989 and gort caught in the "Minors Privacy Protection"....whatever and they made me call in to the 800 number where I got it all activated and was all hunky-dory untill I asked about importing her old number and was met with a very southern and polite version of "Oh cr@p!", "Why didn't you tell me that the first thing?"

Ummm,,,I didn't know I was supposed to.

I then got sent to the deactivation dept. where I was deactivated and shuffled on to the activation desk 1.0 (she was brand new and had to be talked through it by a super)- I'm Ok with OJT if someone wants to learn.
So we went throught the whole thing and I even remembered the password for our Sprint acct. and was feeling pretty good untill they needed Karens SSN......ummmmmm, dammit- I don't have it any more, it got washed.

Ok, can we hold it until Karen can take over tomorrow?
No, it won't hold.
OK, looks like Karen has something to do on her lunch hour.

All in all I was on the phone for a little over an hour.
But that's ok if we can get out of a cell bill of $72/mo for two phones using 220min/ month.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Le affaire de Edwards

As reported my ther mainstream U.S. media

Unlike the other side of the pond.

A 'Koz' kid?

I wonder if he does alot of posting on Leftie blogs.
CAUTION: Heavy use of the F-bomb and dammit.

H/T Wm H

Saturday, July 26, 2008

According to Grahm Norton

Duffy is the new Amy Winehouse...without the baggage.

And she doesn't work as a fishmonger any more(?).

Ok, I guess,,, but my tastes kinda run to The Killer.
Who I listened to on the way home from work today.

ohh, she's a Brit, not a Cajun.
Ok this'll work:

Actually, he gives the perfectly unhinged tone to their songs.

Your mileage may vary

Since I got the S-10, I've been noting the MPGs as I filled up.
It's been averaging between 19.75 and 22.5. not bad, but I was wondering about the variation in fuel economy, especially since I was pretty much doing the same highway rout. I thought it may have had something to do with the weather because I seemed to get better mileage when it was cool to cold outside. It didn't make much difference if I had my A/C on or off, though.

Then I was assigned to a H.S. on the east side of San Antonio (go Rockets)and started getting my gas almost exclusively at Flying J truck stop because of their marginally better gas (it dropped to $3.68 on the way home today) and noticed my mileage holding pretty steady at 22.5 MPG, so I think my variation was from the varying amount actually measured per gallon at different stations.

And since I'm holding steady at the higher mileage, not only does Flying J have better prices, it seems that I get more gas for the price, too.

Oh, speaking of petroleum products- we got off early today (2PM) because we figured we'd poisoned Gaea enough for one day with three broken hydraulic hoses on the backhoe.

Thursday, July 24, 2008


That's what our local news has been saying most of the day about South Padre and the coastal bend.
So now downed power lines, flooding and some wrecked buildings from a Cat.2 hurricane is 'devastation'? I know it's not fun down there right now, and the utilities are telling people to boil water and the power may be out up to three days.

What kind of description will they be dreaming up when we get a MAJOR storm that really tears things up?

Just a quick question about Himself

Looking at Obamas record in both Illinois and the U.S. Senate...does he know that as President he'll actually have to make a descision?

I mean he can't just vote "present" like he has a history of doing.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A question for my Jewish readers

Ok, it seems you missed the boat about 2000 years ago and are still waiting for the chosen one, and when He arrives you will achieve *oneness* or something- right?

So what are you planning to do when 'He who is all to all' makes Himself known to your religious scholars and head Rabbis on His *introducing Himself to the world tour*?
Has anything happened yet?
I mean ObaMessiah has already landed in Israel, so there must have been a religious shudder, somewhere.

Hurricane update

It's geting onshore in Brownsville, the waves are about 17 feet.

I guess it's creating problems in the upper atmosphere because our satellite broadband is really slow.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Our newest humanitarian crisis

And it's right on our border.
Due to BusHitler McHalburton, and his Draconian immigration crackdown, hundreds, or thousands of our poorest and neediest will be weathering the coming huricain on the border, because they're afraid to head north.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Not that it matters to anyone

Ecxept those that were there and the Guammanians-
But on this day in 1944 the invasion of Guam began.
It lasted until Aug. 10 and Guam became a major jumping-off point for the invasion of Japan.

I was stationed there at Camp Covington in the early 80's and have driven some of those old abandoned WWII B-29 runways that the Seabees built on N.A.S. Agana and Polaris Point.

To all who know what it means- "Hafa Adai!"

Sunday, July 20, 2008


So I'm reading this tripe about the Prime Minister of that once gallant island nation called Great Briton, and his brown-nosing a bunch of terrorists the downtrodden Palestinians.

You know, the usual tired pigswill of Israeli occupation, and the defenders of Palestine.

Naturally he made the obligatory gesture of taking a tour of the Holocaust Museum, and as usual made the noise about never letting anything like that happen again....

I wonder if it ever occurred to Mr. Brown and all the other apologists and appeasers of those anti-Semites in the Mid-East- that in their 'Final Solution' they wouldn't even bother with the showers?

Friday, July 18, 2008

RE: Dr. Who

Ok, I got home with my takeout Whataburger (it could have been gizzards hun!).
Ate that and crashed until almost 9 when I heard the answering machine~ I think your mom called.

Anyway, I think I'm watching the Dr. Who I missed, but not sure with the little fat nodules all over America.

Anyway, in the background, two of the doKTors women are getting to know each other.
Rose, who we last saw getting sucked into the Tardus drive (somehow) and Donna the overbearing wannabe bride.

I'm not really following it, but Rose looks like the afterlife really doesn't agree with her.

oHHHH,,,,,,,,Rose told Donna "Bad Wolf".
Chit, it's the end of the world as we know it.

UPDATE (part dos)
You know those MRE tuna packs that you could just dump a bunch of mayo in and dip it out with crackers (or hash browns~yum) if you do the same thing almost twenty years latter after being dehydrated all day, you'll get the vicious hickcoughs that hurt all the way to your back.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

light to non-existant posting soon

Our stadium lighting job just obtained "DO IT NOW!" status and we'll be working either 10's or until that days job is done- whichever is longer.

That's on top of all the buried conduit that we have to repair before Aug. 18 when the fans meet the new H.S. football team.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Before looks became a selling point

And not just in politics.

I'm not sure any of these could get in the door of a major record company by talent alone, any more.

George Thorogood

Janis Joplin


Freddy Mercury?

So, oil profiteers aren't the problem?

That's what I keep hearing from their commercials and their apologists- that actually oil profiteering is 'good' for us all.

Because it helps your retirement portfolio.

Ok, has anyone told you just how much it's helping your retirement portfolio, or your mutual funds, or whatever it 'helping'?

I don't know, but I really don't see a lot of offset in 'boosting' a portfolio $5 a share when it costs double to fill your tank, buy anything made with corn, or just anything transported using petroleum- unless you own hundreds of shares (at least).

So will that $500 you made this year go to offset the $75+ to fill your tank?
or the extra cost of utilities you're on the hook for?
How can you split the future funds when they're the cause of you spending geometrically more to buy at retail what your portfolio (and the traders) are making on the profit end?

UPDATE (8:45 PM)

Sorry, but I forgot to mention that I place most of the blame on Congress, both Houses and BOTh parties.
It's not enough that We're paying for that Ethanol boondoggle four times, but just to prove how abysmally out of touch they are in D.C.- they're actually mulling that idiotic 55MPH sped limit again.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I wonder what it's like

Edited because I know whats not good to talk about.

This one's for Becky

Yes, I do have a problem with this.
Not just with the 19-yr old, but especially with the judge.

I wonder if he and Bill Clinton ever met at any frat parties?

A series of long days

Yesterday was 14 hours in the Texas sun because we had to get ahead since we were getting sent to another job for two weeks.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Pictures part dos

Here's what I came up with as a combination display case and range box to show off my Colt Navy.
Like It?

I tried to come up with a way to have everything needed to load it all in one box.
I'm not sure they even thought of something like this for such a utilitarian revolver back then, or if they had something- they'd use it for a more expensive pistol.

Displayed as a wall hanger.

Nothing can rattle around too much.

Everything you need to load, including the stand.

Everything withing easy reach.

Now, if I knew anyone who might be able to use something like this for customer or employee rewards or promotional use...

Pictures part 1

This is the Trapper case I was having trouble with.
First I cut the finger joints wrong, then I miscut the Plexiglas about a quarter inch too short to be able to make it work.
At all, no matter what.

Boy, you can really see that seam in the felt, can't you?

This is where I finally quit before I screwed up more oak pallets reclaimed seasoned oak boards.
I don't have any room in the loafing shed I tried to turn into a wood shop, so now it'll have to wait until I get out and ad another (at least) 12' x 12' section to the back.

And run some big enough wire to make it usable AND 220.
(We are stringing #4 service drops, and it IS about 100feet......hmmmm)


What an expensive week-end i'ts been.

Thing 2's computer(that we got on e-bay two years ago) had a huge hick-up and quit conneting to the internet. It has office 2000 on it and no rstore CDs, so after getting tired of f*cking with it, we all agreed to try Best-buy's Geek squad. While waiting in line I mentioned to Thing 2 that the ...girl in front of us looked like a hooked fish with her pierced bottom lip and chewing her cud gum looking exactly like a landed bass.
he saig: "Yeah, I was just thinking that, too."

Anyway, we get to the front and talked to Mr. Geek and explained what was (not) going on and how much it would cost to throw a Dell restore CD in to get it going again?
Almost $180!
UMMMmmm, ok- we'll forget that and look at new ones thankyouverymuch.
We ended up getting a Kodak digital cam to replace the Nikon that stopped working for 140; and today She got her early Christmas present in the form of a brand spanking new Acer laptop(which is copying to disc the factory restore settings as we speak).

Igot the oil and filters changed in both trucks in spite of that rotator cuff problem.
Tomorrow it's back to stringing secondary for portable classrooms.

Now it's my turn for a new hard drive.

So, how was your week-end?

We got done creating restore discs -10 of them, and now we find out that it won't connect. I have either to get with Wildblue, DISHiternet of ACER to find out what to configure,