Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Like a bad penny, she shows up again

The "runawy bride" Jennifer Wilbanks is back in the news.

Along with her ex, and- naturally her bottom feeding shyster lawyer.

She wants a cool half million from her ex fiancee because she hasn't cost him enough for supposedly defrauding her while she was on meds -and NO,not for her eyes.

Supposedly he negotiated a book deal and bought a house with his half, and booted her when he finally got tired of being the town laughing stock her chit.
Well, apparently in her all seeing eyes, she hasn't cost him enough money or pride, yet- and wants to see how much more his bank account can stand.

Jennifer Willbanks, she'll keep her eyes peeled for anything worth snatching.
You go girl, make him hurt where it really counts, and then demand even more money.

P.S. Jen, when are the rest of your people going to visit earth?

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