Wednesday, December 21, 2011

So, the Republican establishment candidate

Refuses- again to call 0bama a Socialist.

Last night on O'Reilly, he refused to call him one- again.
Just like he refused on Hannitiy's show.

Where have we heard this before?
Oh, yeah- just like the LAST Republican LOSER to Obama.

I guess we can hope that at least the next Republican loser won't be calling him 'my frieeeend.'

But hey, at least candidate Good-hair can sik his lackeys on Newt.
Right Ann?
Right Chris?


It's only Wednesday....

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I realy expect hope to see law enforcement on every continent

come down on these assholes that call themselves anonymous like a ton of broken bricks.

Computer hackers are avenging the Occupy movement by exposing the personal information of police officers who evicted protesters and threatening family-values advocates who led a boycott of an American Muslim television show.
In three Internet postings last week, hackers from the loose online coalition called Anonymous published the email and physical addresses, phone numbers and, in some cases, salary details of thousands of law enforcement officers all over the country.
The hackers said they were retaliating for police violence during evictions of Occupy protest camps in cities around the country, but law enforcement advocates slammed the disclosures as dangerous.

I was going to say something else, but the first commenter at IoTW said it all-

Here's a sample:
Attributed to an old-time computer hacker who was seriously p!ssed-off at “Anonymous”:
“People these days seem to think we are some sort of Internet vigilante group, That couldn’t be further from the truth. We are the little voice in the back of your head that wants to fuck your hot sixteen year old daughter. We are the father who beats his six year old child simply because he spilled his beer. We are every chef that’s ever spit in some random person’s food for the hell of it. We are the pyromaniac who burns down the homeless shelter for shits and giggles. We are the person who rapes the same girl twice. We are that feeling you get when you beat your pets; and enjoy it. We see some guy hang himself live, we laugh. A wrestler kills his family, we laugh. Some maladjusted Asian shoots up his university, we laugh. Fifty-thousand die in North Korea, we laugh. AIDS ravages a continent, we laugh. An Austrian man locks his daughter in his basement for 24 years and fathers 8 children with her, we laugh. A religion invented by a psychotic writer swindles countless gullible fucktards out of their cash, we laugh, and then go kick his religion’s ass just for the hell of it. We aren’t some vigilante group righting wrongs. We aren’t your friends, your buddies or your saviors. Your feelings mean nothing to us. We are human nature unencumbered by pointless ethics, foolish moralities or arbitrary laws and restrictions. We are every dark impulse you have; unrestrained and fully realized.

It's good, and truthful- I didn't know where to stop.

Heard between the kitchen and computer table

22 Yr old-"Is there any good milk in the refrigerator?"

Me-"Well, it hasn't got sent to the principles office yet."

Wife-"Yeah, we didn't see it hanging out under the bleachers with that Meuinster cheese."
Me- "I heard that other milk got really chunky before it got taken care of."

Wife-"I heard it was whey gone."

22 Yr old- "You PEOPLE!" *slam* went her bedroom door.

I have to admit that I didn't watch this

Because somehow this just strikes me as akin to the NAZIs singing the Dreidle Song.

Yeah, I know they're trying to cheer people up....

About this racial witch hunt against Eric Holder

Why did it take so long for him to figure it out?
Shouldn't he have recognized it - the whole race baiting thing when it first started?
I'm sure the smartest Negro in the world would have spoken up right away if it was Himself.

But, then again- Eric isn't that smart- is he?

Eric Holder- isn't that a "slave name"? Shouldn't he have renamed himself something like Kyron Da’Shawn to show his African pride, or something.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Gun snobbery and you

Are you a gun snob?
Would you turn your nose up at an Eagle arms AR rifle if you could get an Armalite for only $150 more?
Cheaper than Dirt tells you why you're not getting what you think you're getting.

Stepping into the way-back machine

I wonder if Mittens appreciates Bob Doles' support any more this time than he had for Bobs support of McCain last time.

The McCain he LOST to before McCain LOST to the Lightbringer.

Never- Mittens. I'll leave that part blank while I'm voting for a new Senator.

I'm not as surprised about this as Michael Barone is

Because those DeeCee bureaucrats are mostly Democrat Liberals.

So why would anyone- in this day of hyper-partisan politics be surprised that Democrats would risk fines and imprisonment to help a fellow Democrat look good?

The Carolina Journal, published by the Raleigh-based John Locke Foundation (for which I’ve given paid speeches on occasion) reports that staffers in North Carolina Governor Beverly Perdue’s office have been getting advance word on monthly unemployment statistics from the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics. This is highly illegal under federal law and violates what I have understood to be a strong tradition in the BLS and other government statistics that no one—no one at all, not even in the White House—gets advanced word ahead of the public announcement of government statistics.

There’s obviously good reason for this: someone with advanced word could place bets in financial and community markets and make lots of money. That’s why Congress provided for penalties of up to five years in prison and a $250,000 fine for early release of this data. And there’s another excellent reason: government statistical agencies should be free of political influence to insure the integrity of the numbers on which many people depend. My understanding is that an important part of the bureaucratic culture of federal statistical agencies is a pride in their independence and integrity; this is something not to be lightly squandered. Maintaining that culture is vital if the government wants to get highly competent people to dedicate their careers to this important work.

Except Michael, THIS white house and the creatures it encourages don't give a shit about anything but advancing their socialist agenda.

Just look at the people that the iWON has surrounded himself with it's affermative action on steroids, with marxist eco-tards as added sprinkles for more diversity.

Meanwhile @#OccupyTahrirSquare

Police and soldiers using batons and teargas drove stone-throwing protesters out of Cairo's Tahrir Square, hub of the uprising that ousted Hosni Mubarak in February, overnight.
Hundreds had returned to the square by morning after security forces retreated behind barricades in streets leading to parliament, the cabinet office and the Interior Ministry.

They would be the 99%ers if they could count that high.

Should we really compare this to those clueless hippies @ #OWS encampments?
Who think they're sticking their necks out for *changeiness*? Daring the cops to use teargas and rubber bullets.

Ban Ki-moon "is highly alarmed by the excessive use of force employed by the security forces against protesters, and calls for the transitional authorities to act with restraint and uphold human rights, including the right to peaceful protest", the U.N. Secretary-General's office said in a statement.
The violence has overshadowed the election that is set to give Islamists the biggest bloc in parliament.
The West, long friendly with Mubarak and other regional strongmen who kept a lid on Islamists, has watched warily as Islamist parties have swept elections in Morocco, Tunisia and now Egypt following this year's Arab uprisings.'s that smart diplomacy working out for *democracy* in the Mid-East, Hil? Barry?

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Thanks Apple

I've been thinking about changing my homepage from

Now your 1/3 page annoying ad just got me to make my homepage

Who's all behind this surge in support?

Is it 'just' the Mittens campaign?
Or- more likely is it the old guard elite East Coast cocktail party Republicans calling in chits to get this flurry of support for Romneycare?

Because he's the next one who deserves to lose to the Democrats?
Telling us what we need to do because they're up in DEEfriggingCEE and they went to the 'right' universities and never had to meet a budget that really mattered to the end fact that they could lose their house or car if they didn't meet it.

Yeah the Liberal business-as-usual-GOP pushing the one THEY decided they want.


Ya know, all this pushing against the tide is really pushing me into the Newt column- just because you're trying so hard for Romney.

Now stop trying to force me to eat my spinach!

So, if you're keeping score

In the WON column we have:

In the LOST column we have:
'Nam (thanks Dems)

And the TIED column is:
Korea (thanks UN)

The reason I left Iraq off for now is that we really don't know what's going to happen over there.
I doubt it'll end up in the WIN column because Barack and the Liberals won't let it. Even if they wanted to- they just ideologically CAN'T let Bush have any credit.
Just look at the spin on this AP piece:

KHABARI CROSSING, Kuwait (AP) — The last U.S. soldiers rolled out of Iraq across the border into neighboring Kuwait at daybreak Sunday, whooping, fist bumping and hugging each other in a burst of joy and relief. Their convoy's exit marked the end of a bitterly divisive war that raged for nearly nine years and left Iraq shattered, with troubling questions lingering over whether the Arab nation will remain a steadfast U.S. ally.
Which is why it's up in the air right now, but my understand in of the muslim thinking is that it'll be aligning with Iran too soon.

...And since we're Libs, we want to make it sound like the country is a wasteland...
Many Iraqis, however, are nervous and uncertain about the future. Their relief at the end of Saddam, who was hanged on the last day of 2006, was tempered by a long and vicious war that was launched to find nonexistent weapons of mass destruction and nearly plunged the nation into full-scale sectarian civil war.

Some criticized the Americans for leaving behind a destroyed country with thousands of widows and orphans, a people deeply divided along sectarian lines and without rebuilding the devastated infrastructure.

Nice spin Yahoo picked for their story.
I REALLY wish we had a search engine with a conservative- or at least neutral- angle on things....

Your feel-good video of the day

If I had tags it would be from Fla.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Thre's nothing on TeeWee

So I turned it over to BBCA so I could watch the Gay Irishman- since he's at least entertaining- and the TV guid said he had Izzy Izzard on.
I got there and didn't recognize his guests-
I was expecting this Izzy:

But saw this guy

...Ok...yes he's the grown up Izzy.

Money talks

I wonder who much and what other enticements were spread around from the Romney camp to Glen Beck and Ann Coulter to start bashing Newt.
Nikki Haley and now Cristine O'Donnel  are Tea Partiers that back Mitt- because 'he's the only conservative that can win'...or so they've been paid to say.

It's not that you can't look at Newt winning the 44 seats in the House and forcing Clinton to the right. He is the ONLY Republican that has forced a Liberal Democrat President and Congress to balance the budget.

How can Ann or Glen say that

Mitt frikking Romneycare

is the most conservative Republican out there?

Who else that used to be a conservative is getting a gold plated ticket on the Romney bandwagon?
...And how badly will they twist history to bash Newt?

You know, I'm still open on my vote (except for Mittens), but the way things are going on behind closed doors- the more I'm going to vote for Newt to SPITE the RNC. Hear that John Cornyn- you already lost my vote, how many others do you want to lose?

Friday, December 16, 2011


I'm not watching the endless Republican debates

Because I don't like watching kids squabbling about minutia.
I read about them and get the general take on each candidate.

All (ok- most) of them have their reasons for my vote, but some are out and worth leaving that position blank on Nov. 6th.

After this last debate- Michele Bachman just plopped her butt down besides Romney and Paul. It's not the first time she's made up facts out of whole cloth and if we want a Chief Executive to lie on cue- we already have 0bama.

Except that the newsies would actually point out Michele's ...factual discrepancies.


You people who go to the jobs board of craigslist- the ones posting AVAILABLE jobs. You know the page.

Why do you think that putting your wanting a job there will get you one?
You just went through three pages where you agreed that this was only for posting available jobs- and asking for jobs was somewhere else.

Since you can't follow- or comprehend those simple instructions.
Even if (no, especially if) you're a third year college student.

WHY should anyone hire you since you just proved that you either CAN'T or WONT follow simple instructions?

Thursday, December 15, 2011

If anyone is using VISTA

And I feel sorry for you if you are.

You may be having spyware problems from a virus called Vista Antispyware 2012.

Go here for help removing it.
It's free and working on the wifes computer right now.

You might want to find another vendor, because it'll find the problem- but to fix it you have to BUY the shit.
Maybe they're part of the same .org???

Who ever thought this might not be controversial?

And no one stepped up and said- this crosses the line.


This used to be illegal in most states.

Seems like if the Principle, his Assistant Principles and all those overpaid Administrative Aides didn't stop it- then THAT looks like a real good place to start cutting education costs...

Stolen from IoTW -who's usually got good stuff to steal.


My boots are still wet from yesterday. :-(

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A Christmas message

That you will never hear a purported Christian leader say from 1600 Penna. Ave. 

...I really wish we had a real man up there.

Merry Christmas back to you Benjamin

Via IoTW

So, Harry reid doesn't believe in unicorns?

Or that millionaires create jobs?
Just because the Libs at NPR couldn't name any?

How about some right where you're at harry?
Sanfran Nan is worth over $40 million,  her fellow California Commie Dian Feinstein is worth at least $25 million and Barbra Boxer is worth up to $5 million and involved in BoA. Ask them how many people they put to work in their canneries, hotels and banks.

What about Roland Burris? You know, the guy who finally made the winning bid on former 1/2 term Senator 0bamas Senate seat. He's worth about $1.5 million- ask him how many jobs he's created or saved in just the public sector union thugocracy.

Should I go on naming names on just your side?

@ NOT#occupythe train

This is what needs to happen more to the @99%OWS children.

It's in Scots, so you'll have to read the article, too:

Basically mouthy doosh kid only had a one way ticket -the other way and the conductor was telling him to get off.
He refused in a typical #OWS way until someone helped him.


Stocking stuffers

If you have a long stocking...
For only $337 and change,

And for the shorter one, for $355 +

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

How many people realize

That the 'workingmans tax break' that President Lightworker wants to extend.

Because it helps so many buy necessary things.
And it's the only thing keeping the economy from imploding...

Is worth about $15 a week? That's not even a tank of gas.

But President Everyman thinks it'll get him re-elected by helping those bitter clingers in flyover country get two six packs a week to drown their troubles.

Always know how high your load is

If you're not sure, measure it.

All underpasses are marked with their minimum height in black letters on a bright yellow sign.
Most trucks are 13' high or below. I've pulled some vans that were taller at 13'6"- but there was warnings you could see in your mirror. I also wrote it on my windshield.

There's also a driver job open in Delta, PA.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Since I'm pissing people off today

May as well go full bore-


Before we go any farther

Who can identify this flag?

Does it bring any visceral reactions up?

I'm asking because people are having a hissy fit about another flag that they say represents all that's bad in old America.

That one flag represents slavery and should be banned- because they don't like it.
That would be this one:

But others say it represents history and shouldn't be censored.

But if you're going to ban the second one, then you should also ban this one- because it, too flew over a growing country who supported slavery even after the civil war.
Longer than the two dozens of flags that flew over the Confederacy.