Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Whoa, whoa...lets back this crazy train up a minute

In the news today, we have a snitch site that wants Americans to snitch about whoever isn't respecti'n the Chocolate Jeezus enough, and it's already an internet joke.

Didn't they already try this last year, or the year before with the same results?

Now we have Dems in Congress worried about gutting medicare and medicaid?

Wasn't it them that pushed through an illegal Obamacre bill that stripped $500 million from Medicare last year? In the middle of the night? In the face of rabid citizen opposition?

That's right Harry, you tell `em

You don't want just any powermad clown coming around and telling you how to pass legislation!

“It’s a pretty good way to legislate around here, be a dictator and say, ‘Either take this or leave it.’ That isn’t how things work around here,” said Reid, a Nevada Democrat. “We have to have votes on issues to find out how people feel. I’m convinced his issue would lose overwhelmingly, but he’s holding this legislation up. And we are in a position that . . . we cannot get to this bill prior to Friday when the FAA expires.”

You yong kids might need to google-image Oliver Hardy to understand that bad photoshop.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Does some body want to remind Ron Paul

That before 9-11 happened we WERE NOT bombing some fictional 100K innocent Iraqi civilians.
And that Bill Clinton was trying to get over on Israel with the Palies?

And as for Bachman using Liberal attack points (you know lies and distortions) about Perrys Garasil mandate ...that he rescinded. We'll be putting her on the decond tier of maybe votes now. Way to make a point Michell.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Grand Funk Railroad had a song about you Capt'n Obvious

Just to put it in context:
Brian Williams brought up the subject of record low approval ratings and disappointment among voters who supported him in 08. In response to this, President Obama likens himself as the 'Captain of the ship' who is just weathering a bad storm and 'when the ship is rocking and people are hurting, the people are not going to be happy, no matter how good the captain was doing'

So the scuttlebut about the debate tonight is SocSec and Rick Perry

According to those in the know, almost all of the contestants are going to try hammering Rick about what he said about Social Security being a Ponzi scheme.

You people throwing stones better remember what YOU have already said about SocSec, because it WILL come back to bite you in the ass.

The MSM will make sure whoever the front-runner is will make their own Democrat soundbite tonight. I'm not going to do it Mitt, but I'm sure you have some things you don't want me to do a search on as soon as you open your mouth, right Michelle?
And lets not even bring up the barge that is toting Newts baggage, ok?

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Looking at the bright side

...Because they ARE the party of Hope-N-change.
That treasurer of most Cal-Dem campaigns who took them to the bank can give Di-Fi, Loretta Sanchez and the rest some street cred in the SocSec department.

As in "we understand how you feel to put in all this money to have it pissed away by some crook."
Except that I can't imagine them going that rout because, then they couldn't blame Republicans for putting in a farging IOU when they raided AlBores "lockbox" back in the `70's and early `80's.

Excuse me you Libs as I laugh my way to work and a 27% weekly deduction for your Federally mandated deduction crap.

I know Barry didn't grow up in America

But you'd think a Constitutional "scholar" who "taught" Constitutional law would know this.

But I guess they didn't have Schoolhouse rock in Indonesia...

I guess he really is the Anti-Christ

Lets see, we have all these things happening that would be called plagues in the Old Testament.
We're lacking frogs, boils and locusts, but just wait and see if He's re-elected.

Now the final piece of the puzzle from Guatemala. Yes, that's the Devils offspring (or a space alien).

Which has a lot of his dad in that picture, doesn't it? Same expression, same melon head...

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Tired of politics- newest poll

Our Ramen poll was pretty much evenly split between the ones who like their noodles whole (18/30%), halving the blocks (18/30%) and the smart asses/rich Liberals (15/25%) who said they didn't know what Ramen noodles were.

As usual, you can still vote, but it doesn't count.

So now, we'll go into the Whovian meme of your creepiest Dr. Who monsters.

Which DR. Who monster creeps you out the most?
Cybermen- don't rip out my brain and stuff it into a robot! 
The Daleks- "Exterminate!!!" The Vashta Nerada- this is why you're scared of the dark. 
The weeping angels- Don't BLINK! The Empty Child- "Are you my mummy?" free polls 

The Daleks
The Vashta Nerada
The weeping angels
The Empty Child

There's a kiss of death for Mittens

I wonder why the American MSM isn't trumpeting Meggy Macs endorsement for the guy who LOST to her dad?

Mitt Romneycare

He said 'I know how to drive this truck'

So pass the bill. It'll put people to work on infrastructure....again.

Friday, September 09, 2011

Well Big Sis did say to watch for middle aged white terrorists

Here is an example of one now :-)

Funny how he thinks that private property means something when it's HIS union halls parking lot, but it's Ok about breaking into private property and holding hostages while they destroy 10,000 tons of grain.

Daym, it's like Al Bundy in an episode of the Twilight zone when your personality changes 180 degrees- or something.

Hey Al, lighten up.

Look for the union label

Any time there's some kind of strong arm, illegal activity involving jobs and easy money- you'll find a union thug involved somehow.

But, then again- isn't that what our socialist-in-chief wants? Payback for 'the Man' keeping "the worker" down? I mean Keerist, those union thugs in Washington are going to defy a judges order to behave like civilized human beings because their bosses tell them to.

Leighton said he felt like a paper tiger because the International Longshore and Warehouse Union clearly ignored a temporary restraining order he issued last week with similar limits. He scheduled a hearing for next Thursday to determine whether the union should be held in civil contempt.

"The regard for the law is absent here," the judge said. "Somebody is going to be hurt seriously.

AND it's not like those communist sympathizers give a shit about anyone getting hurt or dying while they strike for everything they can grab.

Thursday, September 08, 2011

The newest earworm

Thanks DaddyBear!

Oops. Looks like someone left something incriminating behind

Why else would the the anti-constitutionalists at Eric Holders FBI want to raid Solyndra- who got half a BILLION dollars from their 20+ visits to the White House?

It surly can't be that they want to prosecute a Friend of Barry?
It's not like their products killed any American LEO's, is it?

There's your army Mr. president

500 union thugs break into private property, hold the guards hostage and destroy tons of grain meant for Americans.

Because the union would rather people starve than give anything up for the common good.

Ohh, this oughtta be fun, it's union thugs against other union thugs fighting over jobs that should go to the unemployed.

My thoughts on Het iWONs job speech

all he has to say is two words and the stock market will rebbound and employers will welcome new hires with open arms.

It wouldn't take long to say

"I quit"

Oh...wait- shit.

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Just putting this out for the National News media

Those thousands of acres burning east of Austin are in Bastrop County- (pronounced Bass Drop) NOT Basdrip...Shep and everyone of you clueless east coast Libs who haven't a clue.

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

i was wondering about this today

Does anyone know if Jimmy Hoffa Jr. holds any kind of Journeymans card endorsements on his free Class CDL- OR more likely, all his experiences are sitting behind a desk and talking tough.

You know, I REALLY wish jimmy Jr would have kept his mouth shut about his UAW union thugs declaring war on me and mine until I'd bought my new Ranger.

Now I'll have to go Jap or Korean. F the Unions. You declare war on me and I'll be damned if I give you any of my money.

Yeah, Jimmy Jr is a teamster union thug.
I'd really like to see him parallel park a 53" dry van, or back into a space in a crowded, busy truck stop in the middle of a blizzard.

You DO know....Jimmy Hoffa jr.......

That there are more of us than there are of you, right?

AND we also know how to lay `crete so nothing floats to the surface.

Monday, September 05, 2011

Dear Texas Dove hunters

Try to remember rule four when you're trying to fill a hummingbird mouthful of dove with bird shot.

I know how exiting it is when you're trying to knock one out of the air- BUT- the fiber line of my cable internet isn't birdshot proof.

K?-Tnx, by.

The next president might be an ex-governor, John

But it won't be an ex-governor from Utah.

Just saying, and it's not because your a Mormon.

Enjoy the day off Mr. President

You earned it.

It's hard work destroying a country that's 235 years old.

Happy Labor Day everyone

Sunday, September 04, 2011

Did I really remember seeing that yesterday?

One of the TOTUS writers is heading off to Hollywood to do some screenwriting.

“It’s always been a dream of mine to write comedy and be creative,” said the 29-year-old, who is set to move west in mid-September. According to the Washington Post, Lovett has already fielded “interest from studios in a Washington-based political comedy and an updated version of “M.A.S.H.” Did Hollywood just get a little smarter? Or Washington a little less funny?

I didn't know Hollywood wanted someone who could write the same thing twenty different ways with the same blank meaning.

But, then again- I hardly ever watch sitcoms or pay movies, soo....

This looks interesting

Hsoi has a link to a place called Ghostery.

It's a download that tracks your trackers and lets you block them.

I wonder what my computer experts think about it?

This hardhat protected a steelworker cleaning up the WTC

It's going on display at the (extremely belated) memorial.

I don't have a problem with it being a union proud hardhat, but I do take exception to one sticker.

Can anyone identify it?

No, I don't mean the flag, because back then even the unions weren't so anti-American as they are today.

Saturday, September 03, 2011

On Tee Wee right now

on the Science channel we had Stuck with Hackett.
This is a kind of Junkyard wars with a guy (some kind of proffezzorial guy with drealocks) who can make useful things out of junk.

Now, normally I put someone with dreadlocks into the hippie (and useless) catagory- but I don't have a problem admitting I'm wrong (unlike most pols)- so in his last show, making a laundry mat out of an old Delta-88- I have to admit that in the EOTWAWKIT- that might be a good barter idea. Assuming you have the fuel to run a car that's not going anywhere for living supplies.

Me, I think I'll build my stock of always in demand adult beverages. It takes less resources and there's always some kind of demand.

Hey look! Mel Gibson is at Bartertown on the other channel....I wonder if I have a theme tonight?

Friday, September 02, 2011

Sorry, can't help it

From Zip:

This pic-
"Look hunney- they put white dude on the cross!"

UPDATE- Sunday

I just noticed something on his lapel.
Is he finally proud to be an American for the first time in his adult life, too?

I saw this and forgot about it

Someone asked if -when a battleship lets off a broadside, does it move sideways.

The answer given was that, no- the ship is too heavy to move sideways.

I think this picture gives the lie to at least part of that idea. (the "part" being that the bow has much less mass than mid-ships)