Friday, July 08, 2011

So that's why my sitemeter is overheating

Miss Paige Duke made the mistake of trusting a guy with some nekkie pics four years ago and is now paying the price for her trust.

And- no after reading that article, there will be no nekki links here like there would be for some Holliweird tramp.

On the highway tonight

on the way home from a loong week.

Why- when you're traveling a good 30+ over the speed limit do you see two cars abreast and not even think about slowing down until you're on top if them?

Do you actually think you're so important that they'll dive out of your way?

AND what's this chit bout cruising 5-10 faster than everyone else and you keep hopping into the granny lane until you need to pass someone? Dude, you're already breaking the law, stay in the hammer lane and quit bothering us who are only going 75.

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Temporarely online

This high Dollar motel I'm in now- that the company is paying for.

The internet is to say...spotty, and I'm forced to watch the TeeWee for distraction.
It's come to my attention on "The next Food Network Star"- that everyone I know with the moniker of "Penny" has been a biatch.
I've personally known two, and seeing Penny the "Mediterranean Mom" just reinforces those feelings.

UPDATE-------- Fri.

It looks like a big part of the problem is/was a different router fighting with the motels linksys and dropping me off constantly.

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

In my home range

Where I'm paying my mortgage.
I have two options, one is the overpriced and and slightly predatory Wildblue satellite internet.

OR we have out (Ex) charter cable-n which is now something good.
In my new job,I'm burying cable for the guys putting new cable and internet in the ground.

I really shouldn't say this- --as a matter of fact, I think it's illegal according to my personnel booklet- but my cable that's 8 miles from the nearest city is better than the internet that's based in this city,m,,

Todays jobs ate my lunch

and then took my name.

I had 8 buries in Portland and they all took over an hour to do. I get $25 per drop, and if I can get 8 per day- I'm doing good.

Today I got six done. Because these were the hard ones that needed to get done- and everyone (including me) blew off I lost money and lots of patience.
But I got them done.

So in reference to my fortitude in getting these done- I'll be rewarded with --like 12 easy ones in Port A tomorrow, right?

Yeah, I didn't think so either.

Now a question for you HR types.
I have earlier today let a job go for the city of Corpus Christi because this company is paying for a motel room on the coast.

The city will have some more jobs in about a month.

Should I apply then, or wait a good year before I go for a city job with all the bennies? Because now,except for the taxes and SSI- I'm almost a 1099 employee.,

Monday, July 04, 2011

I left work early Friday

As I was on the way home I saw a lot of this kind of thing in the new petroleum/industrial sector.
 And this...

Happy birthday America!

Sunday, July 03, 2011

What did Danielle do now

That has about 20% of my sitemeter looking up Dannie Diesel?

I mean she's as cute as a bug except for those nasty @ss tats she ruined her skin with- but why let that stop us from enjoying her?

Whatever, but why do women want to ruin their skin for a fad that's going to look like some kind of leprosy in about 20 years....

Hey! Who's got a tribal band on their bicep?
Boy I bet you thought that was going to be cool forever, didn't you?

But I admit- since I'm hitting advanced middle age, I'm thinking about one from my earlier days.
At least when they plant me, mine won't look like "a turd with a tail" (describing a tiger tat).

There's nothing new out there, is there?

The Duffer in charge is taking another vacation, but want's Congress to work through.

Casey Anthony will probably get off somehow.

They surprisingly found 12 people in Illinois that weren't on the take and Blago was found guilty of 17 out of 20 counts.

Baby Huey is in Cuba dying from the best free health care in the world.

The Democrat in charge of Minnesota caused a .GOV shutdown and is trying to blame the Republicans.

Congressional Dems who couldn't be bothered with a budget for two years are now complaining about not having a seat in debt reductions- I hope the Republicans are smart enough to make that point loud and clear.

Oh- look! The greedy Basketball players union is going on strike because those millionaires playing a kids game aren't making enough money.

Captain KickAzz still has his illegal KMA going on in Libya....and Somalia. (What'll they call that? They already have WTF and KMA locked up..."Light Operational Linkages?-LOL...)

But we're still here. We'll prove that one man or small group can't run the American ship into a reef if the sailors handling the sails keep him away from them.

Saturday, July 02, 2011

Friday, July 01, 2011

Sink. It!

The ship named in honor of the first half black half muslim fully anti-American president was halted by the Greek Coast Guard for leaving without authorization.

And in further- untold news- because the MSM doesn't want it out...
Gazans say they don't need those blockade-breakers.
They need people to actually ship crap OUT!

The Gisha movement has criticized both the flotilla organizers and Israel over their remarks and claim that they are misleading. "Gaza doesn't need anymore humanitarian aid. There is only one way to allow Gaza residents long term economic development while maintaining Israel's legitimate security needs and that is a removal of the sweeping limitations on transfer of goods subject to individual security checks," said Sari Bashi the Director of Gisha.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Iz the hole intratubz slow?

Or are the servers of the company I'm working for really slow?
My Speakeasy speed test tells me I'm getting like 7MG downloads and 1Mg uploads which is almost four times as fast as what I'm paying for at home, but this computer is acting like I'm back on WildBlue with a TOS restriction on me.

Anyway, I'm getting used to the humidity.
The Texas gulf coast is booming with the oil and gas coming online.
There are almost no rentals available in a price I want to pay.
AEP has decided that they'd rather put their customers in the dark with expensive electricity than be teased for using naturally occurring fuel for their power plants and are going to shut down the coal plants and rely on solar and wind.

I wonder if that RV park/cabin rental has any fire arms recreation on their ten acres outside of Rockport? That should be worth the rent and ride to town...

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Ok Tom- I get it now

All those floods in the Dakotas and southward are the result of AGW.

Because AGW is causing all those glaciers in Canada to melt into America.

...And it will happen again if we don't do SOMPIN' about it now. just like three years ago when it first happened, because those stoopid Canadian glaciers just ...melt when they want to- And we can travel the Northwest Passage like they told us we could back in 1987.

Different mindsets

Something Midwest Chick said made me remember when the wife first got here from Britain.

Midwest is talking about the floods up in the Dakotas, and the personal responsibility the people are showing...the Anti-Katrina mindset.

Anyway, when Karen first came over, she couldn't understand how we didn't want the .GOV involved in everything we did. I told her it was because we couldn't trust them to do it better than we could- mostly.

What I said was basically- you have had some kind of central gov't since the Romans were there. You've had gov't roads, some kind of gov't schooling, poor houses, laws from either Rome, the King, or London.

In America, once you got beyond the Appalachians- you were pretty much on your own.
You had to rely on your neighbors for anything you couldn't do yourself.
Neigbors got together for barn raisings, house raisings, taking care of those shifty people that somehow things went missing when they were around.
The .GOV didn't- and couldn't build roads or supply a school, build bridges that would make it easier for everyone- citizens got together and did it because it needed to be done.

She just couldn't fathom someone being out of reach of a central government, because she was born with the knowledge that a central gov't was and will always be there.
Now that she's in the wilds of Texas, she's starting to understand- and even starting to have contempt for the people she half-heartedly defended when she first got here.

Yes, we're making progress. All we need now is to come up with about $850 that we can do without so she can become a citizen and vote against Urkle.

My first thought was do they hablas Anglis?

Then I saw they caught two teen that were vandalizing flags put up for the Fourth.
But it being Pittsburgh, you never know...

Monday, June 27, 2011

What does NSFW mean to you?

David over at Random Nuclear Strikes has one that he says isn't NSFW, but may cause gagging- and stuff.

So is this video of a Russian drug addict getting what's left of his leg sawn off NSFW, or is that now just regulated to pr()n?

What it is- before you jump over there, is some druggie who let himself get so far gone- that he let his gangrene rot. The. Meat. Off. His. Shin. And. Calf.
The entire lower leg is draped over his ankle like a limp meat sock. All you see is two white bones.

Gross, but work-safe?

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Newest poll: BTO express

The Fox news mouthpiece Chris Wallace of the questionable eyes asked Michelle Bachman the question that will be the core of the LSM attacks on her for the next 15 months.
That question from the optically questionable Wallace was" "Are you a flake?"

So I guess we can make a poll of who is flakier than Michelle Bachman? free polls
Which so-called news anchor is flakier than Michelle Bachman?
Chrissie (tingles) matthews Rachel Madcow 
Jon Stewart Sgt. Ed Schultz 
The Warlock!   

We finally end the Mittens Poll

We had 83 votes- out of I don't know how many repeats.
And it was pretty close between 'we have to get him in' and 'everyone but him'.

The breakdown goes:
Every Repub- but Mitt 30% @ 25 votes
We need to take 1600 Penn Ave 27% @ 22 votes
Write-in 18% @ 15 votes
Third party 16& @ 13 votes
Stay home 10% @ 8 votes
Say what you will, Mittens has definitely alienated the base.
OR the base remembers where he's from.

As always you can still vote, but it doesn't count any more.

So, Chris Wallace are you a real newsman?

Or are you just as drugged up as your eyes make you look?

I figured that was as fair a question as you asking Michelle Bachman if she was a "flake".
Yeah, thanks for giving the Left and MSM (but I repeat myself)a nice handy tagline for her campaign.

Back at the other lair

It took just under three hours at close to 75.

What a bunch of clueless f*cks wandering all over the road.

But hopefully my modded trencher will make my job a lot easier.

Just out of curiosity

Do they lock down the golf course when the Duffer in Chief decides to relax after a hard week of fund-raising?
Because those guys at Andrews just got shafted two days in a row if they shut it down for Himself.

I mean those wing-wipers need a chance to hit the links sometimes, too ya know.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

For Eric

The Straight White Guy- who loves Adak so much:

The sign says "You are now entering and leaving The Adak National Forest".

Those were the ONLY trees on that island.

Wouldn't that just make your disaster complete?

Your just shaking off the tornado, or fire, or earthquake and you find out the "Chocolate City" Ray Nagin is going to be the disaster consultant (whatever that is).

Oh, yeah, he wrote a book, too-
But in recounting the hot, harrowing days after the storm, Nagin also portrays himself sympathetically, as a decisive, honest executive who faced daunting tasks, from evacuating starving residents to pumping floodwaters back into Lake Pontchartrain to establishing rules for rebuilding.

At a news conference Wednesday, the mayor-turned-disaster consultant called writing the book a “therapeutic” experience.

Ummm, yeah- because you were so organized and everybody else fell down on the job.

Nagin also worried about becoming a target of sinister forces after his famous Sept. 1, 2005, rant on WWL-AM, which the former mayor writes was prompted by reports that Blanco and U.S. Sens. Mary Landrieu and David Vitter had bragged “about how well things were going,” even as evacuees continued to suffer at the Superdome and Convention Center.

“I thought to myself, ‘I’m a dead man! I have just publicly denounced the governor, U.S. Senators, FEMA and the president of the United States,’” he writes. “I started wondering if during the night I would be visited by specially trained CIA agents. Could they secretly shoot me with a miniature, slow-acting poison dart?

Be sure to get your paperback now. I'm sure Larry Correa could use some hints in his next book.

Dear Israel-

Sink. It.

Friday, June 24, 2011

...And your status as an illegal is my problem exactly how?

ATLANTA (AP) -- Eighteen-year-old Dulce Guerrero kept quiet about being an illegal immigrant until earlier this year, when she became upset after a traffic stop that landed her mother in jail for two nights. The arrest came as Georgia lawmakers were crafting what would become one of the nation's toughest immigration crackdowns, and Guerrero feared her mother would be deported.

Okaaay...??? That would suck, wouldn't it?
Did mom have a license? Insurance? Was the car legally hers?

"I feel like that was my breaking point, when my mom was in jail," said Guerrero, who came to the U.S. from Mexico when she was 2. "I felt like, well, that's it, it can't get any worse than this. My mother has been to jail."

She came from Mexico when she was two- did she crawl on her own?

Guerrero is the chief organizer of a rally set for Tuesday at the Georgia State Capitol for high school-age illegal immigrants to tell their stories. The recent high school graduate and others hope to draw attention to the plight of the hundreds of thousands of young people who were brought to the U.S. illegally by their parents.

Already around the country, efforts by young activists have ranged from rallies and letter-writing to sit-ins and civil disobedience, drawing inspiration from civil rights demonstrations decades ago, with the aim of forcing the federal government to reform rules for immigrants in their situation.

You know, that really sounds like a family problem to me.
Why should we change our laws because your parents brought you into the country illegally sixteen years ago?
They had sixteen years to get their immigration status right- but didn't.
You knew you were illegal, but did nothing about it, and now you want the rest of legal Americans and resident aliens to give you a free pass.
You've been living for free in America for SIXTEEN YEARS- puta, and no one in your family ever heard about people trying to get a handle on your kind of lawbreakers?

Your family's decided to break the law.
Your parents decided to do nothing about changing their status.
You are not even ashamed of being a lawbreaker.

I hope when you start disrupting shit, that they DO deport your dumb ass, and if you don't want to break up your family, they can go with you.

Ruuuuucy, I hoooome!

I'm burnt out from the heat and humidity of the coast- and it wasn't really that hot.
From my first drop to my last, I'm wringing wet, but I don't remember it being like this ten years ago.

I need to modify my trencher (and bring a weed-eater down) to try something that'll trench through carpet grass without tearing it up.
I'm thinking of bolting a 10" saw blade to the rotor to cut through that tangled sh1t, and then I can start making real money.

Right now I can barely get 6 yards done before I need to stop..because all I did for over 8 months was sit by the computer in an air conditioned house.

I'll get used to it, but I hope it doesn't take too long.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

To the troops in A-Stan right now

After hearing your new operations plan here are some ...probably not unthought-of ideas.

Stay low, stay out of the way, stay in a safe zone- OR phone in the overlay of your ops cycle from a safe hooch. Nobody is going to turn you in for not going after gooks when you all know you're being pulled out.

Don't be the last to die for this updated photo-op:
Because with Urkel in the White House, that's what it'll be.

I missed Wednesdays girl

So, to make it up you get two in one!

Their names are Magenta and Columbia.

Caution it's rated R because Susan Sarandon is singing-
I'd say mute it, but Magenta has such a deep sexy voice that you'd miss everyting if you did.

Cash for clunkers- the petroleum version

So, the IEA is going to let 60 million barrels of oil go from their(our) emergency reserves.
This in spite of Saudi making plans to pump more of their oil to make up the shortfall of expected use.

So what were doing is dumping a crapload a bunch of oil into the market to lower the cost right before November. I didn't think 60 million barrels would have that much affect on the markets because that's probably not even a days worth of oil consumption in Europe. I'm sure we use about that much here.

So, back to the title.
Urkel decided to boost the sales of GovtMotors by handing out cash when someone traded in their old car for one of his. They then destroyed the cars.

Now there are less used cars on the road, we're never going to get the Gov out of GM- and used cars are almost as expensive as new ones- I know because Thing-1 needed another vehicle.

Now the IEA is dumping oil and leaning on people to drop their oil futures prices.
oil will be less expensive for a while, then the IEA is going to start buying oil again to make up for the dump.

What do you think will happen with oil prices then?

.....With a new Republican Congress and maybe president, too.

Drunk, stoned or illiterate?

I'm looking at some housing around here that costs less than I was barganing on because it doesn't look like I'll be making as much as I thought I would.
I was looking at options when this caught my eye:

Think he's gotten many takers?

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I'm used to starting work at 7AM

I am also used to driving almost an hour to get to work at 7 AM.

I'm living in a motel on the company dime about 10 min. from work.
The company we're subs for doesn't open until 8AM.

The Guys that hired me don't show up until about 10AM.

I had 7 scheduled drop buries today and still got done before 4:00PM.
(I couldn't do two, so did five in seven hours)
I'll do better tomorrow and make up what I didn't earn today.

So- this is what normal people do- drive to work and get done and not be away from the house for 10- 1523 hours?