Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Is there somekind of D.O.S. attack going on?

Wife said that they lost their DSL several times today. My connection right now is 9.6K, which is better than most of the evening at 4.2K- my mail wouldn't even load up.

Or, maybe I could still blame SBC.

(UPDATE Oct 19 7:55PM)

I guess Mrs Trainwreck is going to miss half a day tomorrow. We'll leave the ferocious Bodus and the Magnificent Meggy inside- ANd the gate open, since the overzealious and ever conciencious SBC union stooges won't even slow down if they can't just drive in. She'll have to let them out, since they're not used to being inside for eight hours at a stretch.

Thanks SBC. We'll be short this pay period because YOU and your highly paid union thugs can't keep your system to a second world standard. I looked at their lines today, the black plastic spliceboxes you see everywhere else are black plastic BAGS- here!

We had Verizon in Maxwell- NEVER had a problem *AND* we payed less for two lines than we're paying SBC for one.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Is it just the San Antonio area?

or is everyone having a really f*cking slowww load time? I couldn't even get online this morning.

I thought it was out 26K dial-up, but Mrs.TW says that their RoadRunner has been slow lately, too.

Maybe it's SBC? I wouldn't be surprised, given the history I have with their problem solving.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

I guess it's time to cull my blogroll again

I think I'm getting to the point that I'm adding more than I'm deleting.

The first one is a Mild Mannered Reporter who has a blog named the Rosemead Times, and is a commenter on this blog.

Next we have the the alphabet blog of Elenemohpee who seems kinda hit-and-miss, but we'll give him a spot anyway.

The Crack young staff of the Hatemongers Quarterly which really isn't -quarterly that is. They monger their hate on a regular basis.

We'll give Dogsnot Diaries a try, they are kinda lax on their postings, but you gotta love that title (unless you're a "Caniphobe").

That's it for this roundup, remember to curry your horses before you turn them out for the night.
I'm finally done chasing wild geese

Actually tracing mobil home wiring.
We had two outlets in the master bath that didn't work and the outside outlets quit working, too.

I took the outlets I thought were on the same circuit apart and tried to find the feed. I found it in what I (as an Electrician) would have called the middle of the run-on the outside wall completely opposite the load center. I would have run it from the panelbox to the closest box, then on around the walls. Not in a mobile home, they want to run everything under the floor.

It took about a day of connecting, unconnecting and flipping breakers to get a wiring diagram of two rooms. AND since they wanted to run everything under the floor, I had to add a box under the sink to tie into a live switch for the two dead outlets. At least I didn't have to climb under the trailer(s) and dig through the insulation to get to anything.

All told about 10 hours of work -AND we have power and light at the paddock gate.
Ya know I REALLY hate to defend Calypso Louie

But, , ,

It seems as alot on the right are trashing him by taking his words out of context.

Just like the Left did with Bill Bennett as the latest example.

What Farakahn said was:

"Well, I was in a tiny village in Mexico on the 17th of September, 1985. And I had a vision-like experience climbing a mountain there, on the top of which is a temple to the Mexo-American Christ figure, Ketso Quato. And one of these little UFOs came over that mountain and I was signaled from a group of persons to come. And I was beamed up into that small vehicle and carried to a larger vehicle, where I heard the voice of my leader and teacher, the Honorable Elijah Mohamed (search), saying. . ."

Ok, seems like everyone is dumping on him for saying that he DID get transported to a "mothership".

That's not right, he didn't say he got transported- he said he had a vision.
Taking the (snicker) 'vision thing' out of the quote changes the entire meaning.

Those on the right really SHOULD know about that- and quit taking the easy cheap shot.
They (the right) should know how hard it is to fight when the false statement(s) spread like wildfire, and how it really muddies the water (well except when the MSM decides to sit on the accusation) and distorts your meaning.

I don't have any love for him. As a matter of fact I pretty much detest all of what he represents -with the exception of his calling to blacks to be responsible (except when he says it's all whities fault) for their own wellbeing. He's a racebaiter, an anti-Semite, one of the "leaders" of the black community who actively try to keep them under their(his) control by gov't dependence and poor education, probably a socialist and hates what America stands for.

But, right is right- lets try to keep walking on the high road.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Are you getting tired of hearing all about the Iraqi vote?

No? Me neither, that's because the MSM isn't covering it like they did the first one, any Iraqi terrorist attack, or anything questionable that American troops do.

Sure they have stories out ther, but it's pretty much one of these three two leads:

Bahgdad looses power to terrorists

Heavy security is needed

and, , , well that's about it, some dribs and drabs about prisoners detainees getting preferential treatment voting early, tribal bloc votes and did I mention the tight security?

Also, speaking of politics- who wants to guess which party was in power for 30+ years and wants to keep trowing a wrench into ANYTHING that might help their country ; because they're not now? You know, give a little to help the "poor" or even just NOT obstructing anything constructive because it *might* help the other party?

No it's not the Democrates this time, it's the
, the ones the Left is wanting back in power.

(UPDATE 9:20AM) Something I forgot to ad, maybe it should be another post.

If the sole aim of these "anti-war"activist was to get the U.S. out of Iraq, then it seems that they would actually work for a stable democratic (representative) government. Anyone who knows who the anti-war oganizers are, knows that the LAST thing they want is a stable democracy in the mid-east.

That being said, the fastset way to get the U.S. out of Iraq is to get a stable goverment up and running. Too bad that it'll free millions of Arabs, and threaten more despots and theocracies.

Friday, October 14, 2005

You've been tagged!

If you're on my blogroll anwer in your blog.
If I don't have you on my blogroll (yet), leave a comment.

  1. What kind of candy this year?- NO "good for you" stuff.
  2. Anything special to scare those panhandlers trick-or-treaters?
  3. Are you going to pretend you're not home?
  4. Your favorite kind of cosume?
  5. Your favorite scary movie?
  6. Your scarriest scary movie?
  7. Horror author?
  8. Scariest book?
  9. Best Halloween/horror story? (Yours or someone else's).
My answers
  1. Candy: Atomic Fireballs
  2. Scaring kids: girls plan on dressing up the dogs
  3. Not home: nope have "scary" dogs
  4. Costume: wimmin- VERY reveiling , , , guys-Yeah, you're (insert compliment here)!
  5. Fav. movie: The shining (or Christine)
  6. Scariest: Don't do alot of horror movies
  7. Author: Not alot of horror reading, either
  8. Book: Revelations has alot to think about
  9. Horror story: Came from a kids book by Alfred Hitchcock- about a haunted luxury suit on board a cruise ship.
I hope y'all are sitting down for this one

That tele-confrence Bush had the other day- remember? Well, it was


That's right, troops on nat'l news, talking to the Prez were walked through the thing.

I know you'll hear about it today, if you hadn't already but I thought I'd try to be the first.

Now, what to do about it???

I've got an idae, , , Lets try to get Bu$HalburtonHitler impeached for LYING to us!

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Nothing today, I'm tired

Tired of the two hour round trip drive.

Tired of thinking about a 7 yr-old truck that developed a (Ithink) transmission hum when I had to slam on my brakes for that Schnieder truck.

Tired of playing in the dirt (although it doesn't pay too badly).

Tired of cooking (I want to eat what I like).

Tired of cleaning up after cooking.

Tired of watching two MumblegarbleKOFFkoff (since I'm in trouble anyway for not talking nice about certain family members).

Tired of shopping (If I don't we end up with all the name brands and about $30 more than I'd spend for the same amount) [She's a Brit, she doesn't know which store brands are good, or cr@p].

Anyway, you get the point.

I did get a job offer that involves travel- maybe I'll call him back and see what the pay and bennies are. Maybe that's what I need, some space. . .

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Think the ACLU is taking advantage of our good will?

Me too, and so do these people they have a pettition to help stop the ACLU.
Your tax dollars are paying them to file these B.S. lawsuits because WE have to pay their expenses.

U.S. Rep. John Hostettler (R-IN) has introduced legislation to curb the ACLU and their attempts to turn us into a godless socialist state.

I signed the petition, and I don't know if it will do any good to send it to my miss representatives in D.C. But I thought I'd let y'all know about it so you can help get the word out.
I mentioned earlier that I was trying to sell the trailer

The real estate agent had two people interested and qualified to buy it. The trouble is- almost everyone has stopped writing loans for used trailers mobile homes.
My bank won't transfer the loan, and we had hell some problems getting this doublewide.
Dunno why, maybe they're ending up in Mexico, just like most stolen vehicles around here.

I was sitting on my toy today thinking, and I basically have three options
  1. Do some kind of "owner Finance" deal. The thing is, if we're not 'buying' it anymore- I don't want to have an unpaid loan hanging over my head. Even if someone else is paying for it.
  2. Keep renting it out. Since I'm getting all this over-time, we've got our noses out of the water- for now (till I start getting rain days). The bills are getting payed and we're able to start saving agin. It would be ALOT better if $150/week wasn't going into gas tanks. We're getting $500/mo for rent and paying $220/mo in mortgage -so it's not that much of a drain.
  3. Build a new house where the trailer is now. I could do it myself- but it would take forever, since I could only work on it over the weekend. It would go alot faster (and cheaper) if I used straw bale constructionthe banks would probably look favorably, since it would be built to Austins' Straw bale building code (caution- PDF).
I'll probably keep renting it out. The guy that's renting it now bought a house, but has a years contract. He just needs to cut the grass, that house is next to a hayfield anyway- and the grass probably needs to be baled.

My Jurassic Park dino-history is all wrong, at least when it comes to the Velociraptor.

It wasn't the efficient disembowling killing machine we saw in J.P an it's money sponges sequel's.
But tests on a mechanical arm suggest this fearsome-looking appendage was probably used just to hang on to prey. UK scientists report their experiments in the journal Biology Letters. "This dispels the myth in place for some 40 years that this was a disembowelling claw - this is not the case," says Dr Phil Manning, from the Manchester Museum, University of Manchester. "I'm saying that the primary function of this claw was to hold on to the prey, effectively like a climber's crampon," the curator of palaeontology told the BBC News website.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Help our recovering troops-

ummmm , , ,

Buy a bloody arrow tip????

Ok, it's not up there yet.

I heard Shemane Nugent on the radio this morning, you may have heard of her husband. She was talking about visiting B.A.M.C. with Ted, and seeing the wounded. When she asked a mother what she could do to help, the mom mentioned the kids getting outside, but not being able to because of the strong sun here.

In order to help build a shaded porch for the recovering burn victims and amputees, she was talking about auctioning off the arrow that she shot her first deer this season with.

That's something I can and probably will help with, I can make BAMC a stop on the way home- I'm sure the could use a strong back and a weak mind.

After reading that greedy, selfish blog I posted about a while ago, I won't be willingly be sending my money that way again.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Ok, I'll tell on myself

The other night I was invited out for a night with the guys. I told my
wife that I would be home by midnight... "promise!"

Well, the hours passed quickly and the beer was going down way too easy. At 3am,
drunk as a skunk, I headed for home.

Just as I got in the door, the cuckoo clock in the hall started up and cuckooed three
times. Quickly, I realized she'd probably wake up, so I cuckooed another 9 times. I was really proud of myself for having such a rapid, witty solution, even when smashed, to escape a possible conflict.

The next morning my wife asked me what time I got in, and I told her 12 o'clock.
She didn't seem disturbed at all. Got away with that one, I thought! Then she told
me we needed a new cuckoo clock. When I asked her why she said, "Well, last night it
cuckooed 3 times, then said, 'oh fuck,' cuckooed 4 more times, cleared its throat,
cuckooed another 3 times, giggled, cuckooed twice more....
then farted."

----------Ok, nothing struck me as rantable tonight ---------------

Sunday, October 09, 2005

I drove the wifes truck to work yesterday

#1 Because I don't trust the weather geeks (the Montero has a heater)


#2 Because it also has a C/D player.

I got to listen to the Rev. all the way there, and these two on the way home.

I also filled her truck at Flying J for $2.59- which is some inprovement. Not much, but some. The local Robber Baron still has it at $2.89 - wich is about par for the course- he's always a dime over San Antonio.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Here's a bit of enlightenment about care packages

He (or she) has a biting list of things to send- or not.
Now I know why I didn't get a thank-you for the combat boots. I guarantee it'll make me think twice about spending MY hard earned money again.

H/T Rhianna
Fire Dept. lets house burn down for $25

Yes I thought it was in N'awlins, too.

INTERNATIONAL FALLS, Minn. There's outrage in northern Minnesota after firefighters allowed a man's mobile home to burn.
Carl Berg had failed to pay the 25-dollar annual fee required for fire protection for homes outside International Falls city limits.

Berg says he couldn't afford the fee or fire insurance. He says he lost everything in last month's fire.

The Fire Department poured enough water to put the fire out temporarily and make sure everyone was safe. But when the blaze rekindled later, firefighters let the flames destroy what was left.

Fire Chief Jerry Jensen says he doesn't want to see that happen again. He says a firefighter's job is to "put out fires, not to watch them burn."

Local officials have been haggling for two years over how to pay for fire protection.

That's the whole article.
Via Fark
The Mayor of Salt Lake City doesn't seem to want another term

In a recent interview with a British newspaper, Anderson seemed to compare living in Utah to living under the Taliban.

Most Americans know the Taliban as religious extremists in Afghanistan.

But if you ask Rocky Anderson, the Taliban may be also be right here in Utah.

Depending on whom you ask, Rocky Anderson either does or does not think this is what living in Utah is like.

Recently, the mayor told an English journalist, "I feel like we're in the middle of a Kafka novel sometimes...with a little bit of the Taliban thrown in."

Ok, I can't make a snarky remark about his party since both sides have said some damm stupid stuff lately.
Another quick thought on Harriet Miers,

If Harry Reid and the rest of the Liberal Dems are defending her, WHAT is she (and Bush) planning on pulling?

The leading Dems came out of the White House as giggling and giddy as schoolgirls when they heard who it was going to be. Now, the Party of character assassination is dissing the Republicans for talking bad about her.

Nothing this morning

After yesterdays goatroping of forecasts, I'm going to be sure I have enough warm cloths with me.
Yes being over prepared.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Roxanne wants your opinion

She's asking what the Dems need to do to get your vote.
Go over and let her know, I did.

Here's what I had to say:

Sorry, I can't see myself voting for a (National) Dem in the forseeable future.
They have insulted my beliefs, my patriotism, my intelligence, my religion (I'm Christian-not moslem), my hstory, my memory (they keep revising what happened back in the day).
Basically everytime they open their mouths, they find a way to drive me farther away.

BTW- the Reps are starting to follow the same pattern.

Yes, she's a Lib, but still be nice- it IS her house, ya know.

Via Protein Wisdom
I'd like to take this opportunity

to thank the weather-geeks here in San Antonio. They predicted the mid 70's today- at 5 AM.

When I was too far to turn around the forecast started changing.

Basically what we had today was a Norther- I think it got up to 58 today with a 10-15MPH wind and spitting rain. I'm glad I had a spare jacket in my truck. At least I didn't FREEZE to death up 8 feet high in an open chair on an empty field.

It's 54 degrees cold outside right now.

. . . And I had to isolate my heater core the other day- it sprung a leak.

. . . And in the Dodge, the A/C is always on- it's made that way.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

If you're interested in the Union Jack

Mrs trainwreck found a link that tells you all you want to know about the national flag of our steadfast allies accross the Atlantic.
Happy Ramadan

From the "Religion of Peace .

Why, is everyone on edge when the moslems have some kind of major "Holy" day?

I remember everyone holding their breath, just waiting for the invetable terrorist bombings when ever HANUKKAH came around, and the wave of maimed and dying childeren that Saint Nick always brought along with him.
It's about time is all I can say

WASHINGTON — Citing hurricane damage to the oil and gas industry in the Gulf of Mexico, key lawmakers are trying to relax a decades-old federal ban on new drilling off California and the Atlantic Seaboard and to encourage energy prospecting in the Rocky Mountains.

Congressional proposals also aim to waive some air pollution rules to encourage expansion of oil refineries and to authorize oil drilling beneath Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

"Mother Nature proved just how vulnerable America is to supply disruption," said House Resources Committee Chairman Richard W. Pombo (R-Tracy). "We must do more to increase and to diversify domestic supplies."

The legislation, likely to be voted on soon in the House, comes as oil- and natural-gas-dependent manufacturers have urged Congress to reopen the "85% of all federally controlled coastal waters [that] are currently off-limits to energy production."

It really sounds good, too bad that we have a bunch of RINO's up there lead by George "Trust ME!" Bush. We all know what'll happen to THIS legislation as soon as the Libs start whining.

Then we get another "sounds good" proposal from them-who-know-better-than-us

High gasoline prices, hurricane-triggered shortages and big refining profits are fueling a push to build the nation's first new oil refinery in 30 years.

The same forces are also triggering renewed efforts in Congress to give incentives and regulatory breaks to companies that expand their plants to produce more gasoline and diesel and jet fuel.

What's driving these efforts is that fuel production from U.S. refineries has not kept pace with the demand from a rebounding economy. The result has been painful price surges for consumers, truckers and airlines.

You have your usual special intrests on both sides, but in Fla. even Georges brother
doesn't want his state to benefit from inexpensive energy. Being the second half of the "Compassionate Conservative" duo, Jeb wants cheap energy without having to help pull the load.

I'm really getting tired of "politica-as-usual" and getting shafted every time I fill up.

(UPDATE 1-07-05 I guess Jeb is as consistant as his brother, he's now agreed to allow drilling off his coast)

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Is anyone else having blogger problems?

I don't know if it's Blogger, my computer (I'm having SpyBot issues) or my connection.
I finally got through to Donnie over at Cadillac Tight, and kinda got in the back way from him.
A copy of an actual letter I sent to Schneider Trucklines last night


Just an opinion from someone who shares the road with you people.
Your drivers really should be more image consious. I was entering I-10 westbount just east of San Antonio from Cr1518 at about 4:00Pm when over the overpass on I-10 came one of your trucks. This truck had NO other vehicles (exept me) withing at least half a mile. I saw him as I was comming up thew ramp, and unless he was blind, he saw me. I had to slam on my brakes and drive onto the grass to avoid him.
I used to drive for Arrow Trucking (maybe you've heard of them?) and I know it's not required to move for an onramp. Most truckers will move if there is room, however- this is general courtiousness (and good company PR- stops letters like this).
The driver of truck #33342 pulling trailer #549010 should be reminded about driver responsibility in avoiding preventable mishaps.

Thank you for allowing me to have my say.

Yep, ol' mother trucker had the entire interstate to himself, and couldn't move one lane over.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Take a guess at which Socialist country this is from:

Initiative Measure No. 907 concerns energy conservation in homes.

This measure would require residents of cities with a population of 500,000 or more, in homes with three or more bedrooms, to refrain from heating at least one bedroom from October to February.

Ballot Measure Summary
This measure would require energy conservation by residents of cities with a population of 500,000 or more, whose homes have three or more bedrooms. Such residents would be required not to heat at least one bedroom (at least two for homes with five or more bedrooms) between October 21 and February 21 of each year, and to seal off such rooms from the rest of the residence. Violators could be fined $10,000 per month.

WRONG, it's the socialist state of Washington.
If you thought that was gov't intruding on civil liberties on this one, you should see the rest of the ballot initiatives over there.

The media is always talking about Conservatives telling people how to live. Think about it, aren't the Conservatives just reacting to what the Liberals are always trying to shove down our throat? Talk about government intruding into bedrooms- Conservatives try to stay out of them, but you keep forcing attention to what goes on in there. The more preverted, the more you want to legalize it.

H/T to Rob
This is wrong in a funny morally wrong way

A group of German teenagers disguised as policemen to frisk the attendants of a beer festival in Munich. The teenagers pretended to be looking for weapons in the crowd of tourists, who came for Octoberfest in the capital of Bavaria.

They sighted the women they liked and gave a manual going-over. One of the victims of sex-swindlers complained to the police station on “a too intimate frisk” in the street.

After that, the real policemen figured out the teenagers and arrested them. Now all the three hooligans face the punishment for sexual harassment, indecent behavior and a pretension of being the personnel of law-enforcement agencies.

That was the entire article.

Ohh, yes- how awful that these juvenile delinquents would do this to those innocent women too bad I didn't think of it when I was that age, that's just entirly too much authority abuse, and sexual predation.