Thursday, March 15, 2012

In which the author swings from Godwin to grudging support

I saw this interview and immediately thought of something that Bill Maher would never see in himself.
...Maher, that kind of sounds Jewish.....

Anyway- GMA @Yahoo had a bit of an interview with Bill about the Rush dust-up. In which he was asked about the Sarah Palin C*nt thing...

TAPPER: How do you know when you've gone too far?
MAHER:  I let the audience be the guide. The bit I did about Palin using the word c-, one of the biggest laughs in my act, I did it all over the country, not one person ever registered disapproval, and believe me, audiences are not afraid to let you know.  Because it was a routine where that word came in at just the right moment. Context is very important, and it's also important to remember that stand-up comedy is the final frontier of free speech.

Yeah Bill, someone else had then rolling in the aisles and nobody raised any complaints either
(I'll give you the redacted version):
BUT, at least he's adult enough to understand  what that First Amendment really means:

MAHER: Of course if you take out of context over 10 years snippets inside comedy bits you can make anyone look bad - and sometimes, I have been!
 And through it all, I have defended Rush's right to stay on the air! Not what he said, that was disgusting - but the right to not disappear because people who don't even listen to you don't like what  you said. That really bothers me. I never hear Rush Limbaugh unless a guy in the next truck at a stop light has it on; it would be arrogant for me to say "he has to disappear" and deprive the people who do listen to him of what they like. We all have different tastes and different opinions, that's America.

Personally I think he's a POS- but at least we could talk.

You heard it here first

And I got it straight from the Unicorn Riders mouth (via Newsmax)...

Yes-  we will be trying to control gas prices with the strategic reserve.
I know this because because the Chicago Jeezus just denied it.

The only question is when and how much?

Because Unicorn farts aren't worth what they once were...

To paraphrase an old saying

Give a bum a laptop, he'll watch pr()n for a day, give him a mobile WIFI and the Liberals will throw shit like monkeys.

So, the way I understand it is that this company- BBH Labs paid some homeless guys $20 a day to be mobile hotspots in Austin.
They got to keep the Wireless fee and any tips they got.

Which the Liberals HATE.    They H8 it because - somehow it's exploiting the 'downtrodden and helpless.'
Lets call it an eight hour day they work- that translates into $2.50/hr. The same rate as small town non-union waitresses--who rely on tips for the rest of their take-home pay.

I guess the only service workers those Liberals know belong to the overpaid SEIU .

So, being a waitress making $20+ tips is good and noble- no matter how much gas costs, but a Homeless guy getting the same- or better (free housing and no car) is demeaning to all who use that service.

Ya know, if I didn't have a mortgage, insurance, two cars, paying for A/C and heat, credit cards and good food- I could easily live on $20 a day.

On this auspicious day

I'm just wondering if Caesar Obama will be leaving the White House?
...And if he does, will he disarm his praetorian guard?

Just curious- because sometimes history does repeat itself....

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I found out not long ago

That the Marine Son-in-Law who is in Afghanistan only heard about those 16 deaths when our daughter told him today.

No one in the ranks -Who were out patrolling - knew the natives were after them.
No one bothered to tell them the Indians were on the warpath and to be extra careful.

Because the political animals that are the officer corps (that's 'core'- Barry) didn't want to ...I dunno..cause something.

1000 words of truth

AND we must make sure that the cops get home unharmed.

...No matter what.

In a blow to the Obama re-election committee

Santorum won both Alabama and Mississippi followed by Newt and Mr. Establishment.
Which means that Mr. Inevitable- isn't.

Why Does American Samoa, Guam and Puerto Rico have delegates to decide our president?
They're all protectorates, not states and Guam (and probably A.S.) are more tuned to the Asian continent than the American one.
Puerto Rico is nothing but a third world country sucking our tax Dollars away.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

And now for something completely chauvinistic

I found it last night looking for PISSED's sweater puppies.

Now for your nightly, or daily earworm- depending on when you see this-

Did I need to mention it's probably NSFW if your boss is a dooshnozzle, or you work with a Liberal.

Talking truth to power

This is worth six minutes. He kind of stumbles there toward the end, but recovers pretty well.
This needs to get viral.

Something else the smartest negro in the world doesn't understand

Or probably care about in his war on oil.

Out of every 42 gallon barrel of oil, less than half (19.5 gal.) is turned into gas.
Here are some things that are made with the rest that he might have some appreciation for-
Golf Balls

Golf Bags

Golf cart bodies

Battery cases for the golf cart 


And something for MEchelle

Ski boots


Credit cards

Winter coats (not that she needs one)




Monday, March 12, 2012

PISSED gave you some puppy pics

Over here.

Let me put them into sweaters for you!

Can we stop tiptoeing around calling them Communists now?

“He is one on the greatest congressmen in the country,” said President Obama. The reason, Obama told a Teamsters union rally in 2004, “is because he shares our values.”
 At that time—just eight years ago—>Congressman Danny Davis was continuing his efforts to help move then-State Senator Obama up the Chicago political food chain. And not that long ago—in fact, just two weeks—that Congressman Davis was honored by People’s World, a news website, at the Communist Party U.S.A.’s headquarters in Chicago for a lifetime of “inspiring leadership.”

I'm really hoping we're no so far down the road to Idiocracy  that being a Communist still means bad things- and that somehow the Liberals have overstepped for the final time.

But I doubt it.

So, the Godless aithiest Bill Maher is talking about Genesis?

Well actually no.
He's misrepresenting the story of Satan and Eve.

You know picking things out of context because it sounds good- no matter what the real meaning is...right Barry?

Anyway the ignorant atheist- Bill Maher pulled out a gem about "the fruit of the tree of knowledge between good and evil".
Except that being the ignorant slut that he is, doesn't know or care about being true to the Bible, or anything else.

He just calls it the apple of knowlege and went on a typical Liberal lie about home schoolers- made even worse because Santorum and family are religious.

Completely anathema to Bill Maher, the rest of his audience and  most Liberals are people who have faith in their God in Heaven, and not in DeeCee.

Fuck off Bill. I'd cancel HBO, but I never wasted my money on it anyway.

Who here recognises the smell of natural gas?

Well- in truth hardly anyone, but you do recognize the Mercaptain that is use to make it smell like it does.

Because Natural gas is usually colorless and odorless (unless it's really rich with other hydrocarbons that kind of make it smell like paint thinner), and undetectable without specific instruments.

That changed March 18, 1937 in a Texas school in New London when undetected gas exploded and killed 293 teachers and students.
It's now a Federal law that all natural gas be odorized with that distinctive skunk piss.

Here are some facts about natural gas that you may or may not know-
Remember the fire triangle you learned about in school? Add another leg to it and call it a pyramid.
Now you have oxygen, fuel, ignition and then gas concentration.
Natural gas will only burn (or explode) when the concentration is from 4.5- 14.5% gas-in-air. If it's above or below that, you can light matches all day long with nothing happening.

Of course if there is any air movement at all, you don't know *where* that pocket of flammability is which is why the authorities use excessive caution with a gas break.

An electric spark is right in that flammability sweet-spot. That is why, if you smell gas- you don't turn anything on or off.

AND Carbon Monoxide...that's even more flammable.

My, what an intellectual puff-piece about the electric Edsel

Pity the Chevy Volt. Ever since it became known that the plug-in hybrid car’s batteries had burst into flames after government crash tests, the Volt has become the whipping boy of Republican politicians.
Conservatives have equated General Motors Co. (GM)’s Volt with everything from government bailouts to radical left-wing environmentalism.

We shouldn't???

Politics aside, Volt sales have been a source of disappointment for GM. The Environmental Protection Agency gave it a 95 mpg rating for city driving, less than half the 230 mpg rating GM had anticipated in 2009. After the battery fires became public in November, 2011 sales fell short of Akerson’s goal and following slow sales in January and February, GM decided to stop making the cars for five weeks.

Actually, guy- it's closer to one third of the rating...but you're on a financial news site- don't worry about the math.

While the government’s investigation found the Volt to be as safe as other vehicles, they are complicated and expensive for a small car at nearly $40,000 before a federal tax credit. Nissan Motor Co. (7201)’s Leaf electric car missed its sales targets last year, too, raising questions about the size of the market for technology-laden fuel-efficient vehicle.

This is the same .GOV that found problems with Toyota when there was no brake problems? But then there wasn't after it hurt sales...right?

Republicans buy Silverado pickups and other Chevrolets in greater numbers than Democrats do, said Art Spinella, who studies new-vehicle buyers as president of CNW Marketing Research in Bandon, OR.

Buyers from the political center to the right, “will not buy a car that has anything at all that they perceive being associated with the administration,” Spinella said.

Right...I'm still waiting for my TEEshirt that says "GM got $50 Billion of my money and not only did I NOT get a truck--I didn't even get a shirt that says I didn't get a truck".

After President George W. Bush extended emergency loans to GM’s predecessor, Obama’s administration managed its $50 billion bailout. The U.S. still holds 32 percent of the GM shares, which have gained 26 percent this year after falling 45 percent in 2011.

Obama has embraced the Volt’s fuel-saving technology and said it’s his choice for a new car once he’s no longer president.

“It was nice,” he told a United Auto Workers audience on Feb. 28 about sitting in one. “I’ll bet it drives real good. And five years from now when I’m not president anymore, I’ll buy one and drive it myself.”

Yeah, Barry- sandwiched in between a convoy of Secret Service SUVs that get 8MPG.

This song's for you Mr. President-

Sunday, March 11, 2012

They're not as strong as they want you to think they are-

In an award ceremony that had more Liberals than conservatives...
One woman with the (balls) intestinal fortitude to say "NO, I won't show up if your anti-woman 'comedian' decides to keep his misogynistical rants keeps them up."

And Louis C.K. has decided that this wasn't his venue...

Gawd...what a sexy underbite..

So- am I being too picky here?

Dale's RV is an old one. So old it has points, and he told Glenn that sometimes points needed to be resurfaced.
Ok, so those writers know about old time ignition- sort of.

I've never been able to file points while they were still on the truck, much less from an eight-by-eighteen opening in the front of any engine.
Much less have it run if I didn't gap the points.

They should have left Shane in the school bus, but he'd end up getting away.

There's got to be a hardware store in town- why don't they have safety glasses?
I'd hate to turn into a zombie because I got some gore in my eye....

Charlie Sheen hangs out ion Turkish bath-houses? Not exactly WINNING! is it?

Does being zombiefied turn your bones (especially the skull)into peanut brittle?
A K-Bar can slice through the frontal lobe?? SRSLY? I can see an axe, or machette, but a down strike and follow-through???

You know, I thought Shane would be sure to let the kid be bleeding when he went back to his camp.

Death by cop, huh?
And I thought I saw him cut himself in the bus with a contaminated knife....


The Brownshirts are coming out of the woodwork now...

Not only are the howling moth breathers of the Left going after Rush, they're going after any advertizes that support free speech.

Because it's only bad when the Right does it...isn't that right Bill Mahr?

They’ve specifically asked that you schedule their commercials in dayparts or programs free of content that you know are deemed to be offensive or controversial (for example, Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh, Tom Leykis, Michael Savage, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity). Those are defined as environments likely to stir negative sentiment from a very small percentage of the listening public.

So the Leftist Brownshirts are ok with Conservative women being called sluts, whores and cunts by their side, and have hijacked and are about halfway through the Balkanization of our country.

Looks like I won't be buying a new truck from Ford-either...

Saturday, March 10, 2012

I'm not going to go there

No matter how tempting it is because
I'm not a Liberal
and Obama isn't Bush

If you know what I mean and IKYD.

So...Carbonite, Proflowers,Legal Zoom...

How's the post Rush business going?

Making up all those lost customers from the ones who never used you before, but had to scream loud enough that you took a stand "on principles"?

This is a perfect example of how we got where we are

With Liberals running the show.
With anti-American Liberals telling you how to live- that you didn't even get a chance to vote on.

Kalifornia is now forcing Coke and Pepsi to change their soda-pop recipes. Because the way they make the caramel coloring has cause cancer in some lab rats...who ingested the equivalent of some 1,000 cans per day.

So, do the two giant soft drink manufacturers pull their products from the shelves and tell Sacramento to pound sand?
NOoooo, they ask how much time they have to obey some BS health law that doesn't affect anyone at all.

Just like every other manufacturer does.
HEY! If you stop selling to them when they make these laws- the people will make them stop doing that- because they WANT your crap!

H/T IOtW (who has good stuff to steal)

Friday, March 09, 2012

Well, it's not like it was their money

The car company that got a $55 billion bail-out just gave Peugeot a bailout of $400 million for their junk stocks.

Btw- GM still owes us taxpayers some $25 Billion that we'll probably never see...just like the billions of unpaid income taxes from Federal workers.

This has got to be a photoshop

Really, who in their right mind would go out of their way to antagonize half the population?
Especially the half that would actually read what you wrote.

Just given that the maker isn't mentioned brings up questions to me, and the fact that Karen wasn't even shocked! or upset, or angered by it says it missed it's mark.

Obamas real message to the troops

You know that war you're fighting and I'm trying to lose?

Yeah about that- I need to take nine supply planes away from you because I need them to ferry my re-election flacks to all 57 states of the U.S.

I know you'll understand, or at least not say anything bad to the press.

Oh, don't worry about supplies....we'll be getting that Paki supply rout open any month now!

H/T zipwire

So I was over at Drudge this morning

I took him off my bookmarks when he went all in for Romney.
As I was scanning the headlines, I remembered why it didn't matter to me if I read him anymore or not because he's not got new news, and the refresher it timed too fast.

Then I read last night ...somewhere that he kept taking anything critical of Obama off during the last election and won't allow any tributes to the guy who helped get him where he is today- Andrew Breitbart.

I guess I'll keep him of the second string of newsies. If I go there every three days, maybe the content will change.

Thursday, March 08, 2012

The $3 presidential suite- please...

So, the Boy King lowered himself (and drug Mooch along) to dine with some of the lucky ones who were brain damaged enough lucky enough to be chosen to hear the Arrogant One sound off on Himself all night.

Which brings up some questions I had, since I have to watch my pennies.

How did these lucky people get there from all over? Did they have to pay their own way? Did the DNC pay? Did our tax Dollars somehow get hijacked to get them here?

Why did they end up in a dive in the slums restaurant in a newly vibrant part of DeeCee instead of the White House? Dried up chicken from a steam table??? Yeah, well at $3 you're not going to get Wagoo Beef, or apparently any booze to make the evening go more smoothly.

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

I hope that wasn't an irreplaceable original

Book of Esther that Bibi gave Obama for some historical reading- Because it probably made it's way into the first round file he passed.

Sometimes it's better to not say anything

Especially it you're on a flight that just ready to take off and you find a utility knife in the overhead bin.

Because you know that you'll just cause a huge delay because of the TSA security clusterf*ck that will ensue, including putting everyone and their crap through security again and boarding another plane- if they can find one.

Well little Denny, she IS a Democrat

It looks like Dennis Kucinich doesn't like getting his ass kicked by a girl.

Kucinich was clearly not happy about his defeat.
"I would like to be able to congratulate Congresswoman Kaptur but I do have to say she ran a campaign in the Cleveland media market that was utterly lacking in integrity with false statements, half-truths, misrepresentations. I hope that is not the kind of representation she would provide to this community. And I don't think the people of Toledo have any idea of the kind of campaign that was run in the Cleveland area. And my own integrity requires me to just say this: That's not all right."

The 'Notice To Proceed'

We can't even put paint on the ground until the Air Force gives us one.

We were supposed to start Feb. 13th.
I have all the accounts set up, got my Poly gas pipe fusion certs, sent off a Material take-off.
 I'm almost done with our schedule and procedures.

THEN- after we get the NTP, we can't start digging for two weeks while they do line locates.

But at least I'll be able to start fusing the mile of 6" poly pipe together.