Saturday, January 21, 2012

Darth Canis?

A question for PETArds out there

Is this animal cruelty?

Dog vs. Leaves - Watch More Funny Videos

Stolen from IoTW -who has lots of good stuff to steal.

2000 words

I found on FB this morning.

Friday, January 20, 2012

What's the conflict between Google and Blogger now?

It seems that lately, no matter where I'm coming from- my bookmarks or a link to a specific posting in Blogger, I get half a second of that page, then Google sends me to a complete white screen and the bottom says DONE!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Remember back when "W" was creating jobs back in the early 2000's?

This was after the 9-11 attacks that shut down the airline industry and everything associated with them- including tourism.
The Left and their Lamestream Media co-conspirators sniggered about it being only McJobs and not 'really' worth counting as *real* jobs.


But now, we have President Hopey-Changie in DISNEY LAND shutting down Mainstreet America so he could get a photo-op with Cinderellas castle as a backdrop.

He's touting tourism jobs.
Because those minimum wage jobs will be better for America than 20,000 oil patch jobs.

AND what I haven't heard anywhere....the TAX REVENUE from that oil as soon as it crosses the border.

It's like I can read their minds

I put up a post a little over a week ago asking when an occasional thing becomes a pattern.

And now that random thing we never heard of before Iran started rattling its scimitar in the Straights of Hormuz just happened again.
Isn't it amazing that all these Iranian sailors never needed our help until someones 'smart diplomacy' kicked in and we're getting exactly what weakness brings in the mid-east?

Is it a pattern yet, or am I going to be posting next week about us rescuing another Iranian?

So, Warren Buffet gave $49K to the Treasury to pay down the debt

Because he's challenging Republican Congressmen and he'll match it- I guess.

Does he know it would be useless to challenge the Democrats to do the same?

Well good for you Warren, If you *REALLY* want to help- maybe you should tell your company Berkshire Hathaway to pay that almost $1 Billion in back taxes it owes.
Of course now that you made the $49K donation to the deficit, I'm sure your fellow tax cheat Tim Gethner will call of his T-men and let it slide away just like his tax bill.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The same Federal agency who hasn't stopped a single terrorist yet

In the ten years they've been steadily increasing their intrusive behaviour on private citizens.
Just let another weapon get on board a flight in DFW.

But that's ok, we found it before granny could hijack the plane, and now she's under arrest.
...AFTER she boarded and they were in the taxi line.

This in addition to the same bungling bureaucracy that let Scott Atwater get on a plane in Tenn.  and fly with two blocks of C-4 into Midland, TX.

But hey- it's cool, we found it before anything bad happened.
...So our record is still 0-0and0, right?

I'm really surprised that it's taken this long

I heard about Microsofts new 'Avoid the Ghetto' app about three or so months ago.

Only now are the usual suspects starting to make noise about it.
The as-of-yet unnamed product is being referred to as the “Avoid The Ghetto” app by those who are concerned with where it will guide users.
“I’m going to be up in arms about it if it happens,” said Dallas NAACP President Juanita Wallace.
Wallace spent her afternoon at a rally on Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. and said she felt safe there, but fears the app may project otherwise.
“Can you imagine me not being able to go to MLK Blvd. because my GPS says that’s a dangerous crime area? I can’t even imagine that,” she said.

Of course YOU felt safe there Juanita-
  • It was MLK Day
  • it was daylight
  • there was probably a huge police presence
  • they know you
  • they wre in a happy mood
How do you think Dr. King would feel if the first thing you thought about when you were talking about the ghetto was a street named after him?

You know guys, it's not a stereotype if it's true-MK?

Got nothing

Everything is the same as always.

Republicans are going to put the only one who can lose to King Putt out as their nominee.

The MSM are covering for the Chicago Jeezus.

Europeans are showing that they're just as mature as a 13 year-old girl in a crisis.

Democrats want to tell you what to do in your bedroom.

More junk science forcing legislation on those who didn't make the laws.

FoxNews is still making me turn off WOAI at the top of every hour because they can't get enough soundbites of president white-guilt.

Monday, January 16, 2012

So here I am rubbing Stompy-the-cat's chin

(She's the wife's new cat that I had NO say in allowing- whatsoever)A smooched-face ferrite-like thing who would be a dachshund if she were a dog.

Anyway, she let me scratch her chin when the littlest dog* started rubbing my other hand and purring because SHE is the one that adopted me.

*The littlest dog is some kind of tail-less black cat that chases balls, begs and licks plates clean...

...AND fearlessly checks out plates being cleaned by the reals dogs in spite of the growls.

My dad had a favorite quote when it came to odd things

"Follow the money." And when you do, you'll know *why* they did what they did.

Which is probably the reason the TSA is letting you airline travelers and their own employees get hit with over the limit gamma rays at their scanners.
They're not even letting the operators wear dosimeters because they know there criminally badly designed machines would put them over within a couple days.

So who made the descision and what kind of connections do they have to the makers?
Who got the money?

I don't know a lot about cruise ships

But I do know that they have to have some compartmentalization.

Right? Most modern ships -especially those designed for passengers almost have to have safety at the top of their list.
-If not because they're concerned about passengers good health, but at least so they don't lose the company to lawsuits.
So, what I'm wondering is why the Capt. didn't counterflood to keep the ship upright so as to be able to launch his life boats?

Well, that's good...I guess

At least I won't have to try to not intentionally leave off Gov. Asterisk anymore.

Because according to the sycophantic NYT- Gov. * "struggled to live up to the soaring expectations of his candidacy,"- nooo they seriously said that.

The decision from Mr. Huntsman came on the same day that he received the endorsement from The State, the newspaper in the capital of Columbia.
Columbia? Is that one of the extra 7 states his boss thinks we have in America?

Yeah,,,whatever there Jon- and I'm sure Mitt will appreciate the 0bama supporters you give him in your endorsement to be the next establishment Republican to LOSE to the Democrat.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

I see Gods other son went to church today

For the third time this year.

He took an 11 minute motorcade ride to an #OWS-DC supporting church so us bitter clingers could see him talking to dad.

The third time this year,,,that makes six times in three years now?

I admit it, I'm shallow

I know I should look at the person behind the appearance.

But I guess that's one reason I can't see getting behind Rick Santorum right now.
I'm still up in the air, except for refusing to vote for the "President from Central Casting" and one other.

A sweater vest as his trademark? I'm not the only one who feels that way, either.

Besides, remember who else was noted for wearing a sweater?

Yeah, HIM!

It's poll time again!

Which western could you watch more than twice in a day?
High Planes Drifter Open Range
The Good, The Bad, The Ugly On a Pale Horse
3:10 to Yuma
Trinity is still my name
Lonesome Dove free polls 

In our last poll I asked if you changed your vote after the last go-round. The answers were about what I expected- including the Paul-bots hitting him every time they could vote.
So the results were Still waiting the clear winner of the votes that mattered at 14 votes and 39%.
NO at 7 votes and 19% and yes at 2 and 6%.

As usual, you can still vote, but it won't count.

I know human faces are hard to draw

But- daym guy are you blind or just ...stupid?

And you actually PAID for that?


More money sinks here.


This is a $220 tat that I kind of regret having the blue done on, but he was the expert...

What do you think?

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Liberals and unintended consequences

I know, conservatives have them too, but not as unexpected and as often as Liberals.
Because Liberals usually don't give a thought after they have some brilliant idea to "better" someones life.

It's the feeling they get from "helping" someone rather than the results they suffer.

Because a Liberal will almost always make someones life worse after the good-feelings law takes effect.

Like the TeeWee show "Extreme Makeover" on HGTV (I think) who helps the downtrodden by rebuilding their hovels into McMansions.

I always wondered just how someone who was struggling to make it before they  had a brand new and bigger house would handle the extra utility costs, property taxes and maintenance.

Well now we know- they can't.

The producers, touched by her selfless plea, hatched a bigger plan. In addition to renovating the cancer ward, they would tear down the 1,800-square-foot house (with its leaky roof and problem plumbing) that Kassandra's family was renting and rebuild a dream home.
The project generated enormous interest in the Valley. Nearly 4,000 people stood outside the home on a cold and rainy February day to watch the unveiling. The episode aired on March 13, 2005, with the stunned Okvath family reacting with smiles and tears of joy.
And the home's owner, who had okayed the renovation, had signed the property over to the Okvaths, giving the family full ownership.
It seemed like exactly the type of happy ending the show was famous for, but after the cameras left, reality intruded.
Utility bills skyrocketed, reaching $1,200 during the summer months; property taxes increased from $1,625 in 2005 to more than $4,100 in 2006.
Bryan, who was unemployed when the show was filmed, worked sporadically as a truck driver and fire fighter, but none of the jobs paid particularly well. Strapped, the couple used the house as collateral for a $405,000 loan in 2006, but payments on the adjustable-rate mortgage soon became unmanageable.

Am I the only one who'll say why Obama wants with his consolidation?

...Other than the fact that he wants to nullify Congress.

This .GOV consolidation that he wants to do to *koff* make the Commerce Dept leaner and less costly..or something.

The only reason he wants to get rid of waste and redundant efforts is so that the separate splinters aren't slowing down his anti-business goals by creating friction in slapping Stalinistic laws all over businesses.

For those who can't understand the Liberal thought process

Or those of you who just don't get those sneaky nuances from the "Smartest Negro in the World",
I found a translator for you white people:

There is a reason I sometimes don't believe in co-incidence

And I'm sure that this new and happier MEchelle 0bama is one of them.

Ever since we heard about HERSELF being seen as an angry black woman- we're seeing her all (ok, even more than usual) smiles and breaking out into a happy dance whenever she has a captive audience.

To be truthful MEchelle- I don't see you as a typical angry black woman, just a regular beatch.

Friday, January 13, 2012


I had the .MIL over on my site from Google looking at CATS?

You came to my blog for cat pictures?

Do the guys in the Signal corps like to hang out at the hair dressers too?

On the way to work this morning

I had to listen to some arrogant asshole talking about how gutting the military is going to make it stronger and more adaptive.

...And that's a good thing.

Ok Mr. budget-cutting middle class warrior- lets try that with the Dept. of Ed or some of your social services bloated bureaucracies.
Better yet, lets make the EPA a shining example of how much can be done with absolutely NOTHING.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

A little unsolicited advice to you military guys

...and chicks-

When I was in, and probably when most of my ex-military readers.
...and probably everyone else, We did stupid shit. We did stupid shit that could have gotten us killed- even.

You're going to do stupid stuff- it goes with growing up. We did stupid stuff in uniform, but that was then.
Back before PC grew into such a monster AND more importantly- before everyone had a video camera in their pocket.

Here's the advice-
When you do something stupid (and you will)- no matter how cool it is....

DO NOT take a video and post it to You-Tube.

Because at one time this was worth nothing but a slap on the wrist:

Now it would result in Federal penalties.

How many have ever heard of the Hollywood blacklists of the 50's?

That's back when Sen. Joe McCarthy rightly was naming names of Hollywood and government Communists.

The hidden Communists in H`wood refused to hire known Communists- unlike today where they're celebrated.
The Socialistic insider bureaucrats were pretty much left to grow and fester into the bloated anti-American public sector unions we see today.

Anyway, today it's not the Communists that are being blackballed by their H`wood producers- it's global warming sceptics being blackballed by the Japanese copy and electronics maker Kyocera.

,,,And the Leftist Ad Agency types in NYC.

We have always been at war with EastAsia

The criminal Emmanuel Goldstein has always been National computer ID #2012.

Because it makes sense in an Obamaesque way that to enhance your computer privacy- you need a national computer ID.

Because it's just too much of a PITA to remember all those different passwords you have on a cheat-sheet next to your computer.

Besides- who would evAr want to hack your ONE identity that lets the .GOV track your entire intratubZZ wanderings?

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I don't understand

Who is this OSHA guy?
And why was he freaking out?

San Antonio owns the local power company- CPS

The initials stand for something like Citizens Power Service- or something close.

CPS wanted to build another nuke plant down in Three Rivers- but didn't because it wasn't 'green' enough for the city council and Democrat Mayor.

But, guess what? San Antonio ratepayers will be buying a state of the art Solar array!

Because we all need to pay our fair share- or something.

...And in other news that WOAI decided not to put on it's website--oh noes...that nasty drought we're going to have for the next five years is going to cause problems with power generation.
Because we need water to cool the power plants or we'll be having rolling blackouts.

Except that Charity McCurdy forgot that we won't HAVE power plants that need water because Obamas EPA is going to shut them all down next year.

A question for y'all

Why is it that no matter what I drive, or what I'm hauling someone just HAS to ride my bumper?

I could be driving the fuel truck, a 45' drop-deck trailer with a broken back-hoe dripping hydraulic fluid all over your windshield, a bucket truck or a pressure drill- you always pull up so I can only see a shadow where your 4 wheeler is- or one side mirror tip or the other...because you can't hold a lane position either.

I stay in the slow/right/granny lane as much as I can, and there are almost always two, three or four lanes to the left that are going alot faster. It's not that you're waiting for the next exit, because I've had you tailing me for miles- with an empty lane immediately to your left.

The trucks I drive aren't the ones you want to draft, because I don't drive a dry van.

Anyone want to venture a guess?