Saturday, September 10, 2011

He said 'I know how to drive this truck'

So pass the bill. It'll put people to work on infrastructure....again.

Friday, September 09, 2011

Well Big Sis did say to watch for middle aged white terrorists

Here is an example of one now :-)

Funny how he thinks that private property means something when it's HIS union halls parking lot, but it's Ok about breaking into private property and holding hostages while they destroy 10,000 tons of grain.

Daym, it's like Al Bundy in an episode of the Twilight zone when your personality changes 180 degrees- or something.

Hey Al, lighten up.

Look for the union label

Any time there's some kind of strong arm, illegal activity involving jobs and easy money- you'll find a union thug involved somehow.

But, then again- isn't that what our socialist-in-chief wants? Payback for 'the Man' keeping "the worker" down? I mean Keerist, those union thugs in Washington are going to defy a judges order to behave like civilized human beings because their bosses tell them to.

Leighton said he felt like a paper tiger because the International Longshore and Warehouse Union clearly ignored a temporary restraining order he issued last week with similar limits. He scheduled a hearing for next Thursday to determine whether the union should be held in civil contempt.

"The regard for the law is absent here," the judge said. "Somebody is going to be hurt seriously.

AND it's not like those communist sympathizers give a shit about anyone getting hurt or dying while they strike for everything they can grab.

Thursday, September 08, 2011

The newest earworm

Thanks DaddyBear!

Oops. Looks like someone left something incriminating behind

Why else would the the anti-constitutionalists at Eric Holders FBI want to raid Solyndra- who got half a BILLION dollars from their 20+ visits to the White House?

It surly can't be that they want to prosecute a Friend of Barry?
It's not like their products killed any American LEO's, is it?

There's your army Mr. president

500 union thugs break into private property, hold the guards hostage and destroy tons of grain meant for Americans.

Because the union would rather people starve than give anything up for the common good.

Ohh, this oughtta be fun, it's union thugs against other union thugs fighting over jobs that should go to the unemployed.

My thoughts on Het iWONs job speech

all he has to say is two words and the stock market will rebbound and employers will welcome new hires with open arms.

It wouldn't take long to say

"I quit"

Oh...wait- shit.

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Just putting this out for the National News media

Those thousands of acres burning east of Austin are in Bastrop County- (pronounced Bass Drop) NOT Basdrip...Shep and everyone of you clueless east coast Libs who haven't a clue.

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

i was wondering about this today

Does anyone know if Jimmy Hoffa Jr. holds any kind of Journeymans card endorsements on his free Class CDL- OR more likely, all his experiences are sitting behind a desk and talking tough.

You know, I REALLY wish jimmy Jr would have kept his mouth shut about his UAW union thugs declaring war on me and mine until I'd bought my new Ranger.

Now I'll have to go Jap or Korean. F the Unions. You declare war on me and I'll be damned if I give you any of my money.

Yeah, Jimmy Jr is a teamster union thug.
I'd really like to see him parallel park a 53" dry van, or back into a space in a crowded, busy truck stop in the middle of a blizzard.

You DO know....Jimmy Hoffa jr.......

That there are more of us than there are of you, right?

AND we also know how to lay `crete so nothing floats to the surface.

Monday, September 05, 2011

Dear Texas Dove hunters

Try to remember rule four when you're trying to fill a hummingbird mouthful of dove with bird shot.

I know how exiting it is when you're trying to knock one out of the air- BUT- the fiber line of my cable internet isn't birdshot proof.

K?-Tnx, by.

The next president might be an ex-governor, John

But it won't be an ex-governor from Utah.

Just saying, and it's not because your a Mormon.

Enjoy the day off Mr. President

You earned it.

It's hard work destroying a country that's 235 years old.

Happy Labor Day everyone

Sunday, September 04, 2011

Did I really remember seeing that yesterday?

One of the TOTUS writers is heading off to Hollywood to do some screenwriting.

“It’s always been a dream of mine to write comedy and be creative,” said the 29-year-old, who is set to move west in mid-September. According to the Washington Post, Lovett has already fielded “interest from studios in a Washington-based political comedy and an updated version of “M.A.S.H.” Did Hollywood just get a little smarter? Or Washington a little less funny?

I didn't know Hollywood wanted someone who could write the same thing twenty different ways with the same blank meaning.

But, then again- I hardly ever watch sitcoms or pay movies, soo....

This looks interesting

Hsoi has a link to a place called Ghostery.

It's a download that tracks your trackers and lets you block them.

I wonder what my computer experts think about it?

This hardhat protected a steelworker cleaning up the WTC

It's going on display at the (extremely belated) memorial.

I don't have a problem with it being a union proud hardhat, but I do take exception to one sticker.

Can anyone identify it?

No, I don't mean the flag, because back then even the unions weren't so anti-American as they are today.

Saturday, September 03, 2011

On Tee Wee right now

on the Science channel we had Stuck with Hackett.
This is a kind of Junkyard wars with a guy (some kind of proffezzorial guy with drealocks) who can make useful things out of junk.

Now, normally I put someone with dreadlocks into the hippie (and useless) catagory- but I don't have a problem admitting I'm wrong (unlike most pols)- so in his last show, making a laundry mat out of an old Delta-88- I have to admit that in the EOTWAWKIT- that might be a good barter idea. Assuming you have the fuel to run a car that's not going anywhere for living supplies.

Me, I think I'll build my stock of always in demand adult beverages. It takes less resources and there's always some kind of demand.

Hey look! Mel Gibson is at Bartertown on the other channel....I wonder if I have a theme tonight?

Friday, September 02, 2011

Sorry, can't help it

From Zip:

This pic-
"Look hunney- they put white dude on the cross!"

UPDATE- Sunday

I just noticed something on his lapel.
Is he finally proud to be an American for the first time in his adult life, too?

I saw this and forgot about it

Someone asked if -when a battleship lets off a broadside, does it move sideways.

The answer given was that, no- the ship is too heavy to move sideways.

I think this picture gives the lie to at least part of that idea. (the "part" being that the bow has much less mass than mid-ships)

Oh look, some anti-American drug addict got himself booted from a plane

The front-man from the anti-American greenie group couldn't be bothered to stop posing as a prison biatch on SW Airlines and was escorted off.

Because acting like some kind of mature human being is an insult to his 'musical' psyche...or something.

Time for driving tips with Kurt

Because there are a lot of you people moving here from the states that you turned into a socialist paradise- and can't find work- here are some Texas driving tips.

  • We don't drive like you. We actually agree that using turn signals actually helps keep traffic moving a little better.
  • Yes I'm in a big truck so that means I can only go as fast as I can go- so when you're behind me think of these things:
                 A- There are other lanes (probably moving faster, too!)
                 B- No matter how close you tail me, I can only go as fast as I can go.
                 C- If you're following me so close that I can't even see you- how are you going to intimidate me
                       into speeding up.
                 D- I take a lot longer to stop than you do- hence that huge following gap you like use to shoot                              the offramp in.
                  E- Most importantly. I'm getting paid by the hour- YOU are obviously in a hurry. When you                                cause my wreck, I'll make sure to have our talk with Officer Obie takes as long as possible.
                       I might have even had my video working so I can show him how you cut me off with                         no  warning.
  • When I have my turn signals on and you're sitting six inches off my bumper- and I'm looking at you through my west coast mirrors---I really 'CAN'T' tell that your twitching index finger sitting on top of the wheel means it's ok to move over.
  • Do we even want to get into the whole 4-way stop on flashing (malfunctioning) stoplight?

Really people, get a clue!

More results of the law of unintended consequences

So we have Mubarik on trial in Egypt for doing what the Mullahs want to do under color of religion.

There is some kind of international agreement to bring 'to justice' anyone someone points a finger at and calls them a war criminal, or despot (except islamic terrorists)- no matter how long it takes.

...And some people are wondering why Kaddafi and Assad are going to die trying to hold on to what they have, instead of fading away to a lavish retirement in some friendly country?

Because you bleeding heart, do-gooders forced them to decide if they'll stand trial on (most likely) trumped-up charges and spend the rest of their lives in prison- OR go out fighting.

Thursday, September 01, 2011

Thoughts on something I heard today

In one of the radio segments I got to listen to Rush on.

If you watch the NFL pre-season game you're racist for not watching the smartest negro in the world.

Actually, you'd be LESS racist because there are a lot more blacks playing football than in the political side of DeeCee.

And they're all millionaires.

That didn't take long, did it?

President crawfish and his tough talking spokesflacks in the Whitehouse couldn't even stand 24 hours of Republican criticism before he decided to go up against the NFL.

I hope someone (besides our enemies) takes something home from this...Rick? Barbra? Herman?

This post has been brought to you by

The letter "T"

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

So- they say the new MLK statue looks arrogant?

What did they do, get some action pics of the post most partisan president evAr.

Hey, did you hear that the Chicago Jeezus decided to call the entire Congress to witness his mad TOTUS reading skillz on the same day as the Republican debate was scheduled MONTHS in advance.

Boehner's spokesman added in a statement that the White House ignored protocol by not first requesting a date from the speaker's office.

"It's unfortunate the White House ignored decades -- if not centuries -- of the protocol of working out a mutually agreeable date and time before making any public announcement," Boehner spokesman Brendan Buck said.

A senior House Democratic aide called Boehner's office "childish" for asking the president to reschedule.

"The childish behavior coming out of the speaker's office today is truly historic," the aide said. "It is unprecedented to reject the date that a president wants to address a joint session of the Congress."

The White House had insisted the timing was coincidental. Press Secretary Jay Carney told reporters there were many scheduling "considerations" and suggested the president has no interest in detracting from the debate viewership.

He said the administration would "welcome" a decision by debate hosts to "adjust the timing of their debate so that it didn't conflict."

But Carney downplayed the debate as one of many on the political calendar.

That's right Opie, just like there are waaayyyy to many warmed over lies speeches coming from that arrogant asshole who's your boss.

I wonder which the MSM will show in it's entirety if they're on at the same time??????

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I hate to make you listen to this assclown

So you don't have to.
I just included the link for your convenience- to refresh your memory, if you want.

I had to listen to AlBores drivel more than once today, and something that jumped out at me, but no one else mentioned about his telling his Gorebots to get in their faces....yada-yada-yada...

Was that he never once mentioned showing proof, or scientific results.
It was always passion, beliefs or other emotions.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Calling the islamic rage-boy...

Because we're all about rioting when someone desecrates a koran.

And getting blood all over it is- I've heard desecration.

Unless the right people do it for the right reason, I guess....

The new Obama diet- and a new POLL!

As I was making a meal of Raman noodles yesterday (.15/per pack $3.60 for a 24ct. carton) it hit me that soon more and more of our meals will turn out to be the stuff we ate when we were just getting started in life.

Because that's all we'll be able to afford.
So here's the new Raman noodle cooking poll:

How are you going to cook your Obama meal?
Break the noodles in half for easier eating 
Leave the entire block of noodles for more twisting and slurping. 
Just cover the noodles with water- too much dilutes the flavor. 
Like the plastic says- add flavors. 
What are raman noodles? free polls 

As far as the last weeks (and weeks) poll went, you didn't disappoint.
52%/ 33 votes Know the clowns in this government too well, and understand that we'll be looking at even higher taxes than we can afford right after the 2012 election.
And the rest of you still understand the way govt works and whatever you voted for, you know it's true, too.

Anyway, you can still vote- but as always it won't count anymore.