Friday, March 30, 2007

Does this remind you of anyone?

I don't have anyone specific in mind, I just found this while looking for my "Pretty little red rivi-air head".

You-tube doesn't have it.

BUT,,,, I do know some people that THIS song would fit:

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Some like it wet

This is like the third week in a row that it's either been raining, or is wet from the rain.
Everything here is frigging green, and growing.
You can't tell we just mowed the lawn last weekend.

The front yard

It's too wet and humid to do any kind of fine (furniture grade) woodworking because of the 100% humidity here.
I'd guess that we had somewhere around a foot of rain in the last seceral weeks- counting the 7" we had to start it off.

Karen loves it because it reminds her of Old Blighty.
I don't because I can't really do anything outside.

Where we live is supposed to be semi arid (the begginings of the southwest desert- if you want). I walk outside and it feels like I'm in the middle of Puert Rico's El Yunque rainforest. I would say Guam, but it's not that hot and the rain isn't comming down in sheets.

El Capitain!

I have found your unknown missing son!

He was arrested for piratical acts, and believes in the Flying Spagetti Monster. (Ok, not 'arrested", but it sounded good)

“I feel like my First Amendment was violated,” Killian, 16, said. “Freedom of religion and freedom of expression. That’s what I tried to do, and I got shot down.”

Freedom of religion?

Yes, Killian says, his “pirate regalia” is part of his faith — the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

I just KNOW that this will interest most of my faithful readers

All three of them.

Because I know just how cutting edge you are fashion-wise.

Hold on to your credit card and hope you aren't on this list of people who got their onfo stolen from the T.J. Maxx and Marshalls clothing chains.

Just putting this out for the benefit of the public.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

This would drive the Left absolutely bananas

I know, I said I wasn't going to do any presidential stuff, but after reading this, I just HAVE to endorse Fred Thompson.
He has links to Watergate!

Cool, one of the biggest made-up scandals of modern times.
They'll be rolling on the ground chewing on the carpet over that.
...I mean a "real" carpet, on the floor- not their girlfr......ohhh- sorry-

Can you imagine how they'd act if Fred Thompson and Tom Trancredo ran together?
WOW, we could power the country on the hissy-fit the Lbs would throw!

Oh, and probably undo alot of the Conservative distrust of the Republican party---
So we KNOW that will never happen.

I mean, WHY do what's best for the country when you can rake in all those cash donations from your "cheap labor" buddies?

Sunday, March 25, 2007

After reading this post I want to do business with them

I'd like to buy one for Karen. Probably some kind of youth/ladies model.
Except that we want an octagonal barrel.

We went to look at some over at Sportsmans' Warehouse the other day, in preperation for BaG day. She hefted a round barrel carbine and then an octoganal rifle, and could see how much steadier it was.

Ok, all we need now is to find a .22 mag with a short stock,,, and do something with her un-winkable left eye. OR teach her how to shoot lefty.

Is it a co-incidence?

Or am I putting WAYYyyyyyy too much Hollywood .....ummmmmmm..imagery into this?

Does this "Maveric"

Kinda remind you of

THIS 'Maveric"?

or am I just giving too much credit to the Left?

OHhhhh, and just for gratutous "sixiness"...

Can you see it?

It's a 3-D cube!

They're called stereograms.
They came and went in the late 90's -early 2000's.
I haven't really seen them since.

If you don't know how to *see* it, follow these steps.
  1. Click on the image to make it full size.
  2. Focus your eyes about a foot BEHIND the screen. (Try looking at the wall behind your moniter and sloooowly sliding youe eyes sideways)
  3. You'll start to see some kind of change in the picture, DON'T change your focus.
  4. Soon you'll get a better image, try slooowwwwly moving your head back and forth a little bit.
  5. When your eyes 'recognize" the image, you can start to look AT it, instead of through it.

Try some more:

This is a hollow cube with rings. (it's kinda hard to see the sides until you get used to it- this could be stereograph 3.0)

Now that you've got the hang of it, try a moving picture!

If you have trouble, try and give it a break- then come back. It took a while before I could just look and *see*.

Ok, one more for Easter! It's bigger, so it might be easier to see.

Ok, one more- how about a naked cowgirl...floating across the ceiling?

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Friday night

AND what are you doing?

Friday, March 23, 2007

Wanna bet?

Geoge Bush sent one of his cunyaus down here to San Antonio to talk to some construction bigwigs.

Among other ummmmmm........policy statements, he said:
In a comment aimed directly at conservative critics, Gutierrez warned that 'the American people ill not tolerate a one sided bill.'
Wrong Mr. Gutierrez, I'd bet that someone with a "one sided" plan would walk away with any election they ran in.

He also went on to state that:
Gutierrez, who was born in Cuba and educated in Mexico, said the United States desperately requires a policy which welcomes immigrants to feed the country's growing economy, saying immigration 'will give this nation the economic edge over the coming century.'

"The reality is that there are thousands of jobs that aren't getting filled, because we don't have enough workers," Gutierrez said. "Immigration is crucial for our economy to grow in the years ahead. This is something we all need to recognize, and it's part of facing our reality."

Ya know, I'm really getting tired of theses PC types acting like we need to encourage these lawbreakers. That they're no different than the LEGAL immigants that are welcomed here.

Let me say again- Mr. Gutierrez, and tell your Jeffe- The reason AMERICANS aren't doing the work is because the pay isn't worth it.

My job is in a slowdown right now, I'm looking at other jobs, but refuse to even consider applying for any that say bi-lingual-BECAUSE I know that the wages and benefits will suck.
I like construction work, but refuse to work for $8 - $12 per hour.
That's what the pevailing wage is in San Antonio because of George Bush's "compassionate" immigration policy, and his continued @ss-kissing on that third world country to the south.

Yeah, I know- it's capitolism. It made America great, but you still get what you pay for. You pay for someone with a thrird grade education who broke the law to work here- you get someone you can't trust to do the work you hired them for.
Without constant supervision.

Keep talking like that Mr. Gutierrez, and watch your popular support sink even lower than it is now.
But that's ok, the big contributors are happy.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

I've been meaning to do a post on this

Kinda tying the Liberal Democratic/MSM 'outrage' over the firing of 8 prosecutors, and their search for 'answers'.
If they *really* want to know about firing prosecutors, why not ask Janet Reno?
She has more experience in firing a lot more - for less reason than the Bush 'regime'.
At least they were only fired, and didn't have the FBI sikked on them.

Bush mentioned it the other day, when he proved my post wrong (so far) about throwing Alberto Gonzales under the bus.
Ok, I freely admit I was wrong- so far.

That's a sign of maturity there, you politicians.
Instead of laying blame and pointing fingers at everyone you can, man up and take it. People will respect you more, and trust you, even.

Where was I?
Sorry been having computer problems again. Don't know if it's a bad disc, or a trojan I can't find.

Oh, yea- the witch hunt.
I thought it was only supposed to be evil Conservative Rethuglicans that went after people for ideological purposes. But doesn't it seem that the Bolshevik/Soviet/Socialist mask is slipping alot more now?
It's like they think they have a lock on power and aren't afraid to let the little people see their true face.

The face of Fascist intolerance.
The reason there is a big push to get ill educated kids into college is for socialist indoctrination.
The MSM is full of thought police attacking everyone who isn't in lockstep with their view of the world.
Hollywood actors are sending themselves to re-education spas because they spoke wrongly.
Major newspapers who toe the party line cam headline top secret information, and get praise from the Left, but talking about a glorified secretary is a criminal offense- if you're a Republican.

Just keep going Libs, hopefully it'll sink in to the voters just how bad you are for America.
We survived eight years of Bill Clinton, I hope we can survive 2 years of you.

You just can't get away from it, can you?

I'm going to close my Bank of America account because of their wooing Illegals.
I won't open an account at Wells-Fargo (I'd get my mortgage out, too- if I could).
HSBC eagerly accepts bogus Mexican ID cards, too.
CiTI, nope- I replied to one of their junkmails and told them no to send me anymore until they quit lending to criminals. That stopped it (junkmail)considerably.

SO I went to Woodforest Bank at Walmart, asked about their policies of requireing ID, and what type. She told me that they only accepted official, legal documents accompanied by a SocSec number.
Cool, I'm not supporting Illegals, right?
I went to log-on and set up my account for bill paying and was asked which ID from I'd be using and the number:
  • DL
  • SocSec
  • Tx ID
  • Military ID
  • a f*cking MATRICULA card.
Ok, I guess ALL major banks can't stop drooling over "the bank accounts that Americans won't open", or something.

I guess it's going to be the international Bank of Hondo next.
Hunny, you'll need to change your direct deposit.

You're bored, what do you do?

Hey, how about robbing someones house!

Typical idiotic teenage mentality.
The last line pretty well sums up the attitude of MY favorite 18 year-old.

.....And the picture shows she's defiantly NOT related to Elizabeth.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Snopes takes the axe to another set of "facts"

This one about the 'too good to be true' cellphone meme.

You know,
  • The one about dialing 112 for any avilable carrier?
  • Unlock your car door with a remote?
  • *3370# to unlock hidden battery reserves (so you can continue being a road menace).
  • The Cell phone serial # code, and it's automatic shut-dowm of said phone.
  • The 800-FREE-411, which was the only one that was realistic.
If you're interested in the truth about cell phones, here's the link.
I would have mailed the auther of the blogpost, but they don't have a contact anywhere on their blog that I could find.

I'm going to be the first one to say this

At least I haven't heard anyone else say it yet...

The 2008 Presidential election is going to have one of the worst turn-outs in modern history.

Can you guess why?
Because everyone who is not completely ignoring it will be soooo burnt out with it BEFORE the "NEW and IMPROVED" , "BETTER than EVER" primaries cycle in the first two months of the year.

They're doing it for the chance to rake in HUGE amounts of cash you! So you think you have a say in the election process!

By the time the January, February and (if there are any) March state primaries roll around, voters are already going to have "name fatigue". Come on, do you really think anyone that pays attention to our political process (besides the ones directly involved) CARE about hearing the absolute same cr@p for two years?
I'm already getting tired of it, and it's only March of 2007- a year and a half away from the election.

Can you people give me a break for six months at least?

At one time, I thought -W- had a pair

I guess I was wrong.

Or should I have titled this;
Republicans- caving to Dems since 1994?

Anyway, after having the MSM make nasty faces at him- George Bush is fixing to throw Alberto Gonzalas under the train.

I wonder what kind of masochist is going to volunteer next?
Knowing that the first time a Lib points a finger, his time starts running out, wouldn't make for long-term work for anyone with convictions. Are there anyone with a strong moral compass in D.C.?

I said something about this just a little while ago-
The Dems close ranks and defy any outsider to try to bring any of their party to justice.
The Repubs fall all over themselves trying to be the first to start pulling the offender toward the railing.

Too bad Fred Tompson is a Republican, I'd vote for him. EXCEPT that he'd never make it to the R.N.C. as a candidate because he'd never make it passed the metal detectors with all the knives in his back.

GAWD, I wish we had a Conservative party with some intestinal fortitude.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

And you thought your critters were safe?

...Because your pet food wasn't on the list?

Here's another set of names for you to look at....

Menu Foods -- a major manufacturer of dog and cat food sold under Wal-Mart, Safeway, Kroger and other store brands -- recalled 60 million containers of wet pet food Friday after reports of kidney failure and deaths.

An unknown number of cats and dogs suffered kidney failure and about 10 died after eating the affected pet food, the company said in announcing the North American recall.


Below are lists of specific brands recalled by Menu Foods, in addition to Proctor & Gamble's recall of certain Iams and Eukanuba products. Menu Brands lists the brands on its Web site,, and advises consumers to call 1-866-895-2708 for more information.
Recalled cat foods

Americas Choice; Preferred Pets; Authority; Best Choice; Companion; Compliments; Demoulas Market Basket; Fine Feline Cat, Shep Dog; Food Lion; Foodtown; Giant Companion; Good n Meaty; Hannaford; Hill Country Fare; Hy-Vee; Key Food; Laura Lynn; Li'l Red; Loving Meals; Main Choice; Nutriplan; Nutro Max Gourmet Classics; Nutro Natural Choice; Paws; Presidents Choice; Price Chopper; Priority; Save-A-Lot; Schnucks; Sophistacat; Special Kitty; Springfield Pride; Sprout; Total Pet; My True Friend; Wegmans; Western Family; White Rose; and Winn Dixie.
Recalled dog foods

America's Choice; Preferred Pets; Authority; Award; Best Choice; Big Bet; Big Red; Bloom; Bruiser; Cadillac; Companion; Demoulas Market Basket; Fine Feline Cat; Shep Dog; Food Lion; Giant Companion; Great Choice; Hannaford; Hill Country Fare; Hy-Vee; Key Food; Laura Lynn; Loving Meals; Main Choice; Mixables; Nutriplan; Nutro Max; Nutro Natural Choice; Nutro; Ol'Roy; Paws; Pet Essentials; Pet Pride; President's Choice; Price Chopper; Priority; Publix; Roche Bros; Save-A-Lot; Schnucks; Springsfield Pride; Sprout; Stater Bros; Total Pet; My True Friend; Western Family; White Rose; Winn Dixie and Your Pet.

Also stolen from Jenni.

I knew I was special

I just didn't know HOW special.
I'm better than one-of-a-kind.
  • There are 92,990 people in the U.S. with the first name Kurt.
  • Statistically the 547th most popular first name. (tied with 8 other first names)
  • More than 99.9 percent of people with the first name Kurt are male.
LogoThere are:
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

How is THAT for an exclusive name?
My family must be proud!

Stolen from Jenni of who there are 18.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Just curious

Look at these pictures carefully.

What do you notice?




No! Not her boobs.

She salutes better than alot of Dems who were in 'Nam.

I have the TV on as backgound noise

I'm surfing my blogroll, and I hear- again the young, concerned childeren asking about their future.

You know- the ones asking where their SocSec will be? the ones wondering about their healthcare, etc,,,
All bought and paid for by AARP.

The fact that AARP have been fundemental in foiling ANYTHING that might have minimised their goodies just dues -SocSec reform, Bush's Perscription Drug boondogle, more bennies no matter what, "If you change anything, seniorsa will be eating dogfood!"

Now they're putting out TV ads
*to help the childeren*
is kinda like cr@pping in the foyer and telling the guests that they need to clean it up, because they stepped in it.

She said, "You put coffee in that?"

The recipe for tonite was pan fried round steaks, about 3/4" thick- and Cottage fries.

The steaks came from a round roast @ $4.27/lb.
Salted and peppered on both sides and left to mull their fate.

The potatoes were sliced on the thin side (around 1/16"), and the onions at about 1/4".
The lard was just right on medium high heat, and in went the taters and onions with a dash of garlic powder and salt.

The steaks went on the lard at a high medium heat, just to get that charring taste---ummm burnt flesh!

The fries and steaks finished at about the same time (for once), and they were introduced to each other for the next step.

Using the steak pan with the good stuff stuck to the bottom, add a good splash of coffee, enough flour to make a gravy, add to taste garlic powder, salt and pepper.
Mix until the stuff on the bottom mixes well with everything else.

Let a Brit taste and see her expression that those ingredients taste so good.
I would call it Red eye gravy, but I think that's reserved for ham.

I also got most of the lawn mowed today.
Maybe the wood will be dried out enough from all this rain to finish the new entertainment tomorrow.

Friday, March 16, 2007

I hate to do this

But, some people need a refresher


Mole Hill

Now, about those seven prosecutors who got fired for not doing their jobs
(of looking into voter fraud by Dems).
I have two things to say:
  1. Genralissimo Reno fires ALL federal prosecutor's when the Clinton's started running the White House. The First Liar calmed the minor stir by telling his MSM pals that, "Hey- everyone does it!" 'Nuff said.
  2. They should have fire the Prostituter that railroaded the ONLY people who are actually doing something to protect the border. But then again, that would have p*ssed off the smugglers who are running Bush's immigration policy.

More "Clues from Kurt"

This little gem is for the pendejo in Hondo who decided that (s)he'd waited long enough and was going to cross the road anyway.

You're at a minor crossroad on a state highway. If a semi is coming at you at 40 MPH, he CAN'T stop for your dumb @ss no matter how empty he is. The truck and trailer STILL weigh over 15 tons.

Todays driving lesson:
If you're not sure if you have the room to go......DON'T!
Because you most likely don't.

I'll have to ask my boss to look for tire marks tomorrow, I know the trailer was hopping.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Some Ideas for the latest D.C. anti-war march

I got to do a full workload last night! Yeahh!
Our main customer has all it's lines back up and reprogrammed!

Be sure to buy lots of Sams (Walmart) and H.E.B. sodapop!

I was listning to talk radio as I was driving, and thought of some other slogans for the anti-war marchers , , , That I'd use if I were protesting.

Like the Libertards are going to do while defacing "The Wall" to show how much they 'Support the Troops (but not the mission)'.


Get us out of KOSOVO!

Where is the EXIT STRATIGY for KOSOVO?

The REAL unilateral war


Iraq, not like Viet Nam
There are no steps on top of the embassy.

Loosing wars since 1975

Feel free to use them at your next anti-war rally.

Because we KNOW it isn't all about Bu$HitlerHaliburntonMcChimpy.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Uncle Jimbo is back!

No, not that one,

UNCLE Jimbo!
He's giving good advice for y'all heading up to the "Gathering of Eagles" in D.C.

Sounds good, except for maybe Pelosi's Capitol Police.
I mean, are they the ones she ordered to let those the peacful anti-war protesters deface her steps?

Anyway, that "rate the show" sounds good for ANY hippy Socialist/Marxist Bush hating anti-war rally.

H/T the Good eL T.

Blogroll and stuff

I was going to add links to my blogroll today, but lost most of them when I installed a new (older version 1.5 Beta 1) version of Firefox, because the other one lept crashing.

I don't know, maybe it's this computer? since I had F/F 2.0 (the Latest and Best!!!) it's been running like cr@p. I even enabled IE 7 yesterday just to get online. And yes, I had a full cache of spyware when I ran adaware.

All my computers have been slow today, I don't know if the hail did something to the transiver on the dish, or it's ovecast, or itt's just spring break I'm paying for a faster service, I want my faster loading!

The plants finally decided that it's spring. I don't know if it's a coincidence, or that it took a 7" rainfall to decide them, but everything is green or budding.

Cr@p, now I HAVE to fix the lawnmowers carb.

Did I mention AlGores' internet is really, really slow?
Kinda like fast dial-up.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I have the History Channel on

The just got done with "The History of Bullets".

Ok, they got to talking about the new stuff coming out, and 'smart' bullets that can go through body armor and then act like hollow points.
They brought up the L.A. machine gun bank robbers and how out-gunned the L.A.P.D. was.

I got to thinking. Yeah, that's Cali- anyone with a rifle that could have taken care of those two would have been afraid to loan them out for fear of prosecution.

We had a thing in Austin - the U.T. tower sniper of about twenty years ago. After several shots out, he was pinned down by citizens and their rifles until the P.D. finally got an officer up there to finish the job. No citizens were arrested for using their firearms- because the Texas police understood that not ALL firearms owners are trying to kill them, and need their weapons taken away.

Hi, my name is Kurt and I own a gun

I own several as a matter of fact. My wife owns two also.

I just thought I'd throw that out so certain Anti-Gun Liberals wouldn't have to kill more trees to let you know.

I'm also letting you know, because now, we can officially shoot your criminal @ss if you break into our house!

The Texas Fair Defense Act [SB 159] (PDF- sorry) was voted on and overwhelmingly approved by both sides of the aisle to be voted on tomorrow. I think. The website is kinda ... really not easily navigable.

Anyway, if you crooks wanna come over and play; just let me know your flavor:
We have rifles- a 30-06 (1903-A3 where I can take you out at the top of the hill, and your engine block, too). A .22 semi-auto that Karen wants target practice with, she hasn't tried a moving target yet.

We also have 4 pistols in different calibers and actions ranging from .22 to .50 cal and revolvers and auto loading pistols to muzzle loaders (makes a nice hole that shatters bone).

Sorry Hammer, I forgot to credit you for directing me to Misha.

We had a hailstorm last night

I'm glad the trucks were under the carport since the hailstones were a little bigger than grapes. Or big olives, which is bigger?
I'm glad they didn't break any glass in the house, but I'd bet the roof has all kinds of dents now.

Not much is happening here at rancho Trainwreck.
I didn't get a good nights sleep because of the light loads I've gotten and the fect that someone had to almost drain the bank account for her selfish, ungrateful, lazy kids and their trip to the U.K.
We're not going to have enough in my and her check to cover this (big) set of bills this week and do anything but subsist and buy gas.

Gawd it sucks when your main customer has a prolonged work slowdown.
But, I have an interview today, not sure how that'll go with all the jobhopping I've done lately.

But, on the good side- I'm glad I don't own those dogs. NSFW- because of the "educational" toys involved.

Monday, March 12, 2007

More Boogie Woogie


1- I like it


2- It's my blog and I can. It's about the only thing around here I have any say in.

The Andrews Sisters:

Boogie woogie bugle boy

Don't sit under the Apple tree...

Minnie the moocher?
Heidi hiedi
Heidi hiedi

In the mood...

And you can't have a good mix-up without cats, can you?

If you were from Texas in WWII, you'd know this guy

Bob Willis and his Texas Playboys