Monday, July 17, 2006

A one word denial of diplomacy

Ace has a brilliant aswer to those Communistic Liberal Peaceniks who would never think of using military force:

Diplomacy is a powerful tool. But it has one key weakness.

The word "No."

As in--

"Stop making nuclear weapons." -- "No."

"Stop firing long-range missiles." -- "No."

"Stop funding terrorists." -- "No."

"Stop killing and kidnapping Israelis." -- "No."

It is baffling to me that Democrats are unaware that, for all the incredible power of diplomacy, all diplomatic efforts can be entirely rebuffed with a single syllable word.

When Democrats are asked what to do about countries which keep saying "No" in response to our diplomacy, they invariably offer one strategy: More diplomacy!

Unaware, I guess, that every country, no matter how poor, has an endless supply of the natural resource known as the word "No."

That about sums up what's going on in the Mid-east right now.
What they fail to realize is, that you can't reason with a dog, he needs immediate "negative reinforcement".

And in a somewhat related update---The PLO just proved that they Just. Don't. Learn.
They killed another Isreali soldier in Gaza. And they're cheering.
How can you reason with animals like that?

Ehud Olmert

I'd like to take this opportunity to try to nip another lie bit of misinformation from the MSM in the bud.

It's been bandied about by some, that Olmert has "No previous military leadership experience".

Although he wasn't a general Officer in the IDF, he was a combat infantry officer and a military correspondent for the IDF journal Bamachane.

The reason I'm bringing this up is that I'm beginning to see more of those lies misinformation coming from the usual terrorist apologists. I've also heard (sorry no link) comparisons to Bush's *yawn* nonexistent military service..

There was however, no mention of the war hero Bill Clinton in that chickenhawk article.

Also, I guess the meme about "America's economy is going to collapse because of three soldiers- and triple the gas prices!" isn't gaining much traction since I heard it early Sat morning.

Factoids from the U.K.

First let me say that I'm proud to announce that I've corrupted Karens mind, so that she thinks more like an American than a Brit! That's a good thing.

  • Now she knows what I ment when I told her that driving in England was like driving through a tunnel (narrow twisting roads blocked by 10' high hedgrows.
  • She's looking the wrong way when crossing the street.
  • They (the extended family) went out to eat, and the biggest steak they offered was 8oz.- at a premium price.
  • During a discussion of politics (they're sounding more European/communist) they were complaining about the immigrants.
Her- Well, complain, let them know how you think.
Them: Ummmm, why?
Her- You can hold their feet to the fire, make them do something.
Them- What if they don't?
Her- Then vote them out.
Them- Wah? That's not done. If we do that then the other party will win.
Her- So? You vote for the person with the ideas that you believe in.
  • One brother didn't vote- and she fell down then by not telling him to shaddup and quit complaining- since he let others choose.
  • Our Air Conditioners work!
  • Fuel doesn't cost almost $6/ gallon for diesel.
  • Real portions of meat!
  • Space.
  • Less crowding.
  • Real showers.
  • FoxNews- theirs is even more leftist than CNN and CBS.
  • Broadband.
She's looking forward to getting her citizenship come Sept, now. And not just so she can vote against Hillary.

She thanked me for rescuing her, even though she didn't realize then that she needed rescuing.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

As if you didn't have enough to worry about

Now, I present "An Inconvenient Truth"

(the Clifs notes version)

Be very afraid!

Thanks to the lazy bloggers friend- You Tube

As ye sow, so shall you reap

Mildred, the Church gossip and self-appointed arbiter of the local congregation's morals, kept sticking her nose into other people's business. Several members of the congregation were ... unappreciative ... of her activities, but, as the old saying goes, to fight a rumour is to give it strength: and so they remained uneasily silent, wary always of giving her a pretext to focus on them.

Came the day when Mildred happened to see a new member's pickup truck parked all afternoon in front of the town's one and only bar. At once she accused George of being an alcoholic. After all, she claimed, everyone seeing the truck there would know exactly what he was doing.

George was a man of few words. Faced with her accusations, he stared at her for a few moments, and then just silently walked away. He didn't explain, defend, or deny. He said nothing at all.

However, later that evening, George quietly parked his pickup truck in front of Mildred's house ... and left it there all night.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Catchy tune

Some questionable descriptive words, but it's a catchy tune. . .

Because we all know that Algores internet is for, , ,


Stolen from Guidons. A thank you for a new video site, too.


THIS sounds interesting. I wonder if it would be worthwile to build one, and could civilians use it? I wonder what kind of permits you'd need?

Also touching on law enforcement, Officer Opie was lonely last night. I was jst comming into Castroville, and had slowed down to the upcomming speed limit when saw a flash of black and white behind a cluster of mailboxes. As soon as I saw that, the lights came on. After I pulled over and waited for him to drive up. I asked why he pulled me over, I KNOW I wasn't speeding. I had one licence plate light out, and the other one didn't light the plate as bright as he wanted it. I got a fix-it ticket.

Karen's home today!!!
Seems she's become to Americanised to appreciate the soggy weather over in the 'old sod', where people are crowded to gether like rabbits, and the dollar doesn't buy as much as she's used to.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Looks like the new color is red

I've been noticing a lot of redheaded spokes-babes in TV commercials lately.
I have absolutely no problem with that.

BUT. . .

If you're going to go from black to auburn, you REALLY need to do something with those huge black catrepillars above your eyes.

Really. It ruins the illusion.

Trust me on this.
As much as those TV commercials cost, you'd think someone might say something.
I'm no metrosexual fashion consultant, or anything but I can see something that doesn't belong.

I'm not going into the Israel against the sea of hatred right now

What I'm wondering is where are the cries of CENSORSHIP!!! agains the media in dropping Ann Cooulter from their editorial page? Even Editor &Publisher the liberal mover and shaker of the publishing world isn't bothered by this 'censorship'.

Anyone who has the faintest intrest in politics knows that Ann isn't a lightning rod, she's a Tesla coil of anti-Leftism. I don't have a dog in this fight, I like to read Ann taking the fight to the Left. I also like the way she makes the MSM pay attention to our views although sometimes she's accused of 'hatemongering'.
We had a universety cancel the NYT after they sold us out again on the GWT here in San ANtonio, and the local and vocal 'freedom advocates' were screeming about censorship.
It wasn't censorship then, and it's not now. In both cases the information is freely available, it's just not where you're used to getting it.

The usual Liberal hypocracy is searingly loud in it's silence on The Gazette of Cedar Rapids.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

My that certainly was quick

You'd think that the same people who urge restraint on anything America is for would maybe wait a day or two before using the UN Security Council to try condemning Israel's well deserved b*tch slapping of her tormenters.

We're still waiting on the Iran nuke thing, have been for months. And The Norks? Lets "dialogue" before we do anything rash.
Israel is going after two legitimate governments who attacked her -repeatedly-, and is going to get slapped by Islamo-dictiphiles.

I just hope that we hear D.C tell Israel "go git 'em- we got your back".

We all know that's too un-PC for modern-day America.

A message to the reality biased community

Uncle Jimbo lays the smackdown on the Libs For their love of American military coffins.

He pretty much lays it out for the Dems.

Language warning.

Stolen from Perro mokos

AHHHh, there we go

Ya know- sometimes you just gotta ask.
Here I was trying to get my links visible and not getting them where I wanted (visible on all viewing platorms) when I got the BRILLIANT! idea to ask blogger.
(It came to me as I was sitting in my truck waiting for the HEB sugar to unload into your sodapop). I asked Blogger when I got home!

Here are three links- if you didn't have them already for color codes.

These are called the Named Colors.

Here we have the Proprietary color names

and last are the Websafe and Reallysafe Palettes. since they have more than 3 letters/numerals- I'm not sure they'd work on Blogger.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Whoa! Even the UN condemned the Paleostinians

"The United Nations representative to southern Lebanon, Gier Pedersen, condemned HezbollahĂ‚’s capture of the Israeli soldiers and said it Ă‚“escalates the already tense situation."

Ok, it's not as blatantlyl forceful as they are against thIsraelis, but it's a start.

See, if you haven't heard by nowHezbollah came out of Lebanon and kidnapped two Israeli soldiers. (I'm giving you Rednecks' link because it goes to the NYT)
hezobllah, one of the parties that control's lLebanon.
One sovereignen nation.
Which attacked another.
Another act of war.
Which the UN and the rest of the "civilized" world generally downplay or ignore.

UPDATE- I just unf*cked bloggers "spell check" after seeing what it did when publishing. I guess that's OK because Google is in charge, and knows better how to edit a conservative blog better than I do.
Because they *care* more, and are smarter than us conservatives who actually take time to envision what our actions might have down the line,,,instead of just realizing how it makes "US" feel- no matter how it affects those we "helped".

And here I thought the Brits were having a change of heart

on their socialistic gun laws.
because I saw the word Parliment.
Yep, typical Anglocentric Yank American.

It looks like the Gun NAZIs are alive and well in
South Africa

A group of gun owners, unhappy about the proposed Firearms Control Amendment Bill, have protested outside parliament in disapproval of the law which they say will take away the citizens' right to protect themselves from criminals.

The Firearms Control Amendment Bill has been met with both stiff opposition and approval from many quarters.

So, these gungrabbing Libs want to take away everyones right to own a gun.

.....Oooops, my bad.
Should have read all the way through the article, because it's not so much about stealing regulating their guns as it is about accessories.

The protesters also objected to numerous proposed changes in the law such as that owners of certain firearms must be in possession of a competency certificate and the prohibition of silencers.

"We have explained to parliament that silencers serve an important purpose in terms of health and safety in that they offer additional hearing protection on shooting ranges to shooters and bystanders," said Van Wyk.

However, some believe that the new bill, which among other things, seeks to regulate the period of licences held by firearms dealers and owners, is lenient as it no longer limits dealers' stock.

Ok, now where did I put that pic of Rosanna Anna Dana?

Mirriam has a good idea

To send a message to terrorist appologists.

She wants to boycott the NYT on Sept 17th.
I suggested that we move it to Sept 11- to maybe help them see a connection- if they can. Then I thought why just the NYT? WHy not ALL papers and mags that are appologists for terror? I could probably think of ten right off the top of my head.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

How to pass a drug test

For the guy who's doing a blogserach---

Stop doing them.

And don't do them anymore.

I had to fire a friend in the City Gas Dept. when he got popped on a DOT random.

I heard something on the radio last night

But I was too tired to look some numbers on childrens injuries caused by firearms. You remember the "ASK" thing in Pediatritians offices?

I came on some interesting numbers from the CDC. Your official government stats. These stats are generally for children 14 and under.
  • Child Maltreatment- 2002 estimates 906,000 in some form or the other
  • Child passenger restraint- How about 214,00 injured and 1638 killed
  • Fireworks- 9,300 went to the emergency room
  • Playground injuries- More than 200,000 yearly
  • Poisoning- How does 2.2 million in 2000 sound?
  • Traumatic brain injuries- an estimated 474,685 yearly
  • Drownings and near drownings-3,306 in 2003 with five times that many treated.
  • Teen drivers- 2 out of 5 teen deaths are here.
  • Youth violence-# In 2004, more than 750,000 young people ages 10 to 24 were treated in emergency departments for injuries sustained due to violence (CDC 2006).~AND~ In 2003, 5,570 young people ages 10 to 24 were murdered—an average of 15 each day. Of these victims, 82% were killed with firearms (CDC 2006).
  • How about Dogs?- 4.7 milliom bites per year
The reason I brought these facts up was because of something like this that was on some talk radio last night this morning:

Having a gun in your home, especially if it is not stored properly, can be a significant risk factor for injury and death in children. In fact, firearm related injuries are a leading cause of death in children, and include deaths from unintentional injuries, homicide and suicide.

Between 1994 and 1998, 6,287 children committed suicide with a firearm and an additional 1,896 children were killed by unintentional gun injuries in the United States. All together, 23,776 children under age 19 died from a gun related injury during these years, which is equal to 13 children a day. (source: CDC National Injury Mortality Statistics)

Now we're going from the "up to 14" catagory to 18+ years old,and including ALL injuries for ALL young adults- including the gangbangers who INTEND to shoot other kids.
It is estimated that there are guns in half of all of the homes in the United States. Although most of these guns are purchased for safety reasons, it is important to keep in mind that a firearm in the home is much more likely (up to 43 times more likely in some reports) to kill or injure a family member or friend than an intruder. According to your CDC stats we oughtta git rid of our dawgs, too

Because of the number of injuries from guns, which many say has reached epidemic levels, programs have been developed to educate parents and children about gun safety. These include the Eddie Eagle gun safety program from the National Rifle Association, which educates children who find a gun to 'Stop! Don't Touch. Leave the Area. Tell an Adult.' The American Academy of Pediatrics also has a 'Keep Your Family Safe from Firearm Injury' program that educates parents about gun safety and advises 'the safest thing is to not have a gun in your home, especially not a handgun.' Epidemic? Like the Bird flu? Everybody, go up and reread thos CDC stats agin, then reread his numbers.
As the American Academy of Pediatrics states in their book, 'Injury Prevention and Control for Children and Youth,' the 'risks of hangun ownership outweight the benefits.' If you have children in your house, then consider getting rid of your guns. If you must have a gun in the house, then at least learn to store it properly.

Mine ARE properly stored, ThankYouVeryMuch.

First off, the girls have absolutly NO interest in them.
Secondly., they wouldn't know HOW to even start loading the Black Powder ones, and
Third, the Taurus is locked.

Monday, July 10, 2006

At least I'm not French

Your Inner European is Irish!

Sprited and boisterous!

You drink everyone under the table.

American Cities That Best Fit You:

80% Austin
75% Denver
75% Las Vegas
65% Atlanta
65% Honolulu

That's good anyway

You Passed 8th Grade Science

Congratulations, you got 7/8 correct!

Musta been that neutron thing..

I expected better out of FoxNews

I have it on in the background, listening to the coverage of the explosion over there. They just told the world that Natural Gas sinks, and could be a cause of the explosion.

Just to let you jounalists know- not that it could save lives or property- Natural gas is lighter than air (it floats) but propane is heavier.
Both have an unmistakable odor that is introduced before delivery for use.

Now, before everyone starts panicking because the gave *gasp* gas in their house, here are some facts that probably will get lost in the hype:
  • In order to burn (or explode) the concentration needs to be within the range of 4.5% and 14.5% gas in air. Any more or any less and you can light matches all day long with nothing happening.
  • In order to ignite, the source needs to be around 1200 F (more or less- it's been a while). A light switch is smack-dab in the middle of the heat range.
  • You can't tell how concentrated the gas is from smell.

UPDATE- someone's getting sued. Fox just said the neighbors called the Gas Dept 7 times over the weekend reporting the smell of gas. I don't know about NYC, but in Texas we take that seriously. Any leak that is inside an active building is classified as a "grade 1" leak, and must be migitated immediately. This can involve fixing the leak, shutting off the gas including evacuating and venting the building.

I see several of jobs open in the NCY gas department , if anyone's interested. Probably ranging from the leak crew on up.

UPDATE TO THE UPDATE...Looks like it might have been a suicide attempt.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

commenting and trackback have been added to this blog.

How do y'all like my new dress?

I'm still tweeking it....

And I lost Haloscan.

So we have a brand new look, but he same content. Well it works for Madison Ave., maybe it'll work here ; New flashy packaging- same crappy product,,, at a new price, too.

Ohhh, and I'm adding Rivr Dog to the blogroll.
Gun pr0n

It is based on the 1858 .44 Remington revolver with an 18" barrel and loads the same as a Black powder revolver.

Here are the specs:
Twist: Left
Total length: 35Ă‚¼"
Total weight: 4.4 Lbs
Price $455

I was going to start an online store to sell loading stands and pistol display stands, so I could buy that toy.
I saw a caution about it, and it dawned on me that like any other cap and ball revolver- you don't want your hands in front of the cylinder when you're firing it.
There is a remote possibility that there could be a chain fire, and you don't want a hand in the line of any of the chambers.

I just have a hard time imagining holding and steadying a rifle at the trigger guard.
Oh, and the almost $500 price makes it even less tempting.

I did come up with a new (different) template for this blog, so all wasn't lost. I'll be showing off my new dress soon.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Some praise for Bill Clinton

Ok not a lot, but I have to give credit where credit is due (That's what you do when you grow up - Libs). I dislike most of what he stood for, and the example he (and his apologists) set for the 90's generation.

I will give him credit for having the cajones to send a message with a couple cruise missiles.
His motives weren't exactly pure, but he didn't waste time on *yawn* endless and meaningless international 'dialogue'.

Friday, July 07, 2006

So, did the Spampire collapse?

Have you seen the news out if Nigeria?

Nigeria is cutting thousands of jobs.

Ok, they're not spammers, just guvimment workers who.....ahemmmmm......
Are unqualified for their jobs. They're finally getting around to fireing them after most of them were hired in 1988. Chit, two more years and they'd be able to retire.
OK, now listen up

Bono . Needs our help, he needs answers.
He wants to know "What can we do to make poverty history?",

Yours, actually- I gave already.

He's got some good answers already;

BRAD T says: Make rich liberals give up their material goods in the name of socialism which they are always beating us over the heads with.

How is it possible that rich whiney liberals live in the same city as extremely poor people? Am I the only one who understands this contradiction?

Problem solved

JAWN K says: Maybe rich white singers in far off lands should sell their mansions, limos, and clothes, get off their narcissistic trip and give it all to the poor.

Hard to believe people like that bono guy live in a million dollar mansion and has the gaul to lecture all of us about poverty. People like him and Paul Simon are white-guilters who want attention. When these people sell their mansions and go live here (see link) then I will donate a few bucks. Otherwise, it's do as I say, not as I do, hypocrisy!

AZHEELSHOCK lets' Bono have it: Start in Somalia, Bono. I'd like to see you walk those streets that have no name...oh yeah, but they are covered with the blood of innocent women and children. Do something about that! See how far your fame gets you in the face of a tyrannical warlord.

Those were in the minoity, though. Most of the answers were pretty much on the Liberal page that boiled down to "send more money"
He's got over 20,500 answers in about 20 hours.
North Korean missles

All I've got to say about that is that there ought to be some big smoking holes where the launchers used to be.
Negotiations won't do any good. He'll play the world until he gets what he wants, then we play the game all over again.

And again.

And again.

....Untill someone gets tired of it.

Now, will Iran get the same pass?
Or will we just let them nuke Isreal just once or twice before doing something?

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Winston Churchill reaches across six and a half decades

to b*tchslap the liberals, both here and in the U.K.

Just after Dunkirk:

...I am not reciting these facts for the purpose of recrimination. That I judge to be utterly futile and even harmful. We cannot afford it. I recite them in order to explain why it was we did not have, as we could have had, between twelve and fourteen British divisions fighting in the line in this great battle instead of only three. Now I put all this aside. I put it on the shelf, from which the historians, when they have time, will select their documents to tell their stories. We have to think of the future and not of the past. This also applies in a small way to our own affairs at home. There are many who would hold an inquest in the House of Commons on the conduct of the Governments-and of Parliaments, for they are in it, too-during the years which led up to this catastrophe. They seek to indict those who were responsible for the guidance of our affairs. This also would be a foolish and pernicious process. There are too many in it. Let each man search his conscience and search his speeches. I frequently search mine.
Of this I am quite sure, that if we open a quarrel between the past and the present, we shall find that we have lost the future. Therefore, I cannot accept the drawing of any distinctions between Members of the present Government. It was formed at a moment of crisis in order to unite all the Parties and all sections of opinion. It has received the almost unanimous support of both Houses of Parliament. Its Members are going to stand together, and, subject to the authority of the House of Commons, we are going to govern the country and fight the war. It is absolutely necessary at a time like this that every Minister who tries each day to do his duty shall be respected; and their subordinates must know that their chiefs are not threatened men, men who are here today and gone tomorrow, but that their directions must be punctually and faithfully obeyed. Without this concentrated power we cannot face what lies before us. I should not think it would be very advantageous for the House to prolong this Debate this afternoon under conditions of public stress. Many facts are not clear that will be clear in a short time. We are to have a secret Session on Thursday, and I should think that would be a better opportunity for the many earnest expressions of opinion which Members will desire to make and for the House to discuss vital matters without having everything read the next morning by our dangerous foes.

~And in a prescient warning to the anti-profiling crowd, he reminds us of what we Americans still want to imagine what the British public is like today~
We have found it necessary to take measures of increasing stringency, not only against enemy aliens and suspicious characters of other nationalities, but also against British subjects who may become a danger or a nuisance should the war be transported to the United Kingdom. I know there are a great many people affected by the orders which we have made who are the passionate enemies of Nazi Germany. I am very sorry for them, but we cannot, at the present time and under the present stress, draw all the distinctions which we should like to do. If parachute landings were attempted and fierce fighting attendant upon them followed, these unfortunate people would be far better out of the way, for their own sakes as well as for ours. There is, however, another class, for which I feel not the slightest sympathy. Parliament has given us the powers to put down Fifth Column activities with a strong hand, and we shall use those powers subject to the supervision and correction of the House, without the slightest hesitation until we are satisfied, and more than satisfied, that this malignancy in our midst has been effectively stamped out. Turning once again, and this time more generally, to the question of invasion, I would observe that there has never been a period in all these long centuries of which we boast when an absolute guarantee against invasion, still less against serious raids, could have been given to our people. In the days of Napoleon the same wind which would have carried his transports across the Channel might have driven away the blockading fleet. There was always the chance, and it is that chance which has excited and befooled the imaginations of many Continental tyrants. Many are the tales that are told. We are assured that novel methods will be adopted, and when we see the originality of malice, the ingenuity of aggression, which our enemy displays, we may certainly prepare ourselves for every kind of novel stratagem and every kind of brutal and treacherous maneuver. I think that no idea is so outlandish that it should not be considered and viewed with a searching, but at the same time, I hope, with a steady eye. We must never forget the solid assurances of sea power and those which belong to air power if it can be locally exercised. I have, myself, full confidence that if all do their duty, if nothing is neglected, and if the best arrangements are made, as they are being made, we shall prove ourselves once again able to defend our Island home, to ride out the storm of war, and to outlive the menace of tyranny, if necessary for years, if necessary alone. At any rate, that is what we are going to try to do. That is the resolve of His Majesty's Government-every man of them. That is the will of Parliament and the nation. The British Empire and the French Republic, linked together in their cause and in their need, will defend to the death their native soil, aiding each other like good comrades to the utmost of their strength. Even though large tracts of Europe and many old and famous States have fallen or may fall into the grip of the Gestapo and all the odious apparatus of Nazi rule, we shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this Island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British Fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in God's good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old.

I just love someone with such a command of both the English language and the knowledge of the human condition. The fact that he was on "our" side is a huge plus.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

There IS hope for America after all

Listen to what these kids had to say to 'code pincko'

via rob at Say Anything.
DDT and you


Ok, back to the DDT thing.
I guess I'm out of the scientific link here- living in the real world and all.
I just read this story on the residual effects of DDT.

First some chemistry:
DDT, an organochlorine, persists in the environment long after use, accumulating in the food chain and in fatty tissues of animals and humans.

Over time, it degrades into DDE and DDD, which have similar chemical and physical properties.

Thirty-three years after its use was banned in the US, DDT is still detectable in about five to 10% of people, while DDE is detectable in nearly everyone.

Now comes the chicken little act.

The UC Berkeley researchers measured blood levels of DDT and one of its breakdown products, DDE, in 360 pregnant women, the majority of whom were born in Mexico, where agricultural use of the chemical was only banned in 2000.

Well it IS California, so they only had Illegals coming to free healthcare to work with.

For each tenfold increase in DDT levels measured in the mother, the team found a corresponding two to three-point decrease in the children's mental development scores at 12 and 24 months.

Children with the highest DDT exposures in the womb were associated with a seven to 10-point decrease in test scores, compared to the lowest exposures.

When the children's physical skills were measured, there were two-point decreases in children's scores at six and 12 months for each tenfold increase in DDT levels in the mothers.

Similar, but weaker effects, were linked to DDE exposure.

Ok, I only have my high school math here, but isn't a tenfold increase like multiplying by 10? You have say 10mg of DDT and a tenfold increase would be 100mg- right?
Then you measure it on a percentage scale, so one percent would be .001 of the standard. A two point decrease would be .002.
Or am I missing something?

Professor Richard Sharpe, of the Medical Research Council's Human Reproductive Sciences Unit in Edinburgh, said: "The older the woman before her first breastfeeding episode and the longer and the higher her DDT exposure has been, the greater will be the amount of chemical delivered to the baby.

"So the first baby gets the worst of the chemicals stored in the mum's fat.

"There may also be a bonus to the mum in that she is ridding herself and her fat tissue of the chemicals in question and because some of these chemicals are potentially implicated in the development of breast cancer - the breast is mainly fat.

"This could be one of the ways in which early breastfeeding protects against breast cancer."

Ok, I can see the floodgate analogy with flushing out accumulated DDT.
But, ummmm- is my high school biology wrong? I was taught that milk comes from mammary glands, not the fat- or is it just leaching into the milk?

Ohhhhhhhhhhh,,,,,,,,so confused.
And here I thought that those illegals just didn't want to bother to learn English- not that they were to pendejo to learn.
In one last bit of patriotic chest thumping

before getting back to my usual moronic posts:

50 Reasons Why It's Good to Be an American Man (In No Particular Order)
More from Esquire

1. The original Tommy's burger. Not Tommies, mind you, that sorry mall-rat imitator of the real deal in L.A., but Tommy's-the y indicating that the chili on top has been brewing in the same pot for fifty years, which may be why you find very few American women in the long line.

2. Canadian import Emanuelle Chriqui.

3. Redwood National Park in California. An atheist could find God here.

4. Outlaw Country (channel 63) on Sirius. Self-description: "A sanctuary for the freaks, misfits, outcasts, rebels, and renegades of country music.

5. 3-in-one oil.

6. The Wonderbra.

7. The first eighteen minutes of Conan O'Brien.

8. The first four days of the NCAA tournament. Forty-eight games in eighty-four hours.

9. Cheap cars with cojones. Like the Dodge Magnum, a wagon that'll do 130 miles an hour.

10. Slow-pitch softball. I'm old, nearer to adult diapers than to my free-wheeling days, and when I shut my eyes at night and try to pry dread's fingers from my failing brain, I don't count sheep, or women, or my blessings. I recall team names from my slow-pitch days, and in my mind's eye I see the balls I crushed fly again-over outfielders' heads and wiremesh fences-in Cleveland, Iowa City, Austin, Philadelphia, and Manhattan. It makes me feel young again-and proud to live in a country where being slow, fat, and stoned is no barrier to pseudo-athletic excellence. I have played slow-pitch with ex-major-leaguers and Division 1 footballers and Orthodox Jews wearing tzitzis and women bus drivers who could grow a much better mustache than me. Thanks to slow-pitch, I have walked into town a stranger and left with dozens of friends; I've scored runs, jobs, weed, apartments, and more women than you could shake a Bombat at, although never from those mustachioed broads. Not that I didn't try. What I'm saying is, I have insomnia. Also, slowpitch is more than a game. It is as good, and as free, as America gets.


11. Texas Pete hot sauce.

12. Tater Tots.

13. Baked beans at Durgin-Park. In Boston, of course.

14. The lyrics to Hank Williams Jr.'s "Texas Women": I've got some fond memories of San Angelo / And I've seen some beauty queens in El Paso / But the best looking women that I've ever seen / Have all been in Texas and all wearing jeans.

15. Five-blade razors.

16. Four-door trucks.

17. Three-bean chili.

18. One-hundred-eighty-minute happy hours.

19. The Food Network's Giada De Laurentiis. Specifically, her plunging necklines and the placement of her oven so that she has to lean over at least a dozen times per show.

20. Low expectations. A few months ago I was outside a beer joint in Ecuador, peeing behind a blond horse named Gringa. Peeing behind his own horse nearby was an old friend, Enrique, who was in the middle of telling me about some unpleasantness he'd recently endured at U.S. customs in Miami. Officers there had refused to believe that a thirty-one-year-old banana republican earned enough honest bucks to own a vacation condo in Florida. Was he a narcotraficante? A terrorista? A narcoterrorista?! The interrogation concluded with an emasculating strip search, and the experience left Enrique thoroughly fed up with Americans. "I don't mean you," he quickly added. "You're different." For what it's worth, he's right: You'd never catch me rubber-gloving a rectum just because its owner looks a little Escobar-y. But my point here is that our rep has plummeted so low that it's almost impossible not to rise above it. Most foreigners, unless you're forcing them to play naked Twister or collaterally damaging their wedding parties, are pleasantly surprised by our lack of visible fangs. This has led to a happy paradox: While we're collectively in the toilet, we individually smell like roses.

21. You're never more than a car ride away from a decent public golf course.

22. You can eat Krispy Kremes sautéed in trans fat at every meal for the next three months and still not be the fattest person at the state fair.

23. When you think about it, our flag is still the coolest looking of any nation's. Except maybe Kiribati's.

24. Titanium is our mineral. Titanium drivers. Titanium bats. Titanium armor.

25. Salad in a bag.

26. Wine in a box.

27. Boy shorts on women.

28. DVR for just seven dollars a month.

29. The smell of a box of baseballs.

30. The duality of never buying a Jack LaLanne juicer but being happy that he's selling them.

31. The rebirth of the steak house. Less burgundy, better meat.

32. The C-note.

33. The red-eye out of Vegas. At 3:00 P.M., you're poolside, trying to sweat out an ill-advised round of mojitos with three women from Nova Scotia. You haven't eaten since the night before, when you had a porterhouse at a place where they made the Caesar salad at your table. At 6:00, you get your bag from the bellman and wash up in the casino restroom. You still look good. At 8:00, you stand at the craps table, your bag at your feet, and make one last concerted effort to hit on your famous parley on the horn high yo. At 9:45, after laying a quick five hundred on the Redskins, you grab a cab to the airport, where you drop a final hundred into the Wheel of Fortune slot machines as you tug on a Bloody Mary. At 11:56, you take your seat on the plane, and fifteen minutes later, every reading light goes out, every head tilts into a makeshift pillow. When you land, you debark bleary-eyed, crook-stepped. It's 5:58. In three hours you will be at work.


34. That concurrently Bob Dylan and Kanye West both, in some way, speak for you.

35. That the Yankees haven't won the World Series in five seasons. And it ain't gonna happen this year, either.

36. The surfeit of attractive actresses named Jennifer.

37. The ever-changing standards of American beauty. While men elsewhere have fairly stagnant tastes, our ideal swings constantly from Kate Moss to J. Lo. This is good. It means American women have countless norms to pick from and ensures us of a truly eclectic buffet.

38. NFL Sunday Ticket.

39. Tiffany's. Any schmuck with a credit card can walk in, buy the cheapest trinket in the store, have 'em wrap it in that peacockblue box with a satin bow, and melt any woman's heart.

40. Batting cages and driving ranges. In the same spot.

41. The never-ending quest to find the perfect barbecue joint.

42. And the perfect cheeseburger.

43. ZZ Top. They're from Texas, and they're not from old money. In fact, they just got paid today, and it was all nickels and dimes. They sport beards that would be unacceptable to most biker mamas. They have consumed booze, drugs, topless dancers, pork ribs, and pecan pie with equal and unadulterated ferocity. And considering that they haven't made a decent album since 1983, it's somewhat remarkable that they're still around. But ZZ Top continues to define the aesthetics of unrepentant American maleness; this is the music of liars, fighters, and gamblers. ZZ Top is what you hear when there are thirteen people in the bar and twelve of them are men (and the thirteenth is a waitress, and she's been divorced three times). It's a straightforward equation: Billy Gibbons gets his ax in the pocket, everybody hunkers down with Camel straights, the world turns into chrome and leather, and thirty years of political correctness evaporates like spit.


44. Corn bread.

45. Yellow mustard.

46. Macaroni and cheese. And hot dogs.

47. Because someday you could grow up to be Grand Exalted Ruler of a club called the Elks.

48. Because if you're an American man, you're not a British man.

49. This formula: a Tuesday, the dizzying sun, cheap beer, bleacher seats.

50. Eight more Sopranos episodes.