I'm happy because I'm a pessimist?
According to a Pew Research center survey I am.
I'm happy because I'm a conservative (in belief, not a Bush sycophant), or is it that I'm a pessimist and I'm happy when things don't go south? It's also not the (entire) result of the last two elections, either:
Election results do not explain this happiness gap. Republicans have been happier than Democrats every year since the survey began in 1972. Married people and religious people are especially disposed to happiness, and both cohorts vote more conservatively than does the nation as a whole.
Begin with a paradox: Conservatives are happier than liberals because they are more pessimistic. Conservatives think the Book of Job got it right ("Man is born unto trouble as the sparks fly upward"), as did Adam Smith ("There is a great deal of ruin in a nation"). Conservatives understand that society in its complexity resembles a giant Calder mobile -- touch it here and things jiggle there, and there, and way over there. Hence conservatives acknowledge the Law of Unintended Consequences, which is: The unintended consequences of bold government undertakings are apt to be larger than, and contrary to, the intended ones.
Conservatives' pessimism is conducive to their happiness in three ways. First, they are rarely surprised -- they are right more often than not about the course of events. Second, when they are wrong, they are happy to be so. Third, because pessimistic conservatives put not their faith in princes -- government -- they accept that happiness is a function of fending for oneself. They believe that happiness is an activity -- it is inseparable from the pursuit of happiness.
Ok, I understand that, I consider myself an optimistic pessimist; If it goes the way it's supposed to- great! If not, then I've thought about it, and here's my idea to unf*ck it.
Liberals, on the other hand think that there is a RIGHT to "happiness" and Bu$Hitler=Halburton is standing in the way.
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Nautical PSA
This is why a small boat should ALWAYS turn behind a big ship.
A bit of nautical trivia: you can put a boat on a ship, but you can't put a ship on a boat.
This is why a small boat should ALWAYS turn behind a big ship.
A bit of nautical trivia: you can put a boat on a ship, but you can't put a ship on a boat.
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Well it figures, it IS MinneSOta after all
Not that that's bad- or anything , , ,
There was a gas station fined for selling gas too cheaply for the state regs.
The Minnesota Commerce Department on Thursday announced plans to fine a gas station chain $140,000 for repeatedly selling gas below the state's legal minimum price.
The fine against Midwest Oil of Minnesota is twice as large as any imposed on a company since 2001, when the state established a formula based on wholesale prices, fees and taxes to determine a daily floor for gas prices.
Not that those Vikings are in the same league as Cali, or Hawaii for government interference on private businesses, but they DO have a liberal bent.
It's not that the snowbelt is inherently Liberal, it's just that they trust the government wayyyy too much for their own good. I hope they get to see this article up in the frozen north.
That's omething I thought I'd never see- a LIBERAL government setting a minimum price to hurt the "people".
Not that that's bad- or anything , , ,
There was a gas station fined for selling gas too cheaply for the state regs.
The Minnesota Commerce Department on Thursday announced plans to fine a gas station chain $140,000 for repeatedly selling gas below the state's legal minimum price.
The fine against Midwest Oil of Minnesota is twice as large as any imposed on a company since 2001, when the state established a formula based on wholesale prices, fees and taxes to determine a daily floor for gas prices.
Not that those Vikings are in the same league as Cali, or Hawaii for government interference on private businesses, but they DO have a liberal bent.
It's not that the snowbelt is inherently Liberal, it's just that they trust the government wayyyy too much for their own good. I hope they get to see this article up in the frozen north.
That's omething I thought I'd never see- a LIBERAL government setting a minimum price to hurt the "people".
I left a comment over in this blog
It was my usual B.S. comment. I didn't realize that he was a lib, or wouldn't have bothered- save my crappy typing for here, ya know.
It was a post about voter fraud (the Rethuglican type), and it reminded me of what I've believed for quite a while.
If you want to ACTUALLY get better, more accurate results from the ballot, then make it HARDER to vote.
That would give people some incentive to actually THINK about who they're going to vote for. It would weed out those who are too stupid to follow a ballot from name along the same line to the ..........CHAD.
Instead of making people actually make some kind of commitment in the democratic process by putting out a little effort and hopefully getting them involved in the process- making it easier to vote seems to bring out the idiots.
Instead of an informed and committed electorate, we have "Motor-voter" and No-ID voters who have no clue about who's even on the ballot. Except for the name they were told to vote for "Because they're . . ." or "They told me . . ." or "They'll do . . . for me."
You want better results, lets start screening voters. I don't mean a Jim Crow literacy test or a poll tax. I mean a quick pre-vote questionnaire with about 3 questions on the ballot.
They could be as easy as "Which (major position) candidates are running?" "Who is the Senate majority (minority) leader?" "Name two Supreme Court justices (your Senators) (your City councilman)". If you can't answer these questions you don't know enough about the United States to deserve a counting vote.
In English. The LAW states that to be a citizen, you should know the basics of english. (If you want to become a productive, positive contribution to American society - be an AMERICAN VOTER.) If you answered the questions right, your ballot counts- if not, it goes into the "tie-breaker" stack.
I know a certain political party would have a screaming tizzy fit about "disenfranchising" their chosen voters. Thedrunken derelicts bums homeless, the shiftless drug addicts helpless on public assistance, the plantation residents barrio vatos illegal aliens minorities, and the rest of their "base".
But hey, if you're actually serious about voter fraud, machines aren't going to stop it- no matter WHO makes the things, committed citizens are the key. If you want to cut out alot of questionable votes, and get a better handle on it- identify the voters, and make sure they're eligible to vote.
Make voting mean more than just buying a lottery ticket.
It was my usual B.S. comment. I didn't realize that he was a lib, or wouldn't have bothered- save my crappy typing for here, ya know.
It was a post about voter fraud (the Rethuglican type), and it reminded me of what I've believed for quite a while.
If you want to ACTUALLY get better, more accurate results from the ballot, then make it HARDER to vote.
That would give people some incentive to actually THINK about who they're going to vote for. It would weed out those who are too stupid to follow a ballot from name along the same line to the ..........CHAD.
Instead of making people actually make some kind of commitment in the democratic process by putting out a little effort and hopefully getting them involved in the process- making it easier to vote seems to bring out the idiots.
Instead of an informed and committed electorate, we have "Motor-voter" and No-ID voters who have no clue about who's even on the ballot. Except for the name they were told to vote for "Because they're . . ." or "They told me . . ." or "They'll do . . . for me."
You want better results, lets start screening voters. I don't mean a Jim Crow literacy test or a poll tax. I mean a quick pre-vote questionnaire with about 3 questions on the ballot.
They could be as easy as "Which (major position) candidates are running?" "Who is the Senate majority (minority) leader?" "Name two Supreme Court justices (your Senators) (your City councilman)". If you can't answer these questions you don't know enough about the United States to deserve a counting vote.
In English. The LAW states that to be a citizen, you should know the basics of english. (If you want to become a productive, positive contribution to American society - be an AMERICAN VOTER.) If you answered the questions right, your ballot counts- if not, it goes into the "tie-breaker" stack.
I know a certain political party would have a screaming tizzy fit about "disenfranchising" their chosen voters. The
But hey, if you're actually serious about voter fraud, machines aren't going to stop it- no matter WHO makes the things, committed citizens are the key. If you want to cut out alot of questionable votes, and get a better handle on it- identify the voters, and make sure they're eligible to vote.
Make voting mean more than just buying a lottery ticket.
What kind of illiterate are you?
Ok, you don't HAVE to be illiterate to take this test.
Which is good, but you don't need to read the questions, either.
Ok, you don't HAVE to be illiterate to take this test.
Which is good, but you don't need to read the questions, either.
The Picto-Personality TestWhen alone, you appreciate being able to do nothing if you want to, and setting your own pace for things. You are intelligent. You use your time to its fullest potential and will go very far in life. In the future you will be happy and live richly. |
Take this Test at QuizGalaxy.com |
Friday, February 24, 2006
A VERY long day
I don't even want to think right now, so something from the mailbox.
Now I understand why radical Muslim terrorists are so quick to commit
Just look at their lifestyle:
* No premarital sex.
* No oral sex. Giving or receiving. Never.
* No booze. None. Never.
* No TV. No cable TV. No satellite TV.
* No Spice channel. No Playboy channel. No ESPN. No SPEEDVISION.
* No Hooters.
* No Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition.
* No organized one ball sports of any kind. That's right-NO ONE BALL
* Women have to be completely covered and wear veils. No thongs. NO
* No Victoria's Secret.
* Very, very, very few cars. Camels. Lots of camels. Stinking, filthy
* Sand. F---ING sand everywhere!
* More sand.
* Ever try to fish at an oasis? No bass boats. No bass. No fish.
* Sandstorms. More F---ING sand everywhere!
* Rags for clothes and hats.
* Camel and goat burgers cooked over burning camel dung chips.
* Eating with your right hand only-because you wipe your A-- with your
* Constant wailing from the a--hole next door ... no wait, that's
* And when you die it's supposed to all get better......
I don't even want to think right now, so something from the mailbox.
Now I understand why radical Muslim terrorists are so quick to commit
Just look at their lifestyle:
* No premarital sex.
* No oral sex. Giving or receiving. Never.
* No booze. None. Never.
* No TV. No cable TV. No satellite TV.
* No Spice channel. No Playboy channel. No ESPN. No SPEEDVISION.
* No Hooters.
* No Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition.
* No organized one ball sports of any kind. That's right-NO ONE BALL
* Women have to be completely covered and wear veils. No thongs. NO
* No Victoria's Secret.
* Very, very, very few cars. Camels. Lots of camels. Stinking, filthy
* Sand. F---ING sand everywhere!
* More sand.
* Ever try to fish at an oasis? No bass boats. No bass. No fish.
* Sandstorms. More F---ING sand everywhere!
* Rags for clothes and hats.
* Camel and goat burgers cooked over burning camel dung chips.
* Eating with your right hand only-because you wipe your A-- with your
* Constant wailing from the a--hole next door ... no wait, that's
* And when you die it's supposed to all get better......
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
I'll say it, as a Christian.
Although I completely understand their feelings, and kinda feel that in a way- it's what they desrve.
But christians are taught to turn the other cheek, and to forgive 70 times 7.
Maybe it has been that many anti-Christian outrages already?
Who's counting (here on earth)?
At least 20 people are believed to have died in two days of violence in the southern Nigerian city of Onitsha
Christian mobs rampaged through the city attacking Muslims in retaliation for anti-Christian riots in the north.
Nigerian police said hundreds of Christian Ibos attacked houses belonging to Muslim Hausas when news of the northern clashes reached Onitsha.
I'm sorry, I should feel sorry for those people, but I can't.
Those islamists would probably want to behead me for even thinking about praying to MY god for them. OK, let Allah the merciful (Piss Be Upon Him) take care of them.
Although I completely understand their feelings, and kinda feel that in a way- it's what they desrve.
But christians are taught to turn the other cheek, and to forgive 70 times 7.
Maybe it has been that many anti-Christian outrages already?
Who's counting (here on earth)?
At least 20 people are believed to have died in two days of violence in the southern Nigerian city of Onitsha
Christian mobs rampaged through the city attacking Muslims in retaliation for anti-Christian riots in the north.
Nigerian police said hundreds of Christian Ibos attacked houses belonging to Muslim Hausas when news of the northern clashes reached Onitsha.
I'm sorry, I should feel sorry for those people, but I can't.
Those islamists would probably want to behead me for even thinking about praying to MY god for them. OK, let Allah the merciful (Piss Be Upon Him) take care of them.
Please feed the wolf
Just don't tap his nose, he hates that!
Shamelessly stolen from Dr. Phat Tony
adopt your own virtual pet! |
Just don't tap his nose, he hates that!
Shamelessly stolen from Dr. Phat Tony
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Ok George, put your veto pen where your mouth is.
Not that it's probably much of a threat- since it hasn't had any exercise in 5 YEARS!
Bush said he'd veto any legislation designed to stop the transfer of US ports to the United Arab Emerates.
I haven't written about it, since I'm not sure what's all involved.
I do know that the UAE was "helpful" to both us- the US and Al Queda, at the same time.
But if Jimmy Carter is for it. . .
Ummmm. . .
Wait a minute, , , something's wrong with this link, it doesn't say what Mike quoted it as.
Everything I search for with 'Jimmy Carter Dubai Ports' that has a link to what Dhimmy said is now, , , changed. Newsmax, Newsday, , , is there a reason?
The same reason I'd say is a lead pipe cinch that this is bad for America because HE is for it.
In the articles they tell us how the Al Queda (parial) sympathizers have to jump through all the govt' hoops.
Great- are they going to use "due-diligence" in stopping anything suspicious, or the old *shrug* "I see naaahhhting" if it requires just a little over the minimum effort in stopping anything- - - BAD because they're following the letter of the "requirements".
We all know that these ports are on the shore- goes without saying, really. Did it occur to you that they are also part of the BORDER?
The same border that Bush has ignored for the entire time he's been in office. The only thing that'll be coming in is illegals. Illegal terrorists. Illegal drugs. Illegal bomb materials. Illegal plans for terrorists. Illegal slaves for the caliphate.
If all these anti-American mouthpeices are for it-- something is bad for America.
(UPDATE FEB 22) I finally found a Dhimi Carter quote about how he supports the Dubai deal.
NOW do you believe it's a bad thing?
I still wonder why all those posts I looked at yesterday werepurged "updated" to dis-include any mention of the "Mensa of the Mid-east"
Thanks Rachel.
Not that it's probably much of a threat- since it hasn't had any exercise in 5 YEARS!
Bush said he'd veto any legislation designed to stop the transfer of US ports to the United Arab Emerates.
I haven't written about it, since I'm not sure what's all involved.
I do know that the UAE was "helpful" to both us- the US and Al Queda, at the same time.
But if Jimmy Carter is for it. . .
Ummmm. . .
Wait a minute, , , something's wrong with this link, it doesn't say what Mike quoted it as.
Everything I search for with 'Jimmy Carter Dubai Ports' that has a link to what Dhimmy said is now, , , changed. Newsmax, Newsday, , , is there a reason?
The same reason I'd say is a lead pipe cinch that this is bad for America because HE is for it.
In the articles they tell us how the Al Queda (parial) sympathizers have to jump through all the govt' hoops.
Great- are they going to use "due-diligence" in stopping anything suspicious, or the old *shrug* "I see naaahhhting" if it requires just a little over the minimum effort in stopping anything- - - BAD because they're following the letter of the "requirements".
We all know that these ports are on the shore- goes without saying, really. Did it occur to you that they are also part of the BORDER?
The same border that Bush has ignored for the entire time he's been in office. The only thing that'll be coming in is illegals. Illegal terrorists. Illegal drugs. Illegal bomb materials. Illegal plans for terrorists. Illegal slaves for the caliphate.
If all these anti-American mouthpeices are for it-- something is bad for America.
(UPDATE FEB 22) I finally found a Dhimi Carter quote about how he supports the Dubai deal.
NOW do you believe it's a bad thing?
I still wonder why all those posts I looked at yesterday were
Thanks Rachel.
Our white trash neighbors moved out yesterday
Theycleaned burned the trash, until the sheriffs Dept. came out and told them there was a burn ban in effect since, , , ohhh JULY!. Everything is gone. Except the puppy.
Now Mr. Mean-and-Evil-Conservative has to decide what to do with a 2-3 month-old chocolate Lab mix. I'll leave some water and food for it today, and see about getting ahold of animal control this afternoon.
Gawd, don't you hate irresponsible people?
Now Mr. Mean-and-Evil-Conservative has to decide what to do with a 2-3 month-old chocolate Lab mix. I'll leave some water and food for it today, and see about getting ahold of animal control this afternoon.
Gawd, don't you hate irresponsible people?
Monday, February 20, 2006
This brainstorm is brought to you by the people who were surprised at hammas's win
The same people who said: "Daym, Hammas won the Palestinian election??!!??"
Are probably the only ones just realizing that the "Cartoon Riots" aren't somekind of spontaneous movement. They may actually be spurred on by some kind of Anti-Western Ideas.
These B.S. riots have been going on for what 5-6 weeks now? The L.A. riots died out after a week. How long did the Watts riots last? Any others you can think of?
Then they didn't havea completely an almost completely ingnorant and semi-literate world-wide mob to draw from. The L.A. thing was confined to,,,L.A. and all those genius level H.S. graduates.
Why would ANYONE not think that these riots were- at the least- sending a message about how the sheeple (sorry Rob) can be used as a weapon against anyone who has the least (they're cartoons fer Chris'sake) ummmm.....lack of awe for a third rate, selfish, immature movement that is deemed a religion. They must be too busy tracking down Elmer Cheney's hunting thang.
The same people who said: "Daym, Hammas won the Palestinian election??!!??"
Are probably the only ones just realizing that the "Cartoon Riots" aren't somekind of spontaneous movement. They may actually be spurred on by some kind of Anti-Western Ideas.
These B.S. riots have been going on for what 5-6 weeks now? The L.A. riots died out after a week. How long did the Watts riots last? Any others you can think of?
Then they didn't have
Why would ANYONE not think that these riots were- at the least- sending a message about how the sheeple (sorry Rob) can be used as a weapon against anyone who has the least (they're cartoons fer Chris'sake) ummmm.....lack of awe for a third rate, selfish, immature movement that is deemed a religion. They must be too busy tracking down Elmer Cheney's hunting thang.
Time for a users report on our satellite systems
We got Wildblue satellite broadband about 4 months ago. After some initial tweeking, we got both ME and Firefox to work pretty much like they're supposed to. Wildblue does seem to like ME better connection wise than Firefox. We haven't had any major problems with the system, and the speed is pretty good- even according to the wife (who's used to RoadRunner at work). We got the lowest priced package @$49.95 (plus tax) and about 500K download speed and 125K upload.
We haven't had the frog-strangling downpour test yet, but our reliability is fine.
The bad part,Vonage doesn't work for chit on it. Something about the latency. The only reason we're paying the lowest rate of $14.99 is for those international calls home. We can call out and it's usually fine, just can't call in 8 out of 10 trys. With Wildblue and Vonage, we're paying about the same price as we did for just SBC(now AT&T), with about the same phone quality.
The Sprint cell phones work alot better, still have alot of iffy areas in the house. We found if we stand next to the window, we have cell contact- works for us.
The only problems we've had with DirectTV is the intermittent power outages. If we loose power for too long, or get a too-close lightning hit, we have to reset the boxes. Kinda a PITA, but better than Charter cable. We only lost the signal once because of the FSD-with lightning.
The new ceiling fan controller (wireless) switch is a beauty- hey! I got that for Karen for Christmas (and Karen appreciates it very much -Karen). The hardware is wired and hidden in the base of the fan and controlled by a battery powered remote. It even has a dimmer switch. Not bad for less than $50.
That's our wireless round-up of the year.
We got Wildblue satellite broadband about 4 months ago. After some initial tweeking, we got both ME and Firefox to work pretty much like they're supposed to. Wildblue does seem to like ME better connection wise than Firefox. We haven't had any major problems with the system, and the speed is pretty good- even according to the wife (who's used to RoadRunner at work). We got the lowest priced package @$49.95 (plus tax) and about 500K download speed and 125K upload.
We haven't had the frog-strangling downpour test yet, but our reliability is fine.
The bad part,Vonage doesn't work for chit on it. Something about the latency. The only reason we're paying the lowest rate of $14.99 is for those international calls home. We can call out and it's usually fine, just can't call in 8 out of 10 trys. With Wildblue and Vonage, we're paying about the same price as we did for just SBC(now AT&T), with about the same phone quality.
The Sprint cell phones work alot better, still have alot of iffy areas in the house. We found if we stand next to the window, we have cell contact- works for us.
The only problems we've had with DirectTV is the intermittent power outages. If we loose power for too long, or get a too-close lightning hit, we have to reset the boxes. Kinda a PITA, but better than Charter cable. We only lost the signal once because of the FSD-with lightning.
The new ceiling fan controller (wireless) switch is a beauty- hey! I got that for Karen for Christmas (and Karen appreciates it very much -Karen). The hardware is wired and hidden in the base of the fan and controlled by a battery powered remote. It even has a dimmer switch. Not bad for less than $50.
That's our wireless round-up of the year.
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Ok, I'm looking at jobs in the paper
because I'm getting tired of the 120 mi daily commute, pluse I put a hole in the skin of the bosses brand new warehouse (it was a piece of rebar, not the bobcat).
when I came on this ad:
LANDSCAPE Installation, gay-owned hill country business. 512-738-2934
Ok, it's an Austin area code, but WHY did he have to mention his sexualpreference orientation in the paper? Giving the "heads-up"(so to speak) to any potential employees, or just trolling for REAL brown-nosers?
because I'm getting tired of the 120 mi daily commute, pluse I put a hole in the skin of the bosses brand new warehouse (it was a piece of rebar, not the bobcat).
when I came on this ad:
LANDSCAPE Installation, gay-owned hill country business. 512-738-2934
Ok, it's an Austin area code, but WHY did he have to mention his sexual
I'd buy some of their "Dick Cheny Gun Club" stuff
Exept I don't want to reward something I detest.
See the liberal version of the NRA.
Exept I don't want to reward something I detest.
See the liberal version of the NRA.
I found this picture blog on my sitemeter
Don't go if you don't like:
It's in French, and I didn't bother translating any more than the littleCajun French that I know.
Don't go if you don't like:
- The French
- Nekkid chickens
- Chicken choking
- Blatent fake blood and gore
- Snoopy as inspector Cleauso.
It's in French, and I didn't bother translating any more than the little
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Can I get a Fatwa on me now?
I just made a cartoon of moHAMmid, and so can you!
Just in case you nutjobs want to riot at my house- remember, I live in Texas. We are allowed to shoot if we feel out lives or property is in danger. I consider ANY peadephile worshipping muhhamadine approaching my property with a sign to be a threat.
Just tell me what you flavor is: a scoped .22 auto, 20 gauge deer slug, or a 30.06 that Ican used to be able to hit a headsize target at 300yds.
One the reasons that I've kinda got my undies in a wad is that Aelfheld sent me a link about thesecond third attempted hijacking of flight 93. This is the redesign refinement of the First islamic appeasement. If you're going to put a religious symbol that can be seen from the sky, make it a CROSS pointing at mecosMecca.
If you're as pissed at the US Dept of Interior as I am; go to the site and flood them with mail, both e-mail and snailmail.
I wish I could say that I don't believe they're letting this through, but it IS Bush's "Compassionate Consrevative" appointee in charge. Besides it's PC to appease a bloodthirsty religion because the ACLU won't use our taxdollars to stop it.
I just made a cartoon of moHAMmid, and so can you!
Just in case you nutjobs want to riot at my house- remember, I live in Texas. We are allowed to shoot if we feel out lives or property is in danger. I consider ANY peadephile worshipping muhhamadine approaching my property with a sign to be a threat.
Just tell me what you flavor is: a scoped .22 auto, 20 gauge deer slug, or a 30.06 that I
One the reasons that I've kinda got my undies in a wad is that Aelfheld sent me a link about the
If you're as pissed at the US Dept of Interior as I am; go to the site and flood them with mail, both e-mail and snailmail.
I wish I could say that I don't believe they're letting this through, but it IS Bush's "Compassionate Consrevative" appointee in charge. Besides it's PC to appease a bloodthirsty religion because the ACLU won't use our taxdollars to stop it.
My mini Blogalanch of the day
Just some blogs, I've been meaning to put up. I've just been on the laptop alot, since the14 15year-old is usually on the big computer (this one). I don't write alot on the H/P laptop because the layout/keys have me making even MORE mistakes than a regular keyboard.
Without forther ado Chief RZ over at The Truth gives his take on life- when he posts.
Mr. Completely tried to help with my gun question. Since none of my gun-geeks bothered to reply, I'll not tell you why we think they don't want .22 shorts in a revolver.
Someone I completely forgot I was going to link, Stop the ACLU blog, good idea there.
Just some blogs, I've been meaning to put up. I've just been on the laptop alot, since the
Without forther ado Chief RZ over at The Truth gives his take on life- when he posts.
Mr. Completely tried to help with my gun question. Since none of my gun-geeks bothered to reply, I'll not tell you why we think they don't want .22 shorts in a revolver.
Someone I completely forgot I was going to link, Stop the ACLU blog, good idea there.
Friday, February 17, 2006
It looks like the religious outrage union is taking a break
I didn't see anything about moslem riots on this mornings glance through the news.
Maybe they're just catching their breath and trying to decide which is more worthy of their riots, the "New and Improved" Abu Graib pics, or the gay muhhamidine film?
I don't think they'll have two seperate "outrages" because I don't think their followers are really sharp enough to seperate the two ideas. Wouldn't it be kinda embarassing for them to get mixed up when they load the bus at the local Union Hall- having them carrying Abu Graib signs and chanting the anti-gay moslem canards.
Which outrage do you think will be the next big thing to hit the Mid-East?
Looks like Mirriam was right. They probably just took a break, catch their breath, learn the newest outrage, and back at it today.
I didn't see anything about moslem riots on this mornings glance through the news.
Maybe they're just catching their breath and trying to decide which is more worthy of their riots, the "New and Improved" Abu Graib pics, or the gay muhhamidine film?
I don't think they'll have two seperate "outrages" because I don't think their followers are really sharp enough to seperate the two ideas. Wouldn't it be kinda embarassing for them to get mixed up when they load the bus at the local Union Hall- having them carrying Abu Graib signs and chanting the anti-gay moslem canards.
Which outrage do you think will be the next big thing to hit the Mid-East?
Looks like Mirriam was right. They probably just took a break, catch their breath, learn the newest outrage, and back at it today.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
If you don't want drilling off your coast, fine- pay an energy surcharge
You can help defray the cost of energy that you help increase for all of America.
That goes double for Fla, N.J. and Cali.
These are the states fighting to keep drilling away from any substantial deposits.
Because of the "potential" to ruin our precious beaches by a oil spill.
Sen. Robert Menendez, D-N.J., said he was worried drilling off Virginia would create a "domino effect" that would lead to energy development and the potential threat of oil spills elsewhere along the Atlantic coast
"Our beaches are just too precious to play Russian roulette with," said Menendez.
Menendez and Democratic Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer of California are planning bills to bar development in their state's coastal waters.
Ok, you weinies- if there is a leak on a natural gas well, there WON'T. BE. A. SPILL. it will go into the atmosphere to eat another hole in the Ozone layer.
Modern oil wells have vast and complex safety measures and equipment designed to PREVENT oil spills from most foreseeable causes. Want to know why? Besides from the bad PR- oil spills COST MONEY- alot of money. Not only the clean-up and fines, but lost product.
Your ocean views won't be very much marred by wellheads so small and far out that you have to LOOK -HARD- to see them. I used to live in Port Aransas, Tx (before it became a tourist trap/retirement community) and delt with the results of PEMEX's spill of over 15 years ago.
Guess what? You can't tell the difference between those tarballs and the NATURAL oil seeps.
You know Mother Natures' oil spills. And the The wellheads and platforms give a sense of scale to the featureless water, so you can sense it's vastness.
Also, you enviro-weinies, think of the fish habitat that the rigs will produce. Some of the best fishing in the close-in gulf is around the platforms.
Gawd, if they don't want to do anything but hurt our energy supply, shut their supply off.
(sorry Guy, you can always move to Texas)
You can help defray the cost of energy that you help increase for all of America.
That goes double for Fla, N.J. and Cali.
These are the states fighting to keep drilling away from any substantial deposits.
Because of the "potential" to ruin our precious beaches by a oil spill.
Sen. Robert Menendez, D-N.J., said he was worried drilling off Virginia would create a "domino effect" that would lead to energy development and the potential threat of oil spills elsewhere along the Atlantic coast
"Our beaches are just too precious to play Russian roulette with," said Menendez.
Menendez and Democratic Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer of California are planning bills to bar development in their state's coastal waters.
Ok, you weinies- if there is a leak on a natural gas well, there WON'T. BE. A. SPILL. it will go into the atmosphere to eat another hole in the Ozone layer.
Modern oil wells have vast and complex safety measures and equipment designed to PREVENT oil spills from most foreseeable causes. Want to know why? Besides from the bad PR- oil spills COST MONEY- alot of money. Not only the clean-up and fines, but lost product.
Your ocean views won't be very much marred by wellheads so small and far out that you have to LOOK -HARD- to see them. I used to live in Port Aransas, Tx (before it became a tourist trap/retirement community) and delt with the results of PEMEX's spill of over 15 years ago.
Guess what? You can't tell the difference between those tarballs and the NATURAL oil seeps.
You know Mother Natures' oil spills. And the The wellheads and platforms give a sense of scale to the featureless water, so you can sense it's vastness.
Also, you enviro-weinies, think of the fish habitat that the rigs will produce. Some of the best fishing in the close-in gulf is around the platforms.
Gawd, if they don't want to do anything but hurt our energy supply, shut their supply off.
(sorry Guy, you can always move to Texas)
Attention, American MSM decides to distribute pictures designed to inflame
exept that it's not the cartoons that the semi-literate muslum masses are rioting against.
these pictures are designed to inflame the same tolerant people against Americans- the Military specifically. Yes, the same Legacy news that barly mentions the intolerant muslems, is running the second set of pictures from Abu Graib- with additional *fake-but-accurate pictures* that didn't happen, but could have. I don't remember which blog I read that on last night, but it's on my blogroll.
I guess it's safe for the MSM to rum pics designed to inflame bomb-throwing savages, as long as it's a PC pic that doesn't endanger them- personally. Abu Graib had already been investigated and the perpetraters were on their way through the military justice system when the FIRST set of pics were flooding the Mid-east. What, besides p*ssing off the camel jockeys are they trying to do?
Sjhow how "brave" they are?
exept that it's not the cartoons that the semi-literate muslum masses are rioting against.
these pictures are designed to inflame the same tolerant people against Americans- the Military specifically. Yes, the same Legacy news that barly mentions the intolerant muslems, is running the second set of pictures from Abu Graib- with additional *fake-but-accurate pictures* that didn't happen, but could have. I don't remember which blog I read that on last night, but it's on my blogroll.
I guess it's safe for the MSM to rum pics designed to inflame bomb-throwing savages, as long as it's a PC pic that doesn't endanger them- personally. Abu Graib had already been investigated and the perpetraters were on their way through the military justice system when the FIRST set of pics were flooding the Mid-east. What, besides p*ssing off the camel jockeys are they trying to do?
Sjhow how "brave" they are?
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
The government is concerned about your internet privacy
In China
They're holding hearings about self censorship to get into Chinas web.
This, the same government who just got done with amassive good size fishing expedition on it's own citizens. Who, three out of the big four handed over potentially self-incrimination evidence on a request.
"Your abhorrent actions in China are a disgrace," said Rep. Tom Lantos, the top Democrat on the House International Relations Committee. "I simply don't understand how your corporate leadership sleeps at night."
Yahoo's senior vice president and general counsel, Michael Callahan, said his company was "very distressed" at having to comply with Chinese law.
Lantos, D-Calif., repeatedly asked whether Yahoo had contacted the family of Chinese journalist Shi Tao, who critics say Yahoo helped police identify and convict after he criticized human rights abuses in China.
James Keith, the State Department's senior adviser on East Asia, told lawmakers that China's efforts to manipulate the Internet have increased in the last year, "sending a chilling message to Internet users."
-And naturally you have the usual socialistic answer for anything hypocritical. . . it's for the children.
China says its steps are intended to protect its citizens, especially children, from "the immoral and harmful content" of the Internet.
In China
They're holding hearings about self censorship to get into Chinas web.
This, the same government who just got done with a
"Your abhorrent actions in China are a disgrace," said Rep. Tom Lantos, the top Democrat on the House International Relations Committee. "I simply don't understand how your corporate leadership sleeps at night."
Yahoo's senior vice president and general counsel, Michael Callahan, said his company was "very distressed" at having to comply with Chinese law.
Lantos, D-Calif., repeatedly asked whether Yahoo had contacted the family of Chinese journalist Shi Tao, who critics say Yahoo helped police identify and convict after he criticized human rights abuses in China.
James Keith, the State Department's senior adviser on East Asia, told lawmakers that China's efforts to manipulate the Internet have increased in the last year, "sending a chilling message to Internet users."
-And naturally you have the usual socialistic answer for anything hypocritical. . . it's for the children.
China says its steps are intended to protect its citizens, especially children, from "the immoral and harmful content" of the Internet.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
What kind of firearm are you?
Well, I DO like my old 1918 Springfield 30.06 deer rifle.
I can sit back all day and drop 'em into the black with iron sights.
You scored as Sniper Rifle. You like sharpshooting. Stealth, accuracy and range are your best friends. So you need sniper rifle (if you don't already have one).
What Firearm Fits You Best? created with QuizFarm.com | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Well, I DO like my old 1918 Springfield 30.06 deer rifle.
I can sit back all day and drop 'em into the black with iron sights.
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