Wednesday, November 30, 2005

I bashed out a post earlier comparing Iraq and the Balkans

It occurred to me while I was looking for a Diamond Shamrock (with diesel) around Bandera yesterday- that there is another contrast which shows the Liberal racial bias.

There is one major parallel between Iraq and Viet nam- one that you'll NEVER hear from any major news delivery service.

Did any of you notice that they're not , , , ummm, , , well, to but it bluntly- the "right" color?
The Libs wanted us out of Viet Nam- no matter what the consequences were to the "Orientals", The killing fields of Cambodia would have ment alot more if it were white people being slaughtered.
Laos wasn't pretty either, but wasn't "newsworthy" because of excess menolin.

Somalia? Darkies- anarchy
Hati (more than once): completely FUBAR'd from the git-go.
You name a country with a majority of non-Caucasians that the Libs want to stay in and finish the job. I bet you'd have to search- hard.

We're doing a kick-ass job in Iraq. We're almost done. The Libs (and fellow socialistic fellow travelers) want us out - NOW!

We've been in the Balkans for over ten years- they're majority white. We're still standing between the sides keeping them from massacring each other.
Have you noticed how quiet the racially motivated Left is about pulling troops out there? Or if it's brought up at all- "what about the consciences?"

Want to remind me again, just what the Democrats stand for (aside from socialism, communism, pedophilia, atheism, beastiality, racial quotas, etc, , ,)?

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Explaining "my" needs to the wife

I never have quite figured out why the sexual urges of
men and women differ so much. And I never have figured
out the whole Mars & Venus thing. And, I never have
figured out why men think with their head and women
with their heart. And, I never yet have figured out
how the sexual desire gene gets thrown into a state
of turmoil when it hears the words, "I do."
One evening last week, my wife and I were getting into
bed. Well, the passion started to heat up, and she
eventually said, "I don't feel like it, I just want you
to hold me."

I said, "WHAT??!!"

So she said the words that I, and every husband on the
planet, dread. She explained that I must not be in
tune with her emotional needs as a woman. I was thinking,
"What was her first clue?" I finally realized that nothing
was going to happen that night, so I went to bed.
The very next day we went shopping at a big, unnamed department
store. I walked around while she tried on three very expensive
outfits. She couldn't decide which one to take, so
I told her to take all three of them.
She then told me that she wanted matching shoes worth $200
each to which I said, "Okay."
Then we went to the Jewelry Department where she got a set
of diamond earrings. Let me tell you ... she was so excited.
She must have thought that I was one wave short of a
shipwreck, but I don't think she cared. I think she was
testing me when she asked for a tennis bracelet because she
doesn't even play tennis. I think I threw her for a loop
when I told her that it was okay. She was almost sexually
excited from all of this and you should have seen her face
when she said, "I'm ready to go, let's go to the cash
I could hardly contain myself when I blurted out, "No, honey.
I don't feel like buying all this stuff now."

You should have seen her face ... it went completely blank.
I then said, "Really, honey, I just want you to HOLD this
stuff for a while."
And just when she had this look like she was going to kill
me, I added, "You must not be in tune with my financial
needs as a man."
I figure that I should be having sex again sometime during
the Spring thaw of 2006.

(UPDATE NOV. 30 4:54PM)
I guess I need to let you know that I copied a joke, since I didn't feel like writing anything last night. My homelife is quite pleasant. Thank you for your concern, though.
Ohhh, THAT must be it!

I had a REALLY long day yesterday and didn't get on the computer much.
I heard about Bush's border speach, and wondered why NOW?

He's had over 4 years to do something since 9-11, and only now is he starting to talk about doing something with the borders. I mean besides giving Illegals almost complete amnesty.

Now he's talking about getting tough on the borders which kinda makes sense because he's campaigning for Republicans- gotta pull the wool over the voters eyes once again.

I heard a snatch of something on FoxNews that brought it all into place.

He can do what the American people want - doing something about illegals-AND- get his way, too.
He deports the (few) illegals we catch; which makes his Vast Right Wing Conservatives happy.
He turns around and gives those same illegals assylum- because we persecuted them-AND- he can show how "compassionate" he is.


Sunday, November 27, 2005

We were coming back from looking at a Ranger in Austin

And saw this truck.

Guess what he supports?

I'd guess he supports, , ,

, , "I support" ribbon manufacturers!

A I said, wa looked at a Ford ranger XLT up in Austin. When did Ford decide to make the Ranger XLT a base model? My old '87 XLT Supercab had ALL the bells and whistles. The ones I'm seeing now don't even have power windows. Oh well, at least I can get the same thing about $1000 less if I buy a Mazda B-4000.

We passed the San Marcos outlet malls on the way south on I-35. The built an addition to the VF-outlet mall (I think). I'm not sure if it's the one that Dsah worked on. I hope not. To be charitable, it looks, , , ummm, , , well- extremely 'Disneyish' with it's castlements, towers, and gingerbread toppings.
How do y'all like my new dress?

Did you know that Bravenet sitemeter counts your visits when you're checking out your templates? See, I don't know what the nuber codes are, so I haveta look at the changes.

I hope my next sitemeter will have more goodies- but it's free.
And I don't want to f*ck with downloading a better one untill we get broadband---> this Weds!!!


Saturday, November 26, 2005

Over at Wired News

Regina Lynn has a new toy she wants to tell you about.

She's not exactly writhing in extacy, but not really unhappy about it, either.
The big problem is, as with ALL the newest high tech goodies; it needs the latest high tech "friends" to make it work.
Oh, and:

It requires a cell phone with Bluetooth, dexterous fingers, a strong grip and patience. Nevertheless, I think The Toy is a harbinger of the future of sex toys. It's another example of our attempts to integrate sexual aids into our mobile communications and our computer games.

It's not cheap, either. Europeans can buy it locally for about 295 euros. In the United States, expect to pony up about $350 plus $30 shipping.

But the article is SFW, and probably around anyone who's not reading over your shoulder.

Oh, HI hunny.

It would make a good "Kof" stocking-stuffer.
Anybody watching "Manticore"?

The wife likes bad sci-fi, and even she's talking about how bad it is. I don't know when it was made, but I've heard the credit card "don't leave h(ear) without it" the vegas "what happens here stays here" and a couple others I didn't quite catch.

Gawd I hope that woman reporter gets eaten- or preferably a slow painful death.

Oh, BTW-
I'm done with the Christmas outside crap!
In the holidays Gluttony department

We could be facing an IMMINENT Cranberry shortage!
Quick, run to the store and hoard Cranberries!

This is no joke!
There is a news article about it on the net.

Wisconsin, the nation's leading cranberry-producing state, harvested an average crop this fall, but yields were down in Massachusetts and Washington, leading to concerns of tighter fresh fruit supplies next month, particularly in areas outside the Midwest, Lochner said.

"There could possibly be a shortage for the Christmas holidays," said Ray Habelman Sr., co-owner of Habelman Brothers Co., which grows 650 acres of cranberries near Tomah

I hope there will be a congressional investigation into this- when will Gov't force "Big Cranberry" to give us affordable and plentiful side dishes?

Ohh, and in the general area of Turkeys and other mindless birds- you DID hear that our favorite stalker was back in Crawford, didn't you?
Looks like M Jac is in the news again
(that's Michael Jackson's gang name over in Juvie)

This time he's going to convert to islam and move to Bahrain.
According to the report, Jackson'’s announcement noted he is moving to Bahrain and has purchased some real-estate on an artificial island there. The singer said he decided to convert to Islam because he is convinced it is the closest religion to his personal beliefs. Yeh, mohammed was a pedophile, too-except HE liked the girls*.

Jackson also noted he intends to soon move all his assets and his studio from the U.S. to Bahrain, and expressed his hope to be rid of various legal troubles and enjoy the kind of freedom he says he does not have in America. Sure, we all know just how tolerant the "Religion of Peace" is. We saw demonstrations on 9-11-01, 5-11-04, 7-7-05 and 11-9-05 of just how tolerant they are of others belief systems and ways of life.

*Yes, I know it was the12thh century and it was normal for men to marry much younger females. I'm just jumping on the Liberal way of moral relativism that they slap all they oppose with.

Friday, November 25, 2005

I'd like to do another blogalaunch

The problem is that I'd like to find out who has me on their blogroll.


I just found one, can't remember how, but I was on his blogroll.
If I'm on yours, or you'd like to be on mine- hell, if you KNOW of anyone who I can look at, let me know.

You may now go back to surfing.

(UPDATE Nov 26)
Surly Dave doen't need to bother with the post.
Well, there goes the neighborhood

The Palestinians have control over the Gaza border with Egypt now.
I know the Egyptians and all the other terrorist apologists want Israel to give up everything they can to reward terrorism. Now they'll see first hand what Israel has been putting up with as soon as they try keeping up their second world standards as those quasi-civilized Palestinians start bombing them.

What? You think Egypt and the Palestinians will get along like long lost kin? Kane and Able maybe, or Joseph and his brothers. The first (maybe second) time Egypt tries to keep them from pulling their cr@p over there, the terrorists will revert back to what got them where they are today.

Blowing up women and children.

They know they can do whatever they want and the Euro-wienies will make excuses. The UN will Tsk-Tsk and the U.S. will hand over a barrel full of money to get them to sign a meaningless promise to stop whatever they're doing this time.

The only people who are going to get anything out of this uncontrolled border crossing is the arms dealers and the terrorist organization running the PA.

Israel, just be extra careful.
Everyone enjoyed the turkey

Hope Y'all have a good X-Mas +31

I'm off to work- and staying as far from shopping centers as possible.
To paraphrase a term, , , "buy early and buy often."

And in completely unrelated news, , ,

Peter Bradey is getting married!
Congrats Peter, enjoy a girl half your age!

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Good morning Blogdom

I tried to take a picture of sunrise, but all I have is a (semi)cheapo Logitech 510, wich is the digital version of a throw-away film camera. So it came out black.

As it's Thanksgiving, I'm sure you'll get enough history and lists of , , , ummm, , , thankfulness's.

I would type one up, too- but I'm not feeling all that thankfull this year.
Sure, I know I(we) have it good. We live in the best country on earth, I've got a pretty good paying job, material goodies and friendly dogs.

I guess you could describe the way I'm feeling now as "edgy". We moved over here from Maxwell(the Blogname) because I got a job in Castroville. I hated the petty "gotcha" politics and favoritsm that went on there (plus the nightly call-outs because of a bad transfer switch from our supplier, so I got another job- with more money (and no call-outs). The thing is, it's a 101 mi. round trip daily. If we get rained out or no work, we go home. That's OK, I make as much in a week with 12 hrs O.T. as I did in two weeks of straight time in Castroville.
I'm just getting tired.

The Maxwell trailer was laying on my mind (potential repair wise) so I sold it. Lost $1000 in what I payed for it plus the 16 x 32 workshop I built. I also forgot about all the legal costs involved, so I walked away almost $2,000 on the short side.

The '98 Dodge ram 1500 -wich is the best truck I've owned- is showing it's age at 145K miles.
I don't like this house we had to buy in a rush (because of the Castroville thing), and it's a bit overpriced because we bought it right before the market opened up a bit.

The wife is wonderful- exept that she has a bit of a perception problem (maybe it's me).
she thinks my Dodge Ram is about a foot narrower than it actually is.
She also thinks I'm too hard on the 17 yr-old bedslug.
The 14 yr-old is no problem (considering she IS 14), and actually tries to act like she cares about the place here.
The 17 yr-old won't do anything (I) expected arround here. She never finishes anything -if her mom can nag her into STARTING to begin with. We've lived here for going on 8 months now. we have a dishwasher, and she can't be bothered to learn where the dishes belong. It's too much effort to move things from the dishwasher ALL the way across the kitchen to the cupbords by the stove, so I get "I couldn't remember where it goes". Mom is p*ssed because I expect the young ADULT to actually do something - f*cking FINISH something that she's started.

Am I wrong to expect a 17 year old to actually show some responsibility? I damn sure garontee that untill she starts showing somekind of responsibility, she's not going to drive anything I have to pay for- or fix. She also hasn't bothered to start working on her drivers lisence yet. We live 8 miles from the nearest town, and her mother will be loosing time from work to chauffer her around to any job she FINALLY decides to apply for. Because thats what mothers do, isn't it?
Protect their darling daughters from mean males who expect young adults to actually show some f*cking responsibility.

I'm just getting tired of putting up with her , , , "teenageness".
She turns her nose up at anything I cook- and is starting to get fat. she claimes she doesn't eat anything but what's in the house. If she's getting fat on a hanfull of cookies and a PBJ sandwitch- she can make a LOT of money by letting the UN in on her secret.

Sorry for the rant, I'm just fed-up right now.
I know alot of people have it alot worse than I do, I know that all being said and done- it could be alot different.
I'll be deleting this later, just wanted it to vent.

I forgot to mention-She's making noises about joining the military- I feel sorry for her boot camp company. I wonder what the female version of a blanket party is? I guess she'll find out when her entire company is continually paying for her "forgetfulness". She's a Brit, so maybe their service is more P/C and she won't be expected to act so responsibly if she signs.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Can I Fisk my commenters?

Sure, it's my blog- I can do anything I want with it.
I mean- I don't have any warnings about using them for blogfodder: so should I?


I got this comment from the previous "ninny" post.
I'm obviously not as smart as H. Lauther, so I'll just have to take the comment a little at a time.

Setting aside your mom-and-apple pie clichés, e.g., "land of the free" (despite the fact that American Indians and African-Americans can prove that it's not true by simply pointing at their own history), are you seriously suggesting that wearing red on Friday will send a warm, puppy dog message to our troops in Iraq that we support them? For a 20-year-old kid who's dodging bullets, do you honestly think his heart is going to be uplifted by what we here at home wear on a certain day?
It's a hell ovalot better than hearing the constant beat of negatism from the liberal media, DEMOCRATIC leaders, communists, socialists, and everyone who's life as they know it will have no meaning after Nov of '08.
From what romantic TV movie did you steal that stupid idea?
Anyone who's been the recipient of chain E-MAILS oughtta recognize the last two paragraphs.
Patriotism is not wearing a little flag in your lapel like some ninny, or flying one from your car antenna, or dressing up like a redbird, or praying for soldiers; rather, it's taking every measure possible to protect your country and our military personnel from unintelligent, short-sighted politicians who carelessly put all of us in harm's way.
Right, that's why Bush was elected with the greatest vote count in the history of the United States.
And if that means criticizing them in order to prevent them from wasting American lives, then by all means pour it on!
DON'T QUESTION OUR PATRIOTISM! We are only trashing America because our superior intelligence allows us to see all of her flaws.
H. Lauther | 11.23.05 - 1:11 pm |

I obviously struck a nerve there with H. Lauther, who took the opportunity to remind us of the mistakes of our past. (s)he also didn't feel the need to finish the "cliche". . . and the home of the brave.
I don't know if (s)he is a regular or someone who just happened by, I don't care.
I know I'm not the sharpest fork in the drawer, but I believe that we should support our country and our troops when they are in harms way. Supporting our troops means SUPPORTING our troops. You don't support our troops by trying to turn what they are doing into this years version of Viet Nam. It looks like (s)he came from Rusty's place though.

You don't support our troops by adding some legalistic small(Patriotism is not wearing a little flag in your lapel like some ninny, or flying one from your car antenna, or dressing up like a redbird, or praying for soldiers; rather, it's taking every measure possible to protect your country and our military personnel from unintelligent, short-sighted politicians who carelessly put all of us in harm's way. And if that means criticizing them in order to prevent them from wasting American lives, then by all means pour it on!)print to that comment so all your intellectual equals will give you the "knowing" nod of understanding.

I just wonder if (s)he is still running around with Kerry/Edwards bumperstickers?

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

This sounds like a good idea

I wonder if it'll catch on?

RED FRIDAYS ----- Very soon, you will see a great many people wearing
Red every Friday. The reason? Americans who support our troops used to
be called the "silent majority". We are no longer silent, and are
voicing our love for God, country and home in record breaking numbers.
We are not organized, boisterous or over-bearing. We get no liberal
media coverage on TV, to reflect our message or our opinions.

Many Americans, like you, me and all our friends, simply want to
recognize that the vast majority of America supports our troops. Our
idea of showing solidarity and support for our troops with dignity and
respect starts this Friday -and continues each and every Friday until
the troops all come home, sending a deafening message that.. Every
red-blooded American who supports our men and women afar, will wear
something red.

By word of mouth, press, TV -- let's make the United States on every
Friday a sea of red much like a homecoming football game in the
bleachers. If every one of us who loves this country will share this
with acquaintances, co-workers, friends, and family. It will not be
long before the USA is covered in RED and it will let our troops know
the once "silent" majority is on their side more than ever, certainly more than the media lets on.

The first thing a soldier says when asked "What can we do to make things better for you?" is...We need your support and your prayers. Let's get the word out and lead with class and dignity, by example; and wear something red every Friday.

Anybody up for more Katie capers?

FEMA, the agency that couldn't move fast enough to undo the damage caused by two high ranking state and local governments- remember them? Their boss who did a good job the year before got fired because of Democrat ineptitude.

See FEMA figured that two months of Gov't paid-for hotel rooms was long enough and was going to stop the goodies on Dec 01. That was too cold and unfeeling for some action groups, who I'm sure have some affiliation to the Leftist movement.

The Government was paying room and board for HOTEL rooms. I'm sure they weren't staying in the local Motel-6 or the local mom and pop dive. So they get these "public spirited" feel-good groups working the angles and FEMA decides 'well it's Christmas X Mas the "winter solsice holidays" and says "OK, we'll pay until Jan 06, then you're out.

Well Jan. is the same month as Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday- we CAN'T do that to them now! Ok, FEBRURARY then!

Ummmm,,,, MR. "Compassionate Conservative" president; you wouldn't want to make them homeless in the same month as VALENTINES DAY? Would you? The month that holds the day that epitomizes "Love".

Good Friday- The one-who-can't-be-named-on-Federal-property died and was raised to save mankind happened in that month.

OK, April.

Passover- Jewish P/C stuff.

MAY, then!
Uh-uh! Cinco De Mayo. MOTHERS DAY you unfeeling CONSERVATIVE!

June? Fathers day, they need to be in a static location in case their daddies feel like finding them.

Do I need to go on? We'll be supporting them in their motels like AlGores family for the rest of their lives. AND upgrading them to meet their growing sophistication.

Monday, November 21, 2005

PETAs new "feel bad" campaign

Your daddy kills animals

Which I guess, is this years answer to the huge hit two years ago of:

Picture stolen from Arizona Hunting
I wonder how much this study cost

At least the Germans paid for it.

It still kinda falls into the "F*cking OBVIOUS" catagory, though.

Dr Jurgen Kuschyk, from the University Hospital in Mannheim, which is affiliated to the University of Heidelberg, said: "Individuals who have suffered a heart attack, have heart disease or irregular heart rhythms should not ride a roller-coaster.

"The rising heart rate in riders with pre-existing heart disease could result in heart attack, irregular heart rhythms and possibly sudden cardiac death."

Yeah, if you have a heart condition, stay off the scary rides.

They didn't say anything about scary wimmin, though. I guess they'll study them next.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Maybe I need an intercom

A young guy drops off his girlfriend at her home after being out together on a date. When they reach the front door he leans up against the house with one hand and says to her, "How about a b***job?"

"What! Are you crazy!"

"Don't worry, it will be quick, " he ensures his girlfriend.

"No! Someone might see us..."

"It's just a small b***job, " he insists, "and I know you like it."

"No! I said no!"

"Baby... don't be like that."

"Come on baby pleeeeaassseee"

"I'm not going to give you a b*** job"

"Why it will be quick I promise?"

Suddenly, the girl's younger sister shows up at the door in her nightgown, with her hair a mess, and rubbing her eyes. She looks at them and smirks, "Dad says either you b*** him, I b*** him, or he'll come downstairs and b*** the guy himself... but for God's sake tell your boyfriend to take his hand off the intercom."
Thanks Rhianna

She nominated me for inclusion at milblogging.

Does that mean I hafta start acting right?

Polish my boots?

Git a haircut?

Good job guys- WE support you!
Keep up the good fight.
Great, now Iran has plans for a nuclear snub!

Yep, a nuclear snub- ripped right off the headlines at the BEEB.

I can almost assure you of the (lack of) terrified reaction when they learn that the UN is going to impose , , , ummm, , , well -maybe economic sanctions.

I'm sure France, Germany, Russia and probably Italy and Spain will throw their support behind this loss of easy money. They have a track record on being hard on anti-wesern values ya know.

Stop laughing.

The UN is serious this time.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

In case you're interested in the "Bug-out" bill

You can find out how your Rep. voted here.

Mine, Henry Bonilla (R) 23rd District voted to stay.
At least the HOUSE Republicans are showing cajones.
I was looking at my Counter Stats

And went to This blog.
I don't know where the pics were taken, but (s)he is from Lisbon.
They're pretty pictures and load fast.

The first picture kinda looks like the Texas hill country -exept that there are no huge cities like that in the forground.
I'm sure you're just dying to know

India's kicking butt on South africa 169 to 9.
I was going to try making a comparison to other "quagmires" we have still going on

I made a comment over at the Rosemead Times about Bosnia.

I asked how many American casualties have we had in Bosnia or Kosovo? Funny thing is we either don't have any -OR- it's not searched enough to show up in a search for casualties. You notice that the first thing that pops up in both is IRAQ. There are some interesting parallels and differences in what was written then(and there) and what's being written now (about public perceptions in the Balkans).

Let me see if I have this right:
The Balkans
  • No near threat to the U.S.
  • U.N./NATO approved and planned
  • A country split by religious factions- who won't get along.
  • A bloodthirsty dictator that needed to be disposed of
  • Very little Liberal/Communist outcry
  • No "exit strategy" asked for or debated
  • 10+ years invested
  • NO real democratic advances
  • If we left tomorrow, it would be like we'd never been there.
  • Bill Clinton
  • Saddam HAD and used chemical weapons on his own people
  • Saddam HAD and was trying to acquire more WMDs (they're probably in Syria now)
  • 865 UN resolutions slapping his hand
  • Proven monetary aid to terrorists
  • A bloodthirsty dictator who needed to be disposed of
  • Every Liberal, Socialist, Communist and flack are howling about this war
  • Two and a half years
  • The promise to only stay as long as necessary (I don't think we'll have another Korea -or Kosovo anyway)
  • Iraq approved a Constitution (in less time than it took to ratify ours)
  • A functioning Democratic government (ok, they still need some help)
  • All factions are trying to make the thing work (to varying dergrees)
  • George Bush
Who sees the ONE common thing between the two countries?

One is actually working and being trashed because a REPUBLICAN is in charge.
One was FUBAR'D from the git-go by a Viet Nam war protester telling the military how to fight.

And the Liberals are having a connipshun coniption conniption hissy fit about the one actually accomplishing something lasting in the mid-east.

By the way, I never did find out the American casualty count in the Balkans- got tired of looking.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Isn't the new Harry Potter supposed to be like- "family friendly"?

I don't mean just the content, but the whole Harry Potter experience?
I KNOW it's supposed to be.

If Harry is all FOR the good stuff, can someone tell me WHY they decided to make the hyped opening night at midnight on a THURSDAY?
I don't know about the rest of America, but here we had school today. And all the kids that went to the opening at 12:00AM and got out around -what 3:00AM? went to school today.

How much do you think they learned?
How much do you think got accomplished with their clique at school, with all the plot tellings.
What they remembered, anyway-since they got probably 3 hours of sleep that entire night.

And Parents, why did you let your kids go to the opening night -on a school night? I heard the new morning(radio) guy bragging about what a "good" dad he was for letting his kids go to it.
Didn't it cross your mind that it was a school night? Is going to some pompous, overblown, Madison Ave. (NYC) driven commercial gala more important than your kids doing well in school?

I guess I'm to stuck in the past, and don't understand the "importance" of being seen at a snobby made-up event by other snobby people.
I guess looking good is more important than being good.
I was having HTML issues with the Engineer post

In case you couldn't tell.
That and my f*cking snail-slow SBC connection.

Anyway, I stole that quiz from El Capitain.

Oh, and in a somewhat related note (the speed thing), we're scheduled to meet out installer for Blue Wind on Nov. 30 around 3PM.
Gawd, I hope my modem doesn't wear-out from all this reconnecting it's doing before it gets here.

- On a line that doesn't have any problems that the UNION flack could find.
Because he didn't come when we're having problems.
The monopoly that charged us $30 for our connection WORKING during the day when we DON'T have the problem.
I guess desecrtating a Koran is different if you do it for global terror

Part ummm 8,904,873.

The Iraqi terrorists decided that bombing a Mosque and getting blood on, and probably burning several-didn't quite make the cut as riot fodder. Since ya know, it was moslems doing it instead if the wrong belief system.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

You scored as Engineer. Military Engineer. Your job is usually overlooked, but without you nothing gets done. While you sometimes annoyed at this, and you know the only time people come to you is when there's something wrong. You understand that you are the heart and soul of any organization with honesty and nice work ethic to boot.

"I need more Duct Tape!!!"



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