Sunday, November 13, 2005

Having fun with homonyms

Why not go over to Boyds blog to give him some of your favorite homonymes in his comments.
I'm sure he'll welome you with open arms.
I forgot to mention just how costly staying home sick was

I stayed home sick last Thurs. I'm not getting sick time yet, so I lost a good side of $100+.
I got tired of having enough time to load the laundry while waiting for websites I was surfing to load.

So, knowing the trailer was going to be sold soon- I went ahead and ordered $512 worth of Wild Blue satellite internet. I got the Value pack. After 26K a 512KPS connection is lightning fast. The only problem is that the rep told me that it's problematic to get reliable VoIP (broadband telephone) over satellite, so it looks like we'll be stuck with SBC for a while, yet.


On the other hand, our old cellphones from Verizon Wireless(with extending antennas)can recieve both Verizon signals and cingular.

Now we need to decide the best way to network our computers.
This could really be something good

But then again I am a gas guy.

Still 100MPS broadband at a non-premium price sounds REAL good.
It just doesn't sound quite right mixing natural gas with advanced technology.
I mean some of those lines have been buried for over 100 years, and the old meters hanging on your house don't look cutting edge.

The ony concerns I'd have is if the plastic gasline could contain the high energy radio waves, and what would happen in a line break? Poly line already has a static electricity problem, would radio waves increase the problem? We use sound to trace Poly line that doesn't have tracer wire buried with it- if the plastic doesn't contain the radio waves, would the ground swallow it?
As y'all may know, I'm looking at a third vehicle

I stayed away from the "Jeep*" name because I had some VERY bad experiences with their pickups while sentenced assigned to the Newport,R.I. Naval base right before I got out. We had three of them, one was always in for charging system problems, one for the transmission, and I can't remember what the other repair queen was in for.

As I was looking at vehicles, I found a site that has some reliability ratings and the problems associated with a general class of vehicles.
I was suprised at how much green was showing on the Jeeps*.
I took a look at the Govt' fuel ratings and saw that they didn't get all that bad of milage.
Especially when you hear the vast leftwing magpies calling them gas guzzlers. I bet alot of those anti-SUV greenies drive luxury cars that get worse milage than a light Jeep*. My Dodge Ram 1500 gets worse milage than a Grand Cherokee. It's also wider as my wife found out when coming through the gate (not as bad as Rhianna's boo boo).

I now have another choice in vehicles, although not one the Left would approve of (the ability to choose what I drive), and they seem to be a bit less expensive that the Chevies, Fords and Dodges I've been looking at. I guess the fact that alot were made by slave labor in "Re-education camps" has something to do about that.

And yes, we need another vehicle. I work 50 miles away, wife works about 30(and different hours) and we need a way to get there if one of the vehicles is down. We also have two teens making noise about drivers licenses.

* This is a registered name for the Crysler Corp. who have tried to take over bars, resuraunts, and anything else that mentioned the Jeep* name without mentioning them- the CHRYSLER CORP. prominently in their verbage. Even if the said bar or resturaunt had been in business before the CHRYSLER CORP. had bought out the Jeep* brand. and before it sold itself to it's new German masters.

Saturday, November 12, 2005


sort of

You can't really tell, but one sparkplug has twice the gap as the other one.
Does anyone want to hazard a guess about which is which?

I'm also just figguring out how to change scanner files to be accepted by blogger.
Ya know going from Word10 to jpeg.
Anybody up for some cheap Texas land?

This 11 acre ranch in west Texas has alot going for it.
Privacy Solitude A sense of security Ok, it'll have plenty of moving targets.

Not that it's bad to invade a sovergn country your not wanted in, or anything like that. . .

Friday, November 11, 2005

This is why we remember


USN Presidential Citation Ribbon

Awarded to Task Unit 77.4.3 (Taffy III)


The President of the United States takes pleasure in presenting the PRESIDENTIAL UNIT CITATION to TASK UNIT SEVENTY-SEVEN POINT FOUR POINT THREE, consisting of the U.S.S. FANSHAW BAY and VC-88; U.S.S. GAMBIER BAY and VC-10; U.S.S. KALININ BAY and VC-3; U.S.S. KITKUN BAY and VC-5; U.S.S. SAINT LO and VC-65; U.S.S. WHITE PLAINS and VC-4; U.S.S. HOEL, U.S.S. JOHNSTON, U.S.S. HEERMANN, U.S.S. SAMUEL B. ROBERTS, U.S.S. RAYMOND, U.S.S. DENNIS and U.S.S. JOHN C. BUTLER

for service as set forth in the following CITATION

"For extraordinary heroism in action against powerful units of the Japanese Fleet during the Battle off Samar, Philippines, October 25, 1944. Silhouetted against the dawn as the Central Japanese Force steamed through San Bernardino Strait towards Leyte Gulf, Task Unit 77.4.3 was suddenly taken under attack by hostile cruisers on its port hand, destroyers on the starboard and battleships from the rear. Quickly laying down a heavy smoke screen, the gallant ships of the Task Unit waged battle fiercely against the superior speed and fire power of the advancing enemy, swiftly launching and rearming aircraft and violently zigzagging in protection of vessels stricken by hostile armor-piercing shells, anti-personnel projectiles and suicide bombers. With one carrier of the group sunk, others badly damaged and squadron aircraft courageously coordinating in the attacks by making dry runs over the enemy Fleet as the Japanese relentlessly closed in for the kill, two of the Unit's valiant destroyers and one destroyer escort charged the battleships point-blank and, expending their last torpedoes in desperate defense of the entire group, went down under the enemy's heavy shells as a climax to two and one half hours of sustained and furious combat. The courageous determination and the superb teamwork of the officers and men who fought the embarked planes and who manned the ships of Task Unit 77.4.3 were instrumental in effecting the retirement of a hostile force threatening our Leyte invasion operations and were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service."

For the President,
/signed/ JAMES FORRESTAL Secretary of the Navy

Some gave their all.
This is one story.

On 25 October 1944, TASK UNIT 77.4.3, nicknamed "TAFFY III" was cruising some forty or fifty miles east of the Island of Samar, Philippine Islands;


These small carriers were being screened by 3 destroyers and 4 destroyer escorts. The three destroyers were; USS HEERMANN DD 532, USS HOEL DD 533 and USS JOHNSTON DD 557. The four destroyer escorts were; USS JOHN C. BUTLER DE 339, USS DENNIS DE 405, USS RAYMOND DE 341 and USS SAMUEL B. ROBERTS DE 413.

TAFFY THREE'S aircraft were supporting the landings of General Douglas MacArthur as he was attempting to keep his word of " I SHALL RETURN" when he was forced to retreat from the Philippine Islands in the early part of WW II.

It was believed by most Task Unit Commanders in the area that Admiral William F. (Bull) Halsey was guarding the exit of San Bernardino Strait with his mighty Task Force 38 however, Admiral Halsey had been lured north by a Japanese Carrier Task Force set up as a decoy for the purpose of pulling Admiral Halsey's Giant Task Force away from the Leyte Operation. The Japanese had intention of destroying General MacArthur's landing operations on LEYTE.

At about 0645 on the morning of 25 OCTOBER 1944, a pilot on patrol sighted and reported an extremely large Japanese Task Force consisting of 4 battleships, 8 cruisers and 11 destroyers heading straight for TAFFY III. This report was challanged by TU commander, Adm. Sprague thinking the pilot had spotted parts of Admiral Halsey's large task force and asked that the pilot recheck his sighting for better identification. The pilot re-checked and reported that the large surface ships were supporting giant Pagoda masts. This pretty well confirmed that the sightings were not American ships.

At about the same time that positive identification was made of the enemy task force, the Japanese Task Force commenced firing on TAFFY III, concentrating their fire on the carriers.

The carriers were not only small but were slow, each one could only make 17 or 18 knots. The Japanese Task Force was closing at about 25 knots.


Japanese Vice Admiral Takeo Kurita's fleet consisted of four battleships, the world's largest, YAMATO which contained 9, 18.1" guns in three turrets, plus NAGATO which contained 9, 16" guns in three turrets and KONGO and HARUNA which contained 14" guns.

In addition to the four battleships, there were eight cruisers and 11 destroyers. All of the ships in Adm. Kurita's force were equipped with torpedo tubes except the super heavy YAMATO.

One of YAMATO'S turrets containing 3, 18.1-inch guns weighed more than a Fletcher class destroyer.


Destroyer Johnston. Commanded by Commander Ernest E. Evans, which was nearest the Japanese Task Force at the time turned and began making smoke from her stacks and also her smoke screen generators. JOHNSTON was zig-zaging as she began to close her range with the enemy task force. As the range began to close rapidly, Commander Evans picked out a heavy cruiser in the lead and advised the gunnery officer to begin firing on that ship as soon as our range closed enough/ Johnston began firing on heavy cruiser KUMANO and picked that ship as a target for a torpedo attack. Later, johnston was followed by USS HOEL, USS HEERMAN and USS SAMUEL B. ROBERTS. .

JOHNSTON was zigzagging as she laid smoke in an attempt to hide the carriers from view of the Japanese. As JOHNSTON closed within range of the enemy ships, she opened fire with her five, 5-inch guns and selected a target for a torpedo attack. Johnston picked out one of the heavy cruisers that was in the lead and began a torpedo run When JOHNSTON got within approximately 9000 yards of Japanese Heavy Cruiser KUMANO, the target cruiser, began firing her torpedoes to starboard. By the time JOHNSTON completed the firing of her ten torpedoes, she was within approximately 6000 yards of KUMANO Torpedo hits were made on cruiser Kumano severely cripling her and taking her out of the action.

Johnston turned and was attempting to retire into her own smoke screen when she was hit for the first time with a three gun salvo of 14: inch projectiles from a battleship. These hits were followed in 30 seconds by a 3-gun salvo of 6" projectiles from a light cruiser. These six hits caused considerable damage to JOHNSTON knocking out one fire room and one engine room, slowing JOHNSTON from about 34 knots to about 16 knots. Hits were received on the bridge that caused a large amount of damage and either killed or seriously wounded many of the men assigned to the bridge which included the Captain. The Captain received wounds to his hand, back and it is believed to his ear drums from concussion.

JOHNSTON then took refuge inside a rain squall in an attempt to make emergency repairs. This lasted for about ten minutes. The enemy ships were either not equipped with fire control radar or it was not very effective because they didn't seem to fire unless they had a good visual contact with our ships.

After orders were given for "small boys" to make a torpedo attack, JOHNSTON fell in behind HOEL HEERMANN and DE, SAMUEL B. ROBERTS in an attempt to provide fire support as these ships made a torpedo attack. At about 17 knots, JOHNSTON'S full speed at the time, could not keep up with the other ships making a torpedo attack but was able to provide some fire support for them.

JOHNSTON continued to engage the enemy in an attempt to draw the enemy fire toward the JOHNSTON and away from the carriers. JOHNSTON continued to receive extremely damaging fire until approximately 0940 when JOHNSTON was knocked "dead in the water" by crippling gun fire from the enemy. At approximately 0950, Commander Ernest E. Evans gave that dreadful order., "Abandon Ship" at that time, men began to go over the side of JOHNSTON and attempt to swim away from the sinking ship.

At approximately 1010, JOHNSTON sank as an enemy destroyer continued to pump projectiles into her critically damaged hull. Her survivors were in the water nearby as the enemy destroyer slowly steamed through the survivors who were scattered about in the water. We all believed that we would be straffed by the guns aboard the enemy destroyer and also believed that the destroyer might drop depth charges set at a very shallow depth which would probably have killed all or most of the survivors in the water that were near by. However the enemy sailors were off thier guns and lining the port side of the destroyer and were yelling at us but did not offer to fire or to drop depth charges. This was graciously accepted by the survivors.

After JOHNSTON rolled over and sank, the Japanese destroyer that was very close at hand, steaming very slowly through the survivors, once it cleared the survivors, increased it's speed and departed the area of JOHNSTON's survivors.

Once it was clear or believed to be clear that the enemy was not going to direct any further attention to the survivors of JOHNSTON, we survivors began to organize and collect into groups around life rafts that had been dropped over the side of JOHNSTON.

There were many severely burned and wounded men in the water. Many needed medical attention, far more than could be given in the water. Immediate rescue was desperately needed to save many men's lives.............but it didn't come. At this time, there were more than 1100 hundred survivors in the water from GAMBIER BAY, HOEL, JOHNSTON aand SAMUEL B. ROBERTS.

Rescue didn't come. Many times, our planes would dive down and take a look at us and when we would wave to them they would dip their wings to let us know that they recognized us as American. Still, no rescue came. The enemy turned and with their ships that could still make way, exited the area. Our remaining ships of TAFFY III. Those that we sacraficed ourselves for also left the area and didn't send rescue vessels for us nor would they permit any of our destroyers to come back for us when they requested permission to do so. Commanding officers of other destroyers in TAFFY II were denied permission to come to us and help us out of the ocean.

All of us in the water expected to be rescued in a very short time but still.........rescue didn't come.

As the day wore on, we began to wonder why we received no help. The commander of our Task Unit knew exactly where we were and knew the enemy had left the area but still did nothing to help us.

In the group the writer was in, we placed two of the most severely injured inside a life raft with one other badly injured man to help take care of them. The two men were burned extremely bad and couldn't see.

About 1500 (3:pm) , we saw our first shark. He was a pretty big shark and was approximately 100 yards from our group but was coming closer as he swam back and forth. Finally it was obvious that he was going to make an attempt to hit someone and he swam along the side that I was on and rolled as if he was going to hit someone. About six of us pushed down on him in an attempt to keep from being bitten. It seemed to work because the shark didn't hit anyone at that time and we apparently scared him away. We had no further shark attacks until after dark and then we had several. Several men were hit, one was hit in both thighs, one in the back, one on his left arm and shoulder and one in the left kidney area, Two of the men later died.

Shortly after dark, both of the two men that were burned and that were in the raft died. They died about 10 minutes apart. Someone said a prayer and a few words about each shipmate and then their life jacket was removed and then they were allowed to slip below the surface. Although all of us had seen many of our shipmates die during the battle, it was still rough on us at our early ages to burry our shipmates in this fashion. We had to go on and those of us who were still alive had to try to survive.

There were other groups of survivors from JOHNSTON but we had drifted apart and could no longer see the other groups. A long night was ahead of us. From time to time, someone would scream out and someone would yell, "SHARK!!" and the rest of us would start kicking and splashing frantically in an attempt to scare the shark away. As far as I know, it worked. I don't remember a shark hanging on with all of us kicking and splashing. It was very tiring, kicking and splashing all night but we did it, at least in the group that I was in.

Morning came and no rescue was in sight so at about 0600 (6:00 am) two men from my group started swimming for the Island of Samar. We were closer to Samar now due to the current. It was agreed that at around noon six more of us would begin swimming for Samar in hopes of some of us making it to get help for the other survivors. None of this should have been necessary........if only our TASK UNIT Commander had only initiated a rescue attempt of his own.

At about noon, as agreed, six of us began our swim toward Samar.

The two men who left earlier, John Schindele and Jim Correll had long been out of our sight. The six of us; Charles (Chuck) Campbell, Jim Herring, Frank Nelson, Juliam Owen, J.B. Strickland and myself *Bill Mercer) took a 4 X 4 timber with us in order for us to all stay together and headed toward Samar. We could easily see the island but it was several miles away. As we swam, the current was also helpful in taking us closer and closer to the island. Late in the after noon, we sighted what we thought was a small boat with one or more people in it but we couldn't tell if they were friendly or enemy. As we drew closer, one of the men in the boat yelled, "we have some water".

We were encouraged that the person spoke English and felt that it must be Filipinos in the boat and were coming out to help us. We drew closer and closer and then realized that it was not Filipinos nor was it a boat. It was Jim Correll and John Schindele who had left earlier. They had come across a life raft from the JOHNSTON that had apparently been blown off during the battle because it still contained a 40 mm ammunition cannister that contained rations, cigarettes and other survival items, It did contain a breaker with some water but it was very "stringy" but it wasn't salty so it did quench ones thirst but we didn't have much of it. We had cigarettes and matches but shortly after opening the cannister, Chuck campbell dropped the lid and no one wanted to dive for it........the water was a few miles deep at that point. Not long after dropping the lid, a wave splashed into the cannister and got all of the matches wet. That took care of the cigarette smoking. We did still have what rations it contained and a very pistol. A very pistol is a pistol that shoots flares which were later fired in an attempt to attract sttention to our position in case there were rescue vessels in the area, Later we learned that it was a flare that had been fired into the air that the actual rescue group saw that later lead them to the survivors. We weren't the only ones who were firing flares so I don't know if it was ours the men on the rescue ship saw or some other groups flares.

The rescue Task Unit that was organized was not organized by our own Task Unit Commander but by a group in Leyte Harbor who had heard of survivors having been seen in an area east of Samar. Our Task Unit Commander had nothing to do with the organization or the rescue of the more than 1100 survivors. The rescue vessels consisted of two PC Craft, PC-623 , PC 1119 and LCI's 34, 71, 337, 340 and 341. PC 623 was flagship of Task Unit 78.12. The rescue Task Group was recommended by Captain Charles Adair and was approved by Admiral Kincaid.

Not long after the rescue Task Group 78.12 was organized, It stood out of Leyte Harbor to an area some 125 miles east of Leyte to search for and rescue survivors.

In the meantime, those of us still out in the ocean were struggling to hang on, still hoping to be rescued.

In my small group, we continued to drift closer to the Island and it appeared that we would surely make landfall some time during the night which was the second night for us in the ocean. We were getting so close to land, that we made plans as to what we we would do once we made it to the shore. We decided that we would divide into two groups of four to the group. We split up what money we had so that each group had about the same amount. We decided that when we got on the beach, one group would go to the right and one to the left and then try to go into the hills in search of a village that we believed to be near the center of the Island. We had our plans in place but the current didn't cooperate, The currents changed and began to pull us back out to sea. The night seemed twice as long as the first night. We were tired, depressed and very weary. After dark, I learned that my life jacket would no longer float so I let it go and it sank. Later into the night we began to hallucinate, not all at the same time but at some time during the night all of us did. It is very difficult to separate fact from fiction when one hallucinates. Fortunately for us some one was rational at all times during the night and that helped to keep the group from doing something that we should not.

In the group the writer was in, there were eight men and I don't recall anyone having a watch that worked but as it began to get light enough to see, it was clear that we had drifted closer to the island of Samar and it seemed to the writer that we were near the south end of the island and much closer than the evening before. All of the men in our little group were very tired and half dozing, one with his head dangling in the water as he lay across the edge of the life raft. As I recall, the writer was the first one to notice that we were close to the island and began trying to get everyone alert. I began by getting Owens to get his head out of the water which wasn't an easy task but finally by "poping" him pretty good, he did raise his head. As everyone seemed to be awake, we discussed making it to shore again and the current seemed to change again and began pulling us out to sea again. We all seriously discussed leaving the raft and swiming for it and most of us agreed that we would do that but one man, Strickland, said that he knew he couldn't make it but urged the others of us to go for it. We discussed it further and decided that if we couldn't all go then none of us would go. This was probnably a life saving decision. Since our life jackets were gone, we probably wouldn't have made it. We were close but probably not as close as it looked.

Since none of us had watches that worked, I don't know what time it was but I always thought it was about noon when we spotted ships in the distance. There seemed to be a small group of small ships. The eight of us then began to discuss whether the ships were enemy or friendly. As I recall, all of us but Strickland thought they were enemy but Strickland insisted from the beginning that they were American. We then discussed whether we should try to get the attention of someone on the ships and agreed that we needed to get out of the water, be it by friendly help or by the enemy. So one of the men, Herring began waving a white scivie shirt in an attempt to get their attention. Still we didn't know if they were enemy or American. As the ships drew closer, one of the Patrol Craft drifted almost broadside to our group and we could easily see the American flag waving ..........what a beautiful site. A man on LCI 71 yelled through a megaphone that they saw us and for us to take it easy they were going to get us. A line was thrown to us and we tied it to the raft and was pulled along side and helped aboard. This was a very pleasant feeling........finally.......we were out of the water, something we had just about given up on ever happening. It should have happened many hours before but didn't.

Soon we would be in Leyte Harbor and there we would be transferred to either a hospital ship or to an LST and would head for New Guinea, Australia and then home to San Francisco,

Thanks to the rescue group, more than 1100 men were eventually rescued. There would have been many more survivors had rescue come quickly as it should have.

Stolen from The Johnston-Hoel memorial page.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Well, maybe one of my more finiky eaters might change her mind

When we try this spread out.
Those English folk aren't really known as adventurous eaters.
I was going to wait untill my next Blogalanche

But Donnie decided to take a break, and make room for Boyd.

Donnie, I enjoyed reading you and even tossing in my two cents once in a while.
I'll be glad to have you back whenever you decide to grace our electrons again.

Take care bro.
Happy Birthday Jarheads!

Not bad for a bunch of guys who got their start in a bar.
There's one good thing you could say about Fascists

At least they can make the trains run on time.
I wonder what kind of NGO is in charge of S. Africa?
It looks like the RINOS in the House are living down to their name

They decided to kill the ANWAR drilling in the budget bill being sent to a vote. I guess our $3.00+/gal was some once-in-a-lifetime anomality, so we don't need divergant oil supplies here at home.

WASHINGTON - A solid phalanx of Republican moderates drove House GOP leaders to drop a hotly contested plan to open an Alaskan wilderness area to oil drilling as a sweeping budget bill headed toward a vote Thursday.

A plan to allow states to lift a moratorium on oil drilling off the Atlantic and Pacific coasts was also axed.

. . . snip. . .

... Florida Republicans were especially active, helping kill the offshore drilling plan and loosening proposed restrictions on food stamp benefits for legal immigrants.

The decision on the Arctic refuge was a big setback for those who have tried for years to open a coastal strip of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, or ANWR, to oil development. It was a victory for environmentalists, who have lobbied hard against drilling.

And lets not forget the fiscal side of being in bed with the Libs:

"I have to represent my district," said Rep. Tim Johnson, R-Ill., who represents farmers opposed to cuts in commodity payments as well as the University of Illinois campus, which is upset about cuts to student loans. "At this point, I am very, very skeptical."

The overall bill is a top Republican priority. The Senate last week passed a milder version of the bill to curb the automatic growth of federal spending by $35 billion through the end of the decade.

The House plan cuts more deeply across a broader range of social services, though Republican leaders say the effects will be modest to programs like the Medicaid health system for the poor and disabled. It will still grow much faster than inflation even after beneficiaries face increased copayments and the likely loss of some benefits.

"We are not cutting Medicaid for those truly in need," said Rep. David Dreier (news, bio, voting record), R-Calif.

Someone want to tell me just WHY I should bother to vote for anyone with a big old (R) behind their name?

Daym, those crickets sure are loud.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

I note a whiff of hypocrisy from the RINOs in D.C.

You have heard about the OUTING of the secret prisons holding terrorist enemies in foreign lands. Trent Lott (R-ex Speaker Senate Majority Leader*) guessed that it was probably someone in the employ of a Republican Congress-critter.

Ok, if it was- or it wasn't. Why are you shutting down the investigation? If you thought it might be Dems, you'd, , , ummmm, , , well , , , probably do nothing, like you didn't go after Kerry during the Bolton hearings, and you roll over to the Libs anytime they start whining about not being in charge.

If you're shutting down the investigation because you think it was one of you, you are as bad as the Dems and their obstructionalism. If you're scuttling the investigation because you might rock the boat by p*ssing off the Dems- WHY should I bother to vote for a Republican?

All this cr@p you're playing along with in the Wilson/Plame B.S. and not looking at a REAL blown security problem tells me that YOU are not serious about the G.W.T. you are nothing but talk.

I know how well talk accomplishes anything- I was awake during the Clinton reign.

*As I was corrected by Aelfheld. Since I'm not a graduate from a Jounalism school, or a producer of a network news show- I'll change my error AND acknowledge it.
I forsee even more of a lack of posting ahead

Now I know why I haven't been feeling like doing anything lately. Seems I've caught the latest version of the crud. It came on strong at work, about 2 hours before quitting time.

I'll see if there's anything I feel strongly enought to write about.

There's alot of good reading in my blogroll, if your looking. . .

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

I just got good news, now I can retire

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We are pleased to inform you of the result of the South Australia
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We congratulate you once again. We hope you will use part of it in our
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Congratulations once again.
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Ariel Bertis
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This is what I wrote back:

I won (almost) the Austrailian lottery!!!!!!!!

WOOHOO, and to think- I din't do a damn thing to get into it.

Just how can I win something I didn't enter?
You Aussies and Europeans sure do things different, see over here in America- we're not so trusting. We make people PAY for their tickets upfront.

Hey, to help you to avoid the trouble, and transfer fees; just write me a check I'll take care of the rest. You know enough about me that I don't even have to add my name.

If you hadn't heard, the governor of Alabama wants a nationwide Aruba boycott

Since Aruba hasn't found Natalee yet, or her killers; Alabama Gov. Bob Riley called for a travel boycott of Aruba today. Natalees mother saw some cameras and hopped up on stage, too.

Now, I wonder if they will understand when nobody comes to Alabama since I'm sure there are several unaccounted for missing girls there, too. We just don't know who they are because they obviously weren't photogenic enough to garner widespread media attention. And they didn't have a media savvy blond babe for a mom, either.

Ok Gov. I won't go to Aruba, as long as you prove you don't have any outstanding missing people in your state -Deal?

Monday, November 07, 2005

Here's an animal question for y'all

I don't feel like writing about what's going wrong on in the rest of the world today.

I'm watching the dogs play.
As you may know, we have the white Hefalump and the black wiggler.
I'm sure they know which paw is theirs, so they don't bite it.

They may be aware that the other isn't the same as themselves.

The question is: Do they KNOW that they are black and white?
Would they notice if they changed colors?

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Now, Here's a study I'd like to get my hands around

Exept that I'm like- married.

To give you a bit of scientific enticement, I give you the title of the article:

The Physics of Bras
Force = Mass x Acceleration
Overcoming Newton's second law with better bra technology

. . .

To best support breasts, a designer has to understand how they move. To that end, McGhee's team in Australia, headed by biomechanist Julie Steele, tags women with light-emitting diodes and asks them to run on treadmills. (The women run with and without bras, so the laboratory doors are bolted to prevent uninvited people from bursting in.)
Computer systems then track the breasts' motions in three dimensions by following the moving lights. "We can actually work out exactly where they're going, how they're moving, and how this movement is affected by bras," Steele says. Breasts move in a sinusoidal pattern, Steele has found, and they move a lot. Small breasts can move more than three inches vertically during a jog, and large breasts sometimes leave their bras entirely. "We have videos of women who, particularly if the cup is too low, spill all over the top," Steele says.

I wonder how long THAT particular study will stay off the internet.

BUT they do make the effort to remind you that this IS a scientific study

"Force equals mass times acceleration," Steele says. "That's Newton's second law. You have a large mass, and it's going quickly, and the force is going to be large. If you have breasts that are slapping down and hitting the chest and having to come back up, they accelerate very quickly." No one really knows the long-term medical consequences of "excessive breast bounce," as Steele calls it. But it can cause pain and is the most likely reason for sagging breasts.
These anti-France riots seem to be becoming a recurring theme

Anyone remember just a year ago in the Ivory Coast?
They were facing rioting there, too. But instead of just letting them fan the fires, they started shooting unarmed protesters.

I guess there were differences, they were part of a U.N.illateral invasion of sovereign soil. The Ivory Coast was a colony of theirs (the people weren't imported), they were fed-up with a history of French interference, they didn't set cripples on fire. They were also unarmed.

That was on Nov. 10, 2004 when the valiant French Army fired their ASSAULT weapons into an unarmed crowd killing and wounding many.

This year, to answer the MOSLEM rioters who are trying to burn anything they can- including cops and cripples.
The French answer to the 11th day of these "spontaneous" jihads are, , , to hold MEETINGS to decide what to do!

Everyone's watching Jock, even us Americans who you presume to lecture on race and religious tolerance.

Go ahead big boy- show us what you can do.

Or do you want us (the U.S.) to come in and pull your fat out of the fire again?

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Which US Naval command lets their fruit run free?

Where do Grapes, Oranges, Lemons and Limes have the run of ship

On a Flight deck!

Each shirt color has it's specialized job.
Red (apples)= Armorers/Explosives Firefighting
Green(limes)= Aircraft handlers/and jacks -of-all-trades (Firefighting)
Purple(grapes)=Fueling (Firefighting)

I can't remember the rest.

(UPDATE 5:16PM) Ok, there is a link to the official colors of the flight deck. My appologies to all who knew/know better.

(UPDATE Nov 06) Lets see if this link works better.

Friday, November 04, 2005

I'm just reading about what's going on in France

I really should be aghast and all out of sorts about how the adherants to the "Religion of Peace" are reacting to a pair of juvies electrocuing themselves.

But I'm not.
I'm sorry to tell you that I look at it as their (Frances) just deserts. They allowed the cheap labor that had NO affinity with the host country.
They were allowed to form their own mini cultures and enclaves exempt from the common and historical ummm,,,,,, culture of their host country- including their own language (seperate from the host), their own habits and mores (again not the same as the host culture), no respect or patriotism at all to the country who was giving them jobs, shelter and all the goodies of the nanny state.

I've heard speculation that it's not sporadic and isolated events, more some kind of Jihad.

But WHY you ask? Because France is majority Christian, it hasn't accepted the Calephate as the ruling religion.
It doesn't matter (to the moslem) that they do everything they can to shut down America any way they can. They don't care about Frances' cowering to islam. They want to control France.

France is getting what it's been asking for for decades. The craven cowering to anyone who raises their victimhood is eating their inner city slums right now.

I have to feel for the ones trapped whohad no hand in this tinderbox, but I can't dredge up any kind of feeling for the government, or the religion of the rioters.

If you look at the alienation of the "cheap" labor, it kinda looks like what has been happening (to a much lesser degree) here.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Bird flue strikes America

You can now PANIC.

(UPDATE NOV 04-05)
I'm going to hafta remember to DOWNLOAD the pics I steal from Dogsnot before I try to post them, sorry.
Well, at least Bush and Co. can snow the Beeb

When they talk about shutting down illegals at the border.

Any American that has any kind of a clue knows that an extra 1,000 agents won't make much of a dent without some other dis-incentives.

We have employers who turn a blind eye on obviously false documentation.
A public safety net that's better than the well off in Mexico can afford
  • FREE health care
  • FREE public schools- you don't even have to go thru the bother of learning english
  • FREE money for food (food stamps)
  • FREE rent (even if it is Sect. 8 or the projects)
  • TAXPAYER subsidized utilities
  • TAXPAYER funded instate higher education

You can even vote if you're so inclined.
Now, there are prestigious banks advertising HOME LOANS to illegals.

We'll never get a handle on these illegals as long as we have all these handouts.

Bush and Co. are nothing more than talk- and worse their amnesty undocumented reform programs add yet another incentive to hop that fence.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

So much to post about, so little talent.

I'll leave the Liberal hissy fit to others today.

Two of the three things are from San Antonio all or in part, and the other is Texas wide.

As you remember, San Antonio among others took in alot of Katie refugees. Apparently, FEMA is not paying their rent anymore and our RINO-in-Charge Rick Perry (R) is talking about shifting responsibility to other government agencies. I've heard alot about the poor refugees and the landlords who don't want to be forced to turn them out right before the holidays.

OK, the landlords have some kind of heart. They need their rent though, that's why they have these places out to rent. All I've heard today was who is going to take responsibility for these people.

The ONE thing I specifically DO NOT hear was the people needing to take responsibility for themselves- you know GET A F*CKING JOB so you can pay your rent!

Second, on a local talkradio program, theyt were talking about the new S.A. city ordinance allowing for towing vehicles without insurance. GREAT! WOOHOO! Lets get those who lost their insurance because of excessive wrecks off the road. That goes for the ones who can't/won't pay for insurance because they're too irresponsible. I'm all for it, but I'm sure we'll be hearing from the ILLEGAL apologists as soon as the first mojado gets their car towed because they rear-ended someone.

Rick Perry was visiting S.A. today and he proposed a teacher incentive plan. Sounds good. What is it? How about a MINIMUM of $100,000 per "Schools that show marked improvements in student performance would be eligible for a grant of at least $100,000 to distribute to the teachers they determine are having the greatest impact," Perry said. "A minimum of 75% of the funds sent to a campus must go directly to those hard working teachers who have been improving the learning in the classroom.

Sure, the better the teacher, the more (s)he should be paid. Where will the money come from?
Perry implemented the incentive program by executive order, and said $10 million in 'existing discretionary federal funds' will be used to pay for it.

OH? Why not send it BACK to D.C.?
Well, then we couldn't add our states tax money could we?
Perry said he will ask the Legislative Budget Board, which has control over the Texas budget when the legislature is not in session, to approve an additional $25 million in state funds to expand the program to another 250 schools.
Again where will the money come from? The over chargo on our property taxes that they won't give back- maybe?

Finally, I'm not even going to touch this publicly financed exercise in political hate speech compliments of the city's hotel/motel tax.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Anybody want a '98 Chevy pick-up?

I'm sure you could get it pretty cheap.

It's only wrecked on the right side.

Could use a new hood, and windshield- and an alignment probably wouldn't hurt either.
Ok all you Libs, You keep equating Conservatsm with Fascism

Here's what you, Mother Sheehan and the rest of your "Patriotic" cause would face if Bush really were as bad as you claim.

Exept this come from political protests in Ethiopia.
Maybe they learned from Bu$Hitler.

Monday, October 31, 2005

I'd like to ask my readers comments on this

Yep, I'm asking all three of you to read and comment.

Wife and I are having a "disagreement" on ummm,,,, to be delicate- 'shortcloths'.
We've had this go around before, and the girls have both heard it-I though it was settled.

I had to put the girls ( 14 & 17) cloths into the dryer Sunday.
After the first armload a piece (pair?) of anal floss fell onto the floor. I threw it away- it was small enough for the 14 yr-old. The next armload was another -whatever- on top, belonging to #17.

They both know that they were banned from wearing that slutty underwear.

All the females (except Meg-the-dog) are from England, and see nothing wrong with putting out a "DO-ME" message in their underwear. Because "It's comfortable" and "(tsk) guys don't even THINK of sex when they see these" and "It's nothing- I don't know WHY you're making such a big deal out of this."

My take- I'm a guy. I was a teenage guy- I KNOW what teenage guys are thinking about.
If I saw a girl; a EUROPEAN girl wearing that anal floss (or nothing- who can tell?), I know the first thing to come to mind would NOT be "Gee- she must be wearing that because it's comfortable." It would be something like "WOW! No panties, AND she's from Europe- where they have recreational sex at the drop of a hat. I wonder just how easy she is?"

Now the question.

Thongs: worn for comfort or advertising?
Well, I certainly hope we won't hear L.U.L.A.C gnashing their teeth over this SCOTUS nominee

Since L.U.L.A.C. represents LATIN American citizens.
Unless he's not the "right" kind of Latin citizen, being an Italian and all.

Anyone who has the Left howling like Federal Appeals Court Judge Samuel Alito has GOT to be good for the country, or the Constitution at least.

Ok, W you did right this time. Lets try to get on track with the Republican conservative base a little more often, ok?

Sunday, October 30, 2005

A sports story

This is a detective story

So Pay Close Attention!!!

Three elderly ladies are excited about seeing their first baseball game

They smuggle a bottle of Jack into the ball park

The game is real exciting and they are enjoying themselves immensely...
mixing the Jack Daniel's with soft drinks.

Soon they realize that the bottle is almost gone
and the game has a lot of innings to go.

Based on the given information, what inning is it

and how many players are on base?


Think some more!!

You're gonna love it .


It's the bottom of the fifth

and the bags are loaded!

OK, I didn't say it was a GOOD sports story
I keep hearing about Scooter Libby

I don't really care about that snip hunt they call the Plame outing.
I remember seeing her on the front cover of several magazines BEFORE she was "outed" by...

UMmmm, , ,

well, , ,

" we're not sure, but the Bush Whitehouse was involved AFTRE it was all over the MSM, so we'll go after them."

Now, Scooter Libby has been indicted for lying, falsehoods, mis-statements, faulty memory- you choose the word depending on which side you fall on.

Ok, what I remember is that a former president, his wife, and most of his people got away with a HELL of alot more than just "lying" by 'not remembering' what they were being asked about. One prominent member was charged with Perjury for helping an intern lie in a deposition.

Now, the very SAME people who were tripping all over themselves for camera time to defend blatent, baldfaced improbable lies are trying to find the high road by wailing and gnashing their teeth about the other party being in the same situation as they used to be; by calling for resignations, and appologies.

Is there ANY honor in the DNC any more?
Did anyone over there FINALLY remember who hired Craig Livingstone (of the 1,000+ FBI files)?

If they were so worried about CIA agents being outed, maybe they should look at Sen. Kerry for calling a REAL covert agent by name on the Senate floor, instead of chasing after a glorified secretary who hadn't been officially out of the country in 7 years.