Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Anyone with any common sense would have seen this from last year

 I didn't like it when Trump announced our pullout date from Afghanistan.

It gave terrorists time to plan and get ready to overtake an army that was only held together by money, not national pride- or anything else we as Americans would stay for.
It's an army of tribes, who would fight other tribes except for the U.S. keeping the lid on them.

But to just bug out in the middle of the night without forewarning anyone on the Afghani side was stupid and a sure way to let anyone know we didn't have their backs.

What da fuq did you expect to happen Milley? "Our intelligence told us it would be weeks or months before the entire country was under Taliban control".
I guess your intelligence was busy reading those books about "White Rage" you're so concerned about instead of -you know- actually giving good unbiased intel.

At least OrangeManBad would have had a reserve plan- instead of "EVERYONE FOR THEMSELVES!!"


Now- what's this supposed to be distracting us from closer to home?

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

The KISS principle

 Keep It Stupid Simple.

We have five new trucks we deliver from. Three big and two smaller ones.
None are older than mid 2020.
Every one has already had problems with the .GOV required emissions.
Mostly sensors or software.

This truck has a sensor problem.
The sensor is not available in the entire CONUS.  Luckily it didn't affect the engine.
This time.

After this last attack on a gas pipeline and the resulting shortages- even where there was no direct impact- I decided to get at least one diesel truck.

After going through the first problem, I decided to would be pre-2006 about when DEF was mandated for light trucks.
I'm leaning toward Dodge and Chevy ..and a pre-1998 Ford.
Chevy was really light on their Duramax in those years, I had a 1500 Ram and still like the look of the first gen trucks (1995-2002) and I decided that after Ford fucked up their 1996 line of F-150's that I wouldn't drive one again.

Now the chip shortage has the prices of those trucks 2-3 times what they should be.

Monday, August 16, 2021

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Update on COVID.........

 Meet the new Lambda version:

Monday, August 09, 2021

Your Rule 5 Monday puzzle

 Because Jigsaw planet has a problem with real women, you get Gun Bunnies...... or gun furry's


And the big puzzle below the fold.

Tuesday, August 03, 2021

Does this work?

 If anyone else besides Bar-lee is having problems with the puzzle, does this work?

The prudes from the algorithm police might think she's showing too much skin.
I can see the other one, but I'm logged in there.

Here's what you missed.

Monday, August 02, 2021

Your Rule 5 Monday puzzle

 She won't have to worry about catching hot brass

And your big one below the fold.

Sunday, August 01, 2021

Yeah- Well Nancy, he's not the president anymore

 And probably won't be again.

Now do the Xiden family.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

So I was on the way to Corpus Christi yesterday

 And saw something odd on the trailer in front of me.
Wasn't sure why that backhoe looked.............. off.

Then I got closer and saw why it looked so bad.

Monday, July 26, 2021

Your Rule 5 Monday puzzles


The big one below.

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Friday, July 23, 2021

Tx DPS abd BP getting ready for something

 As soon as I turned onto the road to Eagle Pass from Uvalde I was seeing DPS on the southbound side of the highway- 2 to 3 abreast. All the way into Eagle pass- a good 2 hours of nothing but road, gates and cops.

When I came back via HWY 57 (to I 35) and went through the Border Patrol checkpoint, they were all vested-up and packing more than normal.

I wonder if we'll be hearing anything about Xidens guests?

And I doubt we'll have to worry about OPSEC and the cartels reading this little blog at the end of the galaxy.

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Good! They well deserved that loss

 The women's national soccer team knelt in disrespect to the flag before their last game in the Olympics and (I guess it's bad) got their butts kicked 0-3.

They're supposed to be the best in the world, but lost their 44 game winning streak in front of probably the biggest audience they've had in a year.
I don't know why out tax Dollars are supporting a professional team anyway.

Jesse Owens had to go the the German Olympics on his own dime, and he knew real racism, Jim Crow laws and segregated drinking fountains. Yet he was still proud to represent America.

Jim Thorpe Lost his Olympic medals because he played on a minor league baseball team three years before the 1912 Olympics......... and still didn't hate the country he came from.

Though shit you thankless cunts who worship the cult of antiAmerican wokeness.
I hope you lose all your games.

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

A Rule 5 (or 6?) for the girls


Don't know of any besides Midwest Chick, but equality and all.....

Monday, July 19, 2021

Your Rule 5 Monday puzzle

 Velma all grown up.
You didn't know what was going on under that baggy sweater, did you?                                 


And the big one...

Hello ladies

 Have I mentioned that I'm in the cavalry?

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

From one of my You Tube watches

 Modern History TV is a modern Knight- I guess who kind of lives the life and explains things.
Here he is with an unnamed choppy-thing in sword-like form. While he's riffing about why there may not be any modern representatives in museums........ which makes sense.

Introducing the aptly named (by commenters) "Choppy-boy".

Monday, July 12, 2021

Your Rule 5 Monday puzzle

 You know the hot brunet chick you see on FB holding a sign that says whatever the Photoshopper wants her to say?
I think this is her-

And now for something different below the fold- tell me what you think of it--

Friday, July 09, 2021

Guess who got sentenced today!

 The Lefts most favored presidential hopeful to take out OrangeManBad.

That's right Michael Avenatti- who everyone wanted to see take on Trump (because he talked bad about him) since he was representing a porn star got sentenced for trying to shake down Nike.

The heroes of the Left leave something to be desired......

Wednesday, July 07, 2021

This should stir up the gun grabbers

 Even more than that stupid pistol braced AR -
Now YOU can turn your AR into an M- 203 for only $359.

As far as I've read, it doesn't require a Fed tax stamp.

Monday, July 05, 2021

Your Rule 5 Monday puzzle

 Show me your War Face!

Sunday, July 04, 2021

Marcie got a brand new dress

 Now I need to find which of the three new mags work best to fill it out.

We were going to sight them both in on a holiday created by their great grandparents, but it's looking a little Guam-ish.
Except that it's clouded all over instead of just where the downpour is...

Happy birthday, America!

Yeah, we've got some problems. But we got through the last anti-American, we should get through this one and hopefully real Americans will take off the cruise control and start driving again.


Thursday, July 01, 2021

What does anyone think of the new Rush format?

 When Rush died and they had all the different hosts trying to keep him relevant- I was getting tried of it.

Now they've copied the newest thing on talk radio- multiple hosts talking at each other.
I guess it could work in a nice quiet office area, but in a truck they sound like they're talking over each other.

Which is the reason I don't listen to KTSA in the mid-morning with the three guys talking over each other or another station that does the same thing.

If you're going that rout, st least have tow guys that don't sound the same- maybe see what they sound like in a noisy truck driving down the road.

I quit listening the the new Rush Limaugh Show last week and I wonder who else did.

Monday, June 28, 2021

Your Rule 5 Monday puzzle

 Since I had a couple weeks break because of microsoft (Fuck You very much -again) I decided to move to Mondays to maybe glom onto other blogs Rule 5 round-ups.

This one is an oldie, but goodie. She's the hot chick in Mad Max wearing the football pads.

Saturday, June 26, 2021

You may or may not know....

 That Brian May of the rock group Queen has a PHD in Astronomy.
Just thought I'd mention it so this picture might make sense.

Go to the link if it doesn't make sense....

Thursday, June 24, 2021

I bet he didn't chase musicians around the garden in real life

 There was actually a real life Blackadder in the RAF during WWII.||I wonder what he thought of the TeeWee series?

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Just when I was thinking WIN10 wasn't that bad

 I started bringing pictures over and trying to put then into folders.

Jezus Kerist!
Can't you fuckers leave anything alone?
I tried to make a folder for the girls and it went to somewhere that tried turning them into a video that I can't delete.

I think I made a file, but can't find the fucking thing.

What's it like saving pics and putting them into files with Mint?

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Now that I have a computer that actually works

It's a Dell, not a Lenovo that takes 20-30 seconds to decide to do anything........

It's for sale BTW- about two months old and only used for a week $200 with everything it came with.

Anyway, watch a horse eating a 50 foot tree.

Sunday, June 06, 2021

I had to do it- WIN10

 After the storms coming through- straight line winds during a hail storm, which knocked over one of the 50' Post oaks.

We were intermittently without power almost all day.

I'm now on a Lenovo WIN10--which completely sucks.
I can't do anything without having to make a windows account- fuck you very much Bill Gates.
I'd include a picture of the said tree, but I can't add pictures to my picture folder without fucking making a microsoft account. . Fuck you very much Microsquish.

I learned my lesson on the last computer, so I've been trying to download a restore flash drive for the last . FOUR FUCKING HOURS.

I'm able to get to gmail with some of my links and it's 1847 now (6:47PM for you unfamiliar with real operating time) and haven't been on FB all day.

As of now, it's been over four hours and the bar says it's still got 33% more to go.

I'm going to go digging back through the posts and find the one with all the Linux suggestions- I need to buy another flash drive for that,,,, so tomorrow.

The reason I had to go was the old one was getting really  glitchy and the repeated outages must have been enough to knock out the internet part. Everything else was able to connect.
So I replaced it with this Lenovo from the bottom shelf that I bought several weeks ago just because I knew this was coming.

Now that I'm at least able to surf the net, I can't get this fucking thing to recognize when I put a CD full of pictures in. It opens and downloads to the laptop in WIN7.

So again fuck you very much Microsoft.