Sunday, March 25, 2012

How about some old war p()rn?

From the last time we made a difference:

It's a game--DICK

The NFL is taking care of that bounty thing all by themselves.
You don't need to waste (even more of) my money by calling Congressional hearings on it.

If you want to "Do Something!"- then how about that budget that you Democrats in the Senate haven't bothered with for almost FOUR YEARS.
You know, the one that the Constitution requires you to do and not sticking your nose where it doesn't belong.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Cat fight!

And they're nekkid as the day they were born!
Claws out and all!
You'll be amazed at the agility of the two contestants!

Link fixed- They hid it a little, so you have to scroll down some.

One last thing one that Trayvon Martin lynch mob

I hope the racists who are trying to lynch an Hispanic man for defending himself are happy, be cause your most racial president just told you that his racebaiters in his Justice Department are going to be all Waco on Zimmerman.

And- to put this outrage into perspective, I'd like to remind you about the outpouring of indignation from the MSM and the usual race pimps over this story two weeks before...

You remember, the 13 year old WHITE boy who forced those two 16 year old Black boys to pour gasoline over him and light it?
And why is it allegedly for the blacks and set in stone for Zimmerman?

I need some Air Force help here

Because I'm wondering about some things I've seen on base, and their 'military' traditions- as they are...

  1. Do you people 'DO' morning colors? I was in front of a grinder by one of your booter baracks dorms when I heard what I took to be the five minute warning..except it was eight O'clock and no-one even broke stride.
  2. What do you call your DI's and how do I ask for directions to their 'goat locker'?
  3. What was it Friday, at noon when we heard over the loudspeaker, all five military anthems?
  4. If I'm making a turn and there are troops with traffic guards crossing the road straight in front of me, can I turn right?
Thanks for the help...and snark.

When I meet someone, I generally start making a mental list

- or if you want, I start trying to put them in categories.
Basically it comes down to "Can I trust you?" and "Can I get along with you?"

I think after meeting this guy, my impression would be that "You're a dick."
When I first saw the title, I thought he was making people pay a tool to use the road- but no -he's just being a dick about the whole thing.

Friday, March 23, 2012

The only thing I have to say about this Travon/ Zimmerman thing

is that if- somehow I got involved in that ridiculous 'million hoodie march' last night- I bet I could have had them all shouting something like "LYNCH WHITIE!" before the night was over.

And no-one on the Left would have a problem with it.


Just so everyone can pass around the word about this wonderful day.

Today is the second anniversary of Barry signing HIS signature Legacy.
Make sure everyone remembers this day!

Doesn't it look like Nancy (the EX-speaker) is having a Barry-gasm?

Don't worry Mr. Obamakare, we'll thank you this November!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Put me on that jury

I would so love to be on that EPA jury that is taking up the Sackett case.

There would be another term besides 'Jury Nullification"., since I'd be insisting on them being compensated for Obamas EPA running roughshod over the Fourth Amendment* and the Eighth Amendment**.
Since being unable to use your property and being forced to put money into turning it into some bureaucrats idea of wilderness is an unjust taking of property.

And then some kind of injunction to stop all other EPA over-reaches.

*The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, ...

**Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, ...

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Play stupid games...

So, I went to work this morning, and Karen went to work this afternoon- the dogs were alone for about three hours...
If you look close enough, you can see fur caught on the barbwire.

OH? why is that black co-axial cable wired into that switch?

You mean THIS black co-ax?

Win stupid prizes.
Feel froggy now you little black beitch?

Someone is "really" looking to get shot- that used to be a futon mattress.

AND I had to buy a weed-eater because the fuel system on the old on rotted away, and then spent two and a half hours clearing around that bare wire- all the way around an acre of yard.

This is how I woke up Sunday morning

And she was still at it after breakfast.

Both the pasta box and the pizza round was on the shelf when karen got home from her night shift:

I usually leave a handful in the box because the dogs think they're treats.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Something else Blogger sux at

is uploading videos.
I don't even know why they have a video uploader button, I spent over an hour trying to upload the storm that came through last nite, and watched that little circle spin, and spin, and spin- until I decided to upload it to U-Toob.

And here we've been told since 2001-

That doing things 'unilaterally' is wrong, and the UN is the ONLY body that can dictate policies to countries.
Even if the UN and many other countries agreed--it was still unilateral, because BUSH did it.

So, on the other hand it's not unilateral when the Obama administration slaps sanctions on European countries for using Iranian oil... right?
...And now that the EU has fallen into line, Hillary! s going to loosen the reigns on the Euro-wienies and drop Obamas (un)-unilateral sanctions that no-one else voted on--or something that makes sense to Liberals.

GMAFB MEchelle

Nobody recognized you at your Target photo-op.

Because nobody there had the sense to wonder "why" the place was crawling with Secret Service guys and others snapping pictures of some fat-ass broad in shades and a gimmie cap?

But I'm sure Letterman and his audience ate it up.

Monday, March 19, 2012

A new powder actuated tool from Milwaukee tools

It's a powder actuated tack driver that doesn't require a license to operate.
(Sorry Hilti)

A little something from Tesla


Via- I wish I could remember...


We just got the Notice to proceed from the Air Force!

Now we can start getting our laydown yard ready and start marking for the dig-safe permits.


Sunday, March 18, 2012

So Matt Drudge

Tell me when that third world country S.E. of FLA became a state?
Because it's my 25 year old opinion that Puerto Ricans don't really LIKE America.

But I guess if you're bought and paid for you can write any headlines you want.

I mean the Puerto Ricans don't like us, but the people who made their living on the bombing range of Vieques Island loved us....until the Liberals forced us to stop using their island, and forced the entire population onto welfare...

But hey!
Romney wants us to make them a state, so why worry about making a third world shithole (who hate America) an equal member of this greatest county in the world.
It's only money we'll be shovelling into it forever- just like Detroit.

Mike Suckabee wants to take over talk radio?

His barely-on-the-radar I guess (I've never heard of them) Cumulus Media sent out a bunch of e-mails to Rush's affiliates telling them that he'd be a better host than Rush.

Because he'd be less divisive- or something-
"They are positioning Huckabee as the safe, non-dangerous alternative to Rush and saying to station owners, 'If you are looking for conservative content, we want you to consider our guy instead of theirs.'"

Yeah, Mike. The guy who lost to the the guy who lost to the guy who lost to Obama is going to take over talk radio.

 Huckabee presented Cumulus with its best chance ever to grow into a national competitor to Clear Channel in the radio syndication market even before Limbaugh on February 29 ignited his latest controversy by calling birth-control activist Sandra Fluke "a slut.

That the April 9 launch of "The Mike Huckabee Show" comes amid an exodus of advertisers from Limbaugh's program and an Internet-driven boycott is simply serendipity for Cumulus.

In an interview with Reuters on Friday, Cumulus co-Chief Operating Officer John Dickey described the Huckabee emails as "standard operating procedure" and said the company was "proud to offer up our content to the industry at large."

Well, good luck there Mike- if I have Foxnews on and I see you're mug I change it to anything else.

I know I have Ron Paul backers who read this blog

I admit that I like a lot of what he says- BUT  his foreign policy views turn a lot of people off.

Then add in what most people think of when they see R. P. supporters with their in-your-face single mindedness that to me puts him in Ross Perot territory.

I was going to make this another post, but Willard isn't worth it.
 I don't know how many or if I have any Mittens supporters here because I'm sure Ann Coulter or Matt Drudge don't come here, and I don't pay them to root for anyone.

This is why the Establishment Republican candidate will lose in November.
Because the only people who like a bully is Liberals, and only if he's on their side. 

The Soviet Union had a constitution

It had all the rights and government framework as ours.
The citizens were guaranteed rights under it.

BUT unless the government follows both the written law and the spirit of the constitution- then it's nothing but meaningless words ignored buy those in power.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Are the AP and CBS rooting for Bashir Assad to prevail?

Does anything jump out at you like it did to me in this little blurb?

(CBS/AP) BEIRUT, Lebanon — Two "terrorist explosions" struck security targets in the Syrian capital Saturday morning, killing at least 27 people and wounding 140, the state-run news agency said.

SANA said many of the dead were civilians, including children and senior citizens.

When was the last time you remember the AP or cBS calling anyone a terrorist?
Even if the original story said that?

Then we have this graphic (well less glossed over than the results of PLO bombs...)description of the results of 'freedom fighters'-
SANA posted gruesome photographs of the scene, with mangled and charred corpses, bloodstains on the streets and twisted steel.

"All our windows and doors are blown out," said Majed Seibiyah, 29, who lives in the area. "I was sleeping when I heard a sound like an earthquake. I didn't grasp what was happening until I hear screaming in the street.

BUT- all is not lost in the peace process. Koffi Anan is there showing the same kind of leadership that that made the UN the epitome of useless pandering.  ...And both sides have the same opinion of him :-D

Diplomatic efforts to solve the crisis have so far brought no result. But U.N. envoy Kofi Annan told the Security Council in a briefing Friday that he would return to Damascus even though his recent talks with Assad saw no progress in attempts to cobble together peace negotiations between the two sides.
After the confidential briefing via videolink, Annan told reporters in Geneva that he urged the council "to speak with one voice as we try to resolve the crisis in Syria." Russia and China have blocked U.N. action against Assad's regime.
"The first objective is for all of us to end the violence and human rights abuses and the killings and get unimpeded access for humanitarian access to the needy, and of course the all-important issue of political process that will lead to a democratic Syria," Annan said.

Looks like someone's going to need to ramp-up his fundraising

If he's going to have the first Billion Dollar campaign war chest.
As of  the January reports, his war chest was some $864 Million short of that goal.

Other interesting findings are that the while others show the little guys contributions (yeah, there's a reason that Obama wants those $3 donations) at somewhere in the high 40's percentage-wise, the Establishment Candidate has..........10% of the peons money verses all the rest from Big money establishment.

Leon, I know they don't mean cr@p to you

And the Democrats you hang with, but they DO contribute more than being photo-ops.

So you want lesbians, huh?

Friday, March 16, 2012


The same president who had to call the slut democrat activist and law School student Sandra Fluke (which rimes with suck) because he didn't want his daughters to feel bad about their status,,,or their sexuality...or something...didn't have a problem with that guy who sang "f*ck you!"...srsly?

And then got interrupted by someones cell phone belting out some misgynecological rant by Ludicris???
At an earlier fundraiser today, the president was interrupted by a “Ludacris” song when someone’s phone started ringing.
“Woah. Got some ‘Luda’ on there?” the president asked of the person’s ring tone, eliciting some hearty laughter from the crowd. “I hope it’s the clean version.”

Because the First Scold is all about protecting his daughters...

...from the evil influences of American values.

Someone doesn't know what they're talking about

OHHhh- it's the NYT!

And the reporter is talking about huge substation transformers.
Transformers are about the size of a one-car garage and usually painted some drab industrial color, but without them, intersecting power lines would be like elevated highways with no interchanges. 
 Ordinary transformers are often too big and heavy to travel by road, and they require special rail cars. But because the transformers typically last 50 years, only a few dozen are shipped each year, so even the appropriate rail cars are in short supply. Ratcheting up the degree of difficulty, many of the places where a replacement transformer might have to go are no longer served by rail.

Not the kind that power your neighborhood, schools or malls.
If those are ordinary transformers, I wonder what he call the square green one sitting in your back yard or on the pole in front of your house?

Cake or Death?

Some Izzy Izzard for your Friday:

So... Who's paying for thrse trips?

Mrs. Obama will host an afternoon reception with 350 supporters in Minneapolis at the Walker Art Center. The invitation for the event lists tickets starting at $250 to attend and up to $10,000 to mingle with Obama and take a photo with her.
Meanwhile, the president will start his day in Chicago, headlining reception at the Palmer House Hilton with more than 600 guests. Tickets for the event start at $2,500, a campaign official said. Obama will then head behind closed doors for an intimate roundtable discussion with 60 supporters who have each cut checks for $10,000.
Flying south to Atlanta, Obama will then hobnob with donors into the evening at three fundraisers tailored to the African-American community

Then he's on the way to meet black 1%-ers who'll pony up the average Americans salary for a chance to interact with the Arrogant One.

But, then again, he probably needs it to help him pay for Peggy Josephs gas and  mortgage:

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Knowing how complicit the Catholic Church was

in getting Obamakare passed- I have a hard time feeling their pain.

Even though I know the Chicago Jeezus is trampling all over the First Amendment, with his birth control mandate.