Sunday, January 15, 2012

I know human faces are hard to draw

But- daym guy are you blind or just ...stupid?

And you actually PAID for that?


More money sinks here.


This is a $220 tat that I kind of regret having the blue done on, but he was the expert...

What do you think?

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Liberals and unintended consequences

I know, conservatives have them too, but not as unexpected and as often as Liberals.
Because Liberals usually don't give a thought after they have some brilliant idea to "better" someones life.

It's the feeling they get from "helping" someone rather than the results they suffer.

Because a Liberal will almost always make someones life worse after the good-feelings law takes effect.

Like the TeeWee show "Extreme Makeover" on HGTV (I think) who helps the downtrodden by rebuilding their hovels into McMansions.

I always wondered just how someone who was struggling to make it before they  had a brand new and bigger house would handle the extra utility costs, property taxes and maintenance.

Well now we know- they can't.

The producers, touched by her selfless plea, hatched a bigger plan. In addition to renovating the cancer ward, they would tear down the 1,800-square-foot house (with its leaky roof and problem plumbing) that Kassandra's family was renting and rebuild a dream home.
The project generated enormous interest in the Valley. Nearly 4,000 people stood outside the home on a cold and rainy February day to watch the unveiling. The episode aired on March 13, 2005, with the stunned Okvath family reacting with smiles and tears of joy.
And the home's owner, who had okayed the renovation, had signed the property over to the Okvaths, giving the family full ownership.
It seemed like exactly the type of happy ending the show was famous for, but after the cameras left, reality intruded.
Utility bills skyrocketed, reaching $1,200 during the summer months; property taxes increased from $1,625 in 2005 to more than $4,100 in 2006.
Bryan, who was unemployed when the show was filmed, worked sporadically as a truck driver and fire fighter, but none of the jobs paid particularly well. Strapped, the couple used the house as collateral for a $405,000 loan in 2006, but payments on the adjustable-rate mortgage soon became unmanageable.

Am I the only one who'll say why Obama wants with his consolidation?

...Other than the fact that he wants to nullify Congress.

This .GOV consolidation that he wants to do to *koff* make the Commerce Dept leaner and less costly..or something.

The only reason he wants to get rid of waste and redundant efforts is so that the separate splinters aren't slowing down his anti-business goals by creating friction in slapping Stalinistic laws all over businesses.

For those who can't understand the Liberal thought process

Or those of you who just don't get those sneaky nuances from the "Smartest Negro in the World",
I found a translator for you white people:

There is a reason I sometimes don't believe in co-incidence

And I'm sure that this new and happier MEchelle 0bama is one of them.

Ever since we heard about HERSELF being seen as an angry black woman- we're seeing her all (ok, even more than usual) smiles and breaking out into a happy dance whenever she has a captive audience.

To be truthful MEchelle- I don't see you as a typical angry black woman, just a regular beatch.

Friday, January 13, 2012


I had the .MIL over on my site from Google looking at CATS?

You came to my blog for cat pictures?

Do the guys in the Signal corps like to hang out at the hair dressers too?

On the way to work this morning

I had to listen to some arrogant asshole talking about how gutting the military is going to make it stronger and more adaptive.

...And that's a good thing.

Ok Mr. budget-cutting middle class warrior- lets try that with the Dept. of Ed or some of your social services bloated bureaucracies.
Better yet, lets make the EPA a shining example of how much can be done with absolutely NOTHING.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

A little unsolicited advice to you military guys

...and chicks-

When I was in, and probably when most of my ex-military readers.
...and probably everyone else, We did stupid shit. We did stupid shit that could have gotten us killed- even.

You're going to do stupid stuff- it goes with growing up. We did stupid stuff in uniform, but that was then.
Back before PC grew into such a monster AND more importantly- before everyone had a video camera in their pocket.

Here's the advice-
When you do something stupid (and you will)- no matter how cool it is....

DO NOT take a video and post it to You-Tube.

Because at one time this was worth nothing but a slap on the wrist:

Now it would result in Federal penalties.

How many have ever heard of the Hollywood blacklists of the 50's?

That's back when Sen. Joe McCarthy rightly was naming names of Hollywood and government Communists.

The hidden Communists in H`wood refused to hire known Communists- unlike today where they're celebrated.
The Socialistic insider bureaucrats were pretty much left to grow and fester into the bloated anti-American public sector unions we see today.

Anyway, today it's not the Communists that are being blackballed by their H`wood producers- it's global warming sceptics being blackballed by the Japanese copy and electronics maker Kyocera.

,,,And the Leftist Ad Agency types in NYC.

We have always been at war with EastAsia

The criminal Emmanuel Goldstein has always been National computer ID #2012.

Because it makes sense in an Obamaesque way that to enhance your computer privacy- you need a national computer ID.

Because it's just too much of a PITA to remember all those different passwords you have on a cheat-sheet next to your computer.

Besides- who would evAr want to hack your ONE identity that lets the .GOV track your entire intratubZZ wanderings?

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I don't understand

Who is this OSHA guy?
And why was he freaking out?

San Antonio owns the local power company- CPS

The initials stand for something like Citizens Power Service- or something close.

CPS wanted to build another nuke plant down in Three Rivers- but didn't because it wasn't 'green' enough for the city council and Democrat Mayor.

But, guess what? San Antonio ratepayers will be buying a state of the art Solar array!

Because we all need to pay our fair share- or something.

...And in other news that WOAI decided not to put on it's website--oh noes...that nasty drought we're going to have for the next five years is going to cause problems with power generation.
Because we need water to cool the power plants or we'll be having rolling blackouts.

Except that Charity McCurdy forgot that we won't HAVE power plants that need water because Obamas EPA is going to shut them all down next year.

A question for y'all

Why is it that no matter what I drive, or what I'm hauling someone just HAS to ride my bumper?

I could be driving the fuel truck, a 45' drop-deck trailer with a broken back-hoe dripping hydraulic fluid all over your windshield, a bucket truck or a pressure drill- you always pull up so I can only see a shadow where your 4 wheeler is- or one side mirror tip or the other...because you can't hold a lane position either.

I stay in the slow/right/granny lane as much as I can, and there are almost always two, three or four lanes to the left that are going alot faster. It's not that you're waiting for the next exit, because I've had you tailing me for miles- with an empty lane immediately to your left.

The trucks I drive aren't the ones you want to draft, because I don't drive a dry van.

Anyone want to venture a guess?

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Are you ready for your IQ drain?

Because, as usual after hearing the ever chubbier bleached blonde- you will feel even less smarter than Sarah Palin...or something:

What is an emoticon of privacy?
:-P ?

P-p ?

:-X ?

X-][ ?

Don't put those candles away yet

We have another, even more deadly menace to (try to) stomp out!

This menace- which is probably sitting unguarded right now in your HOUSE!
I bet even Joan Peterson and the Bradies let their grand-kids near such deadly items as these without a second thought.

Yes, there are things more deadly than GUNS! These things are responsible for 24% of ALL toddler deaths in the area studied and it affected minorities in a more damaging factor than whites (again! just like blk-on-blk violence!).

This study, done in the time honored style of our betters on the Left shows that these items should be locked out off reach and maybe even some kind of competency class in their use!

So, this Saturday, I want you all to take pics of you holding a candle and standing in a 5 gallon bucket.

Ladies, in respect to the water ruining your good clothes- please wear your skimpiest suit.

How many times does it take

For some related random occurrences to become a pattern?

Is there a set amount, or does it depend on your expectations, and who those events are happening to and the participants?

I started wondering about that when I hear about our second rescue of Iranian sailors in about three days.
And given the way "someone" who is basically a pussy wants to be seen as some kind of Savior so He can talk to our enemies with an open hand and no preconditions. I wonder who and where the next Iranian to be saved/rescued will be?

Monday, January 09, 2012

Unlikely conservative views

I was reading about the newest greatest thing in Gaia friendly car tech over at IoTW just now and realized just how conservative some 'alternative' bands really are.

See- illustr8r was showing the latest Smart ummm.....pick-up and I just had to drop a comment from one of my favorite bands. Because this urban pick-up couldn't even haul a bale of cocaine hay, much less deliver it where it was needed.

So we have this song from the Rev. proposing actual conservative ideas: the idea of don't tell me how to act and I won't push you to act like I do...
Unfortunately the lyrics ask too much of Liberals in asking for empathy.

A good point by Shaky Pete

That is a perfect contrast between the capitalism we (think) are in now and the socialism that the Democrat party wants for us.

All you have to do is ask the Liberals (who are much smarter than you) if or what they know about the two Korea's.
All they probably know is what they've seen on MASH and that Kim died the other day.

H/t Shaky Pete (who'll probably go on the blogroll if he writes enough).

Sunday, January 08, 2012

If I was a Presidential candidate

And I was standing up in front of the TeeWee cameras answering slanted questions from Democrat operatives...

I would have to start out almost every answer with some variation of... "I'm glad you asked that, since asking us is the only way it would be asked."

OR- "At least one side is getting these kind of questions, and here is what I think about...."

How about :"Yes, I'm glad you're at least digging into the past of at least SOME of the candidates who are going to be leading this great nation."

And one that would never make it past the cameras- "Are you going to ask Obama any of these questions?"

Lighting the candle

Against violent guns..or sumething feel-goody like that.

Today everyone is supposed to light a candle to shoe how we're against gun violence (whether it's defensive or not they don't say). But I'm all for helping out, and Weer'd has more links to people who are against violent guns, too.
Here are my contributions because I *REALLY* care:

I hope you have a peaceful Sunday and your guns behave themselves.

A breakfast for champions

I just had a Western Omlet  with a good (what other kind is there?) side of bacon.

I didn't quite finish my coffee before scarfing it down enjoying a leisurely breakfast.
After I was done, I tried the rest of the coffee and remembered *why* I took my liquids before eating eggs.

I like eggs, but anything I drink -milk, coffee, OJ leaves a weird and bitter aftertaste during or right after eggs.

Am I the only one? The way it looks, everyone else has no problem eating and drinking.

Saturday, January 07, 2012

Here we go again

An Afghani Abu Graib, or so they want us to believe.
Now we have the ruling warlord of A-stan calling for the US to hand over the prison we're holding Islamic terrorists in- which happens to be right next to Bagram Air Base.

Ok. Tell ya what there Hamid, not only will we hand over the prison, but our airbase too!
We and our allies will leave you the entire infrastructure we built in spite of your backward population.

Just as soon as we're out, we'll be sure the Tailban won't be able to use our fortified bases against your badly trained troops...IYKWIM- and I think you do.

Have fun staying in power Hamid, and good luck!

Then there were six

Or five if you want consider actual Republicans* in the race.

Has your candidate changed with the recent shuffling of the deck?
Yes No I'm still waiting RON PAUL--Dooood!!!!!eleven!!!! free polls 

And in the last weekly poll that ended up being weeks long- our results are
two frontrunners separated by one vote between Gingrich at 24%/37 votes and "I'll Wait" at 23%/36 votes.

In the next tier we have a tie between Ron Paul and "Wasn't my guy at 20%/31 each.
Unsurprisingly since he couldn't pass money around here- Mittens came in last with 2%/3 votes.

As usual, you can still vote but it won't count.

* I meant real Republicans and not Obamas boy in China who's in this race for the Liberal vote.

Friday, January 06, 2012

Looking at the latest polls

About the "widespread popularity" of the Central Casting candidate, and the people are throwing at him.

Up in Yankeeland (no offense to the people on my blogroll :-D ) where he's one of them....

I'm going to see how far the moniker "Platte River Mitt" will go, since his support is a mile wide and an inch deep.

All bought and paid for by the Establishment Republicans.
Besides, he's next in line!

My, what a difference two days make

See- on Weds we see the wise elderly negro accepting the results of the Democrat Iowa Caucus.

The very next day we see an invigorated social crusader gleefully cutting the ONLY Constitutionally mandated cabinet Department that's not going to see a budget increase.

Nose putty and pancake make-up does wonders....?

Your tax dollars at work

Don't worry if you're a .GOV just looking around- I won't call you out.

When you search for this...Yes I will:

Thursday, January 05, 2012

A liberal wet dream come true

How many Anti-American Liberals do you think wet their pant(ies) in excitement when they found out that president Peacenick was going to cut $1trillion from the Defense Dept and almost half a million troops?

Yeah, someone wants to go all Gen. Turgidson on his skinny butt.

...And now we have the kiss of death

For the Romney campaign.

Can't you just feel the man-love.
Look at his adoration of "moderation" and bi-partisanship.

But- Hey! We have the last big loser endorsing the next loser because it's his turn to lose to the Democrat.

Seriously. The ONLY reason I bothered to show up last time was because "Maverick John McCain" was smart enough to put Palin on the ticket.

...So- do ya think Big John made Mittens promise to NOT  throw any hard punches against his frieeeeeend Barack for his valued endorsement?

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

The chubby one speaks

No, not that one- the one who got invited to be a political commentator based on her dads losing to President White Guilt.

Notice how they had to cut off her babbling about SantoRomney?

That's good to know

That I'm not going to have to not vote for Mittens come next November.

Romney 30,015 25%
Santorum 30,007 25%
Paul 26,219 21%
Gingrich 16,251 13%
Perry 12,604 10%

and the also rans.