Saturday, May 21, 2011

That should make him feel better anyway

That his Sekirit Service guys hate the conservative Fox News as much as he does. So now we know that those guys will willingly jump in front of a bullet for their Chicago Jeezus.

Which is good for his self worth.

But it brings up a question about how fast are those same Marxist ideologues
going to take to decide to take a bullet for a Republican president?

"He's got a gun!!"

"Krap, maybe agent R, the Beck-luvr will jump."

"Damn, he's starting to pull the trigger and none of those neocons are close enough to the anti-Christ..."

*maybe I can lose my balance...*

Way to poison the pond, Liberals..because you know- that's how you'd act.

Friday, May 20, 2011

As we now watch congress sputter impotently

Because the Democrats can't bring themselves to even TRY to enforce the War Powers Act against President White Guilt.

And the Republicans are afraid of being labeled as racist for insisting the smartest negro in the world be held accountable.
So we watch as the Community Organizer in Chief goes on and keeps making up rules as he goes along.

But, HEY!
President Gutsy Call did another end-zone dance over at Foggy Bottom to thank the people he's going to be prosecuting for the information they got him- so he could make that gutsy call.

By this time today

I'm sure president Gutsy call and Netenyahu will probably have had their meeting.

Does anyone know which door he used?

Swords in the news

A woman pulled a sword in a Louisville, KY Pizza Hut

According to an arrest report, police were called to the restaurant after they received reports that 29-year-old Wynika Mason was "causing trouble." When they got there, she allegedly began yelling at the officers.

An employee told the officers that, shortly before they arrived, Mason began yelling at him and told him that she had a sword on her person. The employee said that Mason, "began to raise it out of the sheath" when her brother seized it from her and put it in their vehicle outside.

Which gives us another excuse for Trip Fisk:

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Am I an earth h8Tr because I'm sending CO2 into the atmosphere?
All I'm trying to do is get ready for the "End of Times" by going back to sustainable production like our newest hippie over,,,duudes would want by fermenting honey and apple juice...

I changed the recipe a little on this batch because of the citrusy/acidy taste of the last(first) mead (unaged) batch. I added 1/4 cup of molasses to each gallon instead of the orange. I used bread yeast again, so I could keep a constant (for you AGW scientists, that's how you're supposed to do things- test one change at a time) - this time I also tried hard cider, which is the one back right that is bubbling like a fish areator. the other ones are whole honey and 1/2 honey- 1/2 corn sugar. So we'll be scientific in our ongoing quest to stock up on EOTWAWKIT barter supplies.

But, while I was sterilizing things with sodium hypercloride, I thought about something about being ready for the zombieclypse that the CDC warned us about.

I know where to get water, no matter how dry it is here on the starting edge of the desert. I know of several ways to make that water potable, and one way involves the aforementioned bleach. Which got me to wondering for all my sciency readers out there.
If I wanted a surefire way of purifying water for a zombieclypse scenario- is there a shelf life for bleach?

-----UPDATE 05-20-11----
I checked the first batch, using the measurements from the second batch (because I didn't have a hygrometer when I made the first one)

According to the hygrometer, I have 15% alcohol from the straight mead (honey) and almost 8% from the half and half (honey/corn syrup). Now we wait. I hope it mellows because I'd hate to have to dump it because I just remembered that I brewed 5 gallons in an aluminum pot,,,which they say not to do....Might be why that mead tastes so nasty... or the lack of aging.,,

Oh,,,they want me to PAY for it?

Sorry Playboy, the only reason I looked at you anyway was for the pictures and the jokes.
I never looked at you for the articles because even when I was a lot younger, your Liberalism turned me off.
AND- I never paid for you in paper, so don't expect me to pay for electrons.

Don't worry grizzled White House veteran reporters

Those little lapdogs of 0bamas press conferences will change back to attack dogs and start back up with the hard hitting attack journalism as soon as their's a Republican president.

Several veteran and prize-winning journalists who covered presidents from John F. Kennedy to George W. Bush say that the current crop of White House correspondents are too timid and deferential and have played a role in killing the impact of presidential news conferences.

"If you watch an Obama news conference, and watched a Bush news conference previous to that, where correspondents sit in their seats with their hands folded on their laps, [it's] as if they are in the room with a monarch and they have to wait to be recognized by the president," says Sid Davis, the former NBC Washington bureau chief who covered nine presidents. "It looks like they are watching a funeral service at [Washington funeral firm] Joseph Gawler's and it shouldn't be that way."

Besides, if they ask a hard question, they'll be accused of racism, and that'll rake the coals of their white guilt all over again.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I thought Assad was a reformer?

And that (aside from the lack of oil) was the reason Prez Gutzy Call wasn't going to go in unilaterally and illegally like he did in Libya.
Now, we're going to put Beaker and six other Syrian higher-ups on double-sekrit probation.

Obama signed the order Wednesday, a move a senior administration official described as a "decisive step to increase pressure" on the Syrian government to end violence, intimidation and pressure "and begin transitioning to a democratic" process.

Condemning Syria's use of violence and intimidation against its people, the official said al-Assad "must put an end to the attacks on protesters, mass arrests and harassment" of citizens expressing rights and "must begin to introduce change."

Because everyone knows how well sanctions backed up by nothing always get the attention of ruthless dictators.

But, hey! Captain Kickass is ready to do something!

Her name

In case you're a racist queer-
Is Serena Williams
But wait! She plays tennis,,,so if you were gay- you'd know who she is anyway. But not that it's a bad thing, or anything like that *rolling my eyes*

I forgot something...Ahh- audio!
Yes you would, and you'd love the way she bends you to be where you need to be.

You know you would- like a fist of an angry god...

Thirty six more reasons not to buy another Mitsubishi

I got back from town yesterday and was going to scan the invoice I got from the Mitzu dealership for four quarts of 'Mitzu Diamond SP III' automatic transmission fluid so I can change the filter. I was going to, but one of the latest voltage spikes rendered the scanner inoperable -or it can't find the desktop.

The truck is seven years old and still needs proprietary transmission fluid.

On top of the $2500 I had to spend on a tune-up (and timing belt change- since the engine was half dismantled to get to the plugs) because Mitzu put the plugs and distributor inside the Vee and UNDER the air intake plenum.

And just the plain way we let ourselves get ripped off at Gillman Mitsubishi of San Marcos, Tx.

This is in addition to GM and Chrysler which will never have a title in my name again.

The Hyundai Santa Fe of Thing-1 is holding up well for its age and milage and it looks like it's worth considering.

Say it Bibi

When president 'Gutzy Call" demands that you to withdraw to the 1967 borders you have my whole-hearted endorsement to tell him to FUCK-OFF.

Remind him that you are the only country that's even lifted a finger to accommodate any kind of peace process and until he can get those terrorists in 'Palestine' to stop
trying to kill innocent people- he can talk to the hand.

Hi! How is everyone today?

Surviving? Good, that means the world didn't come crashing down around our ears when we got shoved against that debt ceiling yesterday.

And now little Timmy Geithner is actually going to have to do some hard work in trying to manage part of the problem that he and his boss are continuously shoveling up.

BUT wait! It's really not his problem- it will be the new Republican majorities fault for trying to take his credit card.

From the same guy who couldn't figure he needed to pay seven years worth of income taxes -when his company GAVE HIM THE MONEY to pay it, we get these gems:

"If Republicans try to impose that plan on this country as a condition for raising the debt limit, then they will own the responsibility for the first default in our history, with devastating consequences,"
Because the Republicans couldn't even get a bill to the House floor for two years.

"As I have said before, Congress must meet its responsibility to protect the nation's full faith and credit by increasing the debt limit,"
Said the tax cheat.

He said while the borrowing costs on the national debt have remained low, that could change quickly if financial markets begin to doubt America's ability to deal with its financial difficulties.
You call spending almost HALF of our financial obligations to INTREST PAYMENTS low????

"As we saw in the fall of 2008, when confidence turns, it can turn with brutal force and with a momentum that is very difficult and costly to arrest," Geithner said. "That is a threat we should pre-empt."

Lets spend even MORE money we don't have- brilliant!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Newt Gingrich, you are no Ronald Reagan

And the disconnect you have in mentioning his name and yours in the same sentence shows you don't get it.

“Every once and awhile there's going to be a problem, and you gotta spend three or four days fixing it,” he said. “If you go back and look at Ronald Reagan's record, the opening week of the campaign in Sept. 1980, they didn't have a very good week. And they had to go back and fix it. This happens occasionally. The trick is to relax, look at it, try to figure out what happened, and keep moving.”

Except that you're running on YOUR record, not Rons.
We remember your pissing on us and telling us we didn't have a clue when it came to your NYC Deedee Suzzofalia, and your cozying up to San Fran Nan about her Tax-N-Cap scam.

Gingrich said he should have been better prepared for the ““adversarial nature” of “Meet the Press.”

“I didn't go in there quite hostile enough, because it didn't occur to me going in that you'd have a series of setups,” Gingrich said. “This wasn't me randomly saying things. These were very deliberate efforts to pick fights.”

He said his comments on the show were “a lot more controversial than I intended them to be.”

Yeah, I'm not the lightning rod leader of the new Republican house of 1994. I've made nice with the MSM and even endorsed some of their candidates and job wrecking legislation.

Now they're being MEAN TO ME!

Newt, here's a clue- it's not just me who will NEVER vote for you.
If the Republicans are stupid enough to put you on the ballot; I promise that I'll vote for a third party.

Unicorn farts and flexable math

In two related articles, we have most of what I object to in this Holy Grail of Liberal independence.

The first one was complaining of the property tax up in Michigan that was wiping out their profits of almost 4 times the going rate for the electricity to power 20 houses. They get 42 cents per KWH and the going retail rate is 12 cents per KWH.
Then they went on to compare themselves with a nuke plant down the road and the taxes they pay per KWH. The nuke plant that pumps out "real" wattage that powers cities- is paying about .2 cents/KWH compared to their 12.3 cents/KWH.

Then I wondered what's the difference in acreage, because the land size wasn't mentioned.
So I went to the linked article, that had the usual Liberal demands for free ice cream.

... Field said. “I’m going to do everything I can to lobby the Legislature to tell them they need to make this simple — that renewable-energy equipment doesn’t get taxed.”

Part of what makes the assessment incorrect, Field said, is that the property should have been assessed based on what was on the property as of last Dec. 31. The solar equipment then was not in service so it should have been classified as inventory, which Field said isn’t taxable.

“From a logical point of view, there’s no point in having other incentives for renewable energy and not ... abate property taxes,” he said.

So, we're soaking the ratepayers- who have to pay tax, but we don't want to pay for what's getting us almost four times the going rate (plus 0bamas renewable energy taxpayer funded subsidies_.

In news that's not news

Some black guy who mouths foul (most likely) horrendous rhymes about biatches, drugs and killing cops with a bad boom-box enhancement was shot to death in his hood in LA the other day.

Why anyone is surprised at a rapper getting shot is beyond me.
But then again, I can't understand parents who think it's ok for- and allow their daughters to keep listening to that crap and hearing themselves constantly called biatches and ho's- either.

Monday, May 16, 2011

This should be interesting

Because it's one thing to kill someone who's country is so PC that they can't even tell the truth about islam (Germany, Netherlands, Britain, U.S. Sweden...) even if he is an Ambassador and just walk away listening to their "Strong Condemnations" and "Disheartening turn of events" ringing in your ears.

It's a completely other situation when you kill one of your own 7th century coreligionist who also believes in an eye-for-an-eye literally, and isn't afraid of the "TSK"ing of their fellow wussies in diplomatic circles. Because Saudi Arabia doesn't really give a chit what you think when they go after the Taliban who killed one of their own.

Mayor Rahm Emanuel

in the revolving door that is the Chicago Machine; insider Rahm Emanuel is going to be sworn in as its Mayor today. (As opposed to the future where he will just be sworn in to be deposed...)

This is a break in the nepotism of the Daley machine that has been part of the stench of corruption that has been Chi-town since at least the civil war.

His predecessor, Richard Daley (the latest) left Rahm a little mess in the $700 Million of unfunded debt. So this gives us this weeks poll question:

How will mayor Rahm take care of Chicago's debt problem?
Get a White House Bailout from his friend Barry
Lean on the unions
Find a way to blame Republicans
Find a way to raise more taxes free polls

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Layers and layers of fact checking

and editorial oversite, right AP?

The goto news gathering organization that the MSM relies on to get their facts right...

That would almost make it worth buying a hybred

in that you can use it as an emergency back-up generator if you know how to hook up an inverter.
Or you could go get a Honda genset for about $350 and not worry about insurance, inspections, replacing high dollar batteries, or tires- not to mention the $350 high amp inverter.

I have Fox News on in the background

Right now there is some arrogant black guy with a fly-sized mole next to his nose lying about oil production.
He's lying about last year being the most productive in history and then he was (before I muted the TeeWee)lying about how he's going to increase oil production production this year.

Kinda like he was going to last year- before he shut down all new oil in the gulf.

I wonder if he's in a union

Because even though he was working for a municipal gov't- I can't see him getting paid $80K/year for not working because he pissed off his boss.
Than got fired, and then rehired through arbitration, but was told to stay home for seven years.
AND collecting raises, vacation and retirement points.

But, Hey- he's eligible for retirement next year- yay!

I think I remember seeing this about six months ago... with the same pic of him before he probably gained a buttload of poundage.

In other unreported news

Our unprecedented president set a record for the unbroken string of weekend golf outings for a sitting president.

Which would be eight in the two months that global warming enabled him to hit a snow free Andrews AFB course.

You call that chili?

Serves 6-8

1 large onion

1 green bell pepper

Several cloves of garlic

1 tablespoon olive oil

1 pound ground turkey or beef

1/4 teaspoon ground cumin

1/4 teaspoon ground oregano

1/4 teaspoon ground turmeric

1/4 teaspoon ground basil

1 tablespoon chili powder

3 tablespoons red wine vinegar

Several fresh tomatoes, depending on size (or

1 15-ounce can of diced tomatoes with juice)

1 (15 ounce) can red kidney beans

Dude- seriously- and I'm not even talking about the beans.

If you didn't know who's recipe this supposedly was...wouldn't you call that not much more than soup?

Seriously a QUARTER TEASPOON of spices? Our cats would turn their noses up at it because it was so bland. And what about those dairy products that you want to put on afterwards- doesn't MEchelle have something to say about that?

Wha's next from Pez. Everyman, a soup sandwich? -Oh, wait, that got made in 2010 in both Democrat controlled halves of Congress.

But then again, you are from maybe they think it's real chili. I'm surprised there are no noodles in it...

Saturday, May 14, 2011

On the Islamic on Christian beatdowns

Obama finally has something to say to the "Forces of democracy" in Egypt that he helped to force Mubarak out who are starting an Islamist pogrom against Christians.

From his heart- as a "Christian by choice"...

But, HEY! We're looking at democracy taking over Egypt- Yay! In the form of the Muslim Brotherhood...Yay- a family business :-S (?)

Telling it like it is

NSFW Park Service employee tells some a-hole young boarders how life works.

Supplying your own rope

So, Mitt Romneycare just can't wrap his ego around the fact that all Americans don't want the grandfather of Obamakare to be anywhere near the White House in 2012.
But, that's ok- we're just igr'nt backwards rednecks who don't have the sophistication to understand that our betters know how we need to be taken care of better than we do.

He's trying to make a cow patty into a serving plate for the 2012 election, and the White House is doing all it can to help.

Hey Mitt, here's a good campaign pic for your website.

Am I the only one who remembers

That when the Democrats started pulling money out of SocSec back in the `70's, that HEY- it's ok- because they put in IOU's!

I remember hearing that when I was in H.S. and thought it strange that I was the only one who picked up on the fact that the ONLY money going in was paid for by the same people who were going to have to repay that IOU.
I guess I has already rejected the cool-aide without knowing.

Now that magical pot of free money is empty and we have both parties to blame- including a willing and complicit mews media who savaged any Republican who tried to do anything to slow down it's bankruptcy.
Now it's knocking on the door just in time to hit Republicans in the face when they take over the Senate in 2012.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Neither here nor there

I was over at IOTW when I saw this girl in their sidebar:

And I thought WOW- she's hot!

Then, I thought...I bet she's REALLY high maintenance.

You remember that spiking the football thing?

About why we're not going to see the kill shot of OBL, and rubbing it in their faces?
So as we don't want to give them any more excuses to hate us...or something.

Unless we need to keep dancing in the blood at our political rallies to prove our creds...

Yeah, about that...

How about a penalty for excessive celebrating?

When can we start calling it a quagmire?

So now, instead of a 'limited time frame of days or weeks' in General kickazz's Libyan expedition to....ummm...whenever our ever-changing goals are met.

The meetings come as a deadline nears on the 60-day window Obama has to keep the U.S. military involved in the Libya campaign without congressional approval. While lawmakers do not appear likely to enforce the limits outlined in the War Powers Resolution, U.S. officials said they are looking for ways to keep U.S. action in Libya in compliance.

Yeah, what about that pesky ol' War Powers Resolution? Why, it's our Chicago Jeezus- he'll be able to do whatever he wants with no adverse consequences.

White House spokesman Jay Carney offered no specifics Friday on how the U.S. planned to do that, only saying that officials were, "in regular communications with Congress and that will continue."

And be ready to hear about those unexpected detours of arms and money to AQ-A'stan when we start shoveling money to AQ-the Med.

The U.S. has stepped up its support of anti-Gadhafi rebels, with Obama authorizing $25 million in non-lethal assistance and $53 million in humanitarian aid.

The White House said it was looking for ways to increase U.S. financial support to the opposition, in part through congressional legislation that would free up a portion of the more than $30 billion in frozen Gadhafi regime assets in U.S. banks so it could be used to aid the rebels.

"We believe that if we could access and use blocked government of Libya assets it could make a significant amount of money available to alleviate the suffering of the Libyan people," Carney said.