Saturday, November 06, 2010

To my visitors on WildBlue

I don't know how long you've had it, but here's a little PSA.

I don't know if it was just me, but when I had WildBlue satellite internet- I could guarantee that every Thanksgiving week-end- for as long as I had it, I was getting hit with a FAP violation.
It didn't matter how much or little I was online, but every time I checked my download, it was always higher until I was in violation and my %80/month broadband speed was slower than dial up. Just letting you know, so you maybe can ease up on your downloads in advance so you get a little farther into the Thanksgiving week-end befor getting FAPped.

There are other wireless broadband Internets out their that use radio beams from ground stations to repeaters, and you get more stuff for less.

Does anyone find it odd

That there are almost unprecedented security arrangements for the Oboondogle?

There are 600 security personnel just for the Taj Mahal- and they along with the entire staff are on lock-down until Prez Kickass leaves on Sunday.

Since he's the most beloved and transformative President we've ever had -in the entire history of America- I don't see why they don't just let him loose on his millions of adoring fellow Indonesians.

"Boy, Meechelle- it sure feels good to be back where I belong."

Friday, November 05, 2010

Penny for the Guy?

Remember, remember the fifth of November
Gunpowder, treason and plot
I see no reason why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot

Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes, 'twas his intent
To blow up the King and the Parliament
Three score barrels of powder below
Poor old England to overthrow
By God's providence he was catched
With a dark lantern and burning match
Holloa boys, holloa boys
God save the King!
Hip hip hooray!
Hip hip hooray!

Yeah, those bitter religious tea drinking bible thumping bitter clingers thinking THEY could run their own lives better than the King.

It looks like a retraction is in order

According to AFP, the Pentagon said that there will not be 34 ships protecting the president.

Oops, my bad- should have looked a little further, but I'm not a "real" J-skool grad you can see by me not burying this post where you probably wouldn't find it.

I don't know why- given the kilometer long transparent AIR CONDITIONED transparent bombproof tunnel they're making so Brackus Obamus REX can walk (or be driven) to the Gandhi museum -yes transparent so people can get their entire half mile of adoration.
AND the monkey wranglers hired to protect him from his ancestors (in a completely Darwinish way)at the Taj Mahal that he's rented in its entirety.
Or the 3,000 staff of his closest friends.
Or the motorcade of 40+ carbon spewing armored limos.
Or the gourmet food that everyone will be eating.
Or the beaches that they'll probably be closing if Blackie-O wants to take a dip....

Nope, I should have realized that number was overblown, given that we know just how humble our little Barakie is.

How convenient that find was

In the tightly contested Connecticut Governors race, that a bag of uncounted ballots was 'found' by Democrats. Now, in shades if the Al Franked stolen Minnesota election, they want to count them.

Republican officials were approached by Democratic operatives and told about the surprise ballot bag, according to Bridgeport GOP Chairman Marc Delmonico.

Delmonico said Democrats asked to have several people deputized to count the uncounted ballots, but Republicans objected, claiming that wasn't proper procedure in the vote-counting process.

And just let me guess....those polling places were run by the same people who want to run your life:
A ballot shortage led to long lines on Election Day, and a judge issuing an order to keep polls open until 10 p.m. Tuesday, two hours longer than every other town in the state.

Because of the shortage, many of the votes cast Tuesday were done so on photocopied ballots.

Election officials began counting those ballots just after 5 p.m. Thursday when the new bag of uncounted ballots was discovered.

AND in a completely unrelated spot of election fraud- by someone unaffiliated with either party, *koff* 75 ballots were found in a pond in San Fransisco....
Which probably won't be counted because of a break in custody.

....But it's not related to THIS at all, except the lack of mentioning WHO was running the election in San Fran.

Just to let you Liberals, Progressives and Socialists know-
When Citizens realize they can't trust the ballot box, there's another box they'll reach for.

Thursday, November 04, 2010

Obama's protective flotilla

So, in addition to 50 planes, 3,000+ people, 45 vehicles,,,a transparent bombproof TUNNEL!

The Won is going to have 34 warships protecting Prez Kickass from,,,um,,,,umm,,,,,,,!
unspecified threats. Yeah! Unspecified threats, not like the killer troublesome monkeys by his hotel.

So, in the spirit of Naval tradition,

To all ye who hear these presents

Be it known to all in the future that these brave men and women who crew these gallant ships have, at great harm to their pharyngeal reflex, have completed their mission upon the shores of Malasia the aura of 1337 projection to assauge the wounds of recent defeat.

Those who look upone this ribbon will recognize the selfless determination to accomplish what was ordered of them, no matter what more grave movement they were previously tasked with.

Ye shall be known by the ribbon now presented to you as the
"Great Boondoggle Armada of "THE WON".



That's one hell of a funeral procession

For our way of life.

I wonder why this wasn't pushed more during the run-up to the elections.

Oh, well.
HEY! It's alright Dems- here, listen to your new theme song as you roll another one:

No, it's not THAT one it's the other one:


Wednesday, November 03, 2010

There's still hope for Oz

It looks like they still have a bit more spark than their forebears in that country where England used to be.

Firstly we had this commercial from Bundaberg rum:

And their answer to whatever they call PETArds down there after the inevitable caterwauling and *koff* crocodile tears of the humor impaired Left.

On the other hand

The Republicans took a commanding lead in the House. 235 to181, a pick up of 58 seats.
Not to mention 26 states that elected a Republican majority Legislature of over 600 seats.

Did I do that?

So this is how it ends?

The Republicans at least took over one house of Congress, and it's the one with the power of the purse. I hope they got the message and keep it shut tight.

The Senate is still held by a majority of those that used every slimy, dirty political trick they could to take over as much private business as possible. Now that they know they're safe, they can go even farther in the sixty days they have unstoppable control of legislating the forced Socialization of America.

Because yesterdays blatant and widespread election fraud proves that we no longer live in a representative democracy- and soon, judging from history something bad will happen and it will be blamed on a 'handycapable' person when the purple-shirted thugs will commandeer a radio station..... Canada provoking the need to put 'someone' in unilateral control to do 'something!' about the problem.

But, maybe I'm just getting my wookie on....

Because Liberals don't "really" want to tell everyone what to do,


Tuesday, November 02, 2010

No Ed, you Democrats were loud and clear

Your message wasn't blurred at all.
President Kickass and the other two commies you had in charge of Congress showed how you were going to socialize America no matter what we -the people, your bosses- didn't want.

Sunday, October 31, 2010


I always kind of wondered about the crew on Mythbusters.

On the one hand, they're based in the Liberal capitol of Kalifonistan and they're always on the slightly creepy side of political correctness. 'Lets call our illegals-across-the-border tests Canadians' kind of thing. Then we have Adam on his Segway that's just screaming for an 0bama sticker.

On the other hand, they're not afraid of guns and explosions, As a matter of fact, they seem to like them. So I'll give them the benefit of the doubt.

Then came the news that they made a show with The Prick as special guest. I said, "well, maybe someone leaned on them to do that..."

Yesterday removed all doubt when they showed up at the so-called 'March to restore sanity', which was nothing more than a crapload of bussed in Union thugs and Liberals making fun of conservatives.
I would say f*ck Mythbusters I'm not going to watch them anymore- BUT with 250 channels (25 if you lose the Mexican, buy-my-chit and sports channels) there still isn't anything on and Kari Byron is kinda hot so I'll watch when there's nothing else to do.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Blogger- Pleeez!

Over at Cheaper than dirt -the blog, they're talking about the AR series.

In the nine years I carried and cleaned my M-16, I never once thought...GEE, they need to make a tool to help me get my forestock handguard off.
And I never heard, "Hey Sea Bee, help me with this retainer ring so I can field strip my weapon.

Or are they using super springs now-a-days?

About Charlie Chaplins time travler

You've all heard about her, right?
If not here's a link to the original You-tube that started it all.

Firstly, lets try to remember some things.
-Dental technology wasn't that good back then, neither were pharmaceuticals and lastly- they were trying out all kinds of newfangled electrical gadgets to help relieve physical problems.
Given that, I don't see why she couldn't have been holding a patented TMJ regenerative device with it's 'restorative electrical waves' against a painful jaw.- Or tooth.

About that talking on a cell phone thing...
If she/he were really from an advanced civilization that mastered time travel- why is she talking on something as big as a brick?
Coming from someone who can only use his cell phone from the front door- where is she getting her signal from?

...Unless she escaped from the Fangoria macine?

Friday, October 29, 2010

Pelosi power

She really is a witch!

She created a zombie for her Halloween rally.

She's a Democrat, right?

She has to be because the article doesn't identify who's who, and I can't see a Republican filing an assault charge for a handshake.

Can't find out. She is, however a member of some kind of White House womyns outreach project.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Following bread crumbs

After we heard about the SEIU pieing the vote for Harry Reid (D-Nev)- we get the Nevada SecState telling how above board the machines are.
And how hard it would be for the SEIU to slip a line or two of programming in at the end while they're prepping them for the vote.

I'm not an IT guy, but I don't see how hard it would be to ad something like

Or whatever the code is to change the fourth vote for Angle to Reid after it's approved on the screen.

BUT the SecState, Ross Miller is saying there is no problems with the machines, and he's never officially been told there were.
-AND that since there is no central computer, they CAN'T reprogram the electronic ballots!

I did a quick search on Ross and found out that dad was the Democrat Governor of Nevada.
Our buddy Ross was also the Deputy DA of Clark Co.

He's partially responsible for the mindset of law enforcement of the Clark Co. police? Where has Clark Co. been in the news lately?

Why is it

That every time there are "voter irregularities" or ballot problems, it's always where Democrats are running things?

It's almost like they're trying to be incompetent.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Deja vu all over again

I remember seeing this guy on a scifi paperback book when I was in high school:
...Or was it a horror flick?

Mogadishu on the border

We learn today, that the entire police force of Los Ramones, Nuevo Leon, Mexico Quit their jobs after their police station was assaulted by drug cartels.
Nuevo Leon, which just happens to border TEXAS near Laredo. But we don't need no steenkin' fences.

Now what? You have an entire town without any cops, and another- the only one with enough cajones to be the chief is a 20 year old GIRL.

With drugs and violence so rampant, maybe you could let your citizens try to defend themselves?
Nooooo, can't let those peasants have GUNS, might hurts someone important.
Or worse yet, once they get the cartels under control- decide that they want a truly representative government.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

How ,,, unsurprising

That the default vote goes to Harry Reid in the Nevada elections.
It's not like Axelrod didn't already tell that they were going to steal this election.

Just a quick look at the Handbook of Texas brings us plenty of examples of Democrats and their offshoots trying to steal elections. --All bolding is mine.

We have, at a glance:
  • LOTT, TEXAS- Its population was predominantly black Republicans.(My how times change) The community was one of the sites of voting disorders in November 1886 investigated by the United States Congress in 1888. Lott's ballot box was stolen by the Ku Klux Klan, which supported a Populist-Democratic coalition, to prevent Republican control of county government.
  • GRABALL, TEXAS-In the 1880s black residents, who made up 80 percent of the population, were Republicans. In 1886 the local electoral board included two black officials. That year the Ku Klux Klan destroyed the community's ballot box. Electoral violence at Graball was later the subject of a congressional investigation.
  • HIDALGO COUNTY-..middle-class business owners in the Rio Grande valley to organize against boss rule. Anderson Y. Baker, who had been supported by James B. Wellsqv's Democratic machine, became Hidalgo county treasurer in 1907 and sheriff in 1912.
    ...In November 1928 they expected a crooked election and purportedly sent 2,000 telegrams to President Calvin Coolidge petitioning for a fair one. After the election was held, the Republicans charged that pro-Baker officials had thrown out the entire Weslaco ballot box. Bakerites claimed that since the returns were not sealed in accordance with the law, the ballots had to be thrown out.
    ...When a Brownsville grand jury took up the legal case, no indictments were made.
    ...Baker was "actively engaged in canvassing Mexican voting precincts for support of the `reorganized democrats.'"
    ...However, both Mexican Americans and Mexicans voted, and a sector of the Mexican-American electorate was independent. Political pressure, personal favors, and monetary or financial gain motivated these voters, as it did others.
  • WESLACO, TEXAS- In the 1928 county election the Weslaco ballot box was rejected by Judge A. W. Cameron, an incumbent official whose victory was in question. Cameron(a DEMOCRAT), who evidently believed that he would have won the Hispanic vote of Weslaco, testified that Mexican-American voters had been intimidated by a crowd yelling "Don't let those Mexicans in to vote. Throw them out."
(Jesse Jackson Jr.-Jrs phones didn't pick up any evidence then, either.)
  • HARRISON COUNTY (think Houston)-White citizens bitterly resented federal authority, especially when it meant enfranchisement of the black majority and a Republican party county government that continued even after the Democratic party regained control statewide in 1874. African Americans found that freedom did not bring significant economic or educational opportunities. Harrison County was "redeemed"—returned to white Democratic rule—in 1878 when residents formed the Citizen's Party of Harrison County and appealed to voters with the argument that Republican government was too expensive. Amidst charges of fraud and coercion, Citizen's party candidates won the election on a technicality involving the placement of a key ballot box and took firm control of local government. The county has remained politically conservative since Reconstruction. Until 1900 its black voters returned Republican majorities in national elections, but the Citizen's party controlled county offices. Once black voters were disfranchised, the county voted solidly Democratic in all elections until 1948.
  • ALICE, TEXAS- Alice made national headlines during the 1948 primary election for state senator. Lyndon Baines Johnson and Governor Coke Stevensonqqv both ran for the Democratic party nomination. It was alleged that Johnson won the primary because he had stolen the election with the help of George B. Parrqv, political boss, who controlled both Duval and Jim Wells counties. Alice became the focal point of a federal investigation when it was alleged that Alice's Precinct 13 ballot box had been stuffed.
Want more? there's plenty here.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Do you really want to go there, Bill?

It seems Ol' Slick Willey was up in MinniSOta over the week-end stumping for the Dem. Senatorial wannabe, Tarryl Clark, in which his grasp of the truth- as always was on the wrong rope.

In a refreshing change from the tired ditch-and-slurpee refrain, our ever emphatic ex-president reminded us:

Clinton largely focused the Democrats’ record in Congress and argued the party is making progress fixing the economy but needs more time. “I’d like to see [Republicans] get behind a locomotive going 200 miles an hour straight downhill and stop it in 10 seconds. You can’t do that.”

Now, I wonder, was that train analogy in his prepared speech? Or did the Philanderer in Chief see Tarryl, and just think of ,,,,,nope- not going there.

Like I asked if you really wanted to go there, because it took me a whole five seconds to think of this song. Who's been driving that train for the last four years, Bill?

The article ends without disclosing if Prez Fratboy tried to show Tarryl his oil can.

But, riding that Democrat train crew meme:

Even the Brits are noticing...

I don't understand the problem

There's a big stink about Google stealing user info off of WIFI networks from there street view cam-cars.

I really can't understand why the same people who keep telling me- when they bring their .gov privacy infringing policies around- that "but if you're not doing anything wrong, you don't have to worry! [insert smiley face]"...and "They just want to know who's using then, for research- they won't use it against you [insert smiling unicorn]".

I guess,,,,

But in another striking parallel with the .gov- Google is 'mortified' that somehow- without their knowledge- their mobile wireless data gathering devices have stolen user names, passwords, e-mail addresses and URLs off of WIFI networks. Yes, 'mortified' that without their knowledge
some low level worker bee decided to equip every cam-car in. the. world. with the ability to steal and record all that private cr@p.

I'm not a nerd, but even I know that WIFI and Hot-Spots are really, "really". "REALLY" unsecure unless you take strong preventive measures, which is why the house is wired.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

So y'all heard about prince Harry-

Taking credit for saving the worldwide economy by throwing ours under the bus,,,,or something. or you may not, because he said it on a Liberal talkshow hosted by Sgt. Schultz.
Which only reminded me of this song...
With Ruby Starr (which also mebbee gave me a thing about redheads?)

Twelve years ago

...Or 17 years ago, depending on how you count.
Three American Presidents ago- under Bill Clinton, Israel gave up land to the Palestinians for peace.

See, this was supposed to ease tensions and return land won in defending themselves from a Syrian invasion twenty years before.
In return, the Palies were supposed to stop trying to kill Israelis.

How'd that work out for you Israel?
I hope you're done giving chit away for nothing.

Friday, October 22, 2010

So NPR fired Juan Williams

He's been pushing the Liberal agenda as long as I've been aware of him.
He got the intolerant result he's been behind.
I don't feel sorry for him.

Why is anyone acting surprised that Liberals are eating each other?
They drop their veil of superior intelligence and tolerance whenever one of them gets out of ideological lock-step.

Look at Joe Lieberman and their attacks on him for supporting the war.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The electric Edsel


Gee, imagine that! Government Motors lied about how well their Chevy Volt would work.

>>>>.........This is my shocked face----

Was any one (except for Libs) really surprised that reality didn't meet hype?

I'll get in on the 4 rules meme

Just a little.

Jay G mentioned something in his comment on the first rule and it's variations- I was taught that all guns are considered loaded until you checked.

I think that rule goes way back before Col. Cooper. Way back- even to the first guy that almost got shot by a clueless recruit playing with his matchlock... "but,I didn't know it was loaded!"

Back then you HAD to act like the gun was loaded because the only way you could check was to fire it, or measure the inner barrel with your ramrod (you DO mark where the muzzle is when it's empty, right?) and see if the muzzle is on the empty mark, or about an inch below.

The rest is common sense, and the Colt BP revolvers had a "safety" between each cap for the hammer to rest on, so you could safely fill all six cylinders without worrying about hammer drop. That came in handy when you were using the but to pound bobwahre staples or making the morning coffee.

Telegraphing their punches?

Is that what Axelrod is doing here?

No. I -- as I said, I think you're going to see an -- an election where, you know, people win who perhaps you didn't expect to win, people lose who -- who, perhaps, you didn't expect to lose on -- on both sides.

Lets look at the way those Chicago politicians work, and how long they've had to work on stealing this election and strong arm polling judges, not to mention the whole "get whitey" thing of the Holder inJustice system.

So, come January

When the new Congress takes over, they have the power of the purse.
That means that since ICE is throwing illegals back onto the streets- and not going their jobs, that they don't need as much money in their budget, right?

I mean, if you're paying someone and they don't do what they're paid for, you're paying for nothing.

So if they refuse to do their jobs, cut that part out of their budget.

But we all know that won't happen, that's almost fiscally responsible- not the way the elitists do it up in DeeCee.