Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Now there's an opportunity

If you're any kind of a water/utility developer to find a way to supply a ready made infrastructure with potable water.

It's got city pipes and everything- just not city water- anymore.

Because the City of Rock Hill, SC is playing dirty to get annexation, , , and tax money.

You know, Dave Grigg of the Miller Pond HOA- if this happened to me, I'd find a way to cope.
I wouldn't be scared, I'd be pissed.

One more reason

for me to get away from Bank of America and go to Wells-Fargo.

On top of the monthly fees they started taking out when Karen got laid off, and the delays in crediting my account for my paychecks- AND the $35 overdraft fees when THEIR online banking or their ATMs can't keep up with a daily ballance...

We have a whole new system of user fees coming at us.

Hunny, I hope you changed your PayPal account, because this one is fixing to go away.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

So,,, Some British kid e-mailed 0bama

and called him a prick. Then the Secret Service got involved and told the English to do their harassment thing to him and tell him that he's on double secret probation banned from entering America for life.


Barack Hussein Obama you are a prick.
Actually you're a thin skinned PRICK!

Dude, you're the whiner in chief. You have the entire mainstream media running interference for you and you send your thugs to strong arm a seventeen year old kid.

You are a prick.
George Bush had the entire world throwing shit at him for eight years and you never heard him whine that "they talk about me like I was a dog."

You are a complete prick.
How could someone so thin skinned rise to the top of that backstabbing, dog eat dog Chicago political machine by being such a whiny little bitch.

Look Ciro!

I can see November second from my house.

I just got my third call this week from Ciro Rodriguez today. I guess he's either polling behind Quico Canseco or not far enough ahead that he fells that taped calls bothering people in his district are needed.

Well Ciro, let me tell you how ypu and Mr. Hope-N-Change changed my voting habits.
I have never voted a straight ticket, but after seeing how you wrangled your communistic bills through Congress- I'll be checking that little box at the top left og my ballot marked REPUBLICAN. Not that I think the majority are much better, but their NOT the party that cut up the Constitution for toilet paper.

...And since I have plenty of free time because of your policies since 2007, I'll see if Quico wants any help.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

A quick quiz

Aside from the internal head covering support system, can anyone tell the major difference between these people

...and these people?

Democrats luuurv the first ones.

...And want you to forget they invented the second one.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Just couldn't help it

Txgungeek included this video of a chithook driver ,,well- not exactly landing to pick up some of our guys from a hill I wouldn't want to have had to climb, when I heard in my mind,,,,

DUM dudy dum dudy dum

"Awlroight geton wii it.."

AND no, I'm not saying the troops are just bricks. It just seems like every time I hear this song on the radio it's the helicopter version.

Daym! Lookit all those lawyers

I'm reading more about that PG&E gas pipeline explosion in Cali.

It looks like PG&E really fell down on their gas leak investigation procedures.
...And the trial lawyers are going to have a field day asking why they didn't do anything about a leaking 30" pipe.
Yeah, weeks worth of gas spreading out under asphalt, sidewalks, storm drains and into peoples houses via their sewer lines- just waiting to mix to that magical 4.5- 14.5 percent gas-in-air mixture with the right ignition source....

If I wanted to set foot on Kalifornistan, I know that I'd have a job in the entirely vacant gas leak investigation division.

Or, I could apply now for the greatly (soon to be) enlarged Office of Pipeline Safety .gov.

Which do you think would be more damaging?

Having a corrupt felon who used to be the mayor endorse your Mayoral candidacy?


A corrupt politician who hasn't been caught yet endorsing your candidacy for Mayor of a city that expects their pols to end up in prison?

Well in this case, since we're talking about Democrats in DEECEE- either would probably be seen as a positive thing.

Thursday, September 09, 2010

So, the big question here

That I see- after hearing about how traumatized the Woods Hole Oceanographers were after confronting serious evidence of man made catastrophe on the surface of the RMS Titanic site was...

Did they pick it up?

OR, did they look at it and whine like a bunch of pantywaist Liberals.

The article doesn't say.

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Google and you

They're calling the newest automatic search a feature, but I consider it a bug.
If you haven't heard about Googles newest breakthrough in search tech, it's an automatic search that launches and changes the search results as you type.

How absolutely annoying is that going to be?
I don't even like that stoopid search assistant that every website has anymore, and I usually try to turn that f8cking annoying thing off whenever I can.

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Man that sucked

The internet went out Friday morning and I just got it back today.

A tech came by and threw on a new filter at the pole- without letting anyone know he was there, or checking to see if we were fixed.

We weren't.

I finally went out to check the co-ax and cut out a bad section where a branch rubbed the outer insulation off. BUT, since we had a filter for Devine instead of our Hondo server, I still didn't get service until the cable guys came out to troubleshoot the thing.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Hey! About that monochrome teabagger thing?

Does anyone notice anything in this photo-op he went to El Paso for? today?

Before he flew back to DeeCee to give a primetime talk from the oral office that none of my usual channels carried.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Two Havahhhd graduates

You better keep her dry Barry- you *know* what happens when she gets wet,,,

Sunday, August 29, 2010

In case you're living under a rock

and don't have access to the news--today is the fifth anniversary of the Rovian hurricane machine destroying the physical part of Nawl'ns.

Prez Kickass will be reminding people of how badly BusHitler hates black people this afternoon.

After he plays a round of golf to commemorate his actions during the BP oil spill response.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

I just got a phone call

Actually I just answered it because I got tired of them hanging up when my answering machine started.

SO --National alliance for life--...or whatever you call yourself here are the two big reasons I didn't give you money.

FIRST- You pissed me off by ringing my phone and NOT leaving any messages with a bogus name on the caller ID.

SECOND- I'm supposed to be in the National "Do not call" registry and I don't give money to strangers.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Be the first

to put an ad in the new craigslist of guns in your state.

I'd really be interested in getting the Texas part going,,,,,

Ummm, looks like Tam(who I got the link from) isn't selling anything yet.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

QUICK! Somebody call the cops!

You know that bag lady who makes her own clothes from castoff rags?

Yes you do- you've seen her around.

The one who was mugged the other day and her dress stolen?

You know, just down the block from her favorite Dennies.

I think we have a suspect...

Coming soon

To a capitol on your east coast...yet ANOTHER unexpected drop in the GDP. Coupled with a surprising increase in the unemployment numbers and an unanticipated drop in home sales.

But hey, lets throw more money we don't have at Barry's union buddies in thr form of bailouts for the teachers union.

Monday, August 23, 2010

I have to admit

That when I saw this video of a PD dash cam, my first though was,,,'at what point did they drop the cell phone?'

Then I thought- "Daym, that's going to f*ck up traffic for hours. Sure am glad I'm not on that road."

Maybe I'm lacking any sympathy for the dumbass who was going at least 30 faster than the cop.............BECAUSE on the way home tonite, I watched about 5 cars blow past a school bus with it's red lights on just west of Castroville.

Well worth your time

All 5:47 minutes of it.

I'd h/t someone if I could remember where I found it.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

It's TRUE!!!!!eleven!!!!!!

That Israelies really DO drink blood!

It's gotta be true because Double Tapper is showing it in his hot babes of the IDF post. Oh, including their sekrit weapon,,,SuperBoob.

Niles, Michigan

Does anyone know who lives there, or why I'd be getting Qwest hour long plus hits on my sitemeter along with up to 25 page views? It's the same ISP running FireFox with no referral site, so they must have me bookmarked.

But, why? I have a crappy blog with bad english and hardly any hits.

I know I've gone to some of your sites and got called away from the computer...all night sometimes, but that wouldn't rack up the page hits either.

Remember that $20 Billion BP "compensation" fund?

The one that Pez Kickass strong armed from BP when he finally decided the spill was hurting his ratings.

The one that the "most open and ethical administration" 2.0 put one of their apparatchiks in charge of doling out the money.

I knew then that ...somehow alot of that money wouldn't get to those who needed it, and would end up in D.C.
Well, guess what?

Yeah! That bureaucrat that's in charge of that fund is changing the rules!

That's almost as unexpected as the new weekly unemployment numbers.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Another embarrassing anniversary date coming up

It seems like every time we have some kind of meaningful anniversary date- as far as I remember, there has always been a disappointment in the White house.

Remember who was president during our Bicentennial? Jerry Ford was an OK guy, guy, but not someone you'd really want your kid emulating, , , you know?

At the fiftieth anniversary of D-day, our president was the most powerful draft dodger in the world. He was there, with his wife, ordering around white House military personnel like house n1ggers at the time of the WWII victory ceremonies.

At the beginning of this month, we sent- for the first time in 65 years- a representative to apologise because the Japanese forced us to use nukes on them.

AND, next November 11, we have a president who wants a victory mosque overlooking Ground Zero and who made his first year a world-wide apology tour for what America stands for.

Now THAT's reassuring, isn't it?

The same political administration who is surprised monthly by increasing unemployment numbers and bad economic news is reassuring Israel that they don't have anything to worry about from Iran.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Showing again, just how good we have it in America

Is the current recall of some 389,000,000 eggs on the assumption that they might have caused salmonella poisoning in less than 400 people.
Even in the midst of a growing depression we can throw food away.

Because in most of the third world countries (the majority of the population)- they'd be fighting over those same eggs and still be glad that they ONLY had that infinite chance of getting sick from their food.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

On a slightly ironic note

We're finally getting all that heat here in San Antonio, that the rest of America has been suffering for the past month.

The heat index was 115. It was even hotter in the trenches when we were putting conduit together.

On a related note to a post at Roberta's, I generally use a pair of lineman's pliers to strip my wire and the bigger stuff (#4 thru 500MCM) we generally use a utility knife.
But then, we're in the business of getting her the raw power to change into pulsed and stepped DC voltage which uses lots of high tech, finicky connectors that make your entertainment so entertaining,

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

"And this..."

..."is my grip for squeezing my miraculous oil out of a snake"

"is all they see when I kick ass".

Saturday, August 14, 2010

This should be interesting

Since Kalifonia was the leader in virtually banning a legal product in any public accessible area, and even private vehicles.

Are they going to just throw their anti-tobacco legislation out? OR- more likely, they'll ignore that pesky hypocrisy thing all together when they allow dope at work.

It's almost like I'm getting some kind of track record in posting about this cr@p before it happens.

The 8-28 D.C. meet-up

That I keep hearing when I listen to Glen Beck.
I'm not sure what it is exactly because I usually only hear parts of his program.

What he keeps emphasizing, though, is the need to let the ....Parks Dept.(?) know how many buses of people you're bringing.

Supposedly to know how many port-a-johns to order.
I guess that's a quick, handy way to do it (2 per bus times X buses= Y scattered around the Mall).

Why did they decide on buses? Are they so familiar with the old style of the Liberal protest machine that would bus their "spontaneous" crowd in for their anti-republican "Million [your cause here] Marches" that they can't estimate the crowds any way else?

Is that part of the reason the 4th of July Tea Party Protest was so under reported? That most real people don't NEED to be bused in if they really want to be heard/