Saturday, January 09, 2010


The Won is going to finally decide that supporting the anti-Mullacastocracy in Iran is worth their effort.

They'll be looking at sanctions that will (as usual) do nothing but hurt the poor and helpless.
Those in power won't be affected at all- as usual.

But hey, better late than never to some kind of anti-totalitarian government movement,
Mr. Obama.

Instead of the kneejerk pro-totalitarian reaction we usually get from you.

Friday, January 08, 2010

Conveying royalty

In case you missed the hoopla, today is Elvis' birthday.

I really don't understand the adoration of 'The King', even if I really like his music.
He was probably a better role model than a recently passed 'idol',,,the 'King of pop' in that Elvis only caused trouble for himself.

In this birthday tunage, I give you some faves of mine- starting with his first record:

Jailhouse rock

Hound dog:

As opposed to Jerry Lee Lewis' 'Hound dog':
Which was good in it's self.

Blue sued shoes:

And, lastly ZZ Tops tribute:

On the Food Network,,,channeling Elvis, I guess.
'The best fried food I've ever had' is on, and I'll have to try deep fried Brussels Sprouts with vinigaretee and it looks like fried onions and bacon.


Sort of digging on Erics Adak post, some duty stations.

Not a lot of good Rota, Spain videos out there.
Housing in 'Old base' as opposed to the crackerbox appartments in the new YouSAh (USA) part.

If we could afford it, I wouldn't mind retireing to Guam.

Of course I'm sure it's changed in the 25 years since I was there.

And as fitting, there is absolutly nothing good about Puerto Rico or their smaller cousin- Viequez.

Remember "Rule 34"?

It basically says that anything available wil be turned into some kind of Internet porn(I don't have to put the NSFW tag on it, do I- really!).

Given the high quality of your average .gov drone- how long before we see something like '' on a porntube near you?

And, no- I don't mean our newest .gov USPS worker who goes to orientation on the 19th..

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Missed him by *that* much, Chief

Our extremely efficient Homeland security bureaucracy DID actually flag our intrepid smokiedope,,,after he got on that Christmas flight.
But instead of bothering the flight crew about that trivial information, they decided they'd give him his enhanced pre-flight security inspection AFTER he landed.
Because, you know- Obama is the President, and we don't have to worry about those terrorists hating on America anymore.

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

listening to a new program

Called 'Spirit kids' on A&E.

It's about kids learning to deal with ghosts and spirits they see in their lives.

The ,,,um,,,,councillor sounds just like Mr. Garrison.

Monday, January 04, 2010

We have a hard freeze warning tonight

Here in south Texas, in the San Antonio area.

People up north are getting pounded, loosing power and even their lives.

All I have to say about that is thank Gaea for AlGore and his discovery of global warming, otherwise can you imagine what the weather would be like?


When I let the big one out at 5 AM this morning it was 25.
Without that glow-bull warming that'll turm the earth into a flaming cinder in 10 7 years it would probably be in the teens.

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Thanks to Howard Carter

(you know thw name, right?)

I have an excuse to push this on you again.


Ohhh those eyes....

Friday, January 01, 2010

About that TSA review

That 0bama wanted on his desk today.

Which desk is it on? The one in the Oval Office or a card table in the basement of his $28 million dollar borrowed mansion?
Will this sit there until he gets around to it like that $780,000,000,000,000 re-election package did...after the rush to pass it?

Also, I thought leaks were good for the public to know about? The publics' right to know and all...right NYT?
Or do we want to start keeping .gov secrets only when the might go against 'The Won"?

But aren't you glad His majik Unicorns had their anti-boom spells when that plane crossed into U.S. territory.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Just like the 93% of 0bama advisors

I have absolutely no experience creating jobs or running any business.

I however, have enough common sense to know that private business needs stability.
in order to get private investors, you need to be able to show that they'll make some kind of money off of their investment. unpopular as that is in our new centralized governments five year plan.

That's why I, at least, understand why private investors aren't running to support GMAC and their thieving Union thugs.
Why put in good money when it'll just get stolen from you......when the government isn't coercing you into it?

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Well that sucks

With a capital X.

I was just looking over the newest 1040 instructions and found out that the only new allowable tax credit for housing is the New House Credit.
The existing homeowners credit didn't make it into Tax Cheat Tim Geithners tax form.
I guess those Lbs in congress would rather f*ck up the entire conomy than help people keep just a little of their money.

...Oh! Wait!! That homeowners credit might give THE RICH a little tax relief too, so nevermindit'snotgonnahappen.

BUT, Karens unemployment is tax free until she takes her first $2400 home.

,,,And here I was hoping I'd get something for NOT buying too much house and then defaulting on it.

That was a bit surreal today

I turned on Hannity this afternoon and over the truck noise (in the boom truck) thought I heard Snakehead and no Sean.

I got into my truck and thought WTF?? James Carville is hosting Hannity?

No, it was a new guy named Herman Cain out of Georgia.
That Gawgian accent sure sounds like that blithering idiot from down around N'awlins way.

Swift action from 'The Won'

So, the political hack we have in DeeCee is playing catch-up on this security thing after blowing it off for his golf and emergency motorcade runs through the streets of Hawaii.
He wants a report on his desk by tomorrow. Where it will sit until he decides he's had enough time off- just like that Pork laden stimulus bill that had the fierce urgency of NOW!

I'm not some kind of security expert (but neither are those Apparatchik's you surround yourself with), but I'd say that part of the problem is 'The Wall' that you put back in place to protect your Chicago pals from prosecution.
You know, the one that prevents .gov law enforcement from talking to each other, the one that Jamie Gorelick put up to protect her boss Bill Clinton.
The same Jamie that was on that farce called the 9-11 commission.

He got on an international flight with just a carry-on (not sure how common that is,,,but) and WITHOUT A PASSPORT.
His own dad reported him to both Nigerian AND American anti terrorist agencies.

Also, although no one else wants to tell you this, it was the absolute bumbling that's been going on since January 20 of this year that gutted our intelligence ability- because they don't want to be prosecuted by your fellow socialist Eric Holder!



Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The new word of the day is..........


That seems to be the newest talking point that you'll soon be tired of hearing from all the Obots in newsland.

Pivot, , , that's what a Quarterback does right before he hands off the ball to someone doing the hard run- isn't it?

The first rule of blogging

Post every day!

What's that word....?

Oh yeah, CONTENT!

As you can see by the timestamp, I'm here when I should be earning money.
That wet, cold front has come through and all I accomplished today was to move a storage trailer from the yard to a jobsite while it was still dry enough.

Dry enough that the average San Antonio drivers wet weather 'drive-it-like-you-stole-it' instinct hadn't kicked in yet.

I've also been having hinge issues with the drivers door on the S-10 -the bushings keep breaking apart, so I've been living with the sagging door. Well, this morning at 0'dark 6AM, the bushings on the top hinge both decided it would be a good time to fall out. So, with suitable language- I hefted the door back up so as to shut it for the drive to work...with LOTS of wind noise.

When I got to work- much to my mental well being, I discovered that somewhere in that 50 mile trip, the pin fell out.
Now I have a screwdriver tip from a 5-in-1 tool holding my door in the approximate place.
I'm torn between fixing it with the *Genuine GM parts* that have continually failed, bolts and home made bushings,,,or probably best that black poly gas pipe I have a chunk of- it's really tough and self lubricating. Plus I can form it with a utility knife (or for you lamestream media types...a BOXCUTTER!!!!!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Well, it's not 'The wildwood Flower'

And being that it's really a counter-counter-culture song, I guess it won't be getting much airplay.
But Ray Stevens the singer of such hard hitting songs as "The squirrel went berserk" and "They call him the freak" --don't look Martha!
Has come out with a message to the Dems.

It's gotta be bad when an apolitical humorist comes out gunning for you.
(stolen from Shoprat)

But, then again, if I'd come in wasted and did something like this....

I'd be fired instead of being re-elected after going through the requisite 'rehab'/

HEY! Maybe they should have some kind of SOBRIETY standard before they vote on what's going to affect EVERYONE in America.

How does this sound?
Lets revoke everything they voted on since,,,ohh,,,,June 2009 and have them blow a breathalyzer before voting to re=enact the same failed giveaways.

Things are looking ugly in Iran

It looks like the anti Theocracy movement has had their fill.
There are riots in the streets and the security forces are shooting people dead.

I joined the Navy soon after those 'students' took over our embassy there, and after watching Dhimmy Carter send a poorly planned, manned and executed face saving rescue attempt there.
By the time he'd had four years of slashing the military budget, those helicopters were the best the military could come up with- they went out needing repairs, They're probably still sitting in the desert where they were left when the last of our ....foreigne respectability pulled back to wait Ronald Reagan.

Now, three decades later, students the Iranian population is turning against their repressive government.
...And the guy who's sitting in a borrowed (not rented) $28 million mansion won't say anything because A) it's against a dictatorship and B) because it shows that government actually has to listen to the people.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Lets all step into our wayback machine

Shall we?

As anyone who's not had the Lamestream Media as their primary source of information knows- there was an attempted flight bombing over Detroit on Christmas.
A day and a half ago.

When 9-11-01 happened George Bush kept reading to elementary students...because that's all he could do at the immediate moment- and the Left let loose with everything they had about his uncaring incompetence.


They still bring it up.

Over 36 hours later, where is the TelePrompTer Messiah's speech to the nation condemning this action?
Did they forget the TelePrompter and he can't give a national speech?

Given the way they've handled everything else, I wouldn't put it out of mind.

Thank ,,,ummmm,,,whoever that we have someone of Barry's' persuasive power making even more friends, so we don't have to worry about terrorists making a statement in AmeriKKKa.

An air quality PSA

It is not a good idea to feed your dogs the unwanted pretzels from the Chex Mix.

It's either that or the small amount of green bean casserole that's causing the problem here.

Friday, December 25, 2009

To all of you


and a better New Year.

I see Michells' fashion secretary found her a new Christmas dress:

Stolen from Becky.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Dear Representative Ciro Rodriguez

I realize it's kinda late for this, but I wanted to give you a Christmas present.
I decided to gift you with this because you and your staff have probably never read it.

Merry Christmas!

A taxpayer and probable future scofflaw,
Kurt P.
Hondo, TX

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Just out of curiosity

Does anyone think a bad temp sending unit would light a SERVICE ENGINE SOON light?

It just came on after work tonight and I saw the water temp gauge was only reading half of what it usually does.
I'm wondering if that three wire sending unit is causing it.

Who do you think it is?

Someone in the Supreme Courts is either getting leaned on, or shortly will get leaned on hard to resign.
That someone is going to be either a conservative Justice or a moderate that actually takes the Constitution seriously.

Why would someone try to force a Judge to resign, you ask incredulously?

Because it's 'The Chicago Way', and the fact that several states Attorneys General are sending a letter to Congress challenging this communistic takeover of 20% of Americas economy is why.

Obama needs a majority of reliable sycophants to rule on those upcoming 10th and 14th Ammendment lawsuits the way he wants them to.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Looks like the only thing free anymore school lunches.

Haloscan got bought out (or sold out) or something, and the new owner is going the same way as blogrolling. In that if you want what you used to get for free- now you have to pay.

My dashboard says I have until Jan. second to decide what to do. I already know- I'll drop back to Bloggers comments, since I'm paying by letting Google stash everything anyone in the house has ever gone online for.

Whoever has me on blogroll please drop me a comment, since I'm NOT going to pay for the privilege of seeing who's linking me. Besides, this blog isn't worth paying for.

Now how much of that haloscan embedded HTML do I have to remove?

Saturday, December 19, 2009

"Yeah, we did it"

We beat our prisoners to death, that's how we roll.

Deal with it!

At least we won't be condemned by a bunch of pantywaist Libs for stacking our naked prisoners in pyramids, or worse yet having some skanky ho pointing and laughing at their junk.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Howie Long is on TeeWee

He's shilling for the Siverado in that commercial that has him dogging the other guys F-150.
You've seen it, right?

Anyway he's going on about how the EPA says that the Silverado gets such kick-ass gas mileage.

Question- The .gov pretty much OWNS Gm, doesn't it? Except where they UAW got to steal 70% of the legitimate stockholders property.

Wouldn't this same government have no problem getting those 'created or saved' job numbers from the *CZAR of pulling numbers out of his ass* use the same criteria for their EPA numbers when they want to sell their chit?

I wouldn't be surprised if the Silverado actually got the same or less in actual usage.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Sorry, newr is NOT always better

Take Kellie Pickles "Santa Baby"

and compare it to the original:

Of course Kellie is much more photogenic than Eartha, so she'll get alot more milage.

Well it IS Laredo...

Not much of a stretch to call it Mexico del Norte.

It will be the largest American city without a book store.
Not that 95% of it's spanish speaking residents really know what a book is anyway....

And YES, it is that bad- it's just not quite as bad as Brownsville and El Paso for the
third world charm you'd expect from the barrios of ohh,,,lets say,,, Boys Town.

And Jerry, you don't need to know where THAT is.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The conversion of energy

Fossil fuels contain carbon from their expired forbears- I understand that.

Refining them concentrates the 'good' stuff.- I understand that.

Burning fossil fuel releases the bottled up carbon. -ok, if you say so.

Planting trees offsets that natural gas that plants need to live.- I need to get a couple thousand acres to plant a crop of 'cash-for-trees'.

What I'm not sure of is, is that carbon ,,,like burned and somehow exponentially weighs more than it did in it's liquid fuel state?

The reason I'm asking is that some Canadian ecoweiniee is planting almost 1,200 trees to offset 0bamas trip to Copenhagen. That's 196 tons of carbon, supposedly. How much fuel would it take to fly DeeCee to Copenhagen?