Friday, June 19, 2009


I'm trying to get some.
I need to change my rotors on the S-10.
  • And fix that hinge bushing that keeps breaking on the drivers door.
  • And get back to work on the bookcase.
  • And buy a new commode because one just decided it was going to drain it's self into the bowl -even with new guts.
  • And work on window treatments for the house. Don't laugh or I'll sik Rosey Greer on you.
  • And decide if we're having cabbage roll or beef tips tonight.It was beef tips
  • And get back to work on my PVC bender/mandril.
  • Now, listening to the washer, wonder what's wrong with the water pump.

How embarrassing to be an American right now

First we have the French standing up to condemn their erstwhile companions in Iran.
And all Obama had to say was meaningless platitudes,,,,again.

Now we have the Canadians, those oh-so-polite hosers who took in all of our Pansy-assed draft dodgers voicing condemnations against the crooked and violent government in Iran.
And Obama still mouths meaningless platitudes.

I guess he really can't say too much to vilify election fraud when his own administration is actively working to allow a hate organization to intimidate voters and allow a socialist group to conduct massive voter fraud in the 2010 election, not to mention the nationwide Gerrymandering of democrat fiefdoms.

Addendum: Here's another reason to get off my butt and change banks...

“Acorn also has received generous grants from top recipients of federal bailout money. Bank of America (almost $3 million), Citigroup and JPMorgan Chase made big grants to Acorn Housing Corp., one of Acorn's many affiliated organizations.”

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Mottoes and taglines

I had a short e-mail conversation with Eric a while ago. It's been in the back of my mind, but I've been working OT and haven't had time to post.

As we were talking about Marine Boot camp for my newly minted son-in-law, he ended with the kick-ass and well earned "Semper Fi'.

I didn't feel any of my Navy slogans were half up to a reply by that and ended up with a weak 'Bravo Zulu" back.

I mean how can something like "Construmus Batumius" be a come back to "Semper Fi"?
Even if we do go ashore with them in the second wave?

My Battalion motto of The 'Roo "Can Do' is even worse.
If you want to know what we were like in the '80 scroll down to the middle of the page - Naval Station Overhead Electrical Distribution Project was my baby, as I was assistant crewleader on it.

But still, not even "Semper Paratus" meets that Jarhead saying- especially coming from a crew of Puddle Pirates.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I realy hate to say it

But in this Iranian ,,,um,,,uprising.
(For lack of a word that the Left hasn't usurped for disguising terrorists.)

That I admire the stand the French have taken as opposed to President Peace-in-our-Time and his squishy I-don't-wanna-make-them-hate-me generalizations of hopieness in the non-interference on a sovereign nation thing.
(as opposed to his invading our Pakistani 'allies')

Yeah Michelle, I think I can start relating to your being ashamed to be an American.
At least not proud like I used to be.

Chit, the French are showing more macho than the U.S. in the Iranian peoples revolution.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Gas prices and you

Gasoline is on the average of $2.47 here- as of last week.
Crude oil is on the way down again.

Petroleum experts are saying that the only reason the gas prices are going up is that speculators are driving it up.
So, given The Unicorn Riders well known aversion to financial manipulation against 'the little guy',
where is the threat to use his tame MSM against those greedy speculators.

I'd bet we won't hear much since they're the ones driving the price up to halfway where he wants them to be.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Body mass index

You've heard about it forever.

But how does it relate to your love life?
Specifically, how do YOU like your best female pal?

Bob over at The drawn cutlass wants to know: which bodystyle are you most attracted to. Ever since the that poll in OZ said normal women are more attractive than Playboy girls.

Real, not silicone.

I chose Voluptuous, btw.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Fall protection and you

OSHA requires fall protection with body harness and shock absorbing lanyards when working over certain heights.

The way the shock absorbing lanyards work is that basically they are woven so as to gradually reduce the shock by tearing themselves apart.
The problem with those lanyards is that they're basically ineffective with a fall of less than 15' because of the tearing action that slows you down and protects your spine.

This is all well and good, it's required in bucket trucks, too. In case something happens to the bucket that you're standing in. and as common bucket trucks have a 55' height, the 15' limit is pretty moot.
I wore mine for about four hours this morning rerunning wires in poles (we used Blue instead of brown, and I got called off the job before I could tell the helpers that they needed to brown tape the insulation).

Anyway, a bucket truck is a good place to use that safety lanyard.
Except it won't do a lot of good when you're in and out and forget to attatch the end to the top boom.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Watching Tv as I surf

We have on Robert Duvall in "Broken trail" with Tomas Hayden Church and Susan Sarandon.

Basically, the guys are trailing horses up to Canada where they end up with five Chinese women who were sold into prostitution.

Then they end up with Susan.

She's a whore, too.

Just thought it was kinda fitting.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

This David Carradine thing

The authorities say it wasn't suicide, so that leaves two possibilities in my mind.

First, he was getting his freak on when something wrong happened, or..
Two, does anyone know where Beatrix Kiddo was that day? Hmmmm?

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

The irony is heavy here

After they got so much heat from the same people who were instrumental in the levee failures in N'awlins because of their 'feel good' opposition to upgrading the levees, the Corps of Engineers are trying to *do something* to protect them.

They are going to (try to) cut down every tree growing on or near any levee. I understand in theory that having a large branchy object that turns into a large draggy object that is attached to increasingly sloppy ground would be a concern to people who don't want huge chunks of levee torn away when the tree goes.

BUT- the Libs are leaning on others to stop the indiscriminate killing of defenseless trees unneeded removal of something that hasn't been a problem before.....just to be 'doing something' in response to their accusations.

"The corps' new edict was regarded as a major change in policy," said Ronald Stork, senior policy expert with California Friends of the River in Sacramento. "Something that is cheap and inexpensive is a chain saw. It was something to do that didn't cost a lot of money that made you feel better."

Kinda like most Liberal policies we see quite often- except that this doesn't cost out the @ss like most Liberal feel good policies.

We don't know how long the trees have been here, but they've never caused any problem up until now," said Hugh Youngblood, 61, whose ancestors came to Breston in the 1800s.

On a recent afternoon, his son, who is also named Breston, was upset as he walked the levee, pointing to a heap of limbs.

"They didn't even find a buyer for the wood or the pulp," the son said.

But what about providing habitat for the poor forest creatures?

Just curious here...

We keep hearing about how the Narcissist in Chief "inherited" this depression.

Who wants to try and answer some quick questions?
  • Which branch is in charge of monetary policy- Constitutionally?
  • Who took charge of Congress in the 2006 elections?
  • Who was getting paid to sit in an Illinois Senators chair while he was running for president?
  • Which party was the one who shielded Fanny-mac from the EEevil Boosh and his reforms?
  • We have two parties in D.C. - which one do you think would protect your daughters savings account better?------AAANNNNKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 neither, they're politicians.
  • Why, is this depression that Barack Obama helped cause from his inaction's in the Senate Bushes fault?

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Graduation day last night

Our local high schools graduation of about 150 kids resembled a pep rally. Which is kind of appropriate, I guess since it was held at the football stadium.

I know it's thinking way outside the envelope for the highly educated educational leaders of the San Antonio ISD system, who according to the local news is/are scrambling to fit all the graduations into a limited number of enclosed venues. I know it's not like it happens every year about the same time.

Anyway, before the thing broke down into several cheering sections, we went through the formalities, with the Pledge and the National Anthem as the AF ROTC posted the colors.
I was pleased to see almost the entire stadium stand, with their hands over their hearts- except for one guy with a bogus terrycloth sweatband and bearing a similar stance to a president who mouthed worthless platitudes that same day about 6000 miles away.

Anyway, as someone with common sense, I'd like to let the administration in on the hidden things about Senior Pranks.

''The problem is nowadays you don't know whether something is supposed to be a joke or is real,'' said Daniel A. Domenech, executive director of the American Association of School Administrators. ''And there have been too many incidents where what appeared to be a prank was not. It's a pity, because we all remember our days as students and the pranks we pulled as a rite of passage.''

If you can't tell the difference between Seniors setting up a homeless camp in the courtyard or making a giant swing set on the roof, much less the ag guys offloading cows into the halls- and someone walking around with a gun, you need some assistance.
For a small fee, I'll let you know if filling the bathroom with crabs rises to the level of a lockdown.


Saturday, June 06, 2009

Today, of all days

Was not the time nor the place for empty platitudes mouthed a socialist who hates the America that the D-Day army left as a legacy.

I didn't listen because I was working and I don't need to hear that arrogant voice to know that he praised them as little as he could get away with, while finding a way to downgrade their actions.

What did he apologise for today?


I guess I'm the only one in this house that has the necessary chromosome to be able to tie up a plastic bag and walk it less than 75 feet to a garbage can.

No matter how overflowing it is.

Also, the only way you're going to get peas and bell peppers to grow in south Texas is to use an air conditioned green house.

I *know* that 12 hours from now, when I ger home from work, that I'll have to put a bag in the trash can and fill the dogs food bowls, because I'm the only one int the house that notices these things.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Anthropomorphic machinery vocalizations?

Our new (used) dangle-digger has it's own sound when using the auger (drill) motor.

I can't help but hearing Butters voice as it's digging.
Repeat this for about 25 minutes to get the idea of drilling an 8' deep hole with it.

Odd associations with machinery.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Remember that old wood?

That I was going to make something with?

After fixing some mistakes and mis-measurements, this is what I've got so far:

This is something that the central drawers will look like.

And this, or any combination of the three dogs was what I saw every time I looked out the door.

Since I named this a trainwreck

Unclear of the concept

CraigsList, the online classifieds has an automatic email function at the top of their ads.

You put an ad in to sell or give away your stuff, and they answer by hitting the email link...

But some people apparently unaware of that feature.

HEY, how do you like the way the first couple is economising in this economy?

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Recruiters- living down to their reputation

I just found out that soon-to-be- SiL got his final contract from the Marines yesterday, and his MOS of MP was left off the contract, and instead was left *open*.

All the Combat Arms are filled, but he doesn't want to take a chance on a cr@ppy job for his enlistment, which I understand.

His ASVAP score is higher than mine was when the Navy wanted me to become a Nuke (yeah, reading this blog makes you scared at that- huh?), so I know other services could be used as leverage to get him inked in to his chosen job.

Anyway, one day this week, we're going down to have a talk with his recruiter and see what can be hammered out.

Advice will be helpful.
Also other service careers in law enforcement besides MP/SP/APs.


Friday, May 29, 2009

The gunshow loophole

Actually it's more person to person.

I've decided to let my Colt go if someone in the San Antonio area is interested.

Never mind, I'll sell it back to the gunshop, maybe I'll get half of what I payed for it.

$300 for a dress she's going to wear once- if she can get over that statistic thing.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Just to remind you all

The Soviet Union had a Constitution that contained almost as many personal protections as ours.

The difference then as it will be here is the enforcement of those protections.
The Soviet judges threw those articles out almost as soon as the ink was dry.
We needed to wait 233 years until a Socialist president started to pack the Supreme Court with willing apparatchiks who will pass laws from the bench, making the Legislative Branch a toothless old hound.

Komrad Obama is already nationalising our financial and manufacturing infrastructure, with his Red Pentagram Motors starting the first of many pogroms against political opponents. That's why the unilateral decision to close so many dealerships was made- to punish the dealers who opposed Himself.
So how are you going to reward those dealers who are set to become the new loyalists for our new Socialist state?

Me, I'll go with Ford.

Remember blue is the new red.

That feels so much better

I mashed my finger while loading some rigid conduit this morning, and ever since that fingertip has been ultra sensitive,

I just used my cordless drill and the smallest bit I could find to drill a hole in the darkest of the fingernail and got about a 6" spurt of blood and about half of a teaspoon of blood followed. Now it's throbbing nicely and doesn't feel broken.

I got a thrill up my leg just like a news person does when they hear our Dear Leader.

I'd post a pic but don't want to offend any pantywaist Libs like elmo.

Monday, May 25, 2009

About that Windows 7 you're getting for free

Bill Gates has included a surprise inside!

Depending on which version you downloaded, the release candidate or Beta version your surprise will either start on July 1st this year or March 1st 2010.

That little surprise?
It will automatically start shutting down every two hours until you BUY their overpriced browser.

You 50% of users can download any version of FireFox here. I'm having no problem with my FF1.5 version without all the excessive bells and whistles.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

...And he'll probably get it too

Except not how He envisions it.

The headline of this BEEB article is "Obama plans 'leaner' car industry".

Ok, and the way he's going about it will almost guarantee that the only American car company left is Ford. The only one who saw the bait in one hand and the huge club in the other.

So now we have the .gov- who can't even run a whore house brothel at a profit- telling auto execs how to run their company.
Then they come along and throw out legal and legitimate contracts to favor their Union thugs, leaving the real investors with pennies on the Dollar-including your parents retirement plan.

Why would anyone except some clueless intellectual who's spent his entire life in academia or Chicago politics think that anyone would be stupid enough to voluntarily put up billions of investment Dollars when the .gov has already proved that a contract isn't worth the paper it's written on.

Now the UAW wants to sell it's 55% of Chrysler for it's retirement fund, until it realizes that's not enough- and CFO Obama will arbitrarily get his courts to hand over another 55% to the UAW so they can sell those stocks to another sucker.

Government Motors, all the style of a Trabant, with the reliability of a 75 British Leyland TR-6 and the quality of a 1975 AMC Matador.

After all that .gov meddeling, inefficiency, mismanagement and all the rest that we associate with central planning, the only American auto company worth a cr@p will be Ford, who dodged the nationalization of their industry.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Yes I laughed

No, I don't feel guilty.

Because halfway through this, they put a cat in there.

Question of the day

What does Wolfram Alpha have to say about a tracking cookie I just banned?

Friday, May 22, 2009

Miscommunication can be deadly

Actually not being able to speak the same language can be deadly.

I went to the ranch today, and the Mexican help (two teens) were going to be in the brush repairing barb wire fencing, so I gave them the revolver with the snake shot.
I showed them the rounds and tried to tell them to keep the empty cylinder under the hammer...but I don't speak Mexican that well and they didn't speak English at all.

After I got done with what I had to do, I rounded up my pistol and say they'd been playing with it and my Vato buddy had been carrying it in his waistband with the hammer over a round, BUT he did manage to tell me there was only five rounds for six holes.

As for the Beretta, at about 15 feet I was making a dinner plate size pattern and it felt comfortable. I still don't like those combat sites, and prefer a vee site.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The number you have reached

(210) 586-0006
Is unavailable.
It's also calling my house numerous times during the night, and according to reverse look-ups is unavailable, or unavailable.

But it's a Southwestern Bell account.

They also have nothing online when you pick up.


I'm not supposed to get it because I get paid quite a bit to put up with what I do as an electrician/operator/driver/pusher.

Boss has me pegged at 5 hours weekly in O.T.
I usually get the majority of Fridays off to stay near the 40 hrs thing.

Boss bought a ranch on the south part of San Antonio, about 15 MI. west of Joudanton.

After I was re-routed from my 2 hours and off plan for tomorrow, boss wants me at his ranch for untold O.T. hours.

hey, at least I'll be able to check out the Beretta on the dry water tanks.

...And wife's revolver with snake shot.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The One at noter dame

Don't these two pics say it all?

Be seated, I'll divide the loaves and fishes up after they anoint me...
