Monday, December 12, 2005

We got the white thing back

We just got a phonecall from the old vet, they traced the rabies tag.
We met the suckers kind people who found him.

-Down by the catfish ponds
-In the mud

He's the second person that had him this week-end.

The first one had a herd of goats, and both dogs. The black one got home, somehow.
They're both lucky they weren't shot.
A carol of justice

Sung to "It's beginning to look alot like Christmas"

Lets off Tookie Williams for Christmas.
A needle in the arm.
It's been a long, long time.
All of the L.A. gangs, rioting once again.

Let's off Tookie Williams for Christmas.
The Bloods and Crips agree,
In the streets we'll loot and burn.
For the clemancy Arnold spurned.

A robbery on a store and a pistol that did shoot.
A victim on the ground.
Giving the Crip a hoot with the gurgling in his throat.
With Jesse Jackson standing mute.

It's time that Tookie took the walk down the hallway to the Doc.
So that the Justice will be served.
A score of years delayed, because of people who do not pray.
Hookers and drugs abound from the gang that Tookie found.
Your holiday diet

1. Avoid carrot sticks. Anyone who puts carrots on a holiday buffet table knows nothing of the Christmas spirit. In fact, if you see carrots, leave immediately. Go next door, where they're serving rum balls.

2. Drink as much eggnog as you can. And quickly. Like fine single-malt scotch, it's rare. In fact, it's even rarer than single-malt scotch. You can't find it any other time of year but now. So drink up! Who cares that it has 10,000 calories in every sip? It's not as if you're going to turn into an eggnog-aholic or something. It's a treat. Enjoy it. Have one for me. Have two. It's later than you think. It's Christmas!

3. If something comes with gravy, use it. That's the whole point of gravy. Gravy does not stand alone. Pour it on. Make a volcano out of your mashed potatoes. Fill it with gravy. Eat the volcano. Repeat.

4. As for mashed potatoes, always ask if they're made with skim milk or whole milk. If it's skim, pass. Why bother? It's like buying a sports car with an automatic transmission.

5. Do not have a snack before going to a party in an effort to control your eating. The whole point of going to a Christmas party is to eat other people's food for free. Lots of it. Hello?

6. Under no circumstances should you exercise between now and New Year's. You can do that in January when you have nothing else to do. This is the time for long naps, which you'll need after circling the buffet table while carrying a 10-pound plate of food and that vat of eggnog.

7. If you come across something really good at a buffet table,like frosted Christmas cookies in the shape and size of Santa, position yourself near them and don't budge. Have as many as you can before becoming the center of attention. They're like a beautiful pair of shoes. If you leave them behind, you're never going to see them again.

8. Same for pies. Apple. Pumpkin. Mincemeat. Have a slice of each. Or, if you don't like mincemeat, have two apples and one pumpkin. Always have three. When else do you get to have more than one dessert? Labor Day?

9. Did someone mention fruitcake? Granted, it's loaded with the mandatory celebratory calories, but avoid it at all cost. I mean, have some standards.

10. One final tip: If you don't feel terrible when you leave the party or get up from the table, you haven't been paying attention. Reread all tips; start over, but hurry, January is just around the corner.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

I'm in a little bit of hot water here

See, I'm kinda anal when it comes to doing things- I want then finished.
Everyone else here has the opinion that "it was started- that's good enuff".
I get on the 17 yr-old about not finishing jack-chit, or doing something with the least amount of effort absolutely necessary to do a barely acceptable job. Mom comes back with the idea that "she started, that's what counts" (they ARE products of England).

We were discussing the discrepancy in presents cost between the two girls. I told her to write a check for the difference, just don't finish the second half- make everyone happy.

1- She got a big check.

2- You "started" writing the check- THAT'S the important thing! It doesn't matter if it got finished.

3- It won't be coming out of my bank.

That didn't go over too well- we're going to have a 'discussion' about it later.
It was a semi-productive week-end

I got the new(est) truck ready to be on the road, all I need now is the insurance and the title.

The 14 yr-old had a friend over Fri-Sat and slept over at her house last night- she's crabby right now. She always is when she gets back from sleepovers, I don't know why we let her go *shrug*, I guess it's growing up girlie.

I finished putting up the electric doggie fence. Once Meg realized what I was doing she took about 5 steps backwards from me, now she won't get near the fence. I was thinking of doing it last week, but got lazy.

Anyway, Meg seems to enjoy not getting drug around by the neck- we'll be looking for a pet for Meg this week. Meg will have the final say, since she's got seniority.




Ohhh, I got tagged by Rhianna!
Sorry girl, you won't be entertained by my answers.

She wants me to list 5 weird habits.
1. I'm a blogger
2. I read blogs

otherwise I'm perfectly normal, nothing at all, , ,

OH, look- it's shiny!

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Looks like we're down a dog

We fenced them in, and blocked up the last place they got out.
The 17 yr-old got home Fri after school and we only had the black one.
We couldn't find the white one anywhere. We figure they both got in with the cows on the other side of the tracks and either got shot of kicked to death. The black one was shivering all last night, and we still haven't heard anything about the white one.

It might seem kinda hard, but we tried keeping them in and they got out. They were doing something they shouldn't have -chasing cats (they have a death threat about that) or messing with a ranchers livelihood and one paid for it with his life.

The timid black one is now stepping up and protecting Casa Trainwreck from sounds.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Has anyone seen that Donnie in the Windows ?

I keep getting an acces denied and 404 code on Donnies site, and I want to send him a mail, if he hasn't got that big money job-yet.

Otherwize not much to post about right now. I'm REALLY getting tired of those two hour long drives every day, plus I'm loosing hours foe lack of work. I'm also just tired, working all day outside with an 18 degree wind chill factor does that to me.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Anybody hear about the postal rates going up - again?

Seems as though we just can't get enough excuses to take our money.
Usually when the Postal Service raises rates, it's because they're bleeding money.

This postal increase is different. See, now the USPS is in the black, but they need our extra money for an escrow account. $3 BILLION as a matter of fact.

So, They got by without any problems when they were billions in dept, and Congress didn't give a chit. Now that they have money, they have to raise rates to buy into an escrow account? The article didn't say what it was for, though. But what polititian wants you to have your own money when they can put it in their own slush fund.

Strasser said the agency's plan for 2006 was for a $1.3 billion surplus, but a requirement that it place $3 billion in escrow is forcing it to raise postal rates on Jan. 8 to cover the added expense. The price of a first-class stamp will go from 37 cents to 39 cents and other rates will rise accordingly.

And since January's increase is needed solely to cover the escrow requirement the agency is expected to announce another increase next year to take effect in 2007, to cover rising costs.

Don't ya just love politics?

(Update Dec 08 -6:09PM)
Something was kinda bugging me about this additional raise in 2007.
If the USPS has to rais the price two cents to make $1.7 Billion, for this years escrow, won't they have an EXTRA $1.7 BILLION in 2007 to pay for the "rising costs"?
I'm kinda stupid that way. I expect a continuing raise to keep paying the increase- even AFTER the original cost was covered.

Now I know why I'm not in Govt' budgetary prosseses.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Hi, one more post

I just got done giftwrapping X-mas stuff, and decided to take a quick look at what everyone was saying about your public "servants" new $3100 payraise.

I didn't get a deep look, but oit kinda looks like it happened like they wanted it to.

NOBODY noticed.

Yep, they talked alot about fiscal responsibilityand how they'd refuse the money (I heard). but when it came down to it, someone "forgot" to send a bill up to NOT get an automatic COLA.
I was trying to scan a letter of "fiscal responsibility", but it's late and I couldn't remember how to change the file to .jpeg.

Someone with a big blog, go after these posures, please.

g'nite y'all.
I'm hearing about the DC Christmas display

There will be no baby in the manger in Washington DC.
The Supreme court has decided that it's not possible to display the Creche.

It's not due to Michal Newdow and his type of Godless athiests, but more to the fact that they can't find three wize men and a virgin in Washington DC.

They have their fill of asses, though.
OOOPs, I did it again

got involved in tweeking the computer.

I think I've got a handle on this broadband thing and the browsers, and stuff.

I e-mailed Wildblue about my Outlook problem, I got a reply- within a day!

Here's what they said:

This error code (0x800ccc0e) started about 3 years ago.
It's usually, tho not always, a conflict between your anti-virus and Outlook. The fix is to turn off the incoming and out going e'mail scan (make sure that AUTO PROTECT IS STILL ON) and that usually does the trick. if you make sure to leave auto, you're still protected. For some reason it seems to through Outlook into a redunant loop until it errors out.

If this does not solve the problem, call us and we'll get it figured out asap.

The problem is, is that I CAN'T find the right tabs or spaces to click to change the "locked-in' gray to 'changable black', so we'll see what Wildblue has to asy about that.

So far, Wildblue seems to like Explorer better than Firefox- if you look at the uncompleted site requests. Even after I changed the connection settings.

It's supposed to be cold tommorrow, so I'll be taking the new(er) truck. It has a working heater.
It also has an inspection thats 3 months out of date, a registration that's about 2 and no horn or insurance card -it's in the mail.

Monday, December 05, 2005

It looks like Blogger is up again.

It's been unavailable all night here at casa trainwreck.
In the spirit of selfless giving

I want to pass on to all my single readers.

Some Christmas come-ons:

* Have you finished doing all of your Christmas shopping yet? (A charming and concerned ice-breaker)

* So where are you spending Christmas this year? (In other words, are you going to be around so I can ravish you?)

* Any idea what the history behind mistletoe is? (An innocent flirtation that is only slightly provocative.)

* Have you ever cooked a Christmas dinner? I'm thinking of having Christmas/Hanukkah/New Year’s at my house this year, and I'm a little nervous about it. (Especially charming when it comes from a sensitive male.)

* Do you remember when you figured out there was no Santa Claus?

* What's your favourite Christmas memory?

* I'm having a little cocktail party at my house this year; what would be easy to serve? (Hint: after you've engaged him or her in a conversation, invite him or her to your cocktail party and then start planning one!)

* So, what was your day like? (Always a kind, sincere approach, and perhaps a good segue into some Christmas shopping nightmare stories.)

* Do you believe in New Year’s resolutions? Do you have any this year?

* You lot seem like you're having a really good time. Are you all friends? (Always a good one when you see a group of friends having a good time — especially when you want to get to know one or two of them in particular.)

The list could go on and on if you're determined and creative enough. Just remember to include references to Christmas and New Year's, be sincere and polite and embody that festive spirit. It could be the beginning of a great new year.

Via one of those online dating sites.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Ohh, BTW

If any of you computer geeks out there want to help about changing my Outlook settings.
I got the broadband, and changed the connection settings like Wildblue told me.


I still get this error when I try to send a link:

The host '' could not be found. Please verify that you have entered the server name correctly. Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 11004, Error Number: 0x800CCC0D

Any Ideas?

(Update -yesterday Dec. 5)
I decided to just try turning off my Windows firewall, since Wildblue has it's own protections.
I can now send Outlook mail.
I really hate to do things like this

But. . .

I regretfully report that the Pirate ZiPpo has been U.A. from his blog for over a month, leaving those who travel to see him unfulfilled. The fact that he hasn't yet missed movement is a favorable factor.

In this case I award the A.N.M. (Above Named Man)to be held in the "special links" section of my blog untill be begins his assigned posting again.

This Trainwreck Mast is ajourned.
M.A.A. you will read this sentence at morning quarters.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

In the spirit of Scrooge

We have this "anticlause" link.

Don't open it if you are easily offended by santa-porn.

, , , And in the spirit of ruining someones fun, wife is going to check on the 17 yr-old at a sleepover. The girl she's with is just having a (?)th b-day. For the last 45 min. I've been hearing that intrusive thumping carried by 24"speakers on wheels heading toward her friends house.

(Update Dec 4 4:16PM) We just got back from Spicewood with a $1800 Mazda B300.
The party wasn't at the friends hous, it was at the "twins" house. The Sherieffs showed up, too.
Mom went to see if the girls were where they were supposed to be- since we got an answering machine when we called. The girls were home all night. The 17 yr-old told me that they both knew they wouldn't be allowed to go, so didn't ask.

I'm almost proud of her.
I guess I'm not the only one

who's wondering where manners went.

You generally think of younger people when you think of bad manners and and , , , less than civilized behavior. Ok, I admit I've got a problem with my language, but I TRY to keep my tone down around women and children anyway.

Catheren Seipp is talking about it alot better than I can.
I don't know exactly WHY we're all becoming pretty jaded about dealing with others, but I have my ideas.

Lets start with TV; since about the mid-70's there's been the obligitory "spunky" kid.
You remember, the one that knew more than the adults in their life. The moronic (white) dad that was always being saved from himself by super-mouth.

Which went along with schools deciding that it wasn't cool to be "forcing" these paragons of civility to learn right from wrong. They weren't taught at home either, so grew up ignorant of the concept of 'consideration of others' that most of civilization accepts as a norm. Now you have parents being unable to even think of teaching their kids right from wrong -OR- accepting responsibility for their own actions. Schools went from reinforcing civilized behavior to ignoring right and wrong by "moral relevance" and back PAST civilized actions to the draconian Zero Tolerance cr@p. -You know- "We won't TELL the kids it's bad to stab each other, so lets crackdown on ALL sharp things" and catch Ladybugs as well as Wasps on that flypaper.

Then we have the public figures who ARE role models (whether they want to admit it or not) for kids and some adults, too. Willie Mays? Bart Starr? Roger Staubach? JFK (Kennedy, not Kerry)? Bill Clinton? Pete Rose? The Hollywood bed swapping, etc.. .

The music. I was going to concerts for the Sex(well, hoping- anyway), drugs (more of a contact high) and I did like the rock and roll. Now the kids had/have what the material girl, dysfunctional a-rythmic crap glorifying misogynie, drug dealing, and physical violence to solve the most trivial of affronts.

Let me tell you parents out there, you're NOT being cool aping your clueless yard-apes. You DON'T look cool with your gimmie cap on backwards or sideways- you look like a 40-something dork. Start trying to act like a grown-up. Say NO once and a awhile , , ,and mean it! it could start actually bronging some civility back into our lives.

*taking a breath*
OK, I'm off my rant. Sorry I got off subject a little, but *I* feel better anyway.

Should I care to ask about you?
Here's another quick quiz

Don't laugh!
It's a safety issue!

Because wildlife studies[sic] have proved it!

Did you know that the more bullets you put in your weapon, the more likely it is that it will go off?

Go throw bullets at dat coonass

take the WHAT BAD BOOK ARE YOU test.

not as good as reading a good book, but way better than a bad one.

Go throw rocks at JohnL

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Oh, HI

Sorry about the lack of verbage, but we just (finally) got our broadband last night.
I'm actually able to surf the internet(again) instead of wading knee deep in it.

Excuse me while I go download some monkee prawn videos.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

I'm workin out in the Texas hill country this week.

I was thinking of putting up a weekly "Identify That Roadkill" post, but my Logitech instant digicam doesn't take that good of pictures at 70 MPH. Besides, in the hill country west of Bandera about all thats killed are deer, and anyone can tell what they are.

Instead of dead meat, how about a little contrast?

Here are the planes about 5 miles north of Hondo

Now we head about 25 miles northwest, past Bandera and Medina

If I had a better camera, you could see just how tall those hills are. They remind me of driving over the Cumberland Gap. I'm sure they aren't THAT big, but they are impressive in real life.

I bashed out a post earlier comparing Iraq and the Balkans

It occurred to me while I was looking for a Diamond Shamrock (with diesel) around Bandera yesterday- that there is another contrast which shows the Liberal racial bias.

There is one major parallel between Iraq and Viet nam- one that you'll NEVER hear from any major news delivery service.

Did any of you notice that they're not , , , ummm, , , well, to but it bluntly- the "right" color?
The Libs wanted us out of Viet Nam- no matter what the consequences were to the "Orientals", The killing fields of Cambodia would have ment alot more if it were white people being slaughtered.
Laos wasn't pretty either, but wasn't "newsworthy" because of excess menolin.

Somalia? Darkies- anarchy
Hati (more than once): completely FUBAR'd from the git-go.
You name a country with a majority of non-Caucasians that the Libs want to stay in and finish the job. I bet you'd have to search- hard.

We're doing a kick-ass job in Iraq. We're almost done. The Libs (and fellow socialistic fellow travelers) want us out - NOW!

We've been in the Balkans for over ten years- they're majority white. We're still standing between the sides keeping them from massacring each other.
Have you noticed how quiet the racially motivated Left is about pulling troops out there? Or if it's brought up at all- "what about the consciences?"

Want to remind me again, just what the Democrats stand for (aside from socialism, communism, pedophilia, atheism, beastiality, racial quotas, etc, , ,)?

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Explaining "my" needs to the wife

I never have quite figured out why the sexual urges of
men and women differ so much. And I never have figured
out the whole Mars & Venus thing. And, I never have
figured out why men think with their head and women
with their heart. And, I never yet have figured out
how the sexual desire gene gets thrown into a state
of turmoil when it hears the words, "I do."
One evening last week, my wife and I were getting into
bed. Well, the passion started to heat up, and she
eventually said, "I don't feel like it, I just want you
to hold me."

I said, "WHAT??!!"

So she said the words that I, and every husband on the
planet, dread. She explained that I must not be in
tune with her emotional needs as a woman. I was thinking,
"What was her first clue?" I finally realized that nothing
was going to happen that night, so I went to bed.
The very next day we went shopping at a big, unnamed department
store. I walked around while she tried on three very expensive
outfits. She couldn't decide which one to take, so
I told her to take all three of them.
She then told me that she wanted matching shoes worth $200
each to which I said, "Okay."
Then we went to the Jewelry Department where she got a set
of diamond earrings. Let me tell you ... she was so excited.
She must have thought that I was one wave short of a
shipwreck, but I don't think she cared. I think she was
testing me when she asked for a tennis bracelet because she
doesn't even play tennis. I think I threw her for a loop
when I told her that it was okay. She was almost sexually
excited from all of this and you should have seen her face
when she said, "I'm ready to go, let's go to the cash
I could hardly contain myself when I blurted out, "No, honey.
I don't feel like buying all this stuff now."

You should have seen her face ... it went completely blank.
I then said, "Really, honey, I just want you to HOLD this
stuff for a while."
And just when she had this look like she was going to kill
me, I added, "You must not be in tune with my financial
needs as a man."
I figure that I should be having sex again sometime during
the Spring thaw of 2006.

(UPDATE NOV. 30 4:54PM)
I guess I need to let you know that I copied a joke, since I didn't feel like writing anything last night. My homelife is quite pleasant. Thank you for your concern, though.
Ohhh, THAT must be it!

I had a REALLY long day yesterday and didn't get on the computer much.
I heard about Bush's border speach, and wondered why NOW?

He's had over 4 years to do something since 9-11, and only now is he starting to talk about doing something with the borders. I mean besides giving Illegals almost complete amnesty.

Now he's talking about getting tough on the borders which kinda makes sense because he's campaigning for Republicans- gotta pull the wool over the voters eyes once again.

I heard a snatch of something on FoxNews that brought it all into place.

He can do what the American people want - doing something about illegals-AND- get his way, too.
He deports the (few) illegals we catch; which makes his Vast Right Wing Conservatives happy.
He turns around and gives those same illegals assylum- because we persecuted them-AND- he can show how "compassionate" he is.


Sunday, November 27, 2005

We were coming back from looking at a Ranger in Austin

And saw this truck.

Guess what he supports?

I'd guess he supports, , ,

, , "I support" ribbon manufacturers!

A I said, wa looked at a Ford ranger XLT up in Austin. When did Ford decide to make the Ranger XLT a base model? My old '87 XLT Supercab had ALL the bells and whistles. The ones I'm seeing now don't even have power windows. Oh well, at least I can get the same thing about $1000 less if I buy a Mazda B-4000.

We passed the San Marcos outlet malls on the way south on I-35. The built an addition to the VF-outlet mall (I think). I'm not sure if it's the one that Dsah worked on. I hope not. To be charitable, it looks, , , ummm, , , well- extremely 'Disneyish' with it's castlements, towers, and gingerbread toppings.
How do y'all like my new dress?

Did you know that Bravenet sitemeter counts your visits when you're checking out your templates? See, I don't know what the nuber codes are, so I haveta look at the changes.

I hope my next sitemeter will have more goodies- but it's free.
And I don't want to f*ck with downloading a better one untill we get broadband---> this Weds!!!


Saturday, November 26, 2005

Over at Wired News

Regina Lynn has a new toy she wants to tell you about.

She's not exactly writhing in extacy, but not really unhappy about it, either.
The big problem is, as with ALL the newest high tech goodies; it needs the latest high tech "friends" to make it work.
Oh, and:

It requires a cell phone with Bluetooth, dexterous fingers, a strong grip and patience. Nevertheless, I think The Toy is a harbinger of the future of sex toys. It's another example of our attempts to integrate sexual aids into our mobile communications and our computer games.

It's not cheap, either. Europeans can buy it locally for about 295 euros. In the United States, expect to pony up about $350 plus $30 shipping.

But the article is SFW, and probably around anyone who's not reading over your shoulder.

Oh, HI hunny.

It would make a good "Kof" stocking-stuffer.
Anybody watching "Manticore"?

The wife likes bad sci-fi, and even she's talking about how bad it is. I don't know when it was made, but I've heard the credit card "don't leave h(ear) without it" the vegas "what happens here stays here" and a couple others I didn't quite catch.

Gawd I hope that woman reporter gets eaten- or preferably a slow painful death.

Oh, BTW-
I'm done with the Christmas outside crap!
In the holidays Gluttony department

We could be facing an IMMINENT Cranberry shortage!
Quick, run to the store and hoard Cranberries!

This is no joke!
There is a news article about it on the net.

Wisconsin, the nation's leading cranberry-producing state, harvested an average crop this fall, but yields were down in Massachusetts and Washington, leading to concerns of tighter fresh fruit supplies next month, particularly in areas outside the Midwest, Lochner said.

"There could possibly be a shortage for the Christmas holidays," said Ray Habelman Sr., co-owner of Habelman Brothers Co., which grows 650 acres of cranberries near Tomah

I hope there will be a congressional investigation into this- when will Gov't force "Big Cranberry" to give us affordable and plentiful side dishes?

Ohh, and in the general area of Turkeys and other mindless birds- you DID hear that our favorite stalker was back in Crawford, didn't you?
Looks like M Jac is in the news again
(that's Michael Jackson's gang name over in Juvie)

This time he's going to convert to islam and move to Bahrain.
According to the report, Jackson'’s announcement noted he is moving to Bahrain and has purchased some real-estate on an artificial island there. The singer said he decided to convert to Islam because he is convinced it is the closest religion to his personal beliefs. Yeh, mohammed was a pedophile, too-except HE liked the girls*.

Jackson also noted he intends to soon move all his assets and his studio from the U.S. to Bahrain, and expressed his hope to be rid of various legal troubles and enjoy the kind of freedom he says he does not have in America. Sure, we all know just how tolerant the "Religion of Peace" is. We saw demonstrations on 9-11-01, 5-11-04, 7-7-05 and 11-9-05 of just how tolerant they are of others belief systems and ways of life.

*Yes, I know it was the12thh century and it was normal for men to marry much younger females. I'm just jumping on the Liberal way of moral relativism that they slap all they oppose with.