Saturday, August 13, 2011

So, which unnamed party was responible

for the huge intrusion of the British privacy and well being if the Conservative party is dismantling them?

His Conservative-led coalition government — which took office in May 2010 — has been praised for overturning some of Britain's most repressive anti-terrorism legislation. Ministers have overhauled a program under which people who had never been accused of a terrorism offense could be held under virtual house arrest, and ended a practice that allowed police to detain suspects without charge for up to 28 days.

An unpopular national identity card program was scrapped and new limits were imposed on the retention of DNA profiles and the spread of closed-circuit TV cameras.

"The coalition has done great work in rolling back some of the most draconian laws imposed under Tony Blair, we have to hope David Cameron's administration doesn't now fall into the same traps," said Daniel Hamilton, director of civil liberties group Big Brother Watch.

I just noticed that in an article about the recent racial riots where great Britain used to be.

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