Thursday, May 26, 2011

...And "US" can't understand why "they" don't tust "US"

this is just the latest.
Here's the official police voice-

Metro issued a statement Sunday saying that the man, whom police have not identified, had resisted arrest, "which resulted in him falling out of his wheelchair.

Watch the first six seconds to see how he "fell out" of his wheel chair.

then you have the Pima Co.s' Marine murder, and others,,,

Scott Walkers Murder in front of that Las Vegas Costco.

Being treated like a suspect every time yo talk to them...

The new standards of reasonable cause, the TSA, Erik Holders DoJ...

If you didn't know any better

You might find it a little ....surprising that the American CIVIL LIBERTIES Union has a problem with Indiana supporting federal laws against law breaking aliens.

But not with the Supreme Court cutting the Fourth Amendment out of the Constitution.
Remember? sworn warrant reasonable cause Sheriffs hunch.

"One of our meth-head informants told us you took
three Advils at once yesterday, we're here to investigate."

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Patriot Act

TSA is part of it right?

Just saying,,,

Almost missed it...

if you have any question--- the answer is always 42.

Happy "Towel Day."

Well, Laura Ingraham is in good company

It seems like the almost listened to host of Air America The Special Ed Show...
or something like that mentioned the way Right wing rock star Laura Ingraham was talking about his Chicago Jeezus.
Sgt. Schultz decided to call her-
this right-wing slut, what’s her name?, Laura Ingraham? Yeah, she’s a talk slut. You see, she was, back in the day, praising President Reagan when he was drinking a beer overseas.

Right Schultzie, what kind of natural disasters were ongoing while he was hoisting a few? Not to say that if Bush wasn't in the middle of those hurricanes natural disasters personally, you'd be giving him anywhere near the slack that president Gutzycall is getting.

But anyway, maybe in 2012 Laura and Sarah can team up and sell book-end tees?

Stay klassy out their in Liberal-land!

Her Name

Is Malori Wampler.

She came to out attention because she got herself fired as a Colts cheerleader for some nekkid pix floating around. The reason she's been searched for so much is that those pics are now in the news because after she got fired she decided to sue the Colts for racial discrimination.

Drear God,,,

It's Obama, not Oklahoma.
Just wanted to clear that up.

Do you think he was born with such a lack of awareness, or he had to work on substituting real life for his version?

President Obama has joked that a musical mistake during his toast to the Queen was "like a soundtrack" to his speech.

The US president lightheartedly told Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg that he thought it added a film-like crescendo to his words.

Yeah- it's all about ME!

Thanks Tam.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Credit where credit is due

I have to give it to O'Bama, he can wield a good ping pong paddle. He's a lot better than Cameron.

School's out right?

That's why there's no class in this video uploaded by an 0bamabot:

I guess we shouldn't be surprised. He doesn't respect OUR national anthem, why should he pay any attention to the British one?

So, did we get any pictures of MEchelle slapping the Queen on her back this time?

Before they went to Westminster Abbey and tried to rewrite history...

Someone's head just exploded

When they saw this old post.

Look at this-

Cool, huh?
That's Mercury.

you get what you pay for

In the fact that I can't go in the front door of blogger to do a post.
I had to open my g-mail account and come in from the garage door.

It was that way for both FireFox and Explorer, so I guess it's something on the blogger side.
I couldn't leave a message at Deadmans dance either.

What about O'Bama and Cameron comparing themselves to Thatcher and Reagan and the Berlin Wall?

More like Abbot and Costello with the Rodney King riots thrown in.

There was a lot of tongue wagging about Herman Cain not knowing the term "Right of Return" and how he wasn't worthy or running in such circles as Newt the battle-tested armor who withstood clips being unloaded at him by sheep...or something.

But then he put himself a notch higher by actually admitting it, and admitting that he wasn't the smartest negro in the world.
I like to know people who learn from their mistakes, that means they won't do it again and take steps to avoid similar.

Weekly poll- Newton

Until something better catches my interest:

When will Newt Gingrich bow out?
Never, he's the Energizer Bunny of the established, entitled political class.
After his money runs out.
When it dawns on him that he's becoming a laughing stock.
The next time he puts his foot in his mouth. free polls

Monday, May 23, 2011

So THAT'S why we can't get a budget passed

I kind of suspected it, but had it confirmed at The Daily Gator.

It looks like fun, so I'm going to join the Libs in some (possibly) undeserved name calling.
As we look at this pull quote here:

“What kind of culture leads one to do that? Sadly, it is a culture infused with resentment and hatred,” said Cantor, one of just two Jewish Republicans in Congress. “It is this culture that underlies the Palestinians’ and the broader Arab world’s refusal to accept Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state."

Ok, he's even MORE of a minority than the half black president Race-card.

Now we know that the Democrats won't approve ANYTHING designed by a JEW! They're complete Anti-Semites, and want to turn Paul Ryan over to the Palestinians.
They'll never work on a budget that might help A JEW!

Their entire base hates JEWS, that's why they want to drown Israel in arabs- so they can have the Final-final Solution.
This time without benefit of the showers.
Straight from the camps to the ovens.

For the krist sake....

You know they had to include "vehicle" in the title, so we wouldn't automatically think of MEchelle.

Knowing about some of those tiny, twisty narrow English roads- I was kind of wondering if they'd try using the Obamanator in Ireland.
I guess he's too important to use anything else. And being who he is, his admirers in the SecServ would probably want Ireland to cut down all their hedgerows for security, too.

That wasn't on my last weekly poll

That Mayor Rahm would order departments to cut 10% of their personnel costs.

CHICAGO (CBS) – Making good on a campaign promise to cut the city budget, Mayor Rahm Emanuel on Tuesday outlined a plan to save $75 million in 2011 through a series of salary cuts for senior managers and other cost-saving measures.

“I don’t want time wasted to get there,” Emanuel said. “If everyone will give a little, no one will have to give too much.” CBS 2′s Jay Levine reports.

Which was completely unexpected coming from the guy who probably never mentioned that idea to his fellow Chicago goon- Barry.

But the results of my poll may still come through which are as of this writing:
  • A White House Bailout- 19 votes @41%
  • Lean on the Unions- with one joker voting on that one
  • Blame the Republicans- 12 @26%
  • Raise taxes- 14 @ 30%
You can still vote here, but it won't count.

About those old Israeli borders...

The smartest negro in the history of the world might want to read this Cliffs Notes version of the Jewish state............

NAHHhhh- that might throw some actual facts into the narrative.
And make the Brits out to be anti-Israel- which they were.

Hey, Mr. Columbia grad, if we're going to turn back history to get your final, magical borders, lets use some ACTUAL borders and then maybe we can find a place for those Philistines(you'll see in a moment) to go.

We could go back to the original country and work on boundaries there.
Oh look! Those people on the Med side of Israel are ALREADY home! Except now it's called Gaza.

But I don't see anywhere called Palestine...Hmmmm?

Ok, lets jump forward about 2,000 years...
You know- I only found this map after NOT being able to Google a map of 1850 Palestine.
I had to search for 1850 Israel.

Well we still have the Philistines there, but no Palies...
And still in Gaza, too.

I wonder where and when we got the idea that the Palestinian people ever HAD a homeland?

Ohhh...Palies are what we'd consider Jordanians today, if the entire world wasn't lined up as a block of Anti-Semites.
So those displaced people of the Trans Jordanian British Mandate DO have an available homeland.

It's almost like someone was using them for willing pawns....

...And in more news that wouldn't be a surprise

if you had the same ability to reason as a common house plant- Egypt is falling apart. One of the masterminds of the 'democratic' uprising is now complaining of lack of tourists (really!), social breakdown and money problems.

“Right now, socially, we are disintegrating,” ElBaradei said on CNN’s “Fareed Zakaria GPS,” scheduled to air Sunday. “Economically we are not in the best state. Politically it’s -- it’s like a black hole. We do not know where we are heading.”

“People do not feel secure,” ElBaradei said. “They are buying guns” to protect themselves, he said.

ElBaradei said he wasn’t sure when a presidential race could begin because there aren’t any laws that outline “how to run a campaign, how you raise funds” or when candidates can become official.

“What kind of state or regime we are going to have?” ElBaradei asked. “Is it a presidential system? Is it a parliamentary system? When are we going to have a new constitution?”

He also expressed concern about the influence of the Islamic group the Muslim Brotherhood, which has had longer to organize than other nascent political contenders. ElBaradei said the election may slip to next year given the uncertainty.

But..........the most astute administration we've ever seen in this country TOLD us we had nothing to fear from the MB. That anyone who worried about them taking over were just right-wing wackos.

That all of these Mid-east riots are all about 'democracy'...because 'the people' (who are lucky if they have a third grade education) want to be able to vote and be free! (cue the sound of doves in the background)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

I understand making a point

But Mr. "America's Inspector" or whatever you're called on the History channels latest scare-everyone-into-watching show.

He's in Detroit now. He's making noise about how can America let Detroit's FD work with such inadequate equipment? Because some neighborhood caught on fire and burned some 80 abandoned houses because of a downed power line.

I'm an electrician. I have been a lineman, so I spotted that 4-pair phone line he was holding up and telling the TeeWee that "THIS was the line that started the fire."

DUDE- bullshit.

I figured when I first saw your previews that you were going to go to the worst places you could find (Detroit's infrastructure- check) and put the worst spin you could find- and now you're lying on top of it all.

Newt Gingrich's releases another statement

on the Paul Ryan kerflufle that wasn't ,,,really about Paul Ryan:

Remember last week when Hillary said this:

Clinton said Tuesday that she and Obama often marvel over foreign despots who want to stay in power for decades.

She told a State Department forum that neither she nor Obama can understand leaders who refuse to transfer power and cling to office for 10, 20, 30 or 40 years.

You might ask:

Robert Byrd (D-W. Va)and Exalted Cyclops 57 years in .GOV (oops you can't)

John Dingell (D-Michiganistan) 55 years

Strom thurmond (Dixicrat- S.C.) 47 years (oops you can't)

Ted Kennedy (D-Mas) 46 years (oops you can't)

John Conyers, Jr. (D-Mi) 46 years

Daniel Inouye (D-Hi) 48 years

Dave Obey (D-Wi) 41 years

Charlie Rangel (D-NY) 40 years

Bill Young (oh, look- our first R-Fla) 40 years

Thad Cochran (R-Miss) 38 years

Pete Stark (D-Kali) 38 years

Don Young (R-Alaska)38 years

Patrick Leahy (D-Vt) 36 years

Max Baucus (D-Mt)36 years

Chuck Grassley (R-Ia) 36 years

Tom Harkin (D-Ia) 36 years

George Miller (D-Kaili) 36 years

Henry Waxman (D-Kaliforistan) 36 human years

It's a good thing that it wasn't a cop breaking down her door

Because he had a 'hunch' that something illegal was going on in her house.

So now we have a would-be rapist taking a dirt nap, instead of an innocent woman being hauled off to jail for shooting a cop who broke in using the newest legal move: signed warrant reasonable cause Sheriffs hunch.

Greasing the tracks of a T-72

Looks like president Kickazz is going to take his pet wookie over to the UK so she can manhandle the Queen again.

This time he's going to see how many countries and NGOs he can get together to force Israel to commit suicide by going back to their 1967 lines.
Which are not, and never were borders- Mr. Columbia University Grad. They were the negotiated cease-fire lines that stopped Israel from kicking your buddy Arabs asses all the way back to their capitals.

I was going to fisk that fawning AP article, but there is just too much different Barbra Streisand for me to make anywhere near a comprhensive post about.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

What ever happened to plug-N-play?

I'm having some problems with my eathernet connection on the new laptop.
The socket is *VERY* finicky about exactly HOW the plug is sitting in the socket. I got tired of jiggling and lifting to get it just right- and bought a Belkin 150 wireless router.

I I transferred the connections over like it said, and then plugged it in.
I put the installation CD in and started,,,sort of.

Because it couldn't get the router to start, and it couldn't get the router to start, then to show how much problems they already had getting the router to start, I started seeing things like 'sometimes these things take longer than others' and "Hmmm, it looks like a stubborn one here' and 'this is really stuck isn't it' and 'lets try doing the whole unplugging and replugging again ' until it FINALLY kicked in and it asked me for everything I don't know -and can't get because my landline is VOIP.

Now I need to call the cable Co. for ISP, ports dsns, znd I don't know what else when I bring the replacement home.

AND somehow it changed the DNS in the main computer that Win7 won't let me get to...AND my phone says it's not registered..............with the old router.


Uninstalled everything and used the main computer for boot driver, ran and re-ran and finished by re-running the connection diagnostics and finally things are working again.

I'm kind of infatuated by the TARDIS in human form

In last weeks episode of "The Doctors Wife" we meet the soul of the the TARDIS, who bears a striking resemblance (to me) to a dark haired Madeline Kahn.

Oh, her real name is Suranne Jones.

Welcome to Obamakare

These are the same people who are going to be running your .GOV health care bureaucracy.

"Our return was processed February 19 with a refund date of March 4. Well, March 4 came and went. Since then we have been waiting, every other week we have a different error code and the date of a possible direct deposit," she said. "On April 27 they told me they told me my return was done and 'out of error.' Last week they told me I should receive it May 20. Then (Wednesday) I looked and it's gone back into error again."

Lemons said the IRS has devoted a lot of extra labor toward solving the problem and began manually processing the returns after the problem was discovered in February. The number of victims has been whittled to "a few thousand taxpayers," he said.

Because unelected, uncaring and irresponsible drones care more than business people about making things work.

"I had a date, and a second date ... and now I'm back at 1201 (error). My advocate said that it's just sitting there. WTF IRS?" Jannae Leonard Powell wrote Thursday.

The Facebook page has become a support group for some, a place where taxpayers share tips on the best time to call , the best number to call and how to reach the most helpful phone agents. Littlejohn said many in the group have received frequent rude treatment, so they just hang up repeatedly until a "nice" agent answers.

"Some are very nice, but some are very nasty and basically say, 'I don't know what else to tell you. You are just going have to wait,'" she said.

AND we all know how fleet-footed and agile any behemoth is when it come to something... UNEXPECTED, like ummm...everything this administration sees.

All the taxpayers involved in the glitch took advantage of a one-time, misnamed First Time Homebuyer tax “credit” offered during the 2008 tax year, a program that turned out to be a meager effort by Congress to prop up the then-imploding housing market. Homebuyers who took advantage didn't actually receive a credit — they were granted what was essentially an interest-free loan of up to $7,500, to be paid back in $500 increments starting in 2010. Subsequent versions of the program granted homebuyers an outright tax credit, so the 2008 users already have something to moan about.

Lemons said IRS systems weren't set up to handle the many variables that ultimately came from the program, such as how to calculate repayment of the loans if buyers got divorced, or ended up in foreclosure. One particularly vexing and unexpected problem: Many taxpayers are paying more than the minimum $500 annual payment in an effort to pay off the loan early.

"That has complicated matters," he said. "These are well-intentioned homeowners, but our initial programming was that payments would be spread out equally over 15 years." Programmers of complex systems will understand this as a typical problem of "unexpected input."

Russians and kittens

I think they're Russians anyway.

First we have "Crash test kittens" over at Bad Example.

Then we find this themed kitten horror video.

What's next?
Bonsai kittens?

That should make him feel better anyway

That his Sekirit Service guys hate the conservative Fox News as much as he does. So now we know that those guys will willingly jump in front of a bullet for their Chicago Jeezus.

Which is good for his self worth.

But it brings up a question about how fast are those same Marxist ideologues
going to take to decide to take a bullet for a Republican president?

"He's got a gun!!"

"Krap, maybe agent R, the Beck-luvr will jump."

"Damn, he's starting to pull the trigger and none of those neocons are close enough to the anti-Christ..."

*maybe I can lose my balance...*

Way to poison the pond, Liberals..because you know- that's how you'd act.

Friday, May 20, 2011

As we now watch congress sputter impotently

Because the Democrats can't bring themselves to even TRY to enforce the War Powers Act against President White Guilt.

And the Republicans are afraid of being labeled as racist for insisting the smartest negro in the world be held accountable.
So we watch as the Community Organizer in Chief goes on and keeps making up rules as he goes along.

But, HEY!
President Gutsy Call did another end-zone dance over at Foggy Bottom to thank the people he's going to be prosecuting for the information they got him- so he could make that gutsy call.

By this time today

I'm sure president Gutsy call and Netenyahu will probably have had their meeting.

Does anyone know which door he used?