Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Nothing right now- content later

Just in case anyone was wondering a Mooney 3" pilot operated regulator runs around $5400 delivered. But, HEY- it's the air Force.

Monday, February 27, 2012

The 'Peter Principle'

I think I'm already there.

Not really, I've just been out of the natural gas thing for a while and I'm making things too complicated because we're working on an AFB.
Plus the company is just getting an office down here again, so we need to set up all our accounts and find out who has what.

But on the other hand I'm getting good money right now for sitting in front of the computer and shuffling e-mails and answering questions.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Suprisingly enough I don't have much to say about "Walking"

Shane is/was a cop and he is/was a firearms instructor.
Why is he carrying Mexican? Surely there are enough holsters around that he doesn't have to take a chance of damaging  his tackle for Andrea when they leave.

I now know that this show is based on a comic book graphic novel *eyeroll*, but seriously...
Taking "Hell on Wheels" off for  "Comicbook Men"????

To steal an acronym from 0bama- WTF?

Is it me, or does Andrea suddenly seem to look a lot older this season?

Your feelgood video of the day

I kind of feel bad about this

I got 80% on this test.
But, on the other hand college educated respondents got 55%.

I misread the Federal on and missed another answer.

More Islamic riots in Pakistan?

Because there are Korans in a sewer trench?

Somehow I doubt it, but that won't stop the White House from apologizing anyway.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Looking at my blogroll

I noticed Chris over at Day by Day has another post up for Sunday.
Which is cool, because I like to read a week at a time.

Not that any of that matters, it just reminded me of an ad I'm hearing on my 1200WOAI talk radio station of a new sports bar that opened on the north side of San Antonio.
It's called the Tilted Kilt.

I guess the owner is one of those bitter clingers, huh?

Shooting yourself in the foot?

So I was somewhere and ended up on a site that mentioned online anonymity, and hiding your info from hugely intrusive search engines with their sneaky data gathering bots.

So do I need to send this snip over the the Failblog?
Because no-one who had the technology would trace you on a private search engine, would they?

So,,,, when is Big Sister going to declare it to be an act of domestic terrorism to anonomise your surfing?

Friday, February 24, 2012

Obama is taking credit for the oil boom?

I shouldn't be surprised at him taking credit for something he had nothing to do with, just like taking credit for Bush's plans to get out of Iraq in 2011.

Anyway, I was getting my Poly pipe fusion certs back up and was talking to some of the guys (and gals) who were there from the (BOOMING) s. Texas oil patch.
They're putting in miles of 18-24" Poly gathering lines for that Eagleford development.

The only thing the FED.GOV has to do with the whole thing is to enforce regulations.
Regulations that come from PRIVATE companies drilling on PRIVATE land which are then transported by PRIVATE companies on roads build by PRIVATE citizens paying taxes.

Those miles of plastic pipe, BTW- are made from the OIL that we have to import.

Lets see if I have this right....

Enron was cooking the books and lost it's investors millions, so the chief CEO and other higher-ups got thrown in prison.

But whenever a Democrat gets caught doing something illegal that costs their investors millions in losses- it's chalked up to 'being sloppy.' Right N.J. Gov. John Corzine (D)?

Steal historical documents from the Library of Congress,,,Hey, Sandy Burgler didn't mean to put them down his pants, he's just sloppy.

We ran Global Crossing into the ground and lost investors millions,,, hey, we were sloppy with our books.

So Uncle linked to a picture

He said it was possibly the best picture on the internet.

This makes me wonder, does Barry know MEech has a two headed war Unicorn?

That's good news- in a way

I guess.
They're going to destroy the sex tape of John Edwards and the woman he was cheating with- Rielle (however you say that name) Hunter.

Seriously, unless you're some kind of freakaziod, why would you want to see John nekkid anyway?
Then add the whole hand mirror stopping in the middle to fix his hair thing.....
Just EWwwww.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Feeding time

I refill the dogs bowls- I have to give the cats a taste.
I refill the cats bowls- I have to give the dogs a taste.
I refill the iguanas bowl and the littlest dog wants a piece of collard green....

About that second Amendment

Starbucks range bag, anyone?

The wife just got herself a shiny new job.

Now she has a crapload of green barrista aprons as extras that they don't want back.
So is anyone up for a green Starbucks range bag?

Something's missing

In this latest pic of MEchelle slumming...

Look at her left hand.

Well, that was helpful

I wrote to the main company and asked about suppliers of gas regulators that they make.
This is the reply I got from Barrys friends.


We have one sales channel of manufacturing representatives. We ask you go through your local representative.

John S.

 Global Product Manager, Regulators
GE Energy Services

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

On leadership

Daddybear links to a story on a Marine accused of hazing a slacker who he found asleep on watch- in the 'Stan.
He tells one of those stories that anyone should recognize if they had a good upbringing somewhere along the line.

Here's my story.

I was a booter, just out of CE A-school and the battalion was getting ready to leave Camp Covington in Guam.
The Butler huts we were living in were going to get rehabbed for the next battalion as our Advanced party left and we consolidated quarters.

SO---there being empty barracks and brand new melamine walls (Drywall doesn't last very long @ 100% humidity) and some free spray paint...and cheep beer some of us went to town on the hallway walls.
We didn't think anything of it 'till morning quarters were over and the guilty were called into Chief Hogans office.
He didn't use one foul word, but that lecture on being an adult and self control has lasted me until now.
CE-C Hogan, I thank you.

...And we had to paint the walls as extra duty that night.

Not to get all Godwins on you, but

You know who was the first to make a policy of using abortions and sterilizations on the unfit, right?

Fun with cameras

and guns:

Yeah, that should help

I don't have the stats to prove it, but I seem to be hearing a lot more about people going the wrong way on divided highways lately. Lately as like the last two or three years.

Which kind of co-insides with the increase of traffic and the accidents that increase when you mix all the different crappy driving styles from all the blue states mixing where the economy is still working.

Now TxDOT is going to fix the problem.
They're going to instal flashing lights at every off ramp in the city and radar ...somewhere.

Maybe they could stop more by writing those "exit only" signs in Spanish.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

It took a Democrat schemer to make me see the truth

This guy is the Washington Insider that Ulsterman interviews for insight into the behind the scenes political machinations and what we can expect.

He knows what's behind the scene behind the curtain, and he's convinced me that, yeah- I'll vote for whoever the Machine puts up.

He also explains why each Republican candidate has taken the lead to be hammered in turn...ecxept for Rick Perry.
UM:  The RedState story?  On Santorum’s big government – his less than conservative record?
Insider:  Yeah – that stupid sh-t your put up on the blog. Knock that sh-t off.  Like right now.  No more of it.  I don’t wanna see no more of it.  Obama is the target.  Go after Obama and stay the f-ck outta messin’ with the other…the primary stories.  At least don’t go pittin’ one candidate against the others – media doin’ enough of that.  Don’t need you and everyone else like you falling right in line and doin’ the same like a bunch a braindead liberal bloggin’ fool soldiers.  Focus everything – and I mean everything, on messin’ with Obama.  The other stuff…the Republican primary…they are running a classic pump and dump. Been doin’ it against them for months.  I warned you about it – sh-t…how long ago now?  Were you not listening to me?
UM:  Pump and dump?  I don’t recall hearing that term.
Insider:  I told you about that…pretty sure I did.  Maybe it was someone else?  Don’t matter…so long as you don’t keep fallin’ for it.  You and everyone else who pretends they are paying attention to this stuff.
UM:  What is…what is a “pump and dump”?
Insider:  It’s old school politics.  A political tactic.  Been around since Jesus was a kid.  It’s – now you remember the “McCain the Campaign” thing, right?  How he was done then shot up in the polls outta nowhere.  Money started pouring in.  I know you gotta remember that.  A political pump and dump is a version of that…it’s the version.  The McCain thing was a bit of a variation but the principle is exactly the same.
UM:  And what is the principle?  The purpose?
Insider:  Chaos.  Uncertainty.  Infighting.  Repress the vote.  You notice the stories about low voter turnout?  You see that happening?  That’s gotta be makin’ the Obama people very-very happy.  Godd–mn Republicans are losing this thing.  Idiots gonna lose this if they don’t get their sh-t together right quick now.


I’ve read the comments by people sayin’ they are conservative.  If Romney gets the nomination…or if Gingrich gets the nomination…or if Santorum gets the nomination…whoever gets the f-cking nomination – they are sayin’ they won’t voter for them because “they’re just like Obama.”  Really?  Is that right?  BULLSH-T.  There ain’t nobody “just like Obama” people.  Believe me.  You ain’t got a f-cking clue if that’s what you really think.  This country ain’t seen anybody reach the White House like Obama.  Or more importantly – the people around Obama.  The ones supporting and pushing Obama.  Giving him the agenda, the words, the whole f-cking plan.  So shut the hell up about not voting for the Republican because they are “just like Obama.”  That kind of talk is comin’ from somebody who either is dumb as f-ck or is working for the campaign.  The Obama campaign.  And they are crawling all over your stupid Facebook thing.  And leaving comments on your stories.  I warned you about that.  There’s gonna be more of it.  A lot more.  You hear somebody saying they won’t support the Republican because they are ”just like Obama” – you ignore that sh-t.  It  ain’t worth your time.
Any of these Republicans – ANY OF THEM, are a hell of an improvement over Barack Obama.  If it’s Santorum, or Romney, or Gingrich, or Paul…you fall in line and you support that candidate and you vote Obama the f-ck out.  That’s the goal.  That’s your motivation.  PERIOD.  Because if you don’t do that…if you give this administration four more years…I’ve already said enough on that, right?  It’s never going back…the country…this version of America is finished and I got no real idea as to how different it’s gonna be.  We won’t recognize it – I know that.  I was talking to a fella last week about the Senate…plans to take the Senate.  Republicans.  As a stop-gap, right?  You know what he told me?  Looked me straight in the eye and said – “It won’t matter.  He has pushed executive authority so far already…it won’t matter.  Give him a couple more Supreme Court nominees…it won’t matter.  If he gets the White House again…IT WON’T MATTER.”
Gave me chills to hear that.  This guy don’t talk like that.  He’s seen and done more than me with this stuff…and he sounded downright defeated.  And we’re not even in March yet.  So yeah - you Republicans better fall in line when that nominee is chosen.  No more of this political purity I want the perfect candidate nonsense. Grow the f-ck up and vote out Obama.

I'm not sure if this is the same WH insider as I've been reading because his language isn't as refined/educated as it usually is. So that tells me that he's really trying to get things done to oust Obama, or he's a different insider- but I doubt it.

RTWT and lets fight that socialist.

The new Obama election slogan

There, I fixed it!

Sounds like some Private is in deep sh1t

There's riots over at Bagram right now because somehow some fairy tails Korans ended up either getting burned, or almost getting burned. Because they ended up in the trash that was going to get burned.
You know who takes out the garbage in the military, right?

OR  they were going to be ceremoniously destroyed for having extremist inscriptions in them.
Of COURSE they did- it the Islamic Holy book. It tells them how to act.

But, hey. At least the entire hierarchy of the entire Obama administration is kicking ass to apologize to islam.

Hey, has anyone told Barry about all those Christians being killed and beaten over in Muzzi-land?

People are acting like this is surprising news

That a Liberal with an agenda would lie.

I mean ...if you knew someone was a Liberal would you expect anything but twisting thing so that it comes out 180 off of what is meant?
Or to LIE about yourself, your credentials or your identity.

(In his blog on the HuffPo) Gleick publicly confessed to deceitful tactics that he described as a serious ethical slip.
 “In a serious lapse of my own and professional judgment and ethics, I solicited and received additional materials directly from the Heartland Institute under someone else’s name,” Gleick wrote.

Dude, you're a LIBERAL- you don't have any ethics.
BUT- understand that I *HAD* to do it because of those Climate Heretics...
“My judgment was blinded by my frustration with the ongoing efforts — often anonymous, well-funded, and coordinated — to attack climate science and scientists and prevent this debate … nevertheless I deeply regret my own actions in this case.

Al Bore seen off to the side looking confused at the kerfluffle about lies and disinformation...

Situational awareness

Monday, February 20, 2012

I don't even have to say what's going to happen the first time a Republican mentions the girls

According to the WaPo, the first slimebag is going to be using his two tween girls in his next scorched earth campaign.

The value of the family is enormous,” said Democratic pollster Celinda Lake. “The more you know this family and the more you think of Barack Obama in these terms, the harder it is to vilify him.”
During his presidency, Obama’s children have rarely been featured in such an overtly political way. He has been pointed about leaving family members, especially his children, out of politics. But with the first lady enjoying high popularity, his family may become an important factor this year.
Really? Maybe where you are, but not with the people who actually have to work for the things they buy, and can't afford to jet off to Aspen with her 1% pals.

Michelle Obama has said she is “all in” for her husband’s reelection and plans to campaign about three days a week once the general election starts.
Oh, great- even MORE Air Force Two expenses we'll have to pick up.

She recently indicated that her daughters are up to the rigors of the campaign too, telling reporters who traveled with her last week that Malia and Sasha enjoy campaigning.
“When they were younger, when we were first running, what was campaigning? Campaigning was you fly into a city with a bunch of young campaign workers who love kids, and they took them for ice cream,” she said. “I mean, one day I counted it — this was before ‘Let’s Move!’ We were back on the plane and I found out exactly what they were doing when I was on the stage. They had had ice cream four times that day. So Sasha is like, ‘I love campaigning!’ They’re ready to go.”
So, the First Scold is going to let them eat all that unhealthy crap she's telling the commoners not to eat?
--------->this is my shocked face. <------

Obama has from time to time used selective stories about his daughters to illustrate how they keep him in the real world. The first lady mentioned recently that the president has been coaching Sasha’s basketball team.
“He hasn’t missed a game,” she said.
So- no matter where in the world he is, he jets back to watch the sprogs play ball?
Good thing they don't play on a golf week-end...

Anyway, the first time anyone says anything not praiseworthy about about the newest campaign candy, you know the MSM will be allover them worse than they were about Nixon.

I'm glad to see them dropping the charges

Against Trey Attwater who was arrested for bringing explosives on board a domestic commercial flight.
... for the second time

...Because the TSA experts at the N.C. airport where he left from didn't find them in his carry-on when he went through them the FIRST TIME.

Democrats on the march

How many future Democrat congressmen do you see?

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Superhuman strength

Lori just getting out of a rollover and braining a zombie with a lightweight plastic hubcap?

Rick yanking the kids leg off a broadhead shaped fence picket? That's a good three inches in width?
Yea, ok.

A jealous friend?
Looking at you Shane.

Unimaginable marksmanship from a .357 - one handed, but that's how Rick rolls.