Friday, April 27, 2007

So I'm hearing about the foiled Saudi oilfield attack

Planned by Al Quaida...using planes to attack Saudi oil fields.

Which naturally jacked up the price of oil. But, so would King Abdullah farting wrong.

Anyway, I'm wondering if El Presidante Booosh (in the midst of kissing Mexican @ss) can't use his current unpopularity with the Dems to just say "DRILL!"
Because we have plenty of known reserves in the contiguoius United States that aren't being used because the eco Nazis self loathing Libs Communistic Democrats self sacrificing naturalists that make up the Left want unspoiled wilderness that NOBODY (except petroleum engineers) will ever see.
Because protecting a postage size spot in a boundless expance is more important than cheap less expensive and abundant oil that's not held hostage by their Islamo-fasceist co-plotters.

And most importantly, they (the Left) can't hate him any more for helping the 'poor' by lowereing their fuel bills.



Except that they have Huey down in Venezuala to do that for them, don't they?

A job right up my alley

I'd need to stock up on ice though.....

SUMMER CAMP JOBS - Spend your summer working at an all girl (ages 7-17) camp in the beautiful hill country approximately 90 miles west of San Antonio. We need people who enjoy the outdoors and have experience working at camp with children. Positions available include: Nurse, Arts & Crafts Director, Kitchen Helpers, Water Front Director, Assistant Water Front Director, and Instructors for swimming and riding, Cook and Counselors, Room and board and training. To apply , call (210) 349-xxxx or send resume to: GSSAA, ATTN: Becky Xxxxxx, P.O. Box 7xxx, San Antonio, TX

Yep, let me be responsible for the 17-yr-olds at the swimmin' hole.

Pics when I get the job.

Except that it's, like illegal to post them,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Sorry, no sharing.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

My wife want's everyone to get their fair share

She send me this from the San Antonio Craigslist.
Because she's British (ok, Welsh,,,) and want's to let people know just how badly they feel for imposing their way of life on the world.

International Coalition for British Reparations needs internet help
Reply to:
Date: 2007-03-29, 2:14PM CDT

The ICBR is looking for people to spread awareness in an effort to get Britain to pay for the evil crimes they have committed over the last 500 years. For info on how you can make England pay $8,350 to every non Britain of the world, email

* it's ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

PostingID: 302639038

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The newest breakthrough in making leasure enjoyable

I just got almost done with my new site.

Tell me what you think.

No, look at it, and send as many people over there as you can...THEN tell me what you think.

I think this could work, it's not Walmart cheap, but it's not "that" expensive either.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Oh, hi! Yes I'm still here

Just have appointments and am trying to get the prototype of the pool cooler done so I can shop it around.
And send pictures to a pool manufacturer.

Along with trying to make a website and fliers, that actually look like I'm not a complete mouth breathing moron.

I'm still trying to get a name, I'm thinking about these...

Cool Pool
Polar Pool
Polar Blue

I kinda want to stay away from the Arctic stuff because penguines aren't as cool as Polar bears.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

"Me no Alamo!" "Me no Goliad!"

Today is the day that Texas defeated Mexican President Santa Anna at the Battle of San Jacinto.

The Texians took Genrallissamo Santa Annas troops completely off guard because it is rummored, a Free black woman, Emily Morgan, was responsible for Santa Anna's unguardeness. She is who is sung about in this song.

The battle lasted 18 minutes, but the chase lasted hours.

To ad an historical note that has been removed by the PC revisionists; when Santa Anna was caught, he was wearing womens clothing.

Ladies and gentlemen...

I give you our next President!

Stolen from Erica.

I *KNEW* I'd find it in there, somewhere

All I had to do was finish this article to find it.

So, you get a Chinese couch with a lable translated from Chinese -using a Chinese translation program- and it has an offensive word in it.
And it was a mistake, that had already been corrected.
What do you do?

Huang said Kingsoft has worked to correct the translation error. In the 2007 version, typing "dark brown" in Chinese does not produce the racial slur in English. But if the offensive term is typed in English, the Chinese translation is "dark brown," he said.

Moore is consulting with a lawyer and wants compensation. Last week, she filed a report with the Ontario Human Rights Commission.

Commission spokeswoman Afroze Edwards said the case is in the initial stages and could take six months to two years to resolve.

Moore, 30, has three young children, and said the issue has taken a toll on her family.

"Something more has to be done. We don't just need a personal apology, but someone needs to own up to where these labels were made, and someone needs to apologize to all people of color," Moore said. "I had friends over from St. Lucia yesterday and they wouldn't sit on the couch."

Lady, you ought to try being a white male Christian- you're fair game for everyone and have no defenders.

Friday, April 20, 2007

This kinda hits home

I was going to post it on a comment over at Miriams blog- since she's heading to Ohio..

But this reminds me of what happened to my adopted hometown of Port Aransas...
Literally getting paved over, it's a fact of life, if yopu don't act to preserve something, it'll get washed away. By oil tankers heading to Corpus Christi.

,,,And it's Rush's theme...

In keeping up with the good bloggers

I'll jump on the bygone rockers idea from Guy and Denny.

Rocky Montain way

I'm not a highly trained wordsmith

As anyone who reads this blog knows.
I DO know, however, that words mean things. Words describe things.
I'm just a crappy blogger who doesn't have the jornalism degree, or the vast resources to have an editor proof read a story.

I DO know the difference between a Zeppelin and a blimp.
I know they are not interchangable.

I know that to Al Reuters, they are one in the same.
I'm not surprised, really. Given the Legacy Medias' indifference to reporting the actual facts if it might counter their propiganda world view.
It's kind of like making the words Liberal and Communist interchangable, or linking Democrats and Socialists; which is much more accurate than making the link between Bush and the National Socialist party.

It's too early in the morning to get into the lack of ,,,,,,,, the last section, so I'll let you see what you think.
You have your marching orders. Go make your own mind up about Huey's crimefighting plan.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Something you need to watch

Over at Dicks place.

Just, if you go exploring- DON'T open any links he tels you not to.
Especilaay if you're at work, or around kids, or adults with bad hearts.

Oh gawd

Look at That thing!

His feet are already almost as big as Scooters...
There is going to be a halfhearted attemp to find a home for him tommorrow-
BUT someone has already fallen inlove with the (ex)flea infested mutt.

Anyone want a dog?

THAT's going to leave a mark

Two blisters, probably.

Her's a quick PSA for ya all.
When igniting and leting wood chunks (Mesquite) burn on to coals, and propping the grill part up.

Do NOT forget how long the railroad spike has been sticking into the fire.
do NOT lift the grill and grab the head part with your bare hand, you WILL scare the dog.
You Will swear.

Now back to your regularly scheduled inane cr@p.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Didja ever wonder

What happened to the prisoners at a certain widely known prison when the Americans left?
I'm not going to mention the name, because I've been having waaay too many of those titles that make you scramble for the back arrow.

Bullwinkle has the video on what the ex ...ummmm...toturees are doing now.

Just to let you know it's shot live on location, so the usual language warning kicks in.


I did some housekeeping in the blogroll last night, and now it looks like it's stuck.


I guess that goes with the Blogger post that disappered when blogger decided I needed to re-sign in yesterday, to post my post. That I had written on the creat a post page.


You're serious?

I mean You've known about what's happening in Darfur for almost 5 years, and only now you're going to "quickly" start getting your chit together to try to get an American armed force together to help the African Union?

Ban called the agreement "a very positive sign," and Konare said he was "delighted" that issues over the "heavy support package" had finally been resolved.

The secretary-general said the U.N. will consult with the Sudanese government and expects Khartoum "to urgently provide the land and other facilities necessary for the deployment of the heavy support package, including permission to explore for water," U.N. spokeswoman Michele Montas said.

Ban urged all countries to contribute troop and police quickly for Darfur,
but it likely will take months before the U.N. contingent is on the ground because the U.N. has no standing army and must rely on the goodwill of its 192 member states.

Konare stressed that the African Union needs international funding to keep its troops in Darfur.

"Let's be honest, without any sustainable financing, all this operation might not be as successful as expected," he said.

Britain's U.N. Ambassador Emyr Jones Parry, the current Security Council president, said he sent a letter to the secretary-general late Monday on behalf of the council asking Ban to seek General Assembly approval to fund the U.N. share of the heavy support package.

But Guehenno, the U.N. undersecretary-general for peacekeeping, said the AU will also need help from donors because it will be "several months" before the heavy support package can deploy.

He said it is also "critical" that two additional African Union battalions arrive in Darfur quickly to help provide "a minimum of security" for deployment of the 3,000 U.N. peacekeepers.
-My bolding

Good frigging grief- and these clowns want to control the world?
And Khartoum is, like part of the problem anyway, isn't it?
Seems like i remember something about them not doing anything to stop the Christian massacres when they first started, and then stonewalling when anyone even suggested they do something.

and the "extra security" from an almost benkrupt African Union, so they won't have to actually fire their weapons at armed men? Come on.

Well, I hpoe the unarmed Christians that have been on the recieving end of the U.N.s nonhelp all these years know not to protest against the bribry and sexual abuse from the U.N. peacekeepers, since that's when they know to shoot for effect.

Monday, April 16, 2007

I keep reading about sanctuary cities

You know the ones who decide -by themselves- that they don't have to obey or enforce Federal laws?
The ones who aid and abet people who come here illegally and in their trail of crime also habitually engage in the Federal crime of identity theft, along with the usual overburdening state and Federal social services ment for LEGAL residents.

Ok, so WHY do they still recieve Federal tax money to keep running? If they decide that they're above enforcing the law, shouldn't they be required to give up the benefits of being under the protection of the same Federal Government that they're showing their @sses to?

ahhh,,,,, Blogger

It ate two of my posts today.

One of them was actually almost well written.
It was about Holocaust Rememberance day,
,,,And how absolutly nothing is going to change for the better.

Since the Anti-semetism is still alove and well and growing thanks to our Liberal friends.

The other was a throwaway post about being out of a job, with a bad shoulder.

Well I guess you get what you pay for.

This could be interesting

In not a good way.
Darth Sadr is ordering his minions to remove themselves from the Iraqi government.

Al-Sadr's ministers will "withdraw immediately from the Iraqi government and give the six Cabinet seats to the government, with the hope that they will be given to independents who represent the will of the people," said Nassar al-Rubaie, head of al-Sadr's bloc, reading a statement from the cleric.

OK, why?
He's upset that his terrorists are being killed and arrested by American and Iraqi troops, sure.

But why give up Cabinet seats?

Ahhh, taking their lessons in democracy from our Democrats, I see...
Al-Sadr's followers hold six positions in the 37-member Cabinet, and 30 seats in the 275-member parliament. Monday's order would affect only the Cabinet members.

"We will have a major role in working on a timetable in parliament. This will be our message to the government," al-Rubaie said. "Setting a timetable for the withdrawal will be done in parliament."

Other legislators said the withdrawal was likely to further destabilize al-Maliki's already shaky hold on power.

"The withdrawal will affect the performance of the government, and will weaken it," said Abdul-Karim al-Ouneizi, a Shiite legislator from the Dawa Party-Iraq Organization. Al-Ouneizi is from a different branch of the party al-Maliki heads.

One of the six, Saad Taha al-Hashimi, Iraq's minister of state for provincial affairs, sought to reassure supporters Monday that the Sadrists would remain influential.

"This does not mean the Sadrist movement will cease contributing to society," he told reporters. "The movement, as it always has, will remain in society and the government to offer what is best and to push forward the political process," al-Hashimi said.

Yep, Nancy- way to go! Show just how a democracy works when you want to actively make your country loose. I see they're even learning their talikng points about political process and contributing to society...just like all good America haters.

But still, why give up power?
Nancy must be chewing on her office carpet right about now...

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Cooking aint science

Is it?

(I know,,,technically combining different ingredients to make a different one *is* science,,,,but not real science.)

We were going to try another new recipe for pork..because we don't belong to an 8th century repressive religion. Anyway, she looked at the recipe and followed the thing right down to using oil instead of lard like she usually does.

I asked her why she did the taters that way? She told me "that's what the recipe said."
I told her, it's not a chemistry project- it's a reccomendation. An idea about what to do.

She was adament- the recipe says what you- you do it.
That's her technical mind.

I use recipes as an idea of where to start.

What about you?

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Dons wish

Looking back on when I
Said those nappy headed ho's
Then my only worry
Was for Christmas what would be my raise
Even though we sometimes
Would be getting Bling
We were happy with ol'
'Joy' that they would bring

Sneaking out the air waves
To hang out with those ragged friends of mine
Greeted at the back door
With "boy those 'ho's was just too outside"
Tryin' your best to bring the
Water to your eyes
Thinkin' it might stop here
By kissin'in' Al's behind

I wish those days could come back once more
Why did those days ev-er have to go
I wish those days could come back once more
Why did those days ev-er have to go
Cause I called them ho's

Brother says he's tellin'
'Bout you dissin' all them ho's
Just let me give you
All the more attention in this whole wide world
Msn gives you money fory our shock jock ways
You loose yours for 'outrage' after it's thought through

I wish those days could come back once more
Where did those ho's ev-er go
I wish those days could come back once more
Why did those days ev-er have to go
'Cause I called them ho's

The new line in racially acceptable speach.

Do you like it?
I hope so because it's only going to get wider...

Ohhhh, and speaking of racism; did you know Handel was an anti-semite?
According to the NYT, this song prooves it.

Ok, am I a perv?

Or just a semi- good guesser?
I got 9 out of 10 right on this test.

Stolen from confabulator.
And ladies, maybe you could esplain this animation when you check him out.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

So the howling mob got the monster

The evil whitie that dared mention these words

OR- was he guilty of saying *ho* while white?

Whatever, I just have to ask where the line will stop? Will it ever stop, or just keep getting moved by the legion-of-the-perpetually-offended?.........Unless you're a white guy.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Looks like the chicken's coming home to roost

Ok, someone got the bright idea to tax alcohol and tobacco because it was bad for you, and almost nobody said anything.
Because if you did, you'd be in favor of people doing what was bad for them (yawn, ,,and others).

So we got the increasingly draconian Sin Tax on alcohol and tobacco, and other 'bad things'.

Guess what? Now they're going along a predictable branch of that path, in taxing unhealthy drink choices.

Like Sugary Soda Pop and chocolate. I know what'll be coming next..."Ohhh the poor can't afford that tax, and they don't know how to shop healthy", so drop the sugar tax and find a way to soak the rich some more.

It's a slippery slope, these Liberals societal engineers are on; where do you draw the line on bad food, drink, expression (Imus/Hymytown Jackson), actions, or witch hunts , and the ever more blurry line of acceptable ,,,whatever?
Does it depend on race? Skin color? Some arbitrary dietitian with an axe to grind against some food she hates? The whiff of cigarette smoke, while some @sshole gets away with damaging everyones' hearing within a 5 block radius?

They're STILL getting my money?

I was looking at this article about the Liberal Anti-tolerance shown at the UTSA campus today.
Chris Simcox was speaking when the ever so tolerant Left was trying to shout him down with their everpresent lies and misrepresentations.
I didn't know the Klan was patrolling the borders back in the '70s? they musta got stuck in their robes, because there were so mant illegals here in the early 80's that Ronaldo Maximus made one of his few mistakes by giving them amnesty.

But anyway, as I was looking for the money quote I saw on TV, I saw this 'feel bad' article about the Nawlines sponges living in Texas being evicted because FEMA was late with their rent.
It's been, what? 18 months since Katrina?
And they're STILL not back on their feet? WTF is wrong with those people? Are they even working? How long are the taxpayers going to be squeezed to pay for those slackers?

I know I haven't had anything new, but ya don't really feel like posting after eating a chit sandwith, ya know....

Monday, April 09, 2007

Chelsea Clinton

Ya know, I'm going to have to stop with these turn-off titles.
I don't have a lot of people readin this blog anyway, don't need to send them running away in revulsion, too.

Anyway, I read about the smartest man and smartest woman *ever* to occupy the White House (and claim possesion of the furniture) sponging enjoying a relaxed visit to a friends beachside bungalo. When the smartest first daughter *ever* was mentioned.

I knew she was pretty doggy during the White House years and wondered how time had changed her appearance.
According to this exerpt of Free Republic (from the NY Post)Chelsea
chic new look is turning heads. With her sleek, honey-blond coif and understated but deftly applied makeup, the former first daughter has undergone a dramatic transformation from bookish collegiate to soign‚e sophisticate - sparking rumors she had help from a plastic surgeon. Not so, counter a panel of insiders - who insist the 24-year-old's new urban-cool polish is the result of flattering makeup, soft golden highlights and a layered haircut that aspiring look-alikes have already christened "The Chelsea."

Ummmmm..."bookish collegiat"? I heard she majored in partying-till-you-powerpuke while at dads alma matre in England. Probably had the same kind of ,,,,ummmm...well the apple doen't fall far from the tree, does it?

Anyway, if you want to see her manly nipples you can clickum for bigum, or follow the comments of her adoring fans....

I just wonder which course had field trips involving wet teeshirts?

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Of course,,,

Zed is heading for Iraq and Sam is in the shower.

Alone in the house.

Alone, with no-one to see her, when the phone rings...

WHY is she answering the phone in a TOWEL in an EMPTY house?
We know that slutty Jan would walk around nekkid......

C'mon Chris,,,,,,

Why is this guy still polluting the earth?

Darth Sader is calling (again) for the death to America.

Well, at least we agree on something- he wants his followers to come out of hiding and fight like men, so they can "throw the invaders out of the country." And get killed in the process.

Hey Darth, when did you get back from your terror capital? Last I heard you skittered off to hide in Iran.

Gawd, why didn't we get rid of that PoS way back when?
-Oh yeah, We don't want to make people dislike us, we want to fight a war without hurting anyone.

More meme fluff

From RTG

April 6th, 2007 by RTG

1. The reason Kurt hasn’t been updating his blog with anything but fluff is:

a. He’s having a torrid affair with a mysterious stranger.
b. He’s deeply involved in a project that requires all his time.
c. He’s secretly negotiating deals in Syria to free the Iranian hostages.
d. All of the above.
I wish it was a female A(and the wife)

2. What were you doing ten minutes ago?
Surfing my blog roll

3. What are your plans for this weekend?
It was going to be the Saxet gun show, until I found out they're looking for a new place

4. What other blogs have you been reading?
My blog roll

5. Do you believe the justice system works?
Pretty much

6. Favorite city to relax in:
It used to be Port Aransas, Tx (until it was over-run by tourists and retirees)

7. Last book you read:
The Operators manual of an International 9900i semi cab

8. Last movie you saw at the theatre:
It was so underwhelming that I can't remember

9. Last time you wanted to scream at your computer monitor:
About two days ago

10. True or false: What goes up must come down?
Except for gas prices- they paid off the gravity Gods

11. What is on your iPod?

12. What is on your TiVo?
I might even recognize one if I saw it...

13. If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be and what would you be wearing?
A very private small coastal town, and less than I am now -the wife, too
14. What are you wearing right now?
A pair of cut-offs

15. What’s the most controversial news story of the week?
That I consider controversial, or the MSM?

16. Should abortion be legal?
It should be up to the woman's conscience

17. What is your opinion of John McCain?
Why is there still an -R- behind his name?

18. What is your opinion of Google?
I can't tell you because Big-Brother is filing everything I type

19. What is your opinion of Congress?
It would be refreshing to get someone who cares about what's best for AMERICA, rather than scoring political points (or money)

20. Apples are to televisions as Jeff Skilling is to _________________.
I should KNOW that name...