Sunday, February 19, 2012

In the catagory if misleading headlines...

Swedish supermodel sheds clothes for naked....

You already clicked didn't you?
Well, there's no good nekkie pics of him.

Texting, if it doesn't kill you...

It'll make you look like a fool.

The guys left shoulder about halfway through-

Looking out for the 99%

The super rich 1%-er Bruce Springsteeen is dedicating his next tour to the #OWS tards.

Speaking to a group of journalists at the Theatre Marigny in Paris, Springsteen described how the financial crisis, income inequality, and other hot-button political issues informed Wrecking Ball, which paints a picture of an America that has failed the working class.
"My work has always been about judging the distance between American reality and the American Dream--how far is that at any given moment," Springsteen said. Judging by the album's tenor, he believes the gap has only become wider in recent years.
You too can help support the ones being used by the 1% by attending his concerts this summer.
Tickets start at $135 for the cheap seats and skyrocket from there.

Now, you all go out and buy his tickets and albums so he can maybe buy a mansion next to the other hero of the 99%- the wealthy Micheal Moore.

So, who is ESPN going to fire for this?

Because we all know ESPN makes a habit of firing people who make un-PC statements at the drop of a hat.

But- since it was about a race that's not a PC protected class and he's one of 'those' fundi Christians, we'll let it slide with just a halfhearted apology.
It's not like they made fun of the thinnest skinned president America has ever had, is it?

It's not that I really give a sh1t about millionaires playing a kids game, but just wanted to point out (again) the hypocrisy of the Left.

An un-named employee of the very PC  ESPN did get themselves fired from the stern believers of diversity and zero tolerance.

Good morning

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Like an old boss used to say..

It ain't no fun to be one if you don't act like one.

Right Bobby Brown?

That's all I have to say about Whitney's funeral.

This is my stepdaughters cat

He's in Camp Pendelton right now.

Just STFU and siddown- Cooter

As an ex-Representative from Georgia, and a Democrat- you don't have any say in the way YOU people were busy censoring free speech.
No matter how much you want to dig on that old "it's history" line, YOU people are the ones responsible for the "General Lee" not being a NASCAR pace car.

Because YOU made it wrong, you and your fellow Liberals in the NAACP are the ones that tied it directly to the clan and slavery. And all this Barbara Streisand you're spouting now about the glorious history and proud Red-necks.

While it is true that the Confederate Battle Flag has been used by extremist groups like the KKK, these groups also display the American Flag and the Christian cross in their rituals. However, the vast majority of the display of the St. Andrews Cross Flag is in a benign spirit of remembrance and reverence.
I am a veteran of the Civil Rights Movement, a Life Member of the NAACP, and a proud member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans.  As a cast member of "The Dukes of Hazzard" and the owner of several "General Lees", I can attest that the car and our show reflect the very best of American values, and that Hazzard County was a place where racism was not tolerated.

And you don't see any hypocrisy between your banning something you don't want anfd now wanting the same thing given to you...because you want it.

 H/T Brock

Read more here:

Found on my facebook page

An intraservice language translator.

The only thing I'm going to say about that last column is this-
When I was in, we couldn't wear our greens (BDU'S) off base unless we were heading straight home, but we'd see the Air Force pukes members walking around the malls in their greens with unbloused pants and untucked shits and scuffed boots.

The newest meme about the elections is SCOTUS

Or I've been seeing it a little more anyway.
I saw it on a blog that I can't remember the other day where he quoted someone as saying we *HAVE* to support Willard because otherwise Obama will fill the Supreme Court with Liberal Judges.

I mentioned in my comments that I doubted he would do much better than Himself that way, but we need to check his record.
I just did after something else nudged me.

When Mittens was the Governor of Mass., he appointed Liberals and Democrats to the Bench.

Legal analysts say candidate Romney is different from Gov. Romney.
Liberty Counsel Action Vice President Matt Barber said Romney’s appointments were constitutional “living document” poster children.
“Many of Romney’s appointments were not only liberal, not only Democrats, but were radical counter-constitutionalists. How on earth can we expect that, as president, he would be any different?” Barber asked rhetorically.
“Actions speak louder than words, and Mitt Romney’s actions as governor scream from the rooftops that he cannot be trusted with this most important of presidential responsibilities.”
Barber cites two specific examples of Romney’s radical appointments.
“As governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney not only failed in this regard, he appointed a number of very liberal, if not radical, ‘living, breathing’-minded judges to the bench,” Barber said.
“Two that come to mind were extreme homosexualists Marianne C. Hinkle and Stephen Abany,” he said. “They both had a long history of pro-gay activism, yet Romney didn’t hesitate to put them on the bench.”
“These are people who outrageously believe the postmodern notion that newfangled ‘gay rights’ trump our constitutionally guaranteed First Amendment rights,” he said.

~But I'm sure he's had time to flop~

“Romney did focus on two criteria: their legal experience and whether they would be tough on crime. In other words, the nominee could be a gay activist or a pro-big government, pro-quota, pro-gun control Democrat Party hack who detests every judicial principle treasured by our founding fathers,” Baldwin said. “But if he happens to be tough on crime and have prosecutorial experience, he gets past the Romney filter. Many of Romney’s nominees fit that description.”
Baldwin added that Romney did have some ideological criteria for many of his nominees:
“It was criteria commonly used by the left. For starters, his nominees were mostly pro-abortion. Indeed, while campaigning for governor in 2002, Romney told the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) that his judicial nominees would more likely protect abortion rights than would those of a Democrat Governor, according to notes from a person attending this meeting.”
Another Romney criteria, Baldwin explained, was “diversity.”
“The other criteria consistently emphasized by Gov. Romney in deciding judicial selections was ‘diversity.’ This is the silly notion that judgeships should reflect the population in terms of race and gender and even sexual orientation, regardless of a person’s judicial philosophy,” he said. “Clearly, the use of diversity quotas demonstrates Romney’s lack of a coherent conservative worldview.”

So, tell me again how we just HAVE to vote for the lesser of two evils again?
...And when this country goes Greece - I want it to happen under a Democrat. This Democrat.
That way we can get it over with and restart the whole thing.
And we can use the Democrat Party as examples of why we're getting back to basics and dumping their PC bullshit.

Why am I getting mail spam from blogger now?

I keep getting mail from some Republican Biatch (no, you keep filling my mailbox with unwanted mail- you're NOT a woman) no matter how many times I mark her mail as spam.

Now I'm getting mail from some blog that I never heard of, and have no interest in reading.

Friday, February 17, 2012

My new phone is beeping again

It's a Blackberry flip that I got on E-bay for $125 unlocked so I can use my own prepaid card.

It's the third one I got.
The first one said it was unlocked, but wasn't- I guess that is just an advertising thing anymore.

The second one I got wouldn't charge for sh1it.
This one either has a battery that lasts for three days or the battery decides it only want to work for four hours.

I got this because on two user review sites it got 4 1/2 stars and very few complaints, and the ones it got -I don't care about.

I can't use it anywhere out of line-of-site to a cell tower (I live in the sticks), the 2.0MPEG camera is foggy (one of the reasons I got it), and it can't hold a charge longer than two hours off a USB charger (because the wall charger broke when I unplugged it for another outlet).

I will never get another Research In Motion product. -Unless someone else is paying for it.

When I start the new job, Ill be going to Verizon and their gzOne phones.
It worked well after they worked out their software problems, so I guess I have to bite the bullet for a good phone...

Hey Granpaw! What's fer supper?

Since I didn't get a chance to swing by Chesters Chicken, I'm making my own deep fried Gizzards.
And since the shortenings hot, I'll probably make some onion rings, too.

Are you better off than you were three years ago?

Are you one of the the 3.5 million new jobs that got created by the Stimulus Bill?

“What makes this recovery plan so important is not just that it will create or save three-and-a-half million jobs over the next two years. … It’s that we’re putting Americans to work doing the work that America needs done, work that will bring real and lasting change for generations to come.” – President Obama on Feb. 17, 2009

Yeah, well Happy Birthday there to the results of the Unicorn rider.

Because of you, all our roads got fixed and our bridges aren't falling do.....  OH WAIT.

That's what this NEW Stimulus bill will do, won't it?

In other news that's not

The Very Wealthy actor Skussoli is visiting his best friend in South America and dissing on Republicans.

"That would be the least amongst their weaknesses," Penn said. "It's never predictable what can happen in an American election, but we certainly believe at this point that it's becoming increasingly clear to the American people that the policies of the far right are the policies of the rich, and that they are to the exclusion of the middle class and the poor, and that no society has a future on that basis. "

Said the One Percenter who, along with his filthy rich buddies think nothing of shelling out more than the average American makes in a year for a plate of chicken at an Obama fundraiser.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

So this means one of two things-

Either they have never seen RHPS-

or they have and want to scare the girls..who don't like blonde hunchbacks.

Ohhh,,,,,that kind of Riff Raff,  girls- the original Riff was usual.

Congrats to G.M. for your last quarter

Record profits huh?


When can we taxpayers see some kind of repayment?
We got stock?
Ok buy the f*ckers back at what you say they're worth.

Normally when a bureaucracy screws something up

You can usually chalk it up to incompetence or a glitch in the system.
But you really have to wonder why or how they ordered the local Constabulary to let an international fugitive go free.

A former Mexican government official wanted for embezzling millions was arrested in Texas this month, then promptly ordered released by the State Department in a case that has one lawmaker demanding answers.
A day after pulling rank on Smith County, Texas, law enforcement officials, the State Department rescinded the order. But Hector Hernandez Javier Villarreal was gone by then.


Villarreal, the former secretary executive of the Tax Administration Service of Coahulia, Mexico, was arrested there in November on charges relating to an alleged scheme involving embezzling millions of dollars from the Mexican government. He posted $1 million cash bond, got himself a U.S. visa and then skipped town.

Villarreal surfaced in Tyler, Texas, on Feb. 1, when he, his wife Maria Teresita Botello and another man were pulled over for a routine stop. The couple's two children were also in the car and were turned over to child protective services.

"All we did was make a traffic stop; they didn't have a front license plate," Smith County Sheriff J.B. Smith told

Police were given permission to search the vehicle and found $67,000 in cash and a shotgun, Smith said.

"When we ran the check on the shotgun, then all of a sudden everyone in federal government became interested -- ATF, (the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives), FBI, Homeland Security, Immigration (and Customs Enforcement) all showed up," Smith said.

He said Homeland Security officials had told his department that Villarreal was a high-profile and wanted fugitive.

Hillary Clinton's State Department ordered he and his wife free because they were here with a Visa.

Gohmert (R-TX)said he had been told that State Department officials released Villarreal because he entered the country on a valid U.S. visa, even though as an international fugitive, he should have been deported. Gohmert said he also wants to know why Villarreal was granted a visa days after posting $1 million bond following his arrest in Mexico. The visa Villarreal was granted was an EB-5, which is given to foreigners who invest at least $500,000 in a business venture.
Am entrepreneur visa they got after he posted a $1 million bond in Mexico and skipped bail.

Was that investment in 0bamas WTF  plan?
That's why the word came down to let them go until they were sure to not get caught again?

About that San Diego police stand-off the other day

-The one where they were holding an empty car at gunpoint:

I have some questions, like
  • The guy called his Parole Officer to tell him he had a car problem, and probably where- so WHY was it such a big deal that they get him "then"?
  • Nobody looked into the front windshield?
  • Dropping a BRANCH onto the rear window? Seriously? a BRANCH?
  • Then sending a dog in to be sure there wasn't anyone hiding before you used a battering ram(srsly?) to open the trunk?
  • Why did Chief Inspector Clouseau think that if a gun battle DID start that no one on the road would have been hit? Because of the fine marksmanship we always hear about when 150 shots were fired and three hit the subject? How do you know Mr. Criminal mastermind wouldn't target cars?
  • The guy already was in for some serious bux for his engine repair- who's going to pay for the bodywork now?
Yeah, don't worry Citizen- we know what we're doing- We're professionals!

Unreleased footage of Romney prepping for an appearance

At a conservative gathering:

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I wonder what the First Food-Nazi had to do with this?

When are we going to find out the TRUTH! as to why M&M's/Mars decided to do away with all but bite-sized bars?
What I figure is that one of two things (maybe both) are going on and they both are a result of the Smartest Negros in the World.

MEchell is leaning on candy companies to only make 250 calorie bars, or
The cost of everything is going up because of her husband- so they're selling the machines that make different sizes. You know, make everything the same size and sell the other machines..and put the people that worked on them out the door.

I'm glad I learned how to make my own chocolate candy- and I can make them as big as I want!

You can too-
Get a $2.75 chunk of white chocolate bark, a jar of Dry Roasted peanuts and some coarse Sea salt.

On very low heat- break up the chocolate (I like white chocolate- your mileage may vary, but try it) and melt till is molten- don't let it get too hot (if you can't hold the pan in your hand - it's too hot)
Add the whole jar of peanuts.
Stir well.
On a cookie sheet (or two- depending on how big you make them) lay wax paper down.
Make room in the `fridge.

Drop a spoonfull until you run out of room or chocolate-
Sprinkle Sea Salt on top (really it adds POP!)
Then into the `fridge for about half an hour.

Remove from the reefer and peel them off the wax paper, then drop them in a 1 lb a large empty cofee can- or two. It'll fill one up.
Try that with  $5 of your .75c bite-size Mars Bars.
- Want my recipe for a Mounds Bar?

It's Wednesday and no one has mentioned The Walking Dead

Did everyone miss the new episode?

The only thing I took away from it is that Hollywood writers think Georgia farms are stuck in the `50's and don't have heavy equipment (except for an old tractor) to dig graves for ex-people.

And then we have the abused wife who got out of a bad relationship when her husband died in the first season falling for Shane in this last episode and perpetrating the whole abused woman falling for the same type of guy idea.

Stay tuned for them to run off together.

The digital divide

At least I'm on the right side of it.

Doing MTO's on a gasline replacement at home from PDF files. Now, if we only had a screen that I could mark off what I've already taken care of...
You know, like paper prints and pencils.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Breaking news in the Starbucks wars

Karen got home from work (at Starbucks, in gun tot'n San Antonio) and reported no running gun battles in the linen aisle and no blood spattered walls in the coffee shop.

I guess the caffeine didn't kick in till they got out in the parking lot...

To put this in context

Watch these newsies getting all righteous and and picking on the poor woman here:

Then remember Billy Ray:

"I can see!"

The useless tool, Sean Penn

Is in Argentina right now making nice to their hot president babe.

He's telling the Brits that they have to return the Falkland islands back to Argentina- because it was theirs first- or something.

Tell you what Skuzzoli, you make an example by giving YOUR land back to it's original owners. I'm sure you can find them on a decrepit reservation somewhere.

But you wouldn't even think about that because your a typical Liberal hypocrite.


If you're going to give money to help animals, give to the local.
They use it for more than just making more money.

So, "infrastructure" is the new bussword of the day?

Not only is King Putt using it as another excuse for a stimulus, but the RINO Boehner is going to use it too.

This time they're going to fix the highways- like they were going to "fix" the infrastructure with the money they wasted in the last two "Stimuli" that went to ,,,,ummm not bridges, because all of ours are all of  sudden falling down.
Highways? That's a state thing, Transportation? Well the UAW does make cars....

So now we have people on both sides of the aisle talking about needing to fix infrastructure, just like fat stupid kids are a threat to our national security- right MEchelle?

Monday, February 13, 2012

I've seen these girls before

And recently. Last time they were getting topless for (or against) some kind of hockey thing...

Now they're getting topless in the snow for something about gasprom-

Gee- imagine that- something happened to the feed from a protest in Russia- good thng the #Occupy crowd wasn't there or they'd know what a *real* police state was like.

Try this?

(They're called FEMEN, I guess they're like paid #Occutards who doff their tops for money.)
Yes, I told you they were topless- and cold as you can see.

Are they some kind of Ukrainian #Occutards?

H/T KisP

I would so love to jump on this...

But unfortunately no matter how pretty, I have bills to pay.

 Add a peep sight on the tang...

Le sigh...