Sunday, August 07, 2011

So- little Timmy Geithner- Tax genius

Is disputing S&P's mathematical abilities?

This is the same Tim Geithner who couldn't figure out that he owed taxes for seven years.

............Even though the World Bank GAVE him the money to pay his income taxes.

Yeah- I can see how there would be a conflict.

Saturday, August 06, 2011

Why is it- that whenever spending cuts are mentioned

It's always entitlements and defense that takes the hits?

I understand the Left hating the military, and kind of understand the Left trying to scare people with taking away grandmas free food.

There are a crapload of alphabet agencies out there who've either outgrown their original mandate or are completely useless today- if not counterproductive to the good of America.

We have the Dept. of Energy who was created by Nixon to find a way to get us independent of foreign oil, and where are we now? You're really kicking ass on nukes, too guys.

The dept. of Ed. was supposed to take dumb skinny kids and teach them to read. Now we have fat dumb kids who can't read- but can rattle off all the Glambda talking points and tell you in explicit detail about various sexual techniques.

The DoJ? breaking laws with impunity and under cover of their own lawless organizations.

Unelected and unaccountable Czars?

The Dept. of Labor micromanaging private companies to reward Unions for their support.

There is plenty of excess and un-needed trillions flowing into the sewers of DeeCee that won't be missed if it stopped today.

A quick parking PSA

When I saw the video, I didn't know if she was against a wall, or her tires were against the curb.
With that in consideration- here are two pieces of advice for parking:

(sorry about the Russian comments -if that's what they were)
  1.  Don't park like an @ss.
  2. Leave room in front of your tires so you have room to maneuver.
  3. It would probably be ok to jump the curb in this situation...

You know....

You really have to hand it to the Brits for being so comfortable with their maleness that they do this in front of millions:

Remember during the Clinton era when it was culturally sensitive

for us not to NOT attack muslimbs during Rahmadon?
Because we didn't want to disturb their religious experience- or something?

And every president since then has followed that 'friendly' and useless advice.

I guess it doesn't matter when it is that a 'reformer' kills his own people in opposition to the 'democratic' movement in Syria- right?

how long has it been

that we've been hearing the screeching if Federal do-gooders warning everyone about the dangers of tobacco?
Fifty years at least?

And their ever increasing fluttering and even more dire scare mongering about how bad tobacco is for the body, including the new pictures of diseased body parts now required- just like Canada has for the past 25 years.
That should have wiped smoking out for good- or the ever increasing 'sin tax' on them and alcohol (and sugary sodas, trans-fats...) or those fascistic tobacco-free zones that Liberals are imposing all over...

Or so you'd think- except that it's not working, just like prohibition didn't work in the 20's.

The only thing both did was make criminals out of normal Americans.
Who are STILL going to suck coffin nails.

I'll tell you what- HuffPo

I'll put some stock into your misrepresentation of the (so far) non-candidate Rick Perry's college transcripts if we have something from your Chicago Jeezus to compare them with -ok?
So break them out.
Besides there's quite a few "A's" and "B's" in there too.
Not to mention that you can't be a sub-moron to be an Air Force pilot.

Oh- wait...

Would it surprise anyone

if Standard and Poors had a direct hand in this financial debacle we're in now?

Not directly forcing idiotic financial policies, but helping those Democrats that DO control financial policy (when they can be bothered with a budget) to get re-elected.

Yeah- Democrats are for the 'little guy'- Democrats are for controlling the 'little guy.'

Friday, August 05, 2011

Almost fergot....

Happy Rahmadon!

Let the violence begin!!!

And the answer Freddi-Mae is NO!

and the answer is NO! to Fannie-Mac, too.

If you want someone to bail you out of your hole, ask Barney Frank and hos buddies that got flat filthy stinking rich by committing fraud and outright theft on we- the taxpayers.

You could ask Bill Clinton who started that whole "give-'em-a-loan-even-if-they-can't-repay' thing.

500 points, huh?

I wish I had some extra money to put in the stock market right about now...

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Congratulations to both paties

You just made the E-Trade kid puke his pablum....


I've been hearing about this heat advisory all day

That the intense heat is going to force electric utilities into rolling blackouts because of the huge demand from residential A/C units.

They already paid manufacturers to stop their electric usage.

But next year all those evil coal powered plants will be going away because of the boy-kings EPA to be replaced not by those scary nukes, but by unicorn farts and skittle powered solar conversion units.

“The power grid continues to struggle to keep pace with growing demand.”

Many coal-fired plants date back to the 1940s. Dozens of nuclear reactors are 40 years old, with no new plants built in 30 years. Many of the country’s transmission lines were built 50 or more years ago, before the boom in personal computers and flatscreen televisions that has put a strain on the grid.

Yeah- time does march on, doesn't it?
Gee Wally, I wonder why we're so far behind the curve electrically speaking?
US utilities have been cautious about building new generation capacity amid regulatory uncertainty and a shaky economy. The country’s reserve power capacity fell to below 15 per cent in 2006, the minimum desirable cushion. Meanwhile, energy demand has rebounded after declining during the recession. “If the economy picks up quickly, there will be places in the country straining to meet that demand,’’ according to Branko Terzic, executive director for the Deloitte Center for Energy Solutions.

Oh, come on those new eco-friendly generators will be so much more efficient than those old-skool power plants...guy it's PHOTO-Volatic!!!
Doesn't that just sound powerful and advanced and stuff?

Melt that credit card Barry

It took less than a day to get to 100% of GDP on our national dept splurge.

..AND speaking of throwing money away.
I was brushing my teeth this morning and thinking of my upcoming health insurance decisions, when I wondered why we haven't heard about about .GOV mandated dental insurance.

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Now that ewe've been sold down the river

Pick your new overlords...because 'someone' has to take charge and make the hard decisions.
Who do you want to put America on the right track? free polls
Since the ones we voted for can't do it- who could do it better?
The computer creation Kelly LeBrock- Weird science HAL 9000- complete logic The Kanamits- who only want to serve man The Kingfish- Huey Long (or more of the same)   

To brush you up on these older references, we have The computer creation Kelly

HAL -the super computer responsible for human life

The Kanamits who wish only to serve man.

The Kingfish himself (and the same as we have now)

Our long national nightmare is(n't) over

with this newest debt ceiling bill.

Surprisingly, hardly anyone voting on the (multi) weekly poll got it right.
I can't call a winner between the 5% of you that said "a slightly higher debt ceiling, budget cuts and no new taxes" and the 28% that said "a higher budget ceiling more taxes and budget cuts"

Because with the usual political B.S. and doublespeak from the lifelong ruling class- we (and they) don't know what the bill "really" means.

All we know is that the main problem of spending beyond our means hasn't stopped.

The results ended up as:
Slightly higher debt ceiling, budget cuts and no new taxes-4% @ 5votes
Higher budget ceiling more taxes and budget cuts-23% @ 28votes
The Republicans will cave (was the winner based on experience) -44% @ 55 votes
The Democrats will cave was the least at -1% and 1 vote
The last and best result didn't happen because she didn't get close to a biucket of water...Someone throws water on Nancy and we can watch her melt -28% @ 35 votes

As always, you can still vote, but it won't count any more.

Monday, August 01, 2011

Bummer dude.

It sucks to be you.
You know, if you and your whole country wouldn't have bitten the American hand that tried feeding you back in the `90's I might feel a little sorry for you.
I don't even want to think about America giving you asylum, either because of the example your expats are showing up in Minisotistan.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

D.B. Cooper huh?

The FBI says they've finally narrowed their forty year search for suspects to one (unnamed) suspect.

Excuse me if I sound suspicious of the timing.

---Because just last week we learned of how FBI Agents watched known felons purchase tens of weapons and take them into Mexico.
Right along with their fellow DoJ lawbreakers at the ATF and project Gun Walker with their attempt to influence major gun legislation in America.

Does anyone know offhand

why blogger won't let me ad Adaptive Curmudgeon to my blogroll?

Iadded him to my links fine, just can't add him to my blogroll.



A shooting in a Cleveland park

by a male of undisclosed race left four people wounded.

So I guess we can safely say he wasn't a white guy.

Why are we even bothering with a debt ceiling?

Every time we get close it gets raised anyway.
Lets just do away with it and quit the Kabuki about trying to stay solvent.

That $2.4 trillion dollars over ten years doesn't even cover plastic sporks that the .GOV throws away in ten years.

We've been talking about getting serious about fraud, waste and abuse since I was in the Navy back in the `80's- we should have that knocked out by now- you'd think.

But no. We need money to borrow to spend on paying out increasing debt and making noise for the great unwashed to make them think we're serious about "doing something!!!!" about the debt.

The BATF and FBI

Killing innocent civilians since 1992.

Because we'd never think of clouding the facts in a fiasco that made us look bad.

Right Lon?

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Everyone's given thought to a bug-out bag

Even if they haven't done anything about it.
Lots of people are talking about TEOEWAWKIT and how they'll prepare.

Part of my survival bartering plan is in the previous post, because booze is always a wanted commodity.

Something else that not mentioned a whole lot, and probably not even thought about is communications when the network goes out.
Some people are prepared to supply communication with the outside world using retro-technology.
Others can probably make it work with their experiences.
Still others are practicing living off the grid now.

What I haven't seen mentioned in real life is what we'll do when Holder shuts his internet switch to prevent organized opposition when the presidency transforms to the dictatorship we're being groomed for.
Brock has a link to a post that tells how we can try being prepared when big brother decides it's time we assimilate.


1 gal Tree-top apple juice (or any kind without preservatives)
1 C warmed molasses
1 packet winemakers yeast (mine was the dry/champagne kind)

Put your check valve on until it stops bubbling. (about 4-5 weeks)

Check the finished alcohol content (about 8%).

Add 1/2 C. brown sugar.

Wait another week.

Pour and enjoy the sparkling applejack you made at home.

Total cost less than $ plus the $9 for the 4.5L jug of Carlos Rossi Rhine wine for the carboy)

from the three glasses I've had and the sugar I put in last week, I think it's well on the plus side of +8%.

Credit where credit is due- Barry

I know I dump on Hte iWON a lot, but I'll be glad to give him credit for reducing our population of illegals.
It's not the way he planned on addressing this problem, but it works anyway.

Ruin the economy and they'll self deport. Messy but it works.

Too bad about all your future votes, tho Dems...

Lets talk about KMAs and WTFs and twits tweeting

That illegal war for oil over in Libya is sure kicking butt, isn't it.
We started it, are doing most of the heavy lifting and letting the French run it.
But- HEY those rebels are so focused on 'democracy' that they won't let anything interfere with them @winning- the war!

And then team 0bama decided to spam the twitter community with his version of persuasion and lost over 40K (and counting) followers.
Way to go Mr. Smartest-negro-in-the-world.

BTW, I don't like his white half either- so I can't be a racist can I?

I'm not much of a conspiracy guy

I'm sure there are some out there, but not as many as some like to think.

I DO know, however- that the longer you try planning something- the more likely it is to get out.
I would assume that the Turkish military held the same view.
I guess I was wrong.

Gen Kosaner and his senior commanders quit just hours after a court charged 22 suspects, including several generals and officers, with carrying out an internet campaign to undermine the government.

This case is the latest element of the protracted 'Sledgehammer' controversy - a coup plan allegedly presented at an army seminar in 2003.

Seventeen generals and admirals currently in line for promotion were among those jailed in the Sledgehammer prosecutions. Altogether nearly 200 officers were charged with conspiracy.

I don't know much about the situation in Turkey except that the military wants to keep themselves secular and is worried about the islamization of the government over there.

Friday, July 29, 2011

I saw this picture

over at Rednecks revenge-

And thought two things.
He looks really comfortable and relaxed in that squat... I wonder where he got so comfortable using it?

Ohhhhh- yeah! He's from there, isn't he?

So what are we supposed to take away fome this political theft?

Aside from the usual political incest that's prevalent in DeeCee.

First exhibit is one Sandy Berger who walked away with three sets of incriminating Clinton documents- then destroyed them.
-And walked away with a slap on the wrist.

Exhibit the second-
BALTIMORE — A federal grand jury has indicted a presidential historian and his assistant on charges of stealing and selling historical documents from museums in New York and Baltimore.

Initial appearances for the pair were scheduled Friday in U.S. District Court in Baltimore. The two are already facing state charges in Baltimore, where bail was set Tuesday at $500,000 for presidential historian 63-year-old Barry Landau and $750,000 for his 24-year-old assistant, Jason Savedoff.

We have Sandy Berger getting a slap on the wrist for heisting Bubba's terror papers.
Then we have two researchers getting the book thrown at them for doing the "National Treasure" thing with Ben Franklin and FDR.

Does that mean FDR and Ben Franklin were more important than out first black president...the Philanderer-in-chief?

You rich Liberals really need to step out and help a buddy

Some really, really rich Liberals who have 'too much money' really need to reach for their checkbooks and help their buddy Barack out be patriotic by sending in their excessive profits back to the .GOV to help this economy and make Barry look presidential.

You know- like Steve Jobs, who's company has more cash on hand than the U.S. Treasury.- And owns private jets.
Or Bill Gates, ditto.

Then we have the G.E. exec Jeffrey Immelt who's company paid no taxes this last year and has way too much excess profit- and is sending it's jobs to China so as to make even more obscene profits...AND his private jets.

Come on you rich Liberals, give till it hurts- 0bama says you can afford it if you get rid of your private jets, because that's over the top right there.