Friday, July 29, 2011

Ah, so that's what the difference was

When Marshall Mathers III ...'sang' about killing his wife, he didn't actually have the balls to do it.

But when you write a rap 'song' about killing yo' baby mamma and actually DO it- that's different.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

So- Is anyone else getting tired

of some arrogant asshole on the TeeWee or radio every time you turn around?

Hey guys- those "drastic cuts" you're fighting over ammounts to the waste money that comes from Styrofoam coffee cups from just the DoE alone in ten years.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

More 'sharing the pain'

How is this for an idea?
Libs are always wanting to roll back the CO2 limits to some time in the past where it "didn't hurt Gaia so much"- or some Barbara Streisand...for the children!!!!

Ok, how about the Republicans announce that they'll roll back .GOV spending to 2008 levels.....for the children!!!!

Right? Hey, you don't want to roll back spending? You child h8-r!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Just FYI Mr. Spender-in-Chief

People outside the beltway live with a debt ceiling every day.

As a matter of fact, we've been living with our 'debt ceiling' forever.
Even before it was called a 'debt ceiling.'

So, I'm checking out tools @ craiglist

and it occurred to me- Anyone who can't even spell the tool they're selling is asking for disappointment.

Either because no-one will get back to them, or someone will down bid them because they're functionally illiterate and can be taken advantage of.

Excuse me while I toot my own horn...

Sunday, July 24, 2011

So the Democrats want to spread the pain equally...

Ok, here's a suggestion to help them prove they're really willing to 'share the pain.'
Drop that idea about everyone who earns $250K (or $200K depending on who's being quoted) and lets lower it so that everyone who earns over $119K per year pay the rich-man-tax. Right? It's only fair that those making financial decisions have skin in the game.

Then, since Democrats want to soak the rich and make everyone pay their 'fair share'-
lets get a wealth tax going, because the super rich don't really make all that much income, but should be willing to sacrifice for the team. Right George Soros?

And then since we're all about spreading the pain- those 51% who pay no income taxes at all are going to have a rude awakening on April 15 when Mr. Geithner is knocking on their doors....

But, still I'm wondering what Nancy Pelosi has any right to weigh-in on the debt talks anyway-since she hasn't had a Constitutionally mandated budget for over two years. Why don't the Repubs keep hammering the fact that neither side of the Dem congress has had anything close to fiscal responsibility for two to three years now.

And we're getting hammered for trying to clean up the mess.

Even though we know better

We always remember that the English used to be highly educated.
Now they just sound that way.

Not to mention the layers and layers of editors and fact checkers that make news papers so much more accurate than bloggers sitting at home in their jammies....

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Remember that h8ful right wing maniac in Phoenix

That was really a lefty wacko and mentally fragile (but I repeat myself) and ended up shooting a congresswoman and a chitload of others?
The nutjob that Sheriff Dupshit didn't do anything about because his mom worked for the county?

Yeah, I'm talking about Jared Lee Loughner.

He's not having fun in jail!

Well, here's something to take his mind off his troubles-

So, Boehner and the rest of 0bamas lackeys went to his Summons today

I'm surprised that the congressional Dems bothered to go too, since they couldn't be bothered to set any kind of budget for their entire term of majority in BOTH houses.

Now they all scuttled up to the White House on some assholes demand that they give up their week-end for more of the same.

Instead of wasting their time making Urkle legitimate- the Republicans should have been seeing how much money they could save by shrinking all those alphabet agencies that are too big for their charters.
Hey! Wasn't the DoE created to halt our dependence on foreign oil? FORTY YEARS AGO- under Jimmy Carter 1.0.

The Education Dept who went from stupid skinny kids who couldn't read to fat stupid kids who can't read- but understand perverted sexual practices by FIFTH GRADE.

The TSA who hasn't stopped ONE hijacker since they've been intruding on Americans privacy since 2001.

Now for something not political

Friday, July 22, 2011

And here I was thinking Big Sis was full of shiat

when her Homeland Security police put out that video pointing at middle aged, middle class white people as being the ones we need to watch for terrorism.

Looking at what's happening in Norway proves how wrong I was. All those blonde haired, blue eyed Nordic Lutherans going on a terror rampage...

It's a good thing they're so racially pure that we can't think of looking at swarthy people of a completely different religion in this whole terror bombing- huh?

Ok, I was wrong.
But the way our islamic friends have a habit of acting, who didn't automatically think it was the RoP?

So we lost $1.3 Billion on Chrysler

And I can't remember how much on GM.

They got my money and I didn't even get a truck out of the deal.

THAT is why I'll never put money down on GM or MOPAR

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Just to make it clear--MITT

I will never vote for Mitt Romneycare.
The grandfather of ObamaKare.

As you can see signing that intrusive job killing bill while yuking it up with his fellow Libs.

I'll vote for the “unelectable hard right counterweight,”
...if we have one to choose from this time.
Unlike in 2008 when all I had to vote for was a crapload of 'moderates' who couldn't recognize a conservative idea if it were wrapped in dollar bills.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Funny what they left out of this article

This article from the AGW pushing AP is missing something in their comment about this heat wave and the strain in the electrical power grid.

NEW YORK (AP) -- A lengthy, blistering heat wave that is blanketing the eastern half of the United States is putting significant stress on the nation's power grid as homeowners and businesses crank up their air conditioners.

Utilities say they're ready for high power demand and widespread electricity shortages or outages are unlikely. Lines and equipment are not fully taxed and there is more generating and transmission capacity available than usual because of the weak economy. Also, not many major storms are in the forecast, meaning fewer downed power lines.

Yeah, we get it, excessive heat puts lots of strain on the grid and power supplies.

To meet demand, utilities are firing up special power plants used only a few days a year, delaying scheduled maintenance in order to keep all equipment on line and testing heat-sensitive switches and other equipment with high-tech devices like thermographers that can gauge temperatures to one-tenth of a degree.

Ok,,,,so all these conventional power plants are having a hard time keeping up with summer demand.
What do you think is going to happen when president Green-Power shuts down most of the heavy movers for his Unicorn-fart-powered power plants?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

This is why we had to bail out GM

And this same mindset is why we'll never see any of it back.

General Motors is looking ahead to how city dwellers will need to get around in the next couple of decades as cars in large cities become increasingly impractical

Because the duffer-in-chief made gas cost $8/gal?

Seriously-this is forward thinking to you people?
The Jiao travels up to 25 mph and is supposed to be uncrashable due to an onboard collision avoidance system. GM says they'll run about $10k apiece.
25 Miles Per Hour?
What city are you planning on selling that in?
Every city I drive in probably doesn't HAVE speed limits that slow- except in school zones.


Dress right,,,,


Monday, July 18, 2011

Liberals and the love of pain

You know it's always been on the fringes of anything a Liberal is passionate about.
Raping Sarah Palin until she's dead.
Killing anyone they disagree with.
Attacking the Koch brothers families.
Jim Crow laws.
The Tuskegee experiment.
Bill Maher. making quotes up to hurt Republican women.
Gun control laws.

But in reality you've seen it forever, but haven't recognized it.

I clicked on another You-tube Midwest Chick had and realized that even if it was funny- the liberal take is always about causing pain to someone.

But, hey- it's the thought that counts, isn't it?

Sunday, July 17, 2011

The sincerest form of flattery

Is supposed to be copying someone.
What do you call the same franchise trying to copy yourself?

The BBC has the original "Top Gear" with lots of spin-offs in various different (IE-non English) languages.
Has anyone bothered to watch the lame American version of "Top Gear" without Jeremy Clarkson, Capt. Slow and the Hamster?

I mean, why would you watch a bad remak show when you can enjoy the original?

I bet they even have "Jessica" playing at the start.

....Of course you actually need to be able to watch BBC-America to know what you're missing....

Hi! Did ya miss me?

I got home to a malfunctioning modem and almost dead cell phone battery.
By the time I got enough charge to call the cable co, it was almost quitting time, so we couldn't do much Fri. night.
Monday, I'll be having them change the MAC address to my other modem and seeing if they can get a tech to check all the connections.

Now I get to catch up on all the patty bureaucrats who want to continue controlling our lives.
Like Julie Bass, the front yard gardener and her fight against the petty tyrants of Oak Park- who now want to go after her unlicensed-dogs-that-are-really-licensed.
Because of the news volume they went through on their first bad publicity stunt.
Now they laid off that front yard garden problem because of the media heat, so they can go after the dogs-that are-licensed, but not really- or some how she has to pay for the cities incompetence and overbearing state-ism.

And then we have another example of cops with nothing better to do than to harass three (white) teens for trying to stay out of trouble by circumventing the onerous
Bureaucracies of the city's financial betterment by operating a lemonade stand without getting probably over a hundred Dollars worth of approvals.

(Sorry about the annoying voice- you may want to skip the first five or so seconds)

Now, don't you feel so much better about the .GOV being in your bedroom, bathroom, refrigerator and the dogs DNA?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Just wanted to mention

To that elitist Professor biatch- Susan Feinberg, the Rutgers Professor who decided to get all drunken stupid on Rep. Paul Ryan and the guys who bought the high dollar wine on their own dollar....

Your drunken rant and the vino that cost you $80 to get your Beta Male interested would get me through a good couple weeks of rehydration with my cheep beer.

But- then again, I'm not one of your elitist pals who would turn their noses up (no matter how dry they were) at Busch beer, or wine in a box.

Because, you know- I'm not an elitist snob who only hangs out with my betters.

Just because I can't - NOT see it

Is that the Community-Organizer-in Chiefs real hair, or is he enhancing the gray....again?
To- you know, look more mature?

It occurred to me today

While I was working up a case of heat exhaustion and looking at the hundreds of ugly white wind turbines between Portland and Taft- that the "green energy" idea isn't about protecting the environment.

It's about controlling peoples lives and making sure they know it.
Just like those acres of solar power that don't work in the dark.

Those hundreds of fugly wind turbines that you can't get away from because the TX coastal planes are almost billiard table flat wouldn't make as much power as one nuke plant.
A nuke plant is green energy literally and figuratively, and it doesn't take square miles to produce energy only when the wind is blowing...BUT it's in a compact area that doesn't infringe on anyone's enjoyment of their surroundings.

The wave generators you only hear about in Science Illustrated make more, steady power than wind farms- but you can't see or hear them, so Libs don't like them because they're not in your face.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I went to Port Aransas today

I had some drops to take care of, and I had to make a small detour at the McDermott Yard (also known as Kellogg-Brown and Root) to take these two videos.

At one time- when I lived there ten years ago, this yard was busy building off shore platforms.
They were employing hundreds to make floating and bottom seated oil rigs.

Thanks Barry!

Oh, it's for sale if you want a deserted oil platform manufacturary.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Lets talk reloading

or- You call 'that' a gun? THIS is a gun.

And here's how you reload it:

MEchelle ate over 1500 calories in one sitting

That's more than I can eat, even when I'm working in the field.

But, then when you're Blakie-O, you don't get that ol' hypocrit....oh wait- she's a Democrat, so she's doubly immune from any critical analysis of anything she does.
I guess she had to go bless the newest spot for all the cool kids in DeeCee.

It's a good thing Barry wasn't there, or they'd be closing their doors before too long.

Just like everyone else he blesses with his presence....

Sunday, July 10, 2011

I don't always agree with Sean Sorrentino

But he's got a brilliant idea for the official shirt of the Gunwalker Kabuki that is unfolding.

Go there and support your local gunny.

It's for a good cause.

Every time you think the Left has hit bottom

And can't get any lower in their ethics, they bring out the shovel.

This time it's some online mag that has some tenuous connection to real lif- or so it's O-bots think, anyway.

It's bad enough when you have some semi-funny comedienne on SNL twisting your words into pretzels.
It's another altogether when Salon makes up lies and publishes them online as direct quotes from Republican leaders.

And- as usual, it has the slander of making the right, and even not-so-leftist members look like ignorant racists in their lies.

But what else do you expect from mouth breathing morons who adore their cheap plastic Chicago Jeezus.

Saturday, July 09, 2011

For all of you landlubbers out there

Who may have heard the term 'steel beach' in regards to some celebration, this is the Ronald Reagan's Independence Day celebration - held July 8th because of prior commitments:

Bravo Zulu guys.

Living on credit cards

Now that DeeCee is finally realizing there are actual limits to borrowing and spending money we don't have- what will the results be? free polls
What will be the result of budget negotiations?
We'll get a slightly higher debt ceiling, budget cuts and no new taxes 
We'll get a higher budget ceiling more taxes and budget cuts 
The Republicans will cave The Democrats will cave
Someone throws water on Nancy and we can watch her melt   

Last weeks poll about the biggest flack in political reportage was a blowout of Chrissie Matthews at 69% and 34 votes followed by the manly Rachel Madcow with 20% and 10 votes.

The Warlock gets to scramble his big goose egg.