Thursday, March 10, 2011

The old west

A cowboy walks into a bar and orders a whiskey.

When the bartender delivers the drink, the cowboy asks,
"Where is everybody?"

The bartender replies, "They've gone to the hanging."

"Hanging? Who are they hanging?"

"Brown Paper Pete", the bartender replied.

"What kind of a name is that?" the cowboy asked.

"Well", says the bartender, "he wears a brown paper hat, brown paper shirt, brown paper trousers and brown paper shoes."

"How bizarre", said the cowboy. "What are they hanging him for?"

The bartender answered,


This could mean one of two things

That either my letter to John Cornyn is finally getting someone off their ass about my backgound check- that I've been waiting FOUR MONTHS for...

-OR more likely that someone's feeling a little butt hurt about that letter of theirs getting out into the public.

Any ideas?

"O" yes

Because I'm nice that way-

Sabine Ehrenfeld.

She looks familiar, but...?

You remember her from here-

And speaking of Sabines...

Here is Sabine...Oh wait- she's fodder for another 'Rule 5' post...

How about Sabine Pass? She's a feisty one that Sabine.

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Like Joe sez...

"C'mon Opie, lets go fishin"

Because on the internet nothing dies.

Oh, look! it"s "Torpedo Joe"!
Send this one to all your PETArded friends.

Of course it's not a decision on Libya

It's not THAT kind of a meeting.
Besides we still don't know which one will end up on top, so naturally we won't back anyone.

But rest assured, we have the sharpest minds in the 0bama administration working on all the angles.

Be assured, this humanitarian crisis is on the top of our thought process...

...and we will follow this with laser like focus.

Remember, we have the best minds in this administration working diligently on this.

Oh, look!

You can send Newt a message.
I did.
I asked WHY he thought he had a chance.
Then I told him if I saw the same losers on my primary and no John Bolton or Herman Cain- that I'd vote for a third party.

Go here and let him know your opinion.

If you want, go see Jeffro, who I got this from.

Do I have you on my blogroll?

If anyone is coming here from their blog and I don't have you on my list, then drop a comment off and I'll be glad to put you on.

Whoever is checking me out from their LA RR ISP who's sitemeter is s40gendis- let me know, because sitemeter won't tell me who you are.

Ohh, it's Wesley via e-mail.


I used to have a Bronco

Actually, I liked them so much I owned three of them.

One of them came with a saying on the back window (until I broke it because the motor controller f8cked up again) it said:

CHEVY- like a rock
BRONCOS climb rocks!

I just wanted to give you some background for this video I stole from PISSED, because a Bronco wouldn't end up like this...

Language is definitely NSFW

Why they had it hooked up that way, I can't figure out- but it DOES look new enough to be made by .GOV workers...

Just wondering here

Since the Lamestream Media is covering it less as it dawns on them that not everyone 'hearts' unions.

Are those kids in Wisconsin still locked out of school? Not that it's really hurting the SIXTY SIX PERCENT (that's 2/3 for you educators out there -more than, like half) of kids who can't read anyway.

Or are these union thugs bussed in from somewhere else to show their jobs aren't necessary?

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

26 minutes of American pride

From back when NBC didn't like all things anti-American.

The battle of the South Atlantic

Gullible friends

The gift that keeps on giving.

Her name

Is Jill Wagner.

In case you didn't recognize her, she's the Mercury spokesbabe.

You're welcome.

It looks like it might be a bad week

To be buying a gun.
Or get caught with lots of bootleg smokes.
Or the wrong kind of fireworks in the wrong place.

Or to have an autoloader that might slamfire more than once for every trigger pull.

Because the BATF is out looking for "positive" stories to offset "Project Gunwalker".

Public Information Officers:

Please make every effort for the next two weeks to maximize coverage of ATF operations/enforcement actions/arrests at the local and regional level. Given the negative coverage by CBS Evening News last week and upcoming events this week, the bureau should look for every opportunity to push coverage of good stories.

ATF needs to proactively push positive stories this week, in an effort to preempt some negative reporting, or at minimum, lessen the coverage of such stories in the news cycle by replacing them with good stories about ATF. The more time we spend highlighting the great work of the agents through press releases and various media outreaches in the coming days and weeks, the better off we will be.

Y'all enjoy your First Amendment right these next two weeks, ya hear?

Yard wolves

This is why it takes five minutes to go out the front door.

By the time I reach the front door, they're just realizing I'm going out, so they have to bound up and run around obstructions to get to the door. Then they have to vie for position and rush as soon as I put my hand on the knob- and get in the way of an inward swinging door.
Then there's not enough room to exit en-mass so they have to jostle their way out.

Notice the color coordinated anti-claw protection on the arms of the couch. That's another story.
His nickname is 'the Instigator'.

Monday, March 07, 2011

Where are these anachronistic "rural areas"

That all these Liberals bring up whenever they want to show they 'care' about flyover country?

And just how magical are those .GOV funded FM radio waves that only get through to those Edison radios in "rural areas"- when regular FM and even AM radio waves can't penetrate?

The NPR chief executive not only argued that her outlet fills a void left by a wave of cuts to private media companies, she claimed that public-radio listeners in rural areas would have no other access to news if their stations stopped broadcasts.

As much as those elitist Liberals know about "rural areas" they must think we all get our electricity from Mr. Roosevelt's TVA to light up our two bare 60Watt bulbs that we have to unscrew to charge the batteries for so we can huddle around our RCA-Victor radio at night. Because it's too far into town to hook up the mules for less than a weeks worth of vittles.

You know, MS. Schiller- I live 30 miles from San Antonio. I used to drive my S-10 (that's a truck) to Selma, TX every day- 54MI each way and I got FREE private radio without your anti-American slant all the way out there. But I guess you might have a point, if you stretch it a bit. See when you people decided to take away analog TV signals, you DID do way with free news ON the TELEVISION- because even with a converter digital signals aren't as powerful and don't reach as far.

But that's OK, I can get my TV and broadband internet from SATELLITES (who's signals penetrate the darkest of rurality) or wired CATV.

So, sorry- you'll need to look somewhere else for your digital divide theory.

"I know how to fix that!"

If there are too many tarmac delays- lets fine the crap out of the airlines because they're delayed by .GOV.
What could go wrong? Instead of trying to upgrade the way the FAA runs the skies, we fine the airlines- poof they'll figure out something!

Yeah- they decided to cancel some 7,000 flights in nine months instead of paying $2.75 million for each delayed planeload of travelers.
Who then have to go on standby, or buy more expensive one-way tickets, or rent a car.

But, then which of that clown posse up in DeeCee ever heard of the Law of Unintended Consequence?

Pete Seeger is kind of getting up there, isn't he?

Yeah, he's in his nineties, was one of those Roosevelt communists and is backing that tired and continuing boycott of all things Israel.

Sure Pete, be my guest but don't bow to pressure and keep your principles where they matter most, AND just to remind you of what to be sure you don't want to use- for purity of your ideas and all...
Here's a list.

In the spirit of civilized debate

That Liberals are always lecturing us about.

...And speaking of unions...
A unionized teacher, a Tea Party member, and a CEO are sitting at a table. In the middle of the table is a plate with a dozen cookies on it. The teacher reaches across and takes 11 cookies, looks at the Tea Party member and says, "Watch out for that CEO, he wants a piece of your cookie."

Sunday, March 06, 2011

You can tell indians are behind it

How many times do I have to install Flashplayer updates until it sticks?
Now that intrusive gray rectangle is telling me I have to shut down what I just opened to get rid of it.

You know, in your face until you do what it wants.

Saturday, March 05, 2011

IBEW Local 1260: "Let people die"

"We're on strike and don't care how many disabled people die because of the storms that knocked out power."

Way to go unions, keep showing everyone just who your main priority is.

When I was a lineman in the Navy, we had lists of addresses that were high priority for restoring power. The vast majority was on base housing where there were people who's life sustaining medical equipment was dependent on electricity. Sure it had battery back-up but batteries run down, so we wanted to get those up first.

I don't know how civilian power companies work, but it's obvious that no matter what their policies are, those greedy union thugs don't care who dies as long as they get their way.

Yo! AnthONEY! AnthONEY Weiner

An interview is supposed to let people know and understand what the interviewee is trying to get across. In this interview you had with the scary smart and hot Megyn Kelly- you came across like a boorish ASS HOLE.

But then, you ARE a New Yoak Liberal- so what else do we expect?

And speaking of vile and wicked kneejerk reactions, try to imagine how someone on the left would react if someone made fun of them like Jimmy Kimmel did in this take.

Don't do it Newt

If I had an e-mail to your new presidential exploratory committee- I'd tell them you have waaaayyy too much baggage.
Not to mention that ammunition you gave them when you were going kisseyface with SanFran Nan about that Cap-and-Tax scam last year.

AND if I see any of the recycled LOOSERS
Mitt Romneycare
Mike Suckaby
the lunatic Ron Paul
Rudy Giuliani

from last time on my primary ballot, don't count on my vote next year.
If I can't vote for anyone but a career politician, GFYS.

Can these Democrats do nothing right?

Two days ago the same company that screwed up the first launch sent the second $424 million satellite into the Pacific Ocean.

It was a satellite designed to measure global warming.
Now normally you'd think it would have polluted a large section of the Pacific Ocean with a 'deadly cocktail of toxic chemicals'- TWICE in the same area.

But this time you'd probably be wrong and it was most likely filled with carbon credits. Because in the likelihood of another crash, we don't want to poison mother Gaea- and if we really had measuring tools in there, we'd have to work harder to skew the data.

Friday, March 04, 2011

Cat toys

I don't know why anyone would go spend a lot of money on cat toys.
I just opened a bottle of wine and dropped that aluminum cap/cover on the floor.

The instigator is batting it from the kitchen into the TV room and back,
That tie-wrap that goes around Wal-mrt mustard greens is another entertaining cat toy.

You can tell a meme is getting old

when I get awarded something all the good blogs got months ago.
So after Bluesun awarded me the Stylish Blogger award

we'll let it pass on in peace.

Now, in accordance with the meme, here are the seven things things you probably don't know about me.

When I was in the Navy, out of the seven times I qualified with an M-16- I shot expert six of them on the Marine 500YD A-course and missed once by one point.
UPDATE reminded by Joe Huffman
If I remember right my dope was 7-up and 6-to the right.

I like cheap beer better than the expensive stuff.

I'm lazy on my time. When I'm at work, I'll work like a machine, on my own time- I just can't get motivated.

I loved working on and driving a Chevy C-10. I could probably still almost rebuild a straight six 250 with my eyes closed.

I enjoyed having my ex-boss pay my unemployment, it made up for all the free hours I had to put in.

I am still waiting on the Navy to finish (or start) my background check so I can fuel jet trainers in south Texas. I sent a letter to John Cornyn's San Antonio office about it this week.

We currently have three dogs, three cats and an iguana living in the house.

Thursday, March 03, 2011

99 rote Luft Balons

times a thousand.


Who knew realtors had such pull?

Is there some kind of huge real estate lobby all of a sudden, or did one of the DNC have a wife who just got her real estate brokers license?

That's the only reason I can think of for the White House to decide now would be a good time to dump 1,200,000 properties on an already hurting property market.

The post describes a plan to appoint "independent board of experts to expedite the disposal of unneeded properties."

I didn't actually read the thing because I don't want my computer filled with burrowing tracking software, but I would be surprised if Bush wasn't mentioned in there somehow...

Is the TSA finally over reaching enough

for someone to finally shut them down?
(Note- I had a hard time keeping this page open on the story for some reason it refreshed to ads only)
I've got some big problems with this.
First of all is that pesky Fourth Amendment thing about unlawful searches.

So you have some unfireable union thug from the TSA saying to his buddy who's on a sexual predator list- 'HeyChester, that 12 year-old looks cute, I wonder what she's hiding under her dress?'

Then Chester cues in the X-Ray scanner that can SEE THROUGH TRUCKS on you little girls goodies. Without any records of what happened, except for what they just downloaded for latter enjoyment.

But, hey- it's all good because:
Update: A TSA official responds in a statement that the “TSA has not tested the advanced imaging technology that is currently used at airports in mass transit environments and does not have plans to do so.”

A privacy assessment included in the documents for one aspect of the plans that focused on train security suggests that images wouldn’t be tied to any personally identifiable information such as a subject’s name. Any images shared outside the project or used for training purposes would have faces blurred, and employees using the system would be trained to avoid privacy violations, the document says.

Which brings up another point.
If they don't keep records, how is anyone going to be able to sue for either violations of their Constitutional Rights, or the radiation sickness they'll get from those X -Ray machines that are POWERFUL ENOUGH TO SEE THROUGH TRUCKS?
Or someone walking right in front of this?
In another program, the researchers were asked to develop a system of long range x-ray scanning to determine what metal objects an individual might have on his or her body at distances up to thirty feet.

Oh, speaking of radiation sickness and increased cancer risks from slipshod safety practices- has Congress ever got that TSA safety report that they've been waiting on for three months?

AND all you anti-tobacco fanatics who are worried about the effects of third-hand smoke...where are you on this?

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

the USS John P. Murtha

MOTTO: In cold blood

Width: 100'
Draft: shallow

CLASS: GS [garbage scow]

Because the 0bama appointee the SECNAV- Ray Mabus insists on naming something after that vile EX-Marine Democrat.

More Somalis interacting with civilization

Because everywhere they go, they can't help but spread love and acceptance from their chosen cult. Whether it's in Minnesota or their own coast, they just can't do enough to make people like them.

This time they took mom, dad, two crewmen and three teens hostage on their boat and anchored off their pirate stronghold.

NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — A Danish family kidnapped by pirates has reached the shore of Somalia, officials and a pirate said Wednesday, likely meaning a long hostage ordeal for the couple and their three teenage children who were abducted while yachting around the world.

A Somali pirate had warned that if any attempt was made to rescue them, they would meet the same fate as the four American yachters slain by their pirate captors last week. Any chance of a quick rescue seemed to disappear Wednesday

Oh, this makes it a little more interesting...
However, a Somali pirate who gave his name as Muse Abdi said the family was transferred to another, larger pirated ship.

"They are safe. They were just transferred from the boat to the big ship," said Abdi, who has provided reliable information in the past. "They have been added to other nationals in another ship to avoid any possible attack."

Here's an idea-
The Dutch have a navy of some kind, not any capitol ships (because hey- why build them, we've got the US to protect us for free)- but something with guns.
They're probably too civilized to do it but I'm sure the Russians have the balls to do it.

Just park a cruiser, or even a destroyer off the pirate village and start about 1000 yards away and slowly start walking shells from the shore inland about half a mile.
That would probably take 2-3 hours just to get their attention.
Next, do the same thing 100 yards closer.

Repeat as needed.

OH, and did I mention- no warnings and no negotiations until they're jumping up and down on the beach.

You know, nobody will be in a hurry, and battle stations could probably be relaxed a little- So how does this sound?
Let any rating who can pony up say- $20 to the MWR fund push the button and get bragging rites on firing a big gun? Why let the Gunners Mates have all the fun?