Saturday, November 20, 2010

At least HE made the trains run on time

For a while.

I'm going to give my little Hitler smiley a rest because the way this administration is going, he's going to get a workout in the next two years.

This time he- without the Lamestream media's wailing- is going to out BusHitler Bush in deciding what you can see, or not see on AlGore's intertubes.
Because,,,,it's for the children or equality,,,or something.

At least we know his amateurs are good for something. Too bad his pack of Chicago hacks only know how to bend the law till it breaks.

Well Barry, you didn't learn anything from this last November, I hope for your sake that you don't overrxtend yourself, things could get ugly.



Life imitating art.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Have you ever been on E-bay,,,

and seen a real good 'buy it now!' price, and just before you hit that button glanced at the sellers rating?

Normally, a rating of 98.2% would be a plus, but on E-bay it's the kiss of death for me, sorry guy.

So, is the TSA admitting it's not about safety?

And not explicitly saying it's working to condition the sheeple to obey their gov't betters?

The TSA's own website tells you that they won't be able to see non-metallic weapons or bombs:

Millimeter wave technology produces an image that resembles a fuzzy photo negative.

Backscatter technology produces an image that resembles a chalk etching

But we know they're lying because this NSFW image doesn't look alot like the intentionally altered images in the TSA site, and I bet I'd be able to identify her after she left. ---->link fixed<---- (here is the same pic with colors inverted) Besides, if it's "impossible" to capture an are they going to prosecute someone that brought a 'prohibited' item with them? As an additional thought--if this is such a safety issue, why are they not forcing this 'enhanced' body search on airports that don't have those scanners? Because it would seem to me, that there would be a better chance of someone trying something where there WASN'T a scanner.....but I'm not an appointed, unresponsive, unelected political appointee. THEN we get to the whole "maybe we'll give molsems a pass on the whole enhanced screening" thing. Janet Nepalitano, when asked couldn't come right out and deny they'd get a pass....on religious grounds.

Does someone want to remind her about which religion STARTED us doing this whole security playacting anyway.

Then we have Ray LaHood threatening to block cell phone use in your own private vehicle....for the childeren! the good of the public.

Ad the FCC taking over the internet, monitering your e-mails, IMs and text messages.

Good thing it's not George Bush doing these things, because a government takeover always feels better when it's a warm and fuzzy takeover-


And since the Democrats want to control what you put into your body, you won't even be able to settle your nerves with a rum and Coke, because it'll be illegal to mix the two.

I'd appreciate it if anyone can throw a link my way from Scopes debunking that NSFW pic, since I can't find it.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Poor Kim

First she has to wear a back-up alarm, so people can get out of her way.
Now she's single again, while her two famous-for-being-famous sisters are married and mothers.

I guess I should feel sorry for her love life, but I'm only using it as an excuse to mention free milk and cows...

Holders' DOJ- lying down for the cause

I suppose you've heard by now about the 280 charges that got thrown out in the civilian trial of al-Quada operative Ahmed Ghailani.

If not, Eric Holders racially motivated DOJ let the defense get over on all but one charge, and that wasn't even murder for the bombing of two U.S. Embassies.

So, given this, why are we supposed to believe that the civilian trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed would be any different? In spite of the promise that he'd be guaranteed a guilty sentence in a kangaroo court located in NYC.

But then again, Khalid doesn't really have that melanin enhanced indicator that triggers the Holder DOJ to walk away from nailing him as hard as they can- goes he?

Because when you make your whole administration about race, that's what people think you're all about.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

George Donner, your trail is ready

To the House Democrats,,,,

Thank you!


Now lets see just how the Tea Party does in 2012.

Because nothing makes Socialism more inviting than a leader who will do anything to stay in power.

Only the French

Who else would pull a sit-down strike while on vacation?

The way I understand, is that the plane was late, and ended up in Belgium because the original shut down for the night. They were offered a more comfortable place to lay-over but refused to deplane.

The plane landed in Liege at around 11:30 p.m. and passengers were still inside it at 3:30 a.m. the next morning.

"This is unacceptable," Mylene Netange, who runs a network on social responsibility for business leaders, said. "The pilot and crew are no longer here. They left us here."

Yeah? Why should they be inconvenienced by your temper tantrum?

Reda Yahiyaoui, a business owner who was traveling with his wife, a two-month-old baby and a three-year-old, said the passengers had no water and the toilets in the plane were locked.

"The pilot left and he even left the cockpit door open," he said.

I don't know why Reda is complaining- the OFFERED a nice warm, dry, well lit place that had REAL toilets......but nooo, Frenchie has to do his best imitation of a Leftie Lib that side of the Atlantic.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Note to self

Whenever we get the cash to build our next house-
DO NOT put the main TeeWee room next to the main (my) bedroom.
Especially since some people like to feel the sound.
A nice long sound absorbing hallway would work fine TYVM.

A letter to my new Congressman- Quiko Canseco

Firstly, congratulations on our win against the Democrat machine.

I realize that you're busy getting ready to assume our seat this January, but I have a suggestion for cutting about $7 BILLION from the budget- if you're interested.
The way I understand it- Muslims will now be allowed to check themselves for hidden weapons and explosives- because they object to body scans and full groping.

Since it was Muslims who forced us to do this futile security Kabuki- and we're not even touching them anymore- what reason do we have to keep throwing $7 BILLION away on something that's not needed?

Thank you for your time,
Kurt P
Hondo, TX

As much as the Left hates Sarah Palin

And I admit that I love the way they fly into a rug chewing rage whenever she's mentioned. I mean doncha just know that she's something they fear by the way they get all weewee'd up about her?

Anyway, she's got a new show out...and that muffled thump you thought you heard yesterday?
That was Lefties heads exploding when they found out that 5,000,000 Americans tuned in to watch her.

What I AM surprised about, though is the lack of Leftists criticism about this picture:

Notice anything?

If not, I'll leave the answer in the comments.

Well, it's a good thing they have unemployment insurance

Because that's about all the compassion I can dig up for those thousands of Democrat minions who lost their jobs on Nov. second.
Because of the way they helped shove all that detested legislation down Americas throat

According to that Liberal rag Politico which was probably gloating back when the Republicans lost in 2008- We're supposed to feel bad for congressional aides that have served their masters for decades and are now unexpectedly out of a gravy job.

Hey, as long as you can influence legislation, you need to make sure that new 99 months of unemployment is passed- since you'll be needing it in this economy you caused.

How's that for compassion?

But positions on the Hill have largely evaporated. K Street and other areas will be oversaturated with applications. The Obama administration, which was a gold mine for jobs in 2008, will have far fewer openings, experts say.

For now, some outgoing Democratic aides are asking for compassion from their Republican colleagues.

“What bothers me now is there is a lot of insensitivity to the plight of these people who are losing their jobs. Pundits are talking about how exciting this turnover is ... but there are real people whose lives are being affected,” said one outgoing Democratic aide. “They really need to show some compassion.”

That's about the same kind of 'compassion' you showed the Republicans- wasn't it?

Monday, November 15, 2010

The terrorists win

This is just so f*cking wrong.

Yes, that IS a moslem molesting a nun.

A moslim, the same reason we have this entire Kabuki theater that never once stopped a hijacking.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

For some reason,,,

The new doggie codeword for "lets get stupidly exuberant" is slut.
See, I'm watching the second showing of AMCs 'Walking', where she is letting the deputy sheriff [her husband's partner]do her. (and I mentioned the word, then the dogs went stupid until I let them out)

OK, yeah his partner told her he was dead, but it's not like they were apart for months. He was in intensive care until the hospital got overrun. But he was on the machine until he woke up... what's that, days?

So it was a month, maybe two since the Zombieclypse that they ended up in Atlanta and she started doing his partener?

I'm pretty much of a male slut, too- but I think I'd wait more than two months before I hooked up with someone if I thought my wife was dead. That respect thing and all, but this is a Hollywood production, so I guess the mourning is hours....

I solved the deficit

I guess this is the new meme.
I had 67% from spending cuts -only because they wouldn't let me cut more- and 33% from increased taxes.

It would have been a lot easier if we hadn't just thrown $3 TRILLION away on our Liberal buddies, but as usual the responsible ones have to bat cleanup for the Dems.

Anyway, here's how I did it, and here's how you can see how you can solve the deficit.

Dear Boston Globe,

Or maybe it was the AP that made the headline.

THIS is a Battleship.

THIS is the Destroyer you're talking about.

Not that we really expect a bunch of Liberals to know that anything haze gray and underway isn't a battleship.....which are all in mothballs (BTW).


Go ahead and put this on in the background, I'll wait.

I see that Nancy Pelosi, the new leader of what will become the new Democrat minority in January has reached back to her Democrat roots.
See, she had a choice in letting two subs fight it out for number two in the pecking order, or she could keep Steny Hoyer as another reminder of why they're in the minority.

So, what she did was to make a brand new #3 position for the colored guy. You know, separate but equal. I wonder if the next step will include separate drinking fountains, and lunch tables in the cafeteria.

"Don't be getting to uppity, boy."

Saturday, November 13, 2010

I just got done watching the Grahm Norton show

And even that Irish Liberal gay guy (and his guests) were wearing poppies to commemorate what they call Rememberance Day- our Veterans day.

I didn't notice, until I saw Grahm and the rest (Johnny Noxvill and Joan Rivers) with their poppies and wondered about Himself....

The answer is NO, HE didn't.

But by the time he got there, they were probably out.
...Since the converstion probably went something like:

Ummmm----November 11, that rings a bell,,?
I dunno, something happened then, but I'm not sure what, it just seems we did something last year...

Well, wiki it.

Ok,,,,,,,,,,,OH Crap! It's Veterans Day! We need to get Prez Kickazz somewhere that he can show how he appreciated the military.

Yea, ,,,hey Korea is close, lets drop in there and we can get some wicked Kim-chi while He's making nice to those killers.

Cool, sounds like a plan.

What exactly is a Justin Bieber?

Yeah, I know he's some kind of actor in crappy movies and some kind of singer...maybe.

The first time I saw a picture of him, I said to myself --because nobody else was around-- "man, that 'do' has to cost at least a grand a week to look so professionally ,,, um,,,, tousled.

Just looking at him, you know his handlers have never let him be on his own so he could bond with guys by:
-riding a bike too fast down a trail and face-butting a tree
-having a mudball fight at a swimming hole
-camped out all night in an unair-conditioned tent
-slept in a sleeping bag
-been trapped in a sleeping bag and drug to the girls campground (naked)
-shot a gun
-did something stupid enough to bleed.
-got into a shoving match.
-find (or drop) a stash of girlie mags so you and your buds could enjoy them later
-catch a fish and clean it using river water

BUT, in 2012 he'll be the next Alex Keyton from Canada telling us who to vote for. Because he knows us so much better than we know ourselves.

As a matter of fact, I bet the few girls that read this blog have done more on that list than Justin the Pure.

WOW! Brainstorm

After rereading that diatribe from MOM, and some of the ensuing comments, it occured to me...find a way to fight back.

Along with the protests and stuff, give them something to see.

I was looking at some of the aluminum tape I had to stop some leaks in our ductwork and thought- - -does anyone know where I'm going with this?

Anyway, if you haven't figured it out, metal pasties and a junk protector.
If it wasn't so simple, I'd sell them on E-bay.
,,,And since it's business, they wouldn't object to a pair of smiley faces looking back at them, and maybe a hammer and sickle down below.


TSA is the most hated government agency. TSA officers are very aware of that fact. We get that some of you come through and even though you hate it, you suck it up and do what you have to do. Then there are some of you who intentionally make things difficult. Screw you and stop it. It is a Federal crime to mess with a TSA officer trying to do their job and you will get arrested. You want to make a point and show your outrage to the world. TSA headquarters is in Virginia. Get on your little bike and ride. Go protest out in front of the headquarters, file your lawsuits, write in your complaints and do your tv interviews but stop messing with the TSA officers trying to do their job. Stop making a point of going to the airport just so you can cause a scene and draw attention to your cause. We get it there are some people who think everyone should have absolute rights and freedom to do whatever they want but it doesn’t work that way. Once you are at the security checkpoint you are on Federal territory and you need to keep yourself in check or you will end up arrested.

Now if you want to fly, suck it up and accept that you have to submit to the security procedures. Yes you think they are stupid or unnecessary but TSA officers and TSA don’t care what you think. They try to make it all warm and fuzzy but they can’t because it is security not a trip to Disney World. Shut up and get in the scanner or don’t fly.

This was from MOM, who apparently was at one time one of those actors in the security Kabuki.

After seeing that the TSA is now banning toner cartridges from your carry-on luggage, and I guess banning larger sized ones from your checked in bags.
I now know how the Taliban is going to entirely shut down passenger air travel in America.

They're going to send one of their Jihadis here with a bomb shoved up his @ss and make sure he gets caught before it goes off.
Then the TSA will hire Proctologists for their newest anti-terror screenings.
After that, the first time they tell someone to drop trou and bend over, there'll be a riot and no-one would step foot in an airplane ever again.

Where is he from?

Clinton Portis?

I mean- really dude you're playing in the NFL and you don't know who the Phillies are?
Playah- pleez.

I know you play football and the Phillies are baseball, but they're the same town as the Steelers Eagles. I know you had to go to some kind of school that had higher education, and should have known that the "P" stood for something besides a fashion accessory.

Friday, November 12, 2010

One step closer

Ok, I'm going for this line locators job.

I passed my two phone interviews and got the online assesement.
I have about 20 hours left to complete it.
Now, given the fact that they seem to want people who are pretty independant- but adhere to the company policy about procedure...

Anyone have advice on how to answer that assesment?
I mean Lowe's obviously wants people to run to their super at any deviation in policy,,,but I don't think they're aiming for that.

How should my mindset be when I sit down for an hour to take those three timed tests?

If parties were people

Would this remind you of anyone?
Skip to the 2:53 mark if you're in a hurry....

Don't everyone call Nancy at once, now...

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veterans Day

To the military who would never have lost a war.

If it wasn't for those Democrats who killed your funding.

Captain kickazz

Remember the guy that was trying to find out who's @ss to kick over the gulf spill?

The guy who told his acolytes to give it back to them harder than they did you?

The one who's going to be fighting the Rethuglicans hand to hand for the next two years.

This guy...

Good thing he's got a Wookie to protect him.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Thank your favorite Deity

that we don't have that doltish Chimpy McHitler and family embarrasing us.

We now have the respect of the entire muslim world for their acting like respectful adults in a highly religious ,,,holy space.


MEEchelle, like my mom used to tell us all....

You should have thought about that before we left.

Remember two things

First, every dictator needs their own color.
In the case of President Kickass, it's purple.

Secondly, if citizens don't think the ballot box is trustworthy, there is always another box for them to reach for.

Ahhh, so THAT'S why

We're printing enough money to make the Wiemar Republic look like Scrooge....

Happy Birthday Marines!