Monday, February 06, 2006

Isn't the 9-11 Cover up Commission the Be-All to the Legacy Media?

If it is, then why are they so silent on what they had to say about FISA?

I can't find a direct link to it, but via Newsmax comes this little nugget:
"The FISA application process continues to be long and slow. Requests for approvals are overwhelming the ability of the system to process them and to conduct a surveillance.” he 'wall' between criminal and intelligence investigations apparently caused agents to be less aggressive than they might otherwise have been in pursuing Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) surveillance powers in counterterrorism investigations.
"Moreover, the FISA approval process involved multiple levels of review, which also discouraged agents from using such surveillance. Many agents also told us that the process for getting FISA packages approved at FBI Headquarters and the Department of Justice was incredibly lengthy and inefficient".

Yes, the illegal, immoral, improbable soccer-mom spying was done because FISA was a NORMAL BEREAUCRATIC clusterf*ck from the git-go.
These same Libs who look at the report as (well they are anti-religion) almost the word of God, seem to overlook the failings of their idolic secret court.
I would hazard a guess as to the fact that it gives Bush a pass on this.

And as it isn't worth another post:
The muhammadines are outraged again, and rioting. Isn't that like saying the sun sets in the west?
If you sneeze wrong, they'll act out the LA riots again-because their Religion of Peace(and compassion, and understanding, and tranquility, and,,,,,well you get the point) has somehow been insulted.

Hey guys, how about acting like grown-ups; maybe someone might care.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

I found this blog on the sitemeter

I'm trying to kinda keep this around PG13 or so, but maybe I need to start a list of NSFW links?
Your Sunday dose of religious commentary

A little boy was walking down a dirt road after church

one Sunday afternoon when he came to a crossroads where

he met a little girl coming from the other direction.

"Hello" said the little boy.

"Hi" replied the little girl.

"Where are you going"? asked the little boy.

"I've been to church this morning and I'm on my way

home", answered the little girl. Me to", replied the

little boy. "I'm also on my way home from church".

"Which church do you go to?" asked the little boy.

"I go to the Baptist church back down the road" replied

the little girl. What about you?" "I go to the Catholic church back

at the top of the hill", replied the little boy.

They discover that they are both going the same way so

they decided that they'd walk together. They came to a

low spot in the road where spring rains had partially flooded the

road so there was no way that they could get across to the other

side without getting wet.

"If I get my new Sunday dress wet my Mom's going to

skin me alive" said the little girl. "My Mom'll tan my

hide too if I get my new Sunday suit wet", replied the little boy.

"I tell you what I think I'll do" said the little girl. "I'm going to

pull off all my clothes and hold them over my head and wade across".

"That's a good idea", replied the little boy. "I'm going to do the

same thing with my suit".

So they both undressed and waded across to the other side without

Getting their clothes wet. They were standing there in the sun

Waiting to drip dry before putting their clothes back on when the

Little boy finally remarked:

"You know", "I never did realize before just how much difference

there really is between a Baptist and a Catholic".

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Gungeeks needed

Before Blogger goes tits-up again

I just bought a .22 revolverfor Mrs Trainwrecks B-day.
A the Saxet gun show, alot of the older .22 revolvers could handle multiple casing sizes (.22 short- .22 LR). They wanted cash for the one I wanted, so by the time I got back outside and the ATM was empty- I decided to go to the nearest dealer.

I was looking at inexpensive .22's to teach the wife the basics of pistol shooting------SHHH,, don't tell her(she reads this occasionally), and was told that the modern revolvers aren't capable of handling different case sizes.
I'm just wondering, is it that they're made differently- or is it because of the trial lawyers?

The chamber should be strong enough to hold the pressure of 1/4" difference in casing length.
Why would an old revolver be able to handle .22 short to .22 long rifle, but not a modern one?

Gun geeks, I await your answers. . .

The reason I want to use up the .22 shorts is that it's not exactly allowable in the HOA laws to shoot in the back yard, and being as I'm too lazy to drive to the range and the RR embankment makes a great berm, well. . .
Quick, before blogger crashes again

Make a link to this and get a back-up site.
I'd buy one, but am fixing to change jobs.
Besides I'm a cheap b@stard.
Plus I just spent $250 on wifes B-day present(more on that later).
Dave is in Vegas

They didn't capture him in this video did they?

But ya know what they say: "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas."
So i guess we won't know, will we Dave?
Something I'd really like to see for, real


We, the C.E.O. s of the major oil companies
Would like to extend our thanks to the
Democratic Party, and the
Environmental Activists
Who actively worked to stop all increased major oil
production, transportation and refining on the northern continent of America.

Although our rate of return at 9% was well within the norms of business,
your forcing us to rely on foreign oil supplies,
and the maximum capacity of our delivery system
has given us the largest profit in our entire history.

Thank you again.
Rhiannas hubby is back

She's so happy to have him back, now all her electric stuff works again!
He just got back from the sandbox, made a special trip just to fix her computers- it would seem.

Go welcome him back to civilization.
I don't think she has a post, but add a comment.
Didn't ya just know that scoccer players were Gay?

Sorry, but it's NOT football.
This came from a site that I'd forgotten all about, and now Confabulation is going on my blogroll now.
So I don't forget it again.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Thanks Rhianna gee, just what I need
I got tagged by the 4X4 meme
I really appreciate it, yep I do.

Uh huh.

Well, lets get started

4 Jobs I have had:
In reverse chronological order
Gas/Electric supervisor, City of Castroville
Gas leak survey tech
Flatbed OTR driver
Gas Dept. Superintendent, City of Port Aransas

Four movies I could watch over and over and have:
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (AAHHHeeeAAAHHHeeeAAHHHhhhhh)
Team America (Take that Hans Brix!)
Kelly's Heroes

Four Places I have lived:
San Marcos, Tx
Port Aransas, Tx
Rota, Spain
Newport, RI (ya didn't say I hadda like it)

Four TV shows I watch:
Drawn together
Tripping the Rift

Four places I have been on vacation:
Every place I've lived has been some kind of tourist trap, I can get ripped off in my hometown- why travel?

Four websites I visit daily:
My mail boxes
the local rag
weather pages

Four Favorite foods:
Carne asada

Four places I would rather be:
I can't say I mind this place we're at now- could be about 20 miles closer to San Antonio, I guess. Other than that, I'd have to agree with Rhianna- TEXAS

And lastly
Four people I tag:
Not going there, wouldn't be prudent

At least I have something to post today, anyhow. Thanks Rhianna.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

I hear someone was trying to make her molehill into a mountain

I swear, Cindy does need to run for congress, she's got the instinct for TV facetime well honed.

And speaking of anti-Americanism. I hope everyone that has their hand on the leaver in the next election will remember how the Dems acted lately, including last night.

Bush brought up the tepidly fought battle of Soc. Sec. reform, and the Dems gave themselves a standing "O" for screwing over their constituents.
They can't stand to see the great unwashed (us) have any control of out own retirement- especially if it means them loosing control of that pittance they talked about.

Everyone knows Social security is rapidly running out of money; and if you didn't know it, the IOU's they gave when they raided the fund are coming from. . . US who have already paid in.

Now the Dems are congratulating themselves for keeping their giant Ponzi scheme intact.
If they REALLY wanted to help Americans, especially the poor, they should let us in on their retirement plan. I'd love to work for one term (whatever your job turnover rate is) and be guaranteed that much a year for the rest of your life- with free healthcare. But no- we, the great unwashed, mouthbreathing cretins that we are deserve to give up 20% to an uncaring bureaucracy with no interest, or even claim to the money. There is nothing that says the govt' has to give you that money back- it's not yours. THAT'S why the Dems don't want to change it.
The fact that Bush had the terminity to even mention it was sacrilege to the altar of FDR.

Your taxes are coming up. Take a look at what you are really paying. I bet if you don't gross over $100,000, your Federal tax is less than 10% after all the refunds and deductions you get back.
Ted Kennedy probably pays less tax than you do- his money came from interest on the money his bootlegging father made. Think about that next time you hear them demagogging the "richman tax cut". Think about your diminishing retirement fund next time it's time to vote.
Think of the Dems' standing "O" to crippled Social Security.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

So, Bareback Brokeback is nominated for a lotta Oscars, huh?

Wouldn't know, don't care about the Liberal Lefts' agenda via Hollywood.

I just know that they're about 20 years behind the Reverend Horton Heat in their stretching the homosexual cowboy love thang.

Kinda weird how an evil christian extremist could beat the Hollywood left by so much, huh?
Anyody want some g-mail?

Just leave me a note. I'll be handing them out like a Republican giving away Rx money.

And speaking of giving away money, anyone planning on watching the State of the Union tonight?
I might have it on as background noise- if wife isn't watching her bad Sci-Fi.

I'm sure he'll be touting the GWT and Iraq.
Giving the lie to the Legacy Media about the economy.
Telling how his lazzi-fare strict border policy will reward illegals is going to result in a better America for "all."

I'm sure the rebuttle will be as partisan as the Allito hearings, so I won't need to bother staying awake for that.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Everyone else has their opinion on the Palestinian election, here's mine

The had an election last week, Hammas won. They get what they deserve- heck, we had Bill Clinton during the "Just-do-it" decade. We survived. We also had over 200 years of momentum behind us also democracywize.

The terrorists won, they would have anyway- the innocent victims are the same, the name's just different. I don't know if they (the voters) even would have recognized anyone who was good for them, if they were allowed to run.
Palestine has a duly elected terrorist organization as head of state. They've (the P.A.)already pissed off a lot of money donors for their fiscal irresponsibility of over $600 million in debt already this fiscal year. Now Hammas is the voice and conscience if the Palestinian people.

They are going to have to start acting like a head of state with real responsibilities to the entire government (such as it is) infrastructure (whatever is left) and the surly, ignorant, hate filled population of their country. Next time they, or any of their terrorist buddies decide to maim and kill innocent women and children, they will be creating an act of war from one state aginst another.
I hope when that happens- and the Israelies take off the gloves- that the usual Paliophiles won't step on Israel's neck again. The Palestinians voted them into office to do their will. It was an open election vetted by Dhimmy Carter.
They want to play with the tall dogs, they need to learn to act like a tall dog. They need to really have a good think on who they call allies, and be ready to take their lumps like men.
I know they won't. As soon as Israel treats their attack as the beginning of a war between two nations, they'll cry like a girl for the un to make Israel stop. The Un will come running, too.

My money's on Israel in a fair fight.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Good, maybe other cities will start.

All I can say is they brought it on themselves.
If they want to bitch at someone about it, then look in the mirror.

Because I'm damn tired of hearing that f*cking thumping from a quarter mile away.

The bill would prohibit operating car stereo equipment that creates "louder volume than is necessary for convenient, normal hearing," which is the same language as the city's current anti-noise ordinance.

But the new measure would outlaw possessing or installing any car stereo with a speaker over a foot in diameter; having more than one speaker 10 inches in diameter; more than 10 speakers overall; more than two amplifiers; and any amplifier over 300 watts.

In addition to impounding the car, possible penalties include a minimum of $250 fine on the first offense and $500 on subsequent offenses within a year.

And for all you Liberals out there that piss about "freedom of expression". you can have that cr@p as loud as you want--- DON'T force me to hear it.
I'd rather listen to my own radio without my car shaking.

-On the other hand, the cops should have been enforcing the noise ordinance too. But then the ACLU would have defended those anti-social @ssholes with my tax money.
Nothing to see here

Just what sounds like a German geek singing webcam techno.
I could swear I saw Rob about half-way through it.
Hi, my name is Kurt

I am a heartless conservative.

I am cruel and unfeeling.

I thought this wheelchair video was hilarious.

And this car ride.

Of course I hate kids too.
A prayer

Dear Lord,
So far today, I'm doing all right.

I have not gossiped, lost my temper, been greedy,
grumpy, selfish, or self indulgent.
I have not whined, complained, cursed or eaten any chocolate.
I have charged nothing on my credit card.

I will be in great need of help soon, as I am getting out of bed now.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Another entry to my blogroll

Who should have been on alot sooner is Denny from Grouchy old cripple.
The Iraqi "quagmire" continues

except in Anbar Province.
I'm sure you couldn't miss it on the Legacy Media, but I'll add to the cacophony of noise.

Sunnis (that's the Iraqi people- NOT the evil Bu$Halburton minions) arrested 270 foreign and Iraqi terrorists.

By themselves.

Without Halburton.

Via Ace
I guess I'm not the only one who wants a search engine that "won't"

Won't cave to communist dictatorships
Won't give it up like Paris Hilton on spanish fly.

It's not that Google refused to hand over search records on principle. They were more interested in preserving THEIR privacy- in the area of trade secrets.

I know, Jeez- there he goes again on that trivial thing about privacy, and the expectation of it on AlGores internet. Just think, though. You had four of the biggest search engines in the world (Anglosphere anyway) hand over to the guvimmment millions of search requests because they asked. Good thing it was the American govt' who asked- at least *for now* they have some restrictions on how they can act on a search request with your name and address all over it.

What kind of ethical, moral or legal restraints would the dictaphiles at the U.N.have to stop them from punishing, prohibiting or censoring what you look for on the World Wide Web?

Friday, January 27, 2006

I hate moving

Really, the big stuff is fast,- at least.
Then we always have the little crap that can't be pack up easily.

It goes for moving offices, too. Exept that there's alot more of the little, hard to pack crap after you've moved desks and full file cabinets.

Anyway, I was on the way home (late) and enjoying my fellow drivers.

When I had to change stations to get away from these two dorks who replaced a good talk host. I was surfing the FM stations, trying not to ruin my radio with rap or Mexican polka music (tejano) when I cam accross 92.5 the Outlaw, and a lineup of homegrown talent that some of my readers might listen to for their "roots".
I know I've said this before

This is Texas. The left lane is the fast lane.
The speed limit on the interstate is 70MPH (not KPH-like your home counrty) . In Texas the speed limit is looked at as a suggestion (well, so are red lights). 65MPH is SLOWER than 70MPH. It's slower than 75 and 80 MPH which everyone would be going if you'd F*CKING move over.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Seems like everyone is taking the sports car test

You won't find it here, I'm a pick-up.
Something's wrong here

See if you can figgure it out.

American Library Association
had a mid-winter confrence here this week.

Among other things put out to the public was their ummmm- dilike of the "Patriot act."

Incensed by the USA Patriot Act and irate over a memo between FBI agents, the American Library Association debuted a button at its annual midwinter meeting, which winds up here today at the Convention Center. Boasting that its wearers are "Radical Militant Librarians," the button was one of the convention's biggest sellers.

The button is the brainchild of Judith Krug, director of the ALA's Office for Intellectual Freedom, who wanted to raise awareness of the Patriot Act's impact on libraries across the country.

The Patriot Act was adopted by Congress in the weeks following 9-11 and includes provisions allowing government agents to inspect reading lists and reference materials at libraries and bookstores of patrons they consider suspicious.

"What's happened in the past several years, in particular with the USA Patriot Act which directly affects our ability to do our job, is our core values are being challenged," she said. "If anything can ignite librarians, it is an attack on our core values."

Inspiration for the button came from documents obtained from the FBI by the Electronic Privacy Information Center through a Freedom of Information Act request. The request revealed a series of e-mails between FBI agents that complained about the "radical, militant librarians" while criticizing the
reluctance of FBI management to use the secret warrants authorized by the Patriot Act.

Ok, did anyone catch that? They're saying that nobody knows how many times the act has been used (on the radio- anyway). This is the ALA, if someone in the ENTIRE organisation knew of one instance, even second hand- wouldn't they let the leadership know? Tha answer is in bold. If it's so widly abused, why the e-mail?

As an added note---my librarian readers----
I noticed a distinct (deafening) silence on the govt' asking for search records.
Or is that different, because "it's for the children"?

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Bush announces cure for cancer

NYT declares it "suspicious timing" and needs to do research before proclaiming it to be true.

House Democrats demand to know why it took so long.

Senate Democrats demand an inquiry into the projected "windfall profits" of the Big drug corporations.

Sen. John Kerry declares that he was working on the same set of pharmacopoeia back in Viet Nam, but Bush forced him to come back to the world.

John Conyers begin talk of impeachment hearings.

John Mc Cain asks how much Abramoff kicked in

Republican Congressional caucus immediately calls for Federally sponsored entitlement to "preventively treatments."

Jesse Jackson notices pills are white- cries racism.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Am I the only one who's pretty cheesed about the search engine subpoenas?

It affects you.
You got here from a blog, or a bookmark, or a search engine- Google, Yahoo!, MSN, Lycos, or about 150 of the lesser known ones.

That's right, YOU. Anywhere you went on your computer- since you've owned it- there is an electronic trail. I know you computer geeks know that.

I bet if I were important enough, every website I ever visited could be traced.
I don't even know enough about computeres and how the internet works to be dangerous, but I do know there is no such thing as anonomous surfing. You can make it difficult, but not impossible for anyone to see every place you've ever been online.

Here's a quick example- Me; since Oct '06- before that EV-1 dialup
2 addresses, 2 different computers- same account. Same name. Same SSN. Same credit card (I think).

Want to guess if I can't be traced back to Port Aransas, Tx?
The first of two computers and 2 different dial-up accounts.

My ISPs are all over the net- so are yours.

The only reason no-one's bothered to make a comprehensive list; is that
1- it's still too much bother for nobodies like us and
2- the software that does it automatically hasn't been madfe widely available yet.

What are you going to do in 10 or 15 years when your surfing habits start to bite you in the @ss?

I really wish some big bloggers would take this up.
It's not a toy!

There is no way the little boy should have had it.

I hold the parents responsible.
Or the adult in his life.

Not only was it loaded, it wasn't locked.
And it was where he could have ready access to it.

Mostly he wasn't taught that YOU. DON'T. PLAY. WTH. GUNS.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Just a quick roundup of headlines

That tell where we'd be if the election was turned around.

Rice Wants Security Council Action on Iran

Lieberman: U.S. Should Prepare for Military Action

Defense Minister: Israel Preparing to Stop Iran

McCain: U.S. Can't Be Held Hostage for Oil

Russia: Iran Ready to Discuss Proposal

Italian Official: World Must Confront Iran

Sen. John Kerry: Give Iran Nuke Fuel

Mother Shehan still on the trail of a 16th minute of fame

This time she's in "good" company. Trotting on the heels of Harry Belefonte and Hillary"!"

Yes, "Mother" Shehan will travel to Venezuela help fellow Socialists dump on America Bush some more.

Sheehan and Chavez will headline a list of yet-to-be-announced speakers from places like Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan, and Colombia, according to the web site

Tens of thousands" of Chavez and Sheehan's fans helped kick off the event by staging a march under the slogan "Contra la Guerra y Contra el Imperio" (Against the War and Against the Empire).
Yep, sounds like the chants of her tens hordes of her fellow semi-lucid followers.
Exept, they left off 'DUDE."

Cindy, go back to whatever it was you were doing before the Comunists Anti-War movement decided they could use you while you were fresh.
Go away, they used your pitious libel untill it didn't work anymore, you're embarassing yourself- really. You are over, you're done, you're toast.
You are sooo - so pre-Thanksgiving!