Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Computer PSA

If you get a new computer and think it's strong enough for the new AdAware anti-spyware 10.1 download- believe me, it's not.

i was having problems all weekend with page load errors that the cable company and tech support couldn't fix.
As soon as I finished the back-to-factory restore, everything worked fine.
As soon as I downloaded AdAware 10, it started f*cking up again.

So,,,next to MalwareBytes, any suggestions for trapping spyware cookies?

Thanks Norton Utilities for letting that Trojan in- now I remember why I usually install something that works right away.

BTW- is there any way to disable that annoying log-in password protection?


  1. You MUST have CCleaner by Piruform-
    even removes Flash cookies
