Thursday, January 03, 2008

Ahhh, the Iowa primaries

It is Iowa right?

In a close race between Plasticman, Religiousman and Mavericman on one side and the Carpetbagger of Arkansas New Yawk, Ambulancechacerman and Emptysuitman on the other, America is supposed to collectively hold our breath for the results.
Because for some reason that was probably addressed on some unwatched network news show- 100,000 potatoe (notice the olde English spelling?) corn farmers are going to start telling us who we'll have a vote on eleven months from now.

In light of this important event, I sat captive to the radio on the way home.
Getting some of that ole time religion from the Rev.

YES! I feeeeel the pOWer!

We now have scientific EVIDENCE

We have to do *something* about it now!

Because we all know that science is right, especially when there's consensus.

They did an actual study and discovered that texting while driving *could* cause a wreck.

Of course the logical thing to do would be to form a group like MADD and go all stupid on over reacting to the fact that wireless devices DO cause wrecks.
But that's never going to happen because even the most fanaticle of those prohibitionists have gotten so used to having a cell phone jammed into their ear that it's almost second nature to be weaving all over the road and slowing for no apparent reason.

Which reminds me- TxDOT is going to be replacing those roadside (privately paid for) with official gov't (your tax dollars) markers designating that site as a result of drunk driving (exept for the drunk that caused it). The markers will have the name(s) of the victims with a message about drinking and driving.

I'm just wondering if we'll be paying for a seperate one for those deaths caused by cell phones and texting. I'd bet not= because even though scientific tests prove that driving while phoning is as bad as driving after three drinks- Liberals don't have a problem with it, because they do it.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

My obligatory list of New Years resolutions

Some blogs I've seen have long and complex goals.
Others are more on the exotic side.
Several more well meaning blogs are doing what they can for a better world.
Others still are more realistic, so in that vein:

I resolve this year to
  • Do my best to remain at least 20 degrees above room temp.
  • Not vote for anyone not like me (white, male, lazy and conservative-hey I'm in TEXAS alright?).
  • Buy as little foreign petroleum products as possible.
  • Buy American whenever possible (at least avoid the ChiCom things).
  • Stop teasing the dogs so much ( at least after I can get the newest one to Man Up)
  • Not to use firearms on the annoying, idiotic yapping Dachshund mix next door.
Well, I hope I didn't set my goals too high this year.

Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy new year to all

If you're going to be out and about- watch the drinking and driving thing.
The Law is out looking for you.
Besides, you really don't want to be behind the wheel tonite anyway.

Eric is asking you to let him live to watch the playoffs and go to a Republican bash where there's going to be hot, dark haired Jewish babes.

Me personally- Id rather be on the road with a drunk than some @sshole on their cell phone.
At least the drunk is somewhat predictable.

I made Fajitas tonight

A funny thing happens when I make them.
Usually these people I live with load up on veggies and hardly any meat (by my standards).
When I do the Fajita thing I run out of the meat before I run out of the veggie fry.

All of you pervs looking for Chelsea Clinton's nipples deserve to see this NSFW remedy for something gross like that. I bet Chelsea even got her dads nipples- I know she got her moms charm.

Hope you bought the eye-bleach.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Well, I hope they feel much safer now.

Because it's NOT an evil black rifle any more!
And I bet it's less deadly, too because it isn't an assault rifle.

After some of the comments recieved in-house and online, it would seem that there is a market for something "girl-friendly" like this. It would be a good (but expensive) starter weapon, because even a girl child could handle the recoil easily.
There would need to be another version, though because Thing-2 *hates* Hello Kitty and wouldn't be seen dead with it.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

About that tiger that escaped in San Fran

I'm still not sure what happened. I'm still hearing two different versions.
Big Dog has an interesting take on it regarding either Libs and their need to have dialogue, and conservatives and their approach to the same problem.

Moonbat 1: Here it is, another Holiday Season, and Chimpy McBush still has troops in Iraq in his illegal war. There was no threat to us and he used his doctrine of preemptive strike to upset the entire Muslim world. We cannot bring democracy to a region that does not want it.

Moonbat 2: If only we would have tried diplomacy and talked to Hussein we could have seen that he was no threat and we would not be in this war that costs billions of dollars and instead used that money for AIDS research and on paying for services for illegal immigrants.

Moonbat 3: Look, a tiger. Now most neocons would see this tiger as a threat. But if we are nice to it then it will not hurt us. Here kitty kitty. Listen to him purr, Ahhhhhhh my arm!

Moonbat 1: Oh God, the tiger is eating Stefan. (sounds of screaming and tiger chewing).

Moonbat 2: Call the police. We need a gun, who has a gun? Oh man, Ahhh.

Police show up and kill the tiger. One moonbat dead and two injured.

If this had happened in Texas the conversation would have been:

Texan 1: Look at that damned tiger. Where'd he come from?

Texan 2: I don't know but call the cops. I'll shoot the damned thing if it gets close.

Texan 3: Here he comes. (blam, blam, blam, blam, blam, blam [reloading sounds] blam, blam, blam).

Texan 1: He's dead. Thank God we shot him before he attacked anyone. Who wants the head for his den wall?

Texan 2: Good thing we are allowed to carry guns. I would hate to see what would have happened if this had been San Francisco.

The lesson: Sometimes preemptive strikes are good and people are only safe if they are armed.

Have you seen this global warming good news?

Well, it's supposedly good news for the Left anyway.
This guy has decided that there just could be some good to come out of global warming.
That wouldn't be to put the earth back in the warm period when they could grow grapes in Scotland, or the fact that more northern land would be ariable.

Nope, this guy has used his super intelligence to decide that the resulting flood of our coastlines would drown out all the Conservatives who are too stupid to relocate- I guess.

The area that will by completely inundated by the rising ocean—and not in a century but in the lifetime of my two cats—are the American southeast, including the most populated area of Texas, almost all of Florida, most of Louisiana, and half of Alabama and Mississippi, as well as goodly portions of eastern Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina. While the northeast will also see some coastal flooding, its geography is such that that aside from a few projecting sandbars like Long Island and Cape Cod, the land rises fairly quickly to well above sea level. Sure, Boston, New York and Philadelphia will be threatened, but these are geographically confined areas that could lend themselves to protection by Dutch-style dikes. The West Coast too tends to rise rapidly to well above sea level in most places. Only down in Southern California towards the San Diego area is the ground closer to sea level.

Because you know Houston, Miami, Atlanta and the rest are *coff* well known conservative enclaves. Too bad that the resulting earthquakes (for some reason triggered by global warming) will slide most of califorica into the ocean, and the increased hurricanes will wipe out NYC.

But where is his vaunted Liberal sympathy for the poor and elderly?

In case you didn't know...

At 6:30 AM a dark trash bin with a white boxlike thing sticking out the top- set behind and uphill from a white driveway reflector looks alot like a DPS car until you get close. Especially when it's on the same hill they like to pull off the road at and wait for speeders.

Friday, December 28, 2007

My thoughts on the Bhuto assasination

All I know is that I don't know what we should be doing.
What I *do* know is that we shouldn't really be doing much- if anything that these Presidential wannabes are suggesting.

Pakistan IS a sovereign country and Musharraf isn't the the ideal leader, but we gotta work with what we have.
Bhutto wasn't a saint either.

We don't need to be invading, or investigating, nor did we need to supply *our* T-men for an ex-leader of Pakistan. Just how would that have gone down- Hil, if our guys let her get killed?
That entire region has been corrupt as long as there has been a leader, it's not going to change no matter how much we wish it to. Musharraf isn't our friend, he also isn't our enemy. He's a guy trying to balance a modern 'liberal (in the old sense)' population with an Islamo fascist loving countryside, and stay in power.

The best I can see is that we really don't *do* anything. Try to let things cool down, and ....HEY! Maybe let the U.N. try to *do something* to keep Pakistan from erupting into civil war.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Wearing it on your sleeve

I was on the way home from work the other day and stopped in for a six pack, and saw a Naval representative gassing up.
I suppose he was a recruiter, since as far as I know, the closest Naval facility to Castroville is in Beeville.
He was a Second Class Quartermaster with four years in.

I could tell that by looking at his left sleeve.
The Navy has a symbol for every rating they use (or had), some have been expanded because of technological advances needing more specialization. Some have disappeared or been absorbed into a like rate.

Anyway, the Navy has different traditions from the other services due to their specialized needs and history. Yes, different from the Marines, too- who follow the ground based military traditions.

One of the differences is their rank and rating system. Every Enlisted has a rate (if they're above E-3) they're specifically trained for (an MOS is different)and it's embroidered on their rank patch ( their Crow).

This was mine- a Construction Electrician.

I was a CE-2 Construction Electrician Second class Petty officer (E-5)CE-2.

The reason I knew my Quartermaster had been in (at least) four years was the red stripe he had near his sleeve cuff, each one of those represents four years of service.

I'm not sure of the Exact reasoning behind these peculiar Naval traditions, but I imagine that it was the need to recognize the people capable of doing certain jobs when the SHTF and they were on another watch. You don't want a Hull Tech playing with high pressure steam lines when the ship lost all lights, or an Engineman trying to fix a fire control computer.
The red service indicators would let you know how much experience the rating had.

Ok, your 'other service' lesson is over for today. Next time is why the traditional Dress Blues look the way they do.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

So, how do you like your leftover sammich?

Mine is white bread, Miracle Whip, white meat, a spoon full of stuffing and maybe cranberry sauce (home made).

Monday, December 24, 2007

Sunday, December 23, 2007

One more Twisted carol?

Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas

These head bangers have more Christmas cheer out there than the more mainstream bands...funny how that works, huh?

Remember the Berkely tree sitters?

The ones that have decided to protect a grove of trees that were scheduled to be humanely removed for expansion of an athletic facility?
The Best of craigslist has a letter to them from a fellow believer:

Open letter to Berkeley tree-sitters

Date: 2007-11-01, 4:28PM PDT

Dear Berkeley tree-sitters,

Let me begin by stating that I like trees. Some of my best friends are trees and I generally support the peaceful coexistence of humans and trees. Similarly, I worry about carbon dioxide emissions and their impact on global climate. I also work on the UC Berkeley campus, and I often walk or ride along Piedmont Ave. on my way to or from work. Thus, I encounter your encampment on a near-daily basis. I see your slogans chalked on the sidewalks. I see your Tibetan prayer flags. I pass through clouds of your collective body odor and exhaled marijuana smoke. Having observed your actions for quite some time now, sometimes I wonder if you've ever considered just how much damage you're doing to legitimate pro-environment, pro-leftist movements everywhere.

Let us examine a few key points that may help you understand why your effort to save the oak grove manages to be futile, ridiculous, ignorant, destructive, and offensive all at the same time:

(1) Consider what you are fighting for.
How many trees does UC intend to destroy for its construction project? (Answer: 38). Is the coast live oak an endangered or threatened species? (Answer: No). Will the removal of these individual trees have any significant impact on the health of the overall population of the species? (Answer: No). Consider how many collective man-hours your campaign has devoted to saving these trees. Has it occurred to you that your time may be better spent focusing on (for example) the huge swaths of the Amazon that are cut down by loggers and developers every day? Are you choosing to protect 38 trees because you really think it is a significant, meaningful cause? I hope not--because that would be ignorant. It seems much more likely that you choose this battle because it is relatively convenient and riskless. Honestly--why don't you sac up and take on a *real* environmental offender?

(2) Consider your conduct.
Do you intend to win the hearts and minds of the people with catch-phrases like "Guantanamo Berkeley" chalked on the sidewalks? Do you really think you have anything in common with the prisoners currently incarcerated at Guantanamo Bay? Perhaps in a momentary flash of sobriety, one of you will realize just how offensive it is to draw a comparison between your fenced-in encampment and an actual prison.

(3) Consider the backlash of your actions.
You are the source and embodiment of all negative stereotypes that conservatives hold against liberals. If you're going to stage a protest, are you capable of doing it in a dignified, respectable manner? Hint: smoking drugs in the trees does not exude dignity. Also, consider periodic showers. Rather than winning popular support from pedestrians who encounter your encampment, you are actually contributing to their mistrust and ire toward environmentalists. Perhaps you are Republicans dressed up as hippies deliberately trying to damage public opinion of the left?

(4) Consider your hypocrisy.
Is that your 60's-era VW minibus parked next to the "Stop driving" message chalked on the sidewalk? Do you know what the gas-mileage on that thing is? (Answer: ~14-18 mpg) Have you considered investing in a catalytic converter? Perhaps you are also the same people who spray-paint "driving" on all the stop signs in Berkeley. Do you think your graffiti will trigger a massive, group epiphany in passing motorists and cause them to suddenly abandon the automobile as a mode of transportation? In reality, your graffiti (and your very presence) only detracts from the natural beauty of this campus and the surrounding town.

In summary, do not think for a moment that you exist under a shield of popular support. You are wasting your time on a futile, meaningless cause. If you're going continue living outdoors and imparting your naïve views on pedestrians, I suggest that you move your operation to People's Park (or perhaps the sidewalk of Shattuck Ave) where you can peacefully co-exist with the rest of Berkeley's hobos.

Go home. We're sick of you guys.

I'm sure by now that you've seen this Fred vid

The Christmas Thank You to those who deserve it.

It's tasteful, understated and best of all doesn't have another politician out there shoving his (her) face into every camera they see.

I'll be voting for Fred because he's someone to vote *for* instead of just because he's better than the alternative.

I also look at what the "experts" consider negatives as additional reasons to vote for him.
He'd not campaigning hard enough- Good! Nothing p*sses me off more than phone spam from politicians
He's lazy- So am I. We have too many politicians that think they need to make useless legislation just because they're sitting in plush offices in some capitol.

Lets get Fred on the ticket!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

More nose art

I got some good responses from my other post about nose art, so I thought I'd make it a weekend feature.
Here's the B-24 Miss Please who was shot down over Yugoslavia on October 14, 1944.

Joltin' Josie a B-29 in 1944, and her creator who charged a 5th of whiskey for her.

I'm looking at Josies gun barrels on the top turret.
It just occurred to me that the plane has to be going at least 350MPH, right?
Why would they need to keep those barrel cooling fins on the turret guns?
Even a .50 or 20MM should be air cooled without the aerodynamic drag produced by all those holes in the cooling shroud- right?
_or am I missing some obvious thing that anyone alive in the war years would know?

I can understand the b-17's and B-24's having off the shelf .50's, but the B-29 was supposed to be *THE* hottest bomber around, ya know?

I *know* I did this before

1. Link to the person that tagged you. That will be William H and post the rules on your blog.

These are the rules.

2) Share Christmas facts about yourself.

3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs.

4) Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Here goes:

1. Wrapping or gift bags? Wrapping. Wrapping.

2. Real or artificial tree? Artificial, real ones leave a mess.

3. When do you put up the tree? This year- Karen drug it out last week-end. Usually Thnksgiving week-end.

4. When do you take the tree down? New Years week-end.

5. Do you like eggnog? I'll nave a beer, thanks.

6. Favorite gift received as a child? At 14, my very first bb gun.

7. Do you have a nativity scene? No.

8. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? A weight set.

9. Mail or email Christmas cards? ummmmm---ooooops. And we forgo my moms birthday earlier this month.

10. Favorite Christmas movie? It's a Wonderful Life.

11. When do you start shopping for Christmas? Didn't even think about it until today. Every ones cards will be after Christmas, too.

12. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? A german fruitbread.

13. Clear lights or colored? Colored.

14. Favorite Christmas song? A Robert Earl Keen song, Merry Christmas from the Family.

15. Travel at Christmas or stay at home? This year, stay home.

16. Can you name all of Santa’s reindeer? Dasher and Dancer, and Prancer and Vixen. On Donner and Blitzen. On Commet, on Cupid, And the most famous reindeer of all---
Rudolph the red nosed reindeer!

17. Angel or star on the top of your tree? Angel.

18. Open your presents Christmas Eve or Christmas morning? Christmas morning.

19. Most annoying thing about this time of year? Oh, I can only pick one? The horrendous traffic.

20. What do you leave for Santa? Santa's skipping the house this year, we'll be visited by the Grinch.

21. Least favorite holiday song? All that have been subverted into ads.

22. Do you decorate your tree with any specific theme or color? Hunny.....

23. Favorite ornament? None specifically.

24. Family tradition? A certain teen will be sure to show how much she would rather be anywhere but celebrating Christmas with me around.

25. Ever been to Midnight Mass or late-night Christmas Eve services? Yes.

Well, color me shocked

I mean totally flabbergasted about this unexpected occurrence.

Who would have ever thought...
It's like discovering that Liberace was gay, or Democrats want to increase taxes.

The Shiite leaders are upset about the Sunnis joining more neighborhood watch groups.
It's not surprising, really, because basically we're talking about two groups of people who's idea of government is your oldest uncle.

Oh, and because it's all about the money they get for doing the patrols, not that they actually *want* to help keep their neighborhoods safe fron Al Quada, you know...
The groups have become a controversial aspect of the U.S. military's counter-insurgency strategy in Iraq . More than 75,000 people, 80 percent of them Sunni, have signed up for the groups under a U.S.-sponsored program that pays Iraqis $300 each to patrol their neighborhoods.

The groups began in Anbar province, a predominantly Sunni area, where they're credited with curbing al Qaida in Iraq , but it was the U.S. push to form similar groups in mixed Sunni-Shiite areas of Baghdad and Diyala province, as well as in mostly Shiite southern Iraq , that has sparked the anger of Shiite officials.

Recently, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki , a Shiite, has directed that no councils be formed in the predominantly Shiite areas of southern Iraq , where violence is caused primarily by rivalries between the Mahdi Army militia loyal to Shiite cleric Muqtada al Sadr and the Supreme Council's Badr Organization militia.

In recent weeks, the government has taken steps to quash any possible formation of awakening councils.

Hey guys, if you don't want those watch groups to be controlled by the Sunnis- get your people involved.

I'm getting a little better on the whole Xmas thing

I found out that the "no overtime" thing was paywize- not *no overtime authorized*, so I'll be able to get almost a week off, starting Feb. 7 '07 for JURY DUTY- yes, just what I always wanted.
"Yes your Honor, I'd love to serve because the Police would *never* arrest someone who wasn't guilty!" can-I-go-home-now?

So to celibrate my newest Noellie feelings, how about your favorite biatch in "Silver bells"---if it were me, I wouldn't be celebrating a second Christmas there.....but then there must be SOME compensation,,,, for our rotund friend

Friday, December 21, 2007

I bet ACORN has something to do wit it

When I first heard about the N'awlins public housing demo protest, I wondered "why would they protest brand new homes?"

It turns out that the N'awlins protesters AREN'T the residents, but imported protesters- some from as far away as Mass.

You know, , , I know they're Socialists- and all, but WHY protest something better?
Besides, I think this is the first time since Katie that N'awlins has done something positive for their citizens.

Thursday, December 20, 2007


Just not in the Christmassy mood.

More in the mood for FOGHAT!
Slow ride

Home in my hand

Fool for the city

Driving wheel (they kinda lost the edge by 2007)

SIR! will do just fine

Only my female harem need to call me Master.

Your Score: Zombie Master.

You scored 80% survivability and 55% kickass-ability!

You were born for z-day. Not only will you be killing zombies left and right, but you will be leading the other survivors. You will be the one making decisions and the person who is looked to for advice. Congratulations.

Link: The Non-lame Zombie Survival Test written by jesmanpokeyfun on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test

But I thoughtn ALL the Gitmo inmates wre innocent goatherds

...who were rounded up just so the CIA could practice their waterboarding techniques.

But it appears the France, that bulwark of righteousness and moral uprightness has other ideas on former Gitmo guests.

And, no. I can't sleep, I have the Gulag of the Comal on my mind.
Another unpaid 3 hours OT and more to come. At least now we have all the pole bases poured and almost all the new conduit connected to the existing.
We still have to finish the worst of the lot (right next to the river- under the water table), and then pull wire and try to figure how we'll set 29- 15' light standards where we can't get a boom truck (and a backhoe has trouble).
I'm thinking some kind of A-frame.

I want to get out of their, the supervisor wants to get out, the owner is taking a bath on this job because the guy that estimated it spent a whole 5 minutes throwing together a bid.
And we're working on a 25- 30 degree slope,,,if it's not next to the river and the clayey mud there.

Gawd, I will never voluntarily EVER visit New Braunfels again.
Except for the fact that I'm driving, I'd close my eyes every time I went I-35N through the town.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

I'd appreciate a British translation- please

According to this Telegraph article, somehow the Queen will be the oldest Monarch.

Except that none of the dates mentioned seem to [my American math] to match.
Q.E. was born on April 21 [a woman does not disclose her age].
Queen Vic was 81 when she died on Jan 22, 1901.

BUT...this Saturday...for some British mathematical reasoning- she'll be the longest reining British Monarch. If I read the article right.

GAWD, so confusing- mixing English accounting with American ways of telling time.....

Are they finally growing a pair?

Usually when the UN gets a building bombed, they close shop- don't they?
Now, they're sending their boss over to Algiers.

That's what they do on a UN sanctioned effort under American leadership cause of unilateral aggression over in Iraq.

Ok Ban, when can we expect to see some action in Darfur?

Monday, December 17, 2007

You know

You people who are looking for Chelsea Clintons nipples are kinda disturbing.
I mean, really- she has the worst features of BOTH of her parents. I can't say anything about her personality or work ethic, but being raised by me the skeevvies
just thinking about meeting her alone.

Oh, and to ad onto that wonderful thought, I have to go back to the nightmare on the Comal today.

Continuing Christmas cheer

Sunday, December 16, 2007

More Christmas spirit

Oh, come all ye faithful

Dear Europe,

Just listening to all the hyperbole about the effect (CO2) causing the cause (Global warming) over in Bali-and was wondering: y'all signed onto the Kyoto thing- didn't you?
You were supposed to bring your CO2 down to like 2004 levels- or something.
Have ANY of you come close to meeting that goal?

When you do, let us know- K?

Oh, just a thought.
Next time you want to throw a global "Climate Change" get together- we have something that the High Priest of Carbon offsets invented, it's called the INTERNET. With it you can teleconference and see each other face to face without wasting hundreds of thousands of gallons worth of fuel.