Wednesday, February 14, 2007

That's enough time wasing

Happy Valentines Day from Huey Lewis.

(And a special note to Viacom.)
Way to go for positive PR.

That's it!

I'm f'ing tired of the Leftist slant I hear every frigging time I hear the news.
I'm tired of hearing about some drug addicted slut who's ONLY claim to fame was a pair of silocone enhanced set of modified sweat glands. (boobs for the biologically challenged)

From now on my ONLY source of news is going to be here.

And aside from C/Ds, music from here.

OHhhhhh,,,,,,and since they're already doing the 2008 pre-pre-election coverage, I think I'll just fill my ears with expanding foam and stick a fork in my eyes.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I see that the world can't stop their collective ob-gasm

Because Barak Obama announced his candidacy this week-end.

Can I remind you of something?

February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
December 2007

January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
NOVEMBER 2008 ---Which is TWENTY months away, over a year and a half from now.

Monday, February 12, 2007

How the worm turns

This Republican had this to say about a Democratic President:
...who defeated 81 Democrats in a procedural vote on an amendment to send a routine resolution back to committee with instructions for the committee to add the words "a war unnecessarily and unconstitutionally begun by the President of the United States." The amendment passed, but the bill never reemerged from committee and was never finally voted upon.[13]

Lincoln damaged his reputation by an intemperate speech in the House. He announced, "God of Heaven has forgotten to defend the weak and innocent, and permitted the strong band of murderers and demons from hell to kill men, women, and children, and lay waste and pillage the land of the just."

Peacenick? Nahhh, just parisan at that time.
But he changed-
When the spring campaigns all turned into bloody stalemates, Lincoln strongly supported Grant's strategy of wearing down Lee's army at the cost of heavy Union casualties. Lincoln easily defeated efforts to deny his renomination, and selected Andrew Johnson, a War Democrat from the Southern state of Tennessee as his running mate in order to form a broader coalition. They ran on the new Union Party ticket; it was a coalition of Republicans and War Democrats.

Republicans across the country had the jitters in August, fearing that Lincoln would be defeated. Acknowledging those fears, Lincoln wrote and signed a pledge that, if he should lose the election, he would nonetheless defeat the Confederacy by an all-out military effort before turning over the White House.[28]

But, the more they change, the more they also stay the same.

Thank you Abe.

Happy Year of the PIG

Yep, it's the Chinese Year of the Pig for all of 2007.
So jihad this you of the "Religion of Perpetual offendedness"

Meet Gordy, he was Babe's competition back in 1995.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Firefox cure

I had been having problems with F/F on the main computer, well, since I had to restore it from a trojan.
I found out from the warning on Majorgeeks that the problem could be from F/F it's self. That was probably why I was having so many problems loading pages.

I uinstalled that version and installed version from here (top of the "old version" list), since it works well on the laptop.
If you downloaded version and are having problems, try an earlier version- it could really help. It will remember your settings, so it's not that big of a deal.

Now, back to working on my pending paternity attempt.

Your moslimb friends explained

In pictures.

Stolen from Miriam.

Hi, please drive friendly

Speaking of Police vehicles, I wonder how Bloomingfield Hills gets the money for these?.
I don't know which state these patrol units are used in.

Probably California...

...And speaking of a reality biased populations , willing to be panicked about anything...
Don't talk about your favorite gun website in public high school bathrooms in Main.

When will they take *NO* for an answer?

Here we go again with the "newest and even MORE improved" dollar coin. It's the one on top (I know it's confusing- all the changes to our money)

The newest is going to get the same acceptance as the Susan B. and the Sacajawea that flopped so well in the last 20 years.
So, how much will THIS failure cost? I'm sure it will be more than the other two, because they are going to introduce a new coin every three months. I wish I had stock in that engraving company.

Not to be bringing in politics, but I wonder if they're based in California?

Saturday, February 10, 2007

I hate to subject you to another Anna Nicole story

But, I have to confess.
Really, it has absolutly nothing to do with the $460 Million,,,or is it $89 Million?

But, I was unfaithful to my wife and had to give in to Annas' begging.
Her infant daughter is mine. I accept all responsibility for taking car of her finances.

I'm sorry hunny, now we'll have to move into a humungous estate,,,if you can forgive me for giving the poor girls mom some physical attention, since everyone around her only was interested in her mind.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Time for a pop quiz

One question, multiple choice.

Who said this?:
But he denied pressuring the Pentagon. "I don't need to pressure them. I just tell them what they need to do,''

And this?:
They're making a mistake when they leak it because she decides on allocations for them,'' referring to the Pentagon budget.

A- John Kerry (D- Viet Nam vet, he was there...really!)

B- Dick Cheney (R- so mean he shoots his own friends)

C- Ted Kennedy (D- sole survivor of the battle of Cappaquiddik)

D- John Murtha (D- ex Marine)

E- George BusHitler? (R ex T.A.N.G. and the most power hungry 'selected' leader anywhere or when)

Guess, then read.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

I HATE Adobe

I'm *trying* to get started on the taxes.

I just added up our gross income and am surprised that -considering how much money we DON'T have, that we're slightly above the median income.

Anyway, I'm on the U.S. official Gestapo site looking for the free e-file.
After finding it, I realized that in order to use find the free file sites, I need to know my adjusted gross income.
OK, I'll just download the forms and pre-do it.

I have the wrong Adobe (reader 5- I think), and need to download at least '6'.
I went to their site and have spent the last 30-or-so minutes watching Adobe take over my computer..........and thank you for asking, but *NO* I don't want the automatic Photoshop download, too.
Every Singh in India must have had a hand in designing the "Latest-and-greatest' Adobe ever.
...Until next week.

Now to download the tax forms so I can pre-do them before doing tham.

Boy, don't I have a good life.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Is it blogger?

Or did I download some weird virus that is making all my computers hang?
I've been trying to get Googled over to Becky's site so she has more to post about, but both of my computers are hanging.

Anyway, go here and click the link to say 'Hi" to Becky! I'm sure she'll love you for it!!!

I've been ordered to do something

But I'm not sure I'm going to comply.

She-who-must should-be-obeyed has told me to get rid of "that horrendous bug-eyed rodent picture" in my profile.

Should I? And if I do, do I go back to Buckwheat or find another picture?

Gee, I didn't know 110V AC was a caliber,,,,

Kinda looks like Pammy is going to have some Canadian competition in a few years....

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Yet another stoopid blogger meme

This time it's the 'Six Things' thing from El Capitain.
So, lets get started...

THE RULES: Each player of this game starts with the six weird things about yourself. People who get tagged need to write a blogpost of their own six weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose six people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says 'you are tagged’ in their comments and tell them to read your blog.

OK, I am weird because...

  1. I'm kind of a neat freak. Not as in everything has to be spotless, but things need to be where they belong- not scattered all over the floor, or thrown in the sink. Some in the family consider that somewhat anal...
  2. I'm not usually overly patient, unless I'm teaching someone who really wants to learn what I'm showing them- then we can go over things all day long.
  3. I talk to the dogs like humans, not the "widdle, biddie baby" talk that it seems most people talk to their pets.
  4. I'd rather drink cheap beer than the "good stuff".
  5. I'd rather listen to silence than music, generally.
  6. I tend to not really be a "joiner", so this meme will stop here...unless you want to post your weird stuff in my comments.


Over a hunderd thousand dead!!!

Bird flu is attacking England.

Every one PANIC!!!!

LONDON - Britain confirmed its first outbreak of the H5N1 bird flu in a domestic flock on Saturday, saying the virus has been detected on a farm owned by Europe's largest turkey producer where 2,500 turkeys died.

As a precaution all 159,000 turkeys will be slaughtered on the farm in Holton in Suffolk, about 130 miles northeast of London, said Britain's Deputy Chief Veterinary Officer Fred Landeg. He said he expects the outbreak to be contained.

Oops, maybe panic is too strong of a word...

Workers have been offered antiviral drugs and are wearing protective clothing, said Health Protection Agency virologist Maria Zambon. She added that the virus does not transmit easily to humans and has not been found to be transmitted through food.

Experts stressed the situation did not pose a public health threat.

First it was Dhimmy Carters' Swine flu that was going to devestate America, Now it's Bird flue. What's the next manufactured crisis?
Oh, yeah...'Global Climate Change'

Friday, February 02, 2007

Why did I *know* ?

I saw this article about the trial lawyers being able to make windfall profits sue the Corps of Engineers for the N'awlins levie breaks and wondered just WHO might have appointed him???

Ok, so the residents of N'awlines are going to sue for "answers" about the levies. Is everything pertinant to them going to be brought up?

Like the fact the the envriomentalists filed suit to stop them from reinforcing them about twenty years ago?

  • What about all the warnings the criminals leaders of La and N.O. had about the need to fix the problems?
  • Are they going to look at the lost money involved in getting a single dump truck to drop some base hear the levie base with the millions of dollars allocated for fill?
  • How about looking at the records of building inspections for those same damaged houses to see if they were up to the minimum codes when built?
...And that's just off the top of my head...
No, they won't- the only reason for the lawsuit is to make the trial lawyers richer, and for the denizens of the Big Easy to get more Federal money.
Why waste money on a sham trial? Just get W's trusty money-shovel and start shoveling until they say stop. At least we's save the time and money of a trial.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Oh, I fergot

Molly Ivins went to wherever Ma Richards is holed up now.
My mom always told me "If you can't say something nice about someon, then don't say anything at all."

End of post.

Now I'm convinced that it's natural

A U.N. cover group just sent out a statement from Paris, that their concensus was the global warming is 'very likly' caused by humans.

It doesn't matter to them that the climate has been fluctuating forever, THIS TIME, it's manmade.

Three participants said the group approved the term "very likely" in Thursday's sessions. That means they agree that there is a 90 percent chance that global warming is caused by humans.

"That is a big move. I hope it is a powerful statement," said Jan Pretel, head of the department of climate change at the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute.

The last report, in 2001, said global warming was "likely" caused by human activity. There had been speculation that the participants might try to change the wording this time to "virtually certain," which means a 99 percent chance.

The U.S. government delegation was not one of the more vocal groups in the debate over the "very likely" statement for man-made warming, said other countries' officials. However, several officials credited the head of the panel session, Susan Solomon, a top U.S. government climate scientist, with pushing through the agreement in just 90 minutes.


They go on to connect those nasty 'Greenhouse gases' (including CO2) in increasing the force of hurricanes ...
The report will also say that global warming has made stronger hurricanes, including those on the Atlantic Ocean such as 2005's Katrina, according to Fields and other delegates.

They said the panel approved language saying an increase in hurricane and tropical cyclone strength since 1970 "more likely than not" can be attributed to man-made global warming.

The panel did note that the increase in stronger storms differs in various parts of the globe, but that the storms that strike the Americas are global warming-influenced.
Sorry, I'm not sure what that last sentence ment.

In 2001, the same panel had said there was not enough evidence to make such a conclusion.

This week's report will also mark departure from a November 2006 statement by the
World Meteorological Organization, which helped found the IPCC. The meteorological organization, after contentious debate, said it could not link past stronger storms to global warming.
Yeah, I guess it would be hard to link the ferocious storms and dustbowls of the '30s to something that hadn't occurred yet.

A draft of the report predicts a temperature increase of between 2.5 to 10.4 degrees by the year 2100, although that could be adjusted.
An eight degree span in less than 100 years sounds more like a WAG to me- I thought they had computers to figure this stuff out.

Another contentious issue is predictions of sea level rise. Scientists are trying to incorporate concerns that their early drafts underestimate how much the sea level will rise by 2100 because they cannot predict how much ice will melt from Greenland and Antarctica.

In early drafts, scientists predicted a sea level rise of no more than 23 inches by 2100, but that does not include the ice sheet melts.

Hey, here's an idea! (brilliant, if I say so myself) Go back to the mappes of Merrey Olde Englande of the late Roman occupation- Remember, when they were growing tropical fruits in their fields because of GLOBAL WARMING. But that was before the NEXT ICE AGE that followed.

I do have to admit that I'm a little surprised that America wasn't singled out as the major cause,
I guess they didn't have time to include that.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

G.W. Bush joins the dark side

I was going to title this "The final sellout of George W. Bush", but we all know that he's got two more years and countless opportunities to continue walking off to the Left.

This time it was an econimic speech on Wall St. where he told the assembled heads of multi-$billion multi-natinal companies that they're paying their CEOs too much. He also told them that the government thinks they should be doing differently.

The president acknowledged people's continuing nervousness about their financial picture, despite a string of similar reports that provide some reason for optimism. He said he realized that stories about the enormous salaries and other perks for CEOs, for instance, create anger and uncertainty that affect the country's investors.

The president does not endorse any government role in reducing those packages. Instead, Bush highlighted new federal rules that the administration thinks are a better path toward wise compensation decisions by companies.

"Government should not decide the compensation for America's corporate executives," he said. "But the salaries and bonuses of CEOs should be based on their success at improving their companies and bringing value to their shareholders."

I tnought that was why they were getting the big money anyway?
You know, capitalism- and getting paid what others think you're worth.

You should recognize that- you actually went to college for a business degree, didn't you?
But,,,,that was before you stepped inti D.C. and got sucked into the darkness of 'Goverment' and runnng peoples lives how YOU think they should be run.

And in a related bit of hypocracy:

Rep. Barney Frank (news, bio, voting record), D-Mass., chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, has said he will push legislation to require shareholder approval of executive compensation plans. And a separate bill before the Senate to raise the minimum wage would fund accompanying tax breaks to ease the burden on small businesses by capping executives' tax-deferred pay packages at $1 million a year. -from someone getting automatic raises that are more than my annual salary...

So Barn, when will WE be able to vote on your new wage increases? have to BUY it first

Windows Vista has a scorecard to let you know if your computer can handle all the new goodies.

I saw three links and was under the impression that you could test your computer online at the the site, oops , my bad.

Anyway- after you BUY Vista (for whatever outrageus price they want), you can run the thing and find out what you have to do to upgrade to meet the specs.

So what do these scores mean?

A 1 means you should just seriously go back to XP. Microsoft wants your money, but not that badly. A score of 2 is the basic score you'll need to do anything on Vista worth while. A 3 (which is what we have, a high 3) is going to be the "value end", or super cheap, PCs being shipped into 2007. A 4 is a mid-range machine, and a 5 is a high-end monster that can do Aero-Glass on multiple monitors and hack into the Matrix.

Thanks Bill- I'll pass on spending money on the next latest thang.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Hillarycare at it's finest

As anyone who could stand to has read this blog over it's life knows how I feel about government health care.
Being on the receiving end for 9 years in the Navy, and having exactly ONE blood test done (for cholesterol) and "the laying of hands" for my real problem... "Let me feel your thyroid,,,,,,No you don't have any hormone problems, you eat too much and don't excersize enough, you're on the 'fatboy' program."
"You say you felt and heard something tear in your shoulder? The X-rays don't show anything,,,go back to work."

Fast forward about 15 years..."Let me take a blood test and see what we've got, the Insurance will cover it." "Oh, that's not right lets get a specialist and do an MRI"
"We found a growth at the base of your Pituitary gland- minor surgery will have it out in about two hours and you'll be back at work in two days." Insurance cost for the entire thing...less than $500 out of pocket.

I told you that story to tell you this..
Growing numbers of operations are being cancelled because of a lack of sterile surgical instruments, newly released figures show.

This is a false economy. These figures reveal a huge jump in cancelled operations simply because surgeons at the last minute are discovering that the surgical instruments still have blood on them.

‘Apart from the financial cost, this new system is not working for patients who have prepared themselves to go under the knife, only then to find that their operations are cancelled at the 11th hour.’

In 2005/6 some 1,765 operations were cancelled because no sterile instruments were available at the 58 Health Service trusts who responded to requests for information.

This is one of the models held up for our newest health care fix.

How about the U.K. a first world country?
It took a Freedom of Information request from a high ranking member of Parliment to get that information.

In 2002/3 that figure stood at 1,252. Sixty-one operations were cancelled because of the problem at Cambridge University Hospitals Trust in 2002/3, rising to 232 in 2005/6.

At the Isle of Wight Healthcare Trust, the figure was up 800 per cent, from just eight to 63.

At Mid Essex Hospital Services Trust, the number went up from none to 97.

The admissions will raise fears that in other cases doctors and nurses reuse equipment that should have been destroyed after one use.

The practice, often aimed at cutting costs, involves catheters and a vast range of devices including some used in keyhole surgery and internal examinations.

The extent of the practice was revealed last year when a surgeon was cleared of misconduct for reusing surgical instruments in breach of guidelines.

Simon Moyes, a specialist at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital in North-West London, was accused of putting patients at risk of infections by re-using monitoring probes that should have been thrown away.

However, he was cleared of serious professional misconduct by the General Medical Council after it heard evidence that the practice was widespread to cut costs.

Ahh, yes the old "everyone does it" defense...

Too bad it's in England where the Government is almost unsuable...John Edwards could make another fortune sueing for malpractice.

Monday, January 29, 2007

How many squares can you find?

I counted 15.

Hair? Who needs it?

I'm glad that I'll never (voluntarily) be associated with bridal nerves...

"It's looks like Shirley Temple -or something."

You can tell friend #2 will NEVER let her live it down...

NSFW due to language.

Stolen from Dave.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

1st week doggie update

We decided that he is not a Winston.

Because of his habit of scooting his butt closer to us. Really! He can be sat at the opposite wall, and next he's halfway to you without getting up. Then if he thinks you're not watching, he's right next to you...without leaving the sitting position.

His well deserved name is "Scooter".
We're putting meat on his bones, and now we can't feel every bone on his hips- soon you'll have to actually feel for his ribs!
It's great to have a dog that loves table scraps......yeah, I know it's supposed to be bad for them, BUT their ancestors are still scavengers today. Given their druthers, they'd be in a garbage can than chasing down a scrawny rabbit.

He's a love sponge.
He refuses to try going up the back steps.
We're not sure how smart (or not) he is, but he's learning NOT to dart out the door whenever it's open, and to stay away when we're opening the front gate.
His head is ,,,St. Bernardie..drools and all. The rest is questionable, he doesn't have the wide hips of a border collie, but he's got the fine under fur of a cold weather dog.

We'll be keeping him.
He's decided that his sleeping place is in front of the main door.

I can see a "new direction" in news coverage- anyway

I notice that there Was a distinct lack of pre-rally hype on this anti victory Anti-war rally. As a matter of fact the 'million Mexican march' had more pre-publicity.

I guess the Legacy Media has decided to play down the anti-war stuff since the Dems and RINO's are fixing to loose the war for us.

Anyway, a name from the past comes up in this rally in D.C., except that her entire history is a little....smudged:

Marching with them was Jane Fonda, in what she said was her first anti-war demonstration in 34 years.

"Silence is no longer an option," Fonda said to cheers from the stage on the National Mall. The actress once derided as "Hanoi Jane" by conservatives for her stance on Vietnam said she had held back from activism so as not to be a distraction for the Iraq anti-war movement, but needed to speak out now.
"For her stance on Viet Nam" -how about her seat on a AAA gun in HANOI? (which is the capitol of Viet Nam-for you High School grads)

Among other stars of this rally sponsored by United for Peace and Justice were:
12-year-old Moriah Arnold stood on her toes to reach the microphone and tell the crowd: "Now we know our leaders either lied to us or hid the truth. Because of our actions, the rest of the world sees us as a bully and a liar." Who is a young Nancy Pelosi in training.

Actor Sean Penn said lawmakers will pay a price in the 2008 elections if they do not take firmer action than to pass a nonbinding resolution against the war, the course Congress is now taking.

"If they don't stand up and make a resolution as binding as the death toll, we're not going to be behind those politicians," he said. Actors Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins also spoke.
Which death tool Sean? Your terrorist buddies? How about the thousands of kids killed in AMerica every year because they were too busy playing with their cell phones to drive?

The House Judiciary Committee chairman, Rep. John Conyers (news, bio, voting record), threatened to use congressional spending power to try to stop the war. "
George Bush has a habit of firing military leaders who tell him the Iraq war is failing," he said, looking out at the masses. "He can't fire you." Referring to Congress, the Michigan Democrat added: "He can't fire us.

"The founders of our country gave our Congress the power of the purse because they envisioned a scenario exactly like we find ourselves in today. Not only is it in our power, it is our obligation to stop Bush." Bush stuck with Rummy long after he should have changed personnel, so exactly WHO did he fire Johnny boy?

And- naturally they included "those who *know* the true facts...
A small contingent of active-duty service members attended the rally, wearing civilian clothes because military rules forbid them from protesting in uniform.

Air Force Staff Sgt. Tassi McKee, 26, an intelligence specialist at Fort Meade, Md., said she joined the Air Force because of patriotism, travel and money for college. "After we went to Iraq, I began to see through the lies," she said. But did you ever spend any time in the sandbox, missy? Or just look at your pictures and listen to your Liberal friends?

In the crowd, signs recalled the November elections that defeated the Republican congressional majority in part because of President Bush's Iraq policy. "I voted for peace," one said.

"I've just gotten tired of seeing widows, tired of seeing dead Marines," said Vincent DiMezza, 32, wearing a dress Marine uniform from his years as a sergeant. A Marine aircraft mechanic from 1997 to 2002, he did not serve in Iraq or Afghanistan. The last sentence pretty much says all you need to know about him...

And the Heroes:
About 40 people staged a counter-protest, including Army Cpl. Joshua Sparling, 25, who lost his leg to a bomb in Iraq.

He said the anti-war protesters, especially those who are veterans or who are on active duty, "need to remember the sacrifice we have made and what our fallen comrades would say if they were alive."

Saturday, January 27, 2007


Come on now.
How many times are we going to hear about the psychological damage that having sex with a hot teacher is causing to teen age boys?

The only "psychological damage" the guy is going to have is when his massive ego is shot down by girls his age.

In Canada the notoriety is worth about $2.5 M Canadian.

They better watch out

I hope the fans of Green Day don't see this video. It would completely ruin their street cred as drug addicted anti-American Socialists.

U2- not so much, but they didn't take the opportunity to make an "environmental" statement- unless the entire video is...

Ok, I know a lot of it's computer generated because I can't see them using combat aircraft for humanitarian work. Not because they *wouldn't*, but because other aircraft are much more suited for the work.
I'm just wondering if whoever made the video has a clue about the military?

Thursday, January 25, 2007

When I was in the Navy, I worked on things like this

But that was back when the Democratic majority in Congress didn't actively want America to loose at everything.

Iraq Electrical Grid gets a Boost
24 January 2007
By Polli Barnes Keller
Gulf Region North

TIKRIT, Iraq - The $31.2 million rehabilitation and expansion of a 400kV/132kV substation, along with the five feeders in the Diyala Province , will provide a more reliable power source for more than 63,000 people.

Built by local construction companies with quality assurance managed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, these renovations and additions will add stability to Iraq ’s electrical grid. The 400kV substation – called Baghdad East - is considered to be an important component of the national electrical system, having a significant impact on the national grid.

Rehabilitating the substation not only improves the electrical distribution network in the province by reducing the load of the already overloaded substations; it also increases the reliability of the power supplies for domestic, industrial and commercial uses with less down time.

This substation ties into the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition system (SCADA). SCADA is the system that controls the overall national power management and national electrical grid system monitoring and control. It also synchronizes the power facilities throughout Iraq so they work together as a system, which ultimately protects the national network from shutting down when there is an unsynchronized situation.

Shutdowns are common in Iraq as the electrical systems are not yet stable and consumption is more than the source can handle. SCADA is designed to reduce and eventually eliminate blackouts by the continuous automatic monitoring and control of the system, which results in a smooth power management procedure and distributes the power available on the national grid evenly all over the country.

“Since 2003, the Government of Iraq has imported electricity from Turkey and Iran, and at one time Syria , to help sustain the national system,” explains Saman Mosa, a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers electrical sector project manager. “This solution adds power to the national grid, but at a great cost. The goal is for Iraq to be self-sufficient and provide its own power source, instead of sending money out of the country that can never be recovered.”

It would take almost 10,000 megawatts of electricity to sustain Iraq with constant power 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Currently, the country is only producing 3,300 MW, which is only 33 percent of the actual demand and leaves a shortage of 67 percent. The country average is seven hours of power a day broken into 2 to 3 hour increments throughout the day.

“While the impact of these projects may not be felt immediately,” explained Maj. Neil Doherty, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, deputy area engineer-forward, “they are all a part of a larger plan. If the projects continue to proceed at this pace, the people of Iraq will see the results in a matter of months.”

Currently, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers-Gulf Region North has 35 completed substations with four under construction and four more scheduled for construction within the year.

Note: Polli Barnes Keller is the Public Affairs Officer at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Gulf Region North. Requests for more information should be directed to Polli at (540) 542-1437. E-mail requests can be sent to For more information on the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in Iraq , visit