And sitting on that parking lot called I-35 we finally crept up on the cause just north of Schertz.
It was a fully loaded work pick up with a ladder rack with about 2' worth of ladders and a box trailer that rear-ended some kind of people mover.
I don't know if it used to be a van or SUV because the entire rear end was exploded to the rear seat and it looked like an expanded hollow point.
The kid the cop was talking to couldn't have been older than his early 20's.
So we're going to have to do something with that back fence.
I was hoping to be able to wait until at least fall before I had to make that wood post driver.
See, here we have red clay about 8" below the sand and no matter how well you tamp, the posts are always loose.
In order to solve the tripping problem for the weight, I'm looking at running the lift with a chain like this one-
What I first need to decide is the front bucket quick connect, or the tree point hitch.
The front would take out one leveling adjustment cylinder and only leave me with a sideways adjustment.
But it's only a 35 HP tractor and that 300+ pound drop weight on top of what the framework is going to be makes it pretty front heavy.
If I put it on the back, it makes it harder to line up and I'd need more adjustments to line the pole plumb.
But Greg Abbot keeps begging Liberal, Blue State Carpetbaggers to move here.
And just like everywhere else the four big cities (and the coastal bend) almost overwhelmed the rest of the voters.
What can we do?
I don't know. If we can't get the Left out of their self contained echo chamber...which they move to and think they're in Texas...... they'll turn Texas into California.
It's some variation of Verizon Navigate that was cutting edge back when George W. was in his first term.
They haven't updated it much since then. The voice sounds like her name is Phyllis and she's talking from a kitchen table in NJ with an ahtray mounded over with snubbed out butts and a 2/3 empty bottle of cheap scoth on the counter next to a sink full of dirty dishes.
She butchers every name she pronounces and you basically have to almost know where you're going to know where to go.
I was in Austin and she pronounced Caesar Chavez dead nuts on with not one mispronounced letter.
F%cking pouring actually.
AS I was on the way home from the rout it really started coming down and the entire drive through Austin on I-35 looked like some kind of major accident scene.
Because of the frigging MORONS who had to put on their hazards as soon as they turned on their wipers.
You couldn't tell if anyone was disabled, going slower or changing lanes- because every 4 wheeler on the road had their fucking flashers on.
Which idiotic blue state tells people to use their hazards in the rain?
It must be blue state Carpetbaggers because Austin is the only Texas city I've seen it done.
You're on a 5 lane highway, about a mile away from where you lose two lanes and there's a huge back-up from two different on-ramps about 1/4 mile apart farther on
Because adding to the mess on the highway will save you about 1/10th of a second.
...And sheeple do it and add to the mess already happening.
I've been looking for a good three hours on how the furling mechanism works on a water/farm windmill.
All I can find is a general description of how and why it works, or how to do it on wind generators.
It's centuries old technology that nobody wants to describe how it works. Even a parts breakdown doesn't show it all and the ONLY helpful description was on a side thread from some old time quilting site.